"Well, since you are willing to admit that your whole family has done something wrong, I can let go of these people in your family. I don't want to exterminate you."

He Feng threw the gun in his hand on the ground, "since you are willing to admit your mistake, then we'll talk about the price your family should pay next. Do you have any opinions?"

Originally he Feng was going to destroy the whole family, but he thought that most of the family were ordinary people. He had already killed most of the warrior, so he didn't want to continue to kill him.

The deterrent effect has been achieved.

Now people outside should know how to hurt the people around him.

The Secretary shook his head without hesitation, "no, no opinions. I have no opinions. Mr. He wants us to pay what kind of price. I promise, I promise everything."

"Good! I heard that your Tianzheng Group has a market value of nearly 100 billion, right? Plus other industries, it must be more than 100 billion. I don't want to say more, just 100 billion. In one day, you use your method to get 100 billion cash and remit it to my card. When the money arrives, everyone in your family will have to leave China and never enter it again. Otherwise, let's continue today's game. Do you have any questions? "

He Feng took out a cigarette and lit it. He took a deep puff and felt that the smell of blood was a little lighter.

In the past, although he killed a lot of people, let alone one or two hundred people, even one or two thousand people at a time, it's a common practice, but he has lived a peaceful life in recent months, and his intention to kill is not so heavy.

He didn't like killing people.

I don't like the smell of blood.

He still likes the calm at the moment!

However, in order to protect this peace, he does not mind killing people.

Don't say it's just killing one or two hundred, even if it's killing one or two hundred, he won't have any hesitation.

"No problem, I don't have any problems. In one day, I will transfer 100 billion to your card. No, it doesn't take a day. I will be able to get 100 billion yuan into your account today. " Secretary He Feng murmured.

He wanted to make things bigger, which made everyone know, but he was really worried that the Zhang family would leave immediately after hearing the news.

The chapter is not much better than the family.

After learning that he has shown the strength of refining Qizhong, and the means are extremely cruel and fierce, how can he dare to compete with him?

And I don't know if the Zhang family is willing to contribute 100 billion yuan.

"Just now, the Secretary promised to give 100 billion yuan. It seems that it's not a big problem for the Secretary to give 100 billion yuan. Should I bid more? Like 110 billion? " After a pause, he Feng has an impulse to turn around and return to the Secretary's home and let the Secretary give more than 10 billion yuan.

But think about it or forget it, so many eyes staring at it, it seems a bit embarrassing.

With this in mind, he Feng speeds up a little and goes to the intersection in front to find a taxi.

Seeing that he got on the taxi and left, those people who were hiding in the dark just came out.

Without exception, these people's eyes are full of strong shock.

"Who is this man? At a young age, he was a master of cultivation. What's more, he was so fierce that he killed one or two hundred people without blinking an eye. When did such a cruel man appear in China? "

"I'd like to know who he is. He looks like he's only in his twenties, but his cultivation has reached the master level. What a genius."

"You don't have to guess, gentlemen. I already know who he is. You should have heard of a Huajin strongman named He Feng who recently appeared in Jiangbin City, Jiangshu province, right

"He Feng? So he is He Feng. It's powerful. It's really powerful. It really deserves its reputation. It's the he family's son. It's too powerful. Si Beiguang of the Si family is really out of his mind. He goes to offend such a big man. He is the one who killed the Si family. "

"It's true that the family of Si came to this end only by asking for it. No wonder he Feng. Even if they want to deal with Mr. He Feng, they even catch his woman as bait. No wonder Mr. He Feng wants to destroy their whole family. If it's me, and I have the strength of Mr. He Feng, I'm afraid I won't give them a chance to live. Mr. He Feng, it's really kind. "

"I don't know if there are any other people involved besides a Si Beiguang. If the participants knew what happened here, they would not be able to sleep at night, would they? "

While these people were talking, a middle-aged man left quickly, took out his mobile phone and began to send messages.


A plane just came from Japan and landed on the ground. Qian Shan was looking at the text messages on his mobile phone.

"What's the news? What did he Feng do at Si's house? " Yamamoto asked.

"Mr. Yamamoto, this is what happened. The reason why he Feng went to the Si family is that an elder of the Si family captured his woman as bait in order to kill him. So he Feng went to the Si family to revenge today. He killed nearly 200 people in Si's family. As long as the elders in Si's family, that is, the strong ones with the highest cultivation of dark energy, almost all of them were killed by He Feng, only the chief of Si's family was left. And the reason why he was not killed is because he Feng let him spend 100 billion yuan in one day. " Qian Shan reported.

"Killed so many people?"

Keixian Yamamoto frowned. "Isn't the official control of killing very strict? Especially the disputes between the martial arts, it seems to put an end to appear in front of ordinary people, right? Why does he Feng dare to kill so many people at one time? "

Qian Shan said: "no accident, there should be the shadow of he family behind this. Didn't he family control Yanhuang railway brigade recently? If Yanhuang railway brigade intervenes, the official of China will not say anything more. "

At this point, Qian Shan's heart suddenly came up with an idea. As soon as he Jiagang took control of the Yanhuang railway brigade, he Feng went to the Si's house to kill.

He's in charge of the Yanhuang railway brigade. Shouldn't it be for He Feng to kill people?

How high is He Feng's status in the he family?

When Qianshan thought of this, Keizo Yamamoto naturally thought of it.

For a moment, the killing intention in his eyes was even worse.

