When he Feng sat on the plane and went to hangqiu City, he bravely killed No. 1 or no. 200 fighters in Beichang city. The story of killing No. 1 or no. 200 fighters in the family of Si is spreading in all ancient martial arts circles.

This time he Feng killed in the family, but it was killed in front of many people, and the outside was covered with the eyeliner of various forces.

Unlike last time in Liuyue club, although he Feng even killed the master, he didn't know many people.

Because it concerns the Qian family of the high ancient martial family and Baiyun medicine hall, one of the top ten medicine halls, people who know it dare not spread it around at will. It's just spread in individual circles. It's hard to know if you don't inquire about it.

But this time it's different. He Feng kills people in front of many people. We all know he Feng doesn't want to hide it. He may even want to let the world know what he Feng has done.

Therefore, when he Feng left the family, what he did in the family immediately spread into the circle of martial arts.

From one circle to another.

Almost an hour later, the whole ancient military circle of China seemed to know about it.

At this time, a wechat group.

A group of people who are the best at dark energy are qualified to join.

The name of the group is "a great master".

The group has 500 members.

At this time, we are chatting in full swing.

"Which one of you has heard of He Feng? How come I haven't heard of it before, but now it comes out all of a sudden. I'm still the master of horizontal training in the training. Did the master hide too much before? "

This is said by a man named Han Fang. This group is all real name system, and the group business card is everyone's real name.

"Yes, I was stunned by his performance today. He even slaughtered more than 100 soldiers in the middle guwu family. It's too arrogant and arrogant. Isn't he afraid of Yanhuang railway brigade inviting him to tea? These days, the Yellow railway brigade is in Beichang City, which is not generally active. " The name of the man who said this was Zhou Tong.

"Hey, you're a little ignorant, aren't you? In fact, as early as a few days ago, he Feng showed his master's strength. He is not only a master, but also a master level gunner. As for Yanhuang railway brigade inviting him to drink tea... If Yanhuang railway brigade really finds him, it's really inviting him to drink superior tea. "

A man named "know it all" sent messages in the group.

"Well, here comes the know it all? Let's talk about the origin of He Feng. "

"Yes, yes, help us quickly. You are a disciple of Tianji Pavilion. You must know this He Feng in great detail?"

"Tut Tut, Tianji Pavilion disciples are around. Allow me to worship them first."

"Leave me a thigh..."

As soon as the news was sent out, the members who sent the message became more and more, and they swiped the screen all at once.

"Well, don't swipe the screen. Do you want to know the news about He Feng?" Know it all directly asked.

Attitude is not good, but as soon as his news came out, the group was quiet, and no one dared to be dissatisfied.

Tianji Pavilion is not the eight sects or the pure power of China. It is founded by a large number of strong Chinese Americans. In Tianji Pavilion, there are not only people from China, but also people from other countries.

They may not be very strong, and the number of shots is small, but the intelligence is convenient but very accurate.

In addition, Tianji Pavilion also developed a strong list of the underground world, called tianbang. Those on the list are all legendary kings of the underground world, and each one is a myth. Moreover, all the deeds of these people are recorded in Tianji Pavilion in great detail.

Of course, in addition to tianbang, Tianji pavilion has also made some other lists.

For example, the peerless list of the eight sects, it is said that even the list of the most powerful mythological talents, was made by Tianji Pavilion.

Under such circumstances, the master of all things, a disciple of Tianji Pavilion, is certainly the most popular in the group, and the master of all things will often give you some information in the group.

"He Feng, he appeared in Jiangbin three months ago. At first, he was just a courier, living in a bachelor's apartment. However, his landlord, very beautiful, has now become his woman

Know it all started sending messages in the group.

Many of them were surprised at this.

"The great master and the strong have leisure to pick up girls?"

"I'm convinced!"

"If I become a great master, I will try my best to enter the eight sects to practice, and strive to become a myth one day."

