At the same time, in the meeting hall of the Secretary's family, the Secretary and others were still discussing how to plunder the Qian family's property.

A group of people are imagining that the Si family will become a high-level ancient martial family in the near future, and then it will become incomparable and even surpass the previous Qian family.


But just then.

A violent roar sounded outside the gate.

Then there was the sound of the weight landing.

"What's the situation?"

"What's going on out there?"

"Guan Yue, go out and have a look."

All the senior members of the family are unhappy.

They are discussing about the future of the family,

"Dong Dong Dong..."

Guan yuezheng is ready to run out, but a guard with Ming Jin's later cultivation comes in. "Master of the family, the enemy is attacking, and the enemy forcibly breaks into our family residence."

"What? Who is tired of living and dares to come to our company's house

"What are you doing in a hurry? Did you take people down?"

"I heard the voice just now. He should have kicked down the door of our company, right? Is it hard to be a strong man in the dark? "

"Hum, no matter whether he's at the top of his strength or not, he dares to come to our company's house and kill him without reasonable explanation."

The elders of the family were angry one by one, and several of them had already started to work hard and were ready to go out and do it directly.

"There has been a fight outside. Let's go out first."

The Secretary said, taking the lead to rush to the front yard.

Seeing this, they quickly followed.

At this time, their faces have emerged a little bit of worry, because in addition to the sound of guns and roars, they seem to be screaming more.

Soon, the senior members of the family came to the hall.


When they saw the scene in front of them, they were all stunned. They only felt that their scalp was a little numb.

The hall is very big, with hundreds of flats, but in the space of hundreds of flats, there is a strong smell of blood that can not be removed.

On the ground, there are broken limbs everywhere.


There are at least 100 bodies, and few are complete.


A complete massacre.

Everyone in the Si family is confused!

My mind is blank.

A minute ago, they were still imagining the rise of the Si family, the achievement of the high ancient Wu family, the replacement of the Qian family's previous position in JIANGCHANG province and becoming the overlord of JIANGCHANG province.

But now, in the middle of their residence, in broad daylight, more than 100 people of their family were slaughtered.

The rest of the guards had no courage to resist long ago, even if they were carrying special rifles and submachine guns, and even those with strong dark force had to avoid their edge, but they had no courage to even shoot.

They kept on running away, looking like hell, only hating their parents for not having more legs.

"Master, help, help..."

"The devil, he is the devil!"

"Elder, kill him and avenge my brother!"

Several guards finally saw the arrival of Si Zheng Si Tu and others and ran towards them immediately.

"Bang, bang, Bang..."

A series of gunshots rang out, and the bullets mercilessly penetrated into the bodies of all the family members.

Moreover, these bullets are powerful, they are special alloy bullets, the bullets hit them, directly through their bodies.

Blood, intestines, amputated limbs, brain

All over the place!

At this point, more than 100 guards were killed.


The senior officials of the Si family were shaking when they saw this scene.

I don't know if it's anger or


But a few of them, looking at He Feng's eyes, are full of fear and worry.

"Sir, who are you and why did you come to our department to kill? It seems that our family has not offended you, has it The Secretary tried to resist the impulse to do it, and his anger could not be contained.

But as the head of the family, he has to consider the safety of his family.

Although the people in front of them are young, they are definitely stronger than them.

It's easy to avoid bullets!

Kill the strong in the later period of dark force, such as killing chicken!

Such strength is a great master.

Their family seems to be a big family, but they are extremely cautious outside, especially when dealing with matters related to the master. They dare not be careless and never do anything that would offend the master.

But I didn't think that today a great master came to their family to carry out the massacre.

What's wrong?

He Feng sneered, "ha ha, in order to kill me, the people of your company designed to catch my woman as bait to let me into their ambush circle, and then used high explosive bombs and snipers to kill me. If not for my strong strength, I would have died in the hands of your family. Now, you have the face to ask me why I came to your department to kill? You said you didn't offend me? Are you going to be shameless? "

As he spoke, he glanced out of the corner of his eye.