Now he finally understood why Mr. xiangtian would say that if he didn't kill He Feng, he would not go back to Japan.

He Feng should be killed. He Feng is so valued and talented in his family. Sooner or later, he Feng will enter the myth. He Feng must be killed in the cradle as soon as possible.

"Where is He Feng now? Don't lose him." Yamamoto asked.

At this time, Qianshan received another text message.

He opened the message, looked at it, and said: "Mr. Yamamoto, my staff just got the news that he Feng bought a ticket from Beichang city to hangqiu city in cicada forest province. He will take off in an hour, and he will arrive in hangqiu city in about two hours."

"Hangqiu city? If he doesn't go back to Jiangbin, why does he go to hangqiu? " Yamamoto asked suspiciously, because he knew that there were some people in hangqiu city who killed God Pavilion.

He family should not be aware of this, so he Feng was sent to hang Qiu city to deal with mieshen Pavilion, right?

However, although he Feng was strong and reached the initial stage of Huajin, he couldn't deal with the stronghold of mieshen Pavilion in hangqiu city.

"My people are investigating and should send me a message soon."

"OK, let them hurry up."

Yamamoto was still a little uneasy. He asked, "do you know the ancient martial families in hangqiu?"

Qianshan thought about it and said, "hangqiu city is not only a prosperous city, but also has a strong atmosphere of ancient martial arts. It has a high-level ancient martial arts family, two middle-level ancient martial arts families, and nearly ten low-level ancient martial arts families."

Cicada forest province is a whole province, there are three high ancient martial families.

But in hangqiu City, there is only one high-level ancient martial family.

"High ancient martial family..."

Yamamoto knew more about hangqiu's higher guwu family than Qianshan.

So he said directly, "you and I are talking about two middle-class ancient martial families!"

"All right!"

Qian Shan said: "one of the two ancient martial families is the Hai family, which has a strong strength. Recently, there has been a strong man in the micro. There are also 30 ordinary strong men in the peak of dark strength. In the future, there are expected to be the strong men in the peak of dark strength in the Si family that he Feng killed today. Although there are less than 10 people, these people have been in the Si family for a long time, and they want to be in the micro.

Outside, there are many strong people in the family.

"However, the Zhang family also understands that they are weak, so they are ready to use the method of marriage to enhance their own strength. The object of their marriage seems to be the high ancient Wu family and the Mu family in hangqiu city. "

Qian Shan said with a smile: "there is a good-looking woman in the Zhang family. Although she doesn't have the strength to practice, she has a lot of brains in business. I heard that the wood family seems to have agreed to the marriage and directly let the Zhang family's woman marry their best genius now. It is said that the genius was named Mu ran. He was only in his thirties and had already stepped into Huajin. He was praised as the most talented person in hangqiu city for decades. "

"Wood burning..."

A faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Of course, he knew that he was responsible for the wood burning and its cultivation resources.

Without these cultivation resources provided by them, how could Mu Huo step into Hua Jin in his thirties?

For mu ran, mieshen pavilion has invested a lot of energy in training. The purpose is to make Mu ran one of the eight sects in the future, so as to provide more convenience for mieshen pavilion's action in China.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

While they were chatting, Qian Shan's mobile phone vibrated again.

He took it out to have a look, and immediately said, "well, it seems that he Feng's going to hangqiu city has something to do with Zhang's family."

"Oh? Tell me about it Keiichi Yamamoto.

"There's a woman in the Zhang family named Zhang Ziyan, who has been engaged to the gifted Mu ran of the Mu family. My subordinates found out that Zhang Ziyan had a friendly relationship with a man named song Yan in Jiangbin city before, but later she broke up with song Yan because she wanted to marry the Mu family. Later, song Yan did not know why, but in just two or three days, he changed from an ordinary man to a strong master who had a body that could be compared to seven heavy training. He went to Liuyue club to kill He Feng, but he Feng was stronger and killed by He Feng. "

"Two or three days from ordinary people to great masters?"

"Well, the specific reason is unknown to the outside world. Many forces are investigating, but it is difficult to find it in a short time. Some people want to investigate from He Feng, but few of them have the courage."

"Hey, let's try to stay alive this time. If we can get any useful information from He Feng, xiangtian will be very happy."

Yamamoto laughed, full of anticipation, "you go on!"


Qian Shan said: "after Song Yan was killed, Zhang Ziyan took two Zhang family elders, who were in the peak cultivation of dark energy, to Jiangbin city. I guess it was to avenge song Yan. But the final result is that Zhang Ziyan and the two elders have never appeared again. The people of the Zhang family are now trying their best to find them, but there is no news so far. "

"Do you mean that Zhang Ziyan and those two men may have angered He Feng, so he Feng is going to hang Qiu City for Zhang's family this time?" Keiichi Yamamoto.

"Very likely!"

"But I've got people paying attention to the situation in hangqiu," he said. As long as he Feng arrives in hangqiu City, his every move will fall into our surveillance. If he went to Zhang's house, we would "understand, I will arrange a special plane to send us to hangqiu city now, and strive to get to hangqiu city earlier than he Feng."

Immediately, the group headed for a helicopter not far away.

Although the Ju family of Qian family moved out of the kingdom of China, they have been developing in the kingdom of China for so many years, and their influence is all over the country. It is impossible for them to retreat so cleanly.

For example, their intelligence network is distributed all over China, and a helicopter is secretly arranged, which will not attract the attention of the relevant departments at all.


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