Fast moving city, Xia family.

Xia Cheng is holding a mobile phone at the moment, with a confused face.

"This... This is not a fake, is it? That he Feng has reached the master? Is this really the He Feng I know? "

The more Xia Cheng looked down at the news, the more shocked he was.

The information he has received now shows that he Feng has not only reached the seventh level of physical training, but also a master level sharpshooter. It is said that he is a son of the he family and is protected by the he family.

"It's not the same person, is it? Anyway, I'll call Xi Zhenxing first to confirm and see what the situation is. "

Thinking, Xia Cheng takes out his mobile phone and dials Xi Zhenxing's phone.

"Hello, brother Xia, what's the matter?" Xi Zhenxing answered the phone soon.

Xia Cheng said: "master Xi, I have something to confirm with you..."

Before he finished his words, Xi Zhenxing's voice changed again, "don't confirm with me. That's right. Now it's said that he Feng, who has a great master's fighting power, is the one you know."

"What? Is it really him

Xia Cheng exclaimed, "but didn't he just refine his body before?"

"Ha ha, in fact, I have known his real accomplishments for a long time. He has always hidden his strength before. Later, he was forced to be helpless, so he exposed his true cultivation. " Xi Zhenxing chuckled.

But in fact, he was also a little depressed, because he always had a feeling that he Feng's real cultivation must be his Qizhong?

Before he was also because of some things, so it exposed the strength of refining body quadruple.

Now, does he also intentionally expose the strength of the seven elements?

And the real cultivation is higher than the Qizhong!

Although he does not dare to believe it, Xi Zhenxing always thinks that his guess is true.

"Hidden strength..."

When Xia Cheng heard this, he was almost embarrassed.

Because he remembered that he took he Feng to worship his master before, saying that even the Cao family did not dare to deal with him openly as long as he Feng became a master disciple.

But in fact, he Feng himself is a great master.

When I said this, would people despise me?

Whether he Feng has despised himself or not, Xia Cheng thinks he Feng must have despised him.

"At the age of 26, he is a great master, and he is also a genius trained by the he family. Master Xi, do you think he Feng is expected to become a myth in the future? " The summer city ghost made a difference of asked a.


Although Xi Zhenxing thinks that he Feng may have hidden his accomplishments, he still shakes his head when he hears about Xia Cheng, who knows a lot about mythology. "Although the master is strong, the power of mythology is beyond the master's imagination. No matter how strong a master is, he is just like a mole ant. It's too difficult for the master to achieve the myth

"Well, you have a point, and I think so."

Xia Cheng laughed and said, "OK, I know. Then I won't disturb you. You can practice at ease. When I get to the master, I'll go to Yanjing to have a fight with you."

"Ha ha, anytime."


Jiangbin city.

Wang Xiangyun and others are in the hall at the moment. They have just finished their lunch. At the moment, Ji Xinyu is doing her best to pour tea for them.

"Second uncle, is there any news from Beichang?" Wang Xiangyun asked.

Although he Feng is powerful, he Bayun also said before that the place He Feng went to this time might have the stronghold of mieshen Pavilion, and Beichang city is the home of Qian family, which may have hidden the myth.

Even if there is a little hidden danger, they will be very worried.

In addition to Wang Xiangyun, Ji Xinyu, Chu Yue and others are also looking at he Bayun.

He Bayun has no choice but to become a messenger.

But these women are the daughter-in-law of the he family and his favorite little nephew. Naturally, he would not mind anything. He immediately said with a smile, "well, I have just received the message. Now Xiao Feng has dealt with the affairs of the Si family. Now he has got on the plane to hangqiu City, cicada forest province. If it goes well, he will be back tonight. "

"Second uncle, brother Xiaofeng is over there. He should have killed a lot of people?" Ling Weiyu said.

He Bayun also did not hide, nodded: "one or two hundred people have died, but they are all warriors, no ordinary people. The ordinary people of the Si family didn't take part in the fight, and Xiao Feng finally reconciled with the head of the Si family and let them compensate 100 billion yuan. "

"One or two hundred people..."

Ling Weiyu pursed his lips.

It has something to do with her that so many people die.

"Little feather, don't blame yourself. In fact, it's normal for the dead in guwu circle. I think Xiao Feng may still have a heart attack this time. Instead of killing all the hundreds of people in the family, he killed only one or two hundred warriors. " He Bayun advised.

"Well, I know!"

Ling Weiyu nodded, but he didn't think much about it.

She is quite clear about He Feng. He Feng had killed countless people abroad before and was given the title of "butcher".

It's not too cruel to kill one or two hundred people this time.

"100 billion... This guy makes money fast enough." Wang Xiangyun curled his lips and said.

"Ha ha, there is another Zhang family. I don't know if they will run away. If they don't run away, it's estimated that it will be 100 billion again." He Bayun smiles.

"That's 200 billion yuan. If we destroy several middle-class or one high-class guwu families in the future, we can earn more than one trillion yuan." Chu Yue's eyes shine.

"What a beautiful idea! After this incident, I'm afraid people outside will not dare to provoke us again. However, with this 200 billion yuan, we all have the resources to cultivate our strength. But it's still a long way to go before we reach the peak of Huajin... "

Wang Xiangyun glared at Chu Yue, and immediately stood up, "you continue to practice, I will continue to do my research. I'll find a way to earn the rest. "

With that, he finished the tea in the cup, turned around and went to the training room.

"I'm going to practice, too!"

Chu Yue also followed.

"Second uncle, if brother Xiaofeng meets any danger outside, you are going to hangqiu city? Ha ha, he didn't go back to Jiangbin City, but went to hangqiu city. If he wants to die, he's just looking for death and falling into the trap. "

Lin Zhiqiu hears speech, ask a way immediately: "helicopter is arranged? I want to go to hangqiu immediately. If I can't get to hangqiu city before he Feng, I'll kill you! "

The young man's face changed slightly and nodded hastily, "it's already arranged. It's over there."

Then he quickly pointed to a plane not far away


A retired J6 fighter.

"Well, yes, if I succeed in killing He Feng, you will not only have no fault, but also have merit." Lin Zhiqiu nodded contentedly.

The young man was greatly relieved. At the same time, he was glad that if he really made contributions, he would have the hope to enter the Lin family and become a great master in the future.

"Sixth grandfather, how about going to hangqiu now?" Lin Zhiqiu looked at the old man behind him and asked respectfully.

Lin Tianqing said nothing, but nodded slightly, but her eyes were still in a state of absence.

Then, the group quickly came to the J6 fighter, which took off quickly, broke through the speed of sound in a short time, and flew to hangqiu city at top speed.


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