There are several pairs of eyes staring here.

But in these people's eyes, full of strong shock and panic.

In this regard, he Feng is also lazy to pay attention, he now needs someone to pay attention to what he is doing here, and pass it on.

Today, he slaughtered hundreds of people in Si's house, just to let the world know that you can kill me if you want, but take the women around me to deal with me, as long as you don't succeed, it's waiting for you

There will be only extermination!

"I... have our family ever dealt with you?" The Secretary frowned, "Sir, who dealt with you? Please tell me. Even if we want to deal with someone, we will never use women as bait. This kind of person doesn't deserve to be our secretary's family. You can tell me his name directly. If it's true, I'll give the person to you immediately, and it's up to you. "

"You can't hand over the man. He has been killed by me. As for his name, I don't know. I only know that he is with me. It seems that his name is Si Yangyun. " He Feng said indifferently.

"Si Yangyun? Is it the third uncle who deals with you

"Damn, this person's identity should not be... He Feng?"


When he Feng said the name of Si Yangyun, everyone in the Si family immediately thought of Si Beiguang and the name of "He Feng".

For a moment, they had a lot of worry and fear in their eyes.

Just now, they were still guessing whether Si Beiguang had offended He Feng when he went to Jiangbin city.

I didn't expect that I not only offended, but also offended miserably. In order to deal with others, I caught their women as bait.

It's just

You're killing me!

It's just your own death. Now he Feng has to take revenge on the whole family.

But it's because Si Beiguang dealt with He Feng first. He Feng wanted to take revenge on his family. It's really a good reason. Even if their family was destroyed, people from outside would not blame He Feng. Instead, they would say that his family asked for it.

Who has enough to eat? For the sake of a middle-class guwu family, who will blame a genius who has become a great master at a young age and is suspected to be the son of the he family?

"He, Mr. He, the man who arrested your woman to deal with you is called Si Beiguang. He is really the elder of our family. However, we don't know that he went to Jiangbin city to deal with you. If we knew, we would certainly stop him. I'm afraid he was afraid that we would stop him, so he went alone and didn't tell any of us. Mr. He, the matter of Si Beiguang has nothing to do with our family. In any case, our family dare not offend Mr. He. "

The secretary explained nervously.

He directly took care of the affairs of Si Beiguang and left the affairs of Si family clean.

In this regard, the rest of the Si family not only did not have any dissatisfaction, but nodded and agreed.

I'm kidding. This is a master of Huajin.

Besides, he is a 26 year old master of Huajin.

Behind it, he family, one of the four royal families, may be cultivating.

He family, there are myths!

If he Feng was given another ten or twenty years, it would be a myth.

If you give them a hundred courage, you will not offend a future legend.

In the future, only now, people have the strength to directly destroy the family.

Haven't you ever seen the most powerful Qian family in the high ancient martial family, who was uprooted in just one day?

He Feng light smile, really think the division of light and division of home skim clean, maple brother will forgive you?

No matter how easy brother Feng is to talk, he can't talk to this point.

"Yes? But I'm sorry, killing Si Beiguang and Si Yangyun alone can't calm my anger. Otherwise, why do I come to your company in person? I came here today to kill people. I want to let the world understand that you have to deal with me. He Feng can, and I'll play with you slowly. But who dares to touch the people around me. I will destroy all his people. " He Feng said in a loud voice, the sound shocked all sides, and the killing intention soared to the sky.

The people who are hiding outside peeping at the Si's house are all shocked by their courage and cold hands and feet.

Even so far apart, they can clearly feel the terrible killing intention of men.

At this moment, they have an idea in mind. After they go back, they must tell their family that even if there is a conflict with He Feng in the future, don't touch his woman when dealing with him.

Otherwise, the purgatory in front of the family may appear in their family.

