"No accident, he Feng should be his family's son. Besides, they are extremely important children. "

At this time, the Secretary thought for a moment, and was sure to say: "otherwise, would the he family uproot the whole Qian family for him? And the Qian family has just been labeled as taking refuge in the mieshen Pavilion. No matter whether the label is true or false, at least the reason for Qianjia is that he Feng has just been offended, and he's family immediately attacked them. I don't think that would be a coincidence. "

"Yes, now we can only pray that the elder sparing light didn't offend him."

"Everybody, don't worry about it now. My third uncle doesn't like to make trouble. He doesn't even come out of his family. He Feng has just been in Jiangbin city for less than three months. How can my third uncle offend him just after he went to Jiangbin city?" The Secretary appeased everyone and said, "we can take care of my third uncle first. At present, the most important thing is how to seize the Qianjia industry. "

As soon as the Secretary said this, the people came back to their senses.

"Yes, the three elders offended He Feng. It's just our guess. There's no need to worry too much."

"Well, we are too worried now. Let's discuss how to seize Qian's property."

"Yes, if we can get the chance to step into Huajin in Qian's family, then our family will soar to the sky and become a higher ancient martial family. At that time, we will have the opportunity to become the confidants of the royal family. "


While the senior management of the Si family was holding a meeting, a young man stepped down from a taxi and appeared outside the gate of the Si family.

"Little brother, are you going to Si's house?"

The taxi driver looked up at the gilded plaque in front of him and asked in surprise.

"Oh? This family is very famous in Beichang? " He Feng asked curiously.

He came in a hurry this time. He only knew the address of his family, but he didn't know much about the specific situation of his family.

"Of course, it's famous. The Si family is one of the famous families in Beichang. Their Tianzheng Group has a market value of nearly 100 billion. " The driver talked.

"100 billion..."

He Feng's eyes brightened.

It's good to have money. I'm afraid they don't have money.

"Little brother, the total fare is two hundred and eight. This is my watch maker. I'll show you."

The driver smilingly pointed to the meter and said.

It was not too far from the airport to Si's home, but the driver saw that he Feng was obviously not from Beichang City, so he took him around several more roads.

A taxi driver who doesn't kill people is not a qualified driver.

"Well, I see it."

He Feng nodded, then took out the money from his pocket and threw it to the driver, "don't change it!"

Leaving these four words behind, he Feng opened the door and got out of the car. He walked towards the five storey, 3000 square yard gate of Si's house.

When the driver heard he Feng say "don't change" these four words, he immediately a smile, heart secretly scolded a "idiot", and then lowered his head to pick up the money he Feng threw to him to see.

"NIMA, don't you mean you don't have to change it? You only give me twenty-two yuan for something special?"

The driver said that he stopped the car and was ready to ask he Feng for money.


At this time, he Feng has come to the house of the secretary.

The residence of Si family is very big. Even one door is made of alloy. It is luxurious.

Outside, there were four guards.

This is not an ordinary guard from the security company, but four ancient warriors.

"Stop, who are you looking for?"

When he Feng went to the gate, a guard at the head stopped him directly.

"I'll find your housekeeper and let him come out to see me." He Feng light said.

As he spoke, he looked around.

Tut Tut, it's a family with hundreds of billions of assets. It's estimated that it will cost one or two billion yuan to build this mansion alone?

How rich!


"You want to see our master?"

The guard heard the speech, and his attitude became more enthusiastic. He asked: "Hello, sir, do you have an appointment?"

They are the masters of their families. They are really big people in Beichang. Even the Secretary of the municipal Party committee is very polite.

If the young man in front of him knew the owner of his family, he must be a character.

If you can get his favor, maybe you can also have a lot of benefits.

The other three guards looked at him enviously. They knew earlier that they should have taken the initiative to chat him up.

"Do you have to make an appointment to see him?"

He Feng frowned, "I don't have an appointment, you go directly to tell him, let him roll out to see me, save me to go in to find him."

He Feng this words a, the doorman immediately froze.

What did he say?

He asked the head of his family to come out and meet him?


"Bold, what do you say? Get down on your knees and apologize. "

"If you don't apologize immediately, I will abolish you immediately."

Soon, a few gatekeepers are back to God, have pointed to He Feng angry shout, and the body is surging, ready to hand at any time.

Judging from the fluctuation of their vigor, two of them reached the middle stage of Ming Dynasty, and the other two reached the later stage of Ming Dynasty.

I'm afraid that only the middle and late Ming Jin families have such skills as gatekeepers, but the lower ones haven't yet.

"Well, you just know what you're doing. Are you sure you want to do it with me? Don't say I'm bullying you after the fight. " He Feng shook his head and sighed.

"Well? Can you see that we are Mingjin's accomplishments? Are you also an ancient warrior? "

Several gatekeepers are surprised to see he Feng.

He Feng looks no different from ordinary people, just like an ordinary loser. They didn't treat him as an ancient warrior before.

But he Feng can see their accomplishments!

It can be seen that they have cultivated their vigor, and he Feng's ten contacts have also cultivated their vigor.

But he Feng looks ordinary. He's much younger than them. He's less than 30 years old. Even if he has some accomplishments, he'll be in the middle of Mingjin at most?

Even in the late Ming Dynasty, they didn't care.

After all, there were four of them.

"I don't want to talk too much nonsense with you. I'll ask you if you want to apologize. If you don't apologize immediately, I'll beat you down now. "

A gatekeeper with the later cultivation of Mingjin said angrily.