"But this beautiful woman is only one of the women around He Feng. According to my investigation, there are nearly ten women around him. In addition, his wife is Wang Xiangyun, chairman of Jiangbin Yuncheng group, and she is also a top-notch beauty. He Feng's love is not shallow. "

"Well, Mr. know, can we talk about something crucial? We don't want to know how many women he Feng has A strong man at the top of the dark force is a little impatient.

"Yes, Mr. know it all. What's the origin of He Feng? Why do you say Yanhuang railway brigade can't deal with him? Does he come from a big way? " Another guess.

"Ha ha, he's not too big. He's just a son of the royal family." Said know it all.

"Children of the royal family? Is... He a member of the he family? "

"If so, it makes sense. No wonder Yanhuang railway brigade won't deal with him. Now Yanhuang railway brigade seems to have been controlled by he family, right? How can one's family deal with one's family? "

"Tut Tut, now I understand why he Feng dares to kill so many people in the family. However, I still don't understand. Is He Feng going to deal with Si family after he family controls Yan Huang railway brigade, or is he family going to control Yan Huang railway brigade in order to let he Feng go to Si family to kill people

As soon as this question came out, everyone was silent.

Obviously, they also want to know the answer.

If the he family is to let he Feng to kill people in his family, he Feng's position in the he family is amazing.

"The latter, I think." Know it all came back.


"True or false?"

"Does he Feng have such a high position in the he family? Isn't he just a master? Compared with the myth of the he family, the master is nothing, right

Pepsi channel: "what about the 26 year old master?"

"What? That he Feng is only 26 years old? "

"Are you kidding? I'm 126 years old, and I'm at the top of my strength. He's a master at 26? "

"This... This is true?"

Pepsi channel: "why do I cheat you? He Feng is 26 years old now. I even know that he grew up in a welfare home when he was a child, and then he disappeared for a long time. He didn't show up in Jiangbin until three months ago. Only foreigners gradually knew that he was a child of the he family. However, some people speculate that he Feng is not a direct descendant of the he family. It's only when the he family saw that he was gifted in cultivation that they took him out of the welfare home and trained him in secret. Only in this way can he enter the master's realm when he is 26 years old. However, whether he is a direct descendant of the he family or not, his master's accomplishments can not be changed, and the he family attaches great importance to him. He not only trained him to be a great master, but also arranged a great master with great strength and accomplishments to be his bodyguard. "

"I'll go, master Huajin will be his bodyguard?"

"So, after more than 100 years of cultivation, Lao Tzu is not qualified to be a bodyguard for him?"

"Everybody, I need to go out and calm down. Let's go first."

"I've also withdrawn. If I look down, my cell phone will be crushed by me."


At this time, in a luxury villa near Binxi Wetland Park in Jiangbin City, a young woman in her early twenties was standing on the terrace on the second floor, smiling and playing with her mobile phone.

The woman is wearing a white sportswear. Although her clothes are loose, she can still see her sexy curves. Her delicate facial features are like a piece of art carved by heaven, without any flaws. A pair of beautiful eyes, watery, exudes the enchanting light.

This is definitely a goddess level beauty!

At this time, she is showing a sly smile on her mobile phone

"Hey, let you so want to inquire about the news of He Feng, now I tell you, have you been hit? However, you should also be hit. After more than 100 years of cultivation, you can't even become a master. Are you ashamed? Miss Ben started to practice only three years ago, but now she has gone into the details. If it wasn't for the purpose of coming to China to find a butcher, I would have stepped into Huajin now. "

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed: "however, China is too big and there are many strong people. How long will it take me to find a butcher. Besides, after I find him, will he promise to go to Tianji pavilion with me for an exclusive interview? It seems that the task given to me by master is not very easy to complete. "

After sighing a few times, Mu Xiaoxiao looked down at the news in the group, sneered and shook his head, "it's just a 26 year old master, who has beaten you like this. Alas, if we let them know that the butcher is 26 years old, but he has already entered the myth, I wonder if they will have the impulse to hit the wall with tofu? "


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