"He Feng, I said that what Si Beiguang did had nothing to do with our family. Now you not only killed Si Beiguang, but also killed more than 100 people in our family. Isn't that enough? Do you really want to destroy our family? "

The minister's face is very ugly to say.

If he Feng didn't have the power of cultivation, he really wanted to do it now.

It's too much deception!

The rest of the family were also angry.

More, however, is fear.


Don't you really want to destroy the whole family?

"You're right. I'm here today to destroy your family."

Voice down, he was killing, such as a volcano burst out.


The next moment, he Feng's body suddenly disappeared in place, lightning rushed to the Secretary and others.

"Damn, he really wants to destroy our family."

"I don't believe it. We have nearly ten peaks of dark energy here, but we can't help his new master of Huajin."

"Kill! Kill him and take revenge for all of our family. "

"Yes, as soon as he dies, our family will flee overseas. So many of us, even overseas, can have a good life. "

The elders of the family see he Feng's hand, one by one angry.

There is no need for the Secretary to give orders. They have rich experience in fighting. They directly and madly run and attack he Feng.

"ZHENG'ER, if we don't fight him in a moment, you will take some people to flee. You can escape as many people as you can. You can escape as far as you can. I will try my best to hold him down."

Situ called out to the secretary.

Without waiting for the Secretary to reply, he rushed to the front and said, "He Feng, you've cheated our family too much. Today, even if I've fought my life, I'll kill you..."


However, before he finished, the shadow of a fist suddenly enlarged in front of him and fell heavily on his chest.



A series of cracks were heard.

Situ's blood gushed wildly and flew backwards.

Before a man falls to the ground, his breath disappears.

One punch, the strongest dark power of the family.

Seeing this, the family members, who were still aggressive, all stopped, and their faces were full of fear.

How strong!

Is this the power of a master?

Is it true that there is no resistance in front of the master?

Or is it not that the master is too terrible, but that he Feng is not an ordinary master?


At this time, the minister's cry of grief awakened the public.

"Run! Run away

"All the family members, run for their lives."

"The farther away you run, the better. We should run separately. We can run as many as we can."

All the elders yelled, and the voice spread all over the residence.

There are hundreds of people living in the residence of Si family.

In fact, the fight here has attracted their attention for a long time. Before, they thought that once the elders took action, they would surely commit murder in the future.

But now the elders are asking everyone to run for their lives!

For a moment, the atmosphere of extreme panic and fear enveloped the whole residence.

And after the words of several elders fall, they also lose the courage to attack he Feng, and they will flee in all directions without hesitation.

"BAM BAM BAM bam!!"

However, almost at the same time when their voice fell, he Feng's hand, I don't know when two special rifles appeared, pulling the trigger directly.

No money for bullets!

Although it was a series of shots, but the accuracy was not bad at all, one bullet after another, mercilessly disappeared into the body of the family.

Even the elders with the highest cultivation of dark energy could not escape at this moment. The bullet seemed to have eyes. They felt as if they had dodged the bullet, but immediately another bullet came and hit their vital point.

Blood, stumps, again flying in the void.

"Spare my life, spare my life!"

"Don't kill me, please. Let our family go."

"He Feng, please leave us a way to live."

"He Feng, we admit our mistake. We repent to you. Please don't destroy our family."

The secretary listened to the gunshots and watched the familiar figures fall down. His sadness turned into more fear and despair. He knelt down to He Feng without hesitation, kowtowed heavily and cried for mercy.


He Feng shot the last elder in the field, and the bullets in the gun were also shot out.

He Feng just dropped his rifle on the ground, looked at the Secretary and said: "now, are you willing to admit that your family is wrong? I thought you were going to blame the dead. "

"No, our family is wrong. Mr. He, please don't kill. Let go of some people. They are all innocent ordinary people. " The Secretary said painfully, full of remorse and guilt.

As for anger and resentment

Of course, he did, but he didn't dare to show it.

Otherwise, he was afraid that he Feng would destroy the family.

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