"Well, it seems that I have to go in and find the head of your family myself."

He Feng sighed and shook his head, then walked towards the gate.

"To die!"

Seeing this, the four guards launched an attack on him without hesitation.

The four of them didn't pay attention to He Feng on the surface, but they didn't leave any hands when they started.


"Bang, bang, bang!"

With four dull crashing sounds, four people fell directly on the ground, wailing in pain.


The taxi driver just ran over and saw four people who looked very powerful. They were kicked to the ground by He Feng and had no resistance. They were so scared that they stood there on the spot.

He Feng heard the sound of footsteps behind him and turned to look at him, "master, what else can I do for you? Do you want to give me change? Didn't I just say you don't have to change it? I have something to deal with. "


The driver puffed and opened his mouth, but he couldn't say a word.

And he Feng also ignored him. Under the driver's gaze, he looked up at the four or five meter high alloy gate.

And then



Seemingly casual foot, that huge heavy, heavy enough to have five tons of alloy gate, fell to the ground.

At this moment, the ground within a radius of 10 meters seemed to shake.

"Is this... Is this still human?"

The driver felt that his heart was about to explode, his back was full of sweat, and his legs had no strength, so he knelt down on the ground.

At this time, his heart is full of fear.

Just now when he got out of the car, he thought about it. If he Feng didn't take out the remaining money, he would use some tough means.

If I did that


"Who? How dare you come to our family to be wild

"Enemy attack, quick, report to the master, enemy attack."

"The beast team will go out and stop the enemy. We can't let him into the backyard."

With the alloy gate crashing to the ground, the yard suddenly burst out a roar, the harsh sound of the alarm also sounded sharply in the air, can be heard clearly for ten miles.

Countless eyes, one after another toward the Department of this side attention.

In this regard, he Feng didn't care too much. After waving to the taxi driver, he stepped on the alloy gate and stepped into the residence.

The area of Si's home is very large, and the decoration is also very luxurious. It's all modern decoration technology. It's a bit similar to a shopping mall, but the hall is very large, nearly 1000 square meters.

Behind this huge building, there is a path, where there are several low buildings, which should be the backyard they call.

Less than half a minute after he Feng stepped into Si's home, a series of figures came out from every corner, some with knives, guns and sticks, some with guns and other hot weapons, and there were hundreds of people. In an instant, he Feng was surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside.

Moreover, the weakest breath in these people has reached the late Ming Dynasty.

At least ten of them have reached the dark strength.

The strongest is a man with a knife standing in the front.

Dark strength!

"Who are you? Why do you want to come to our house? If you don't give a reasonable explanation today, you can't go out alive. " This man Si Fang Xin is angry to shout a way.

He is a senior member of the family, second only to the head of the family and the elders, and the leader of the guard.

Son of a bitch, he kicked down the door of his family. Now, Si Fangxin has an impulse to kill immediately.

But reason made him not give an order immediately. The young man looked like he was only in his twenties, but he could kick the alloy gate down with one foot. At least he was the same as him, and he reached the late stage of dark energy, or even the peak of dark energy.

It may be a little difficult for him to achieve such accomplishments at such a young age. He should be a little more careful.

"There's no explanation. I'm here to kill people. Well, you want to kill me now, don't you? Don't talk nonsense, just do it. " He Feng light said.


Si Fangxin thought he Feng would give a reason, but he Feng didn't want to let him do it directly.

Although your accomplishments are very high, you may have reached the peak of dark strength, but there are so many people here, and many others have special guns. There are several master gunners. Even if you really have the strength of the peak of dark strength, there is absolutely no way out.

Did he really come here for death?

It looks a little different!

This false and real, on the contrary, let Si Fangxin do not know whether to order or not.

In recent days, Beichang city is not very peaceful. Is there any fraud in it?

"Captain, give an order to attack directly. This guy is so arrogant that he even kicked down the gate of our company. If we don't kill him, how can our company face? The whole Beichang city will laugh at us! " A strong man behind Si Fangxin said angrily that he couldn't wait to do it.

Si Fangxin frowned and looked at the other two captains, "what do you say? Are you going to attack? "

Without waiting for the two men to answer, he Feng's voice rang again, "I said that your ink is not ink. I came to your department to kill people, and you even discussed whether to do it? Can we stop wasting time? "

See he Feng again arrogant up, the division of all natural family is more angry, but the division of new not ordered, they also helpless.

Si Fangxin frowned more tightly. What does this guy want?

Kick open the door and let the people of Si's family kill him. There are all kinds of provocations. Don't he know that as long as he gives an order, whatever kind of plot he has, he will die?

Unless, he is a master!

"Alas! If brother Feng is abroad and kicks the door of a mercenary regiment, it is estimated that they will shoot at me as soon as they meet. I didn't expect to waste so much saliva here, but you didn't do it. It's really... Sheep! "

He Feng shook his head and sighed.

As soon as the sound fell, his body disappeared.


A sudden wind burst out, and everyone felt that the shadow in front of them flashed and quickly approached them.

"Shoot, drive..."

Si Fangxin roared loudly.

However, before he finished his words, he felt an iron fist expanding rapidly in his pupil. He didn't have time to make any response, and his fist fell on his brow.


The sound of bone crack sounded, and then Si Fangxin's eyes became dark.

"He is really a great master..."

This is the last thought of Si Fang before his new consciousness dissipated.


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