In less than an hour, Lin Zhiqiu came to hangqiu city.

As soon as we got off the plane, a group of people came quickly, headed by an old man who looked like he was 60 or 70 years old.

Seeing Lin Zhiqiu and Lin Tianqing get off the fighter, the old man quickly steps forward, bows his hand to Lin Tianqing and says, "Wu Fang has seen uncle Liu, and master Zhiqiu!"

Seeing Lin Wufang, Lin Tianqing's eyes began to look a little. After looking at Lin Wufang for a moment, she immediately nodded, "yes, you've refined the gas into the bone marrow, and Lin Zhiqiu asked," what's the situation of the Zhang family now? Did anyone escape? "

"Not yet!"

The young man shook his head, pondered for a while and said, "but my people have just sent me a message that an elder of the Zhang family, who is at the peak of dark strength, has gone to the wood family. I guess they may have gone to the wood family for help. The Mu family is a high-level ancient martial family, and it's in hangqiu city. This is their headquarters. If they are willing to send one or two masters to the Zhang family, I think it's hard for He Feng to make waves in the Zhang family. "

"The wood family is just a high ancient martial family. How dare you help the Zhang family deal with He Feng? He Feng's present status is a son of the royal family. "

Lin Zhiqiu sneered, "let's go directly to the Zhang family. No matter whether the Mu family will help the Zhang family, as long as the people of the Zhang family don't run away immediately."

With that, they walked towards several sports cars parked not far away.

About half an hour later, the car came to a huge luxury building.

It's Zhang's residence.

"Come on, get in!"

Lin Zhiqiu walked forward and soon came to the gate of Zhang's mansion.

"Stop, who are you looking for?" The guard captain outside the door immediately comes forward and stops Lin Zhiqiu.

Usually, there are only two or four gatekeepers in the Zhang family.

But now, there are more than a dozen guards outside the gate of Zhang's house.

Moreover, everyone's cultivation is above the dark energy.

Not only that, in their hands, each with guns, all special guns, high explosive grenades, ammunition clips and so on, a ready look.

If it wasn't for the plaque on their heads, Lin Zhiqiu thought he was not from Zhang's family, but from the military region.

"Are you Zhang's family preparing to fight against He Feng to the end? Yes, I thought you could run. Let your master Zhang come out first-class, and say that I can help him deal with He Feng. However, he has to hurry up. He Feng has already arrived in hangqiu City, and will arrive at your Zhang's house in about half an hour. " Lin Zhiqiu said lightly.

"Deal with He Feng?"

These a few dark strength strong smell speech, Mou son frets.

For He Feng to deal with the Zhang family, in fact, they all know, the heart is also very nervous, for fear that the Zhang family will become the same as the Si family, death of one or two hundred people, blood.

But they heard that the people who died in the Si family were so miserable that few of them could keep the whole body.

Fortunately, just now, their owner told them that the Zhang family must have a way to deal with He Feng. He Feng would not want to be wild in the Zhang family.

Considering that the Zhang family now has a higher guwu family's in laws, and this in laws is in hangqiu City, the people of the Zhang family are a little relieved, but the matter has not been solved, and they are still a little nervous.

At this time see suddenly came a group of people, said can help them deal with He Feng, they are surprised and looking forward to.

"Tell me who you are first, or it will be very difficult for me to convey the message to our family leader." A middle-aged man with a relatively high identity asked calmly, and his attitude was much better than that at the beginning.

"I'm from Yanjing!" Lin Zhiqiu just coldly replied.


The pupil of the middle-aged man shrinks.

Yanjing, the administrative capital of China, is also the city with the strongest atmosphere of ancient martial arts.

There are not many lower and middle guwu families, only a few dozen, but there are more than ten higher guwu families.

And the four royal families, their headquarters are in Yanjing.

Without leaving any trace, he glanced at the people in front of him. They all looked extraordinary, obviously very human.

"Your name, sir?" The middle-aged man was full of expectation and asked carefully.

He knows all the high ancient martial families and the four royal families in Yanjing. As long as the other party gives a surname, he can probably guess the origin of the other party.

"Lin!" Lin Zhiqiu spits out a word.

The middle-aged man's face changed greatly. It turned out that it was the children of the royal family who arrived.

"Meet Mr. Lin!" Without saying a word, the middle-aged man bowed himself to salute.

"If you don't want to delay too long, you can take me directly to your master." Lin Zhiqiu said.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, this way, please."

The middle-aged man who dare to say half nonsense, quickly get out of the way, make a please gesture.

Lin Zhiqiu doesn't talk nonsense either. He takes Lin's family members and walks over directly.

The middle-aged man quickened his pace and led the way. At this time, his heart was full of excitement. If these people were really from the Lin family in Yanjing, the crisis of the Zhang family would be relieved. The butcher, who is known as the great master of cultivation, would not want to run wild in the Zhang family.

A minute later, the middle-aged man took Lin Zhiqiu to the meeting hall of Zhang's family.

Several men have been waiting here. One of them, the elder, looks sad and nervous.

He is the contemporary master of the Zhang family. Zhang is first-class, and a strong man at the top of the dark force.

A few days ago, his granddaughter Zhang Ziyan and two Zhang's parents went to Jiangbin city to deal with He Feng. But the night they went to Jiangbin City, they lost contact. No matter how the Zhang family mobilized their efforts to look for him, they couldn't find a trace.

After so many days, there is still no clue.

Zhang first class already had a bad feeling in his heart.

I didn't expect that something really happened now.

The family of Si was washed with blood. It is said that more than half of the family's ancient warriors died. All the elders in Beichang city died, leaving only one commander in chief.

But Si Zheng, on the spot collapse, in front of many people, kneels down to He Feng to beg for mercy, which makes the Si family has not been exterminated.

The five people around him are all elders of the Zhang family, and their accomplishments are no weaker than him.

Six of them are all the top fighting forces of the Zhang family. The rest of them are not in hangqiu now. It's hard for them to come back in a short time, and they don't have much effect.

What Zhang family needs now is a master.

"Lao Jiuzhang is first-class. I've met Mr. Lin before."

Seeing Lin Zhiqiu coming over, Zhang first-class took the initiative to welcome Zhang's family, politely said hello, and then looked forward to Lin Zhiqiu.

Lin Zhiqiu knew what he thought and waved to the middle-aged man who brought him, "you go down first. Don't tell anyone about our arrival. And the doormen just now, please. I don't care if it's leaked and leads to the misfortune of your Zhang family. "

"Yes, Mr. Lin, don't worry. Those people outside the door just now are all my brothers. I have already said hello to them." The middle-aged man quickly said, immediately respectfully out of the meeting hall.

After he left, Lin Zhiqiu just looked at Zhang first-class and said, "my name is Lin Zhiqiu. I come from Lin's family in Yanjing. Now you can rest assured. With our Lin family, your Zhang family will not die out. "

"The Lin family in Yanjing is really a royal family."

Zhang Zhiyi was excited to hear Lin Zhiqiu speak so directly.

If the Lin family is willing to protect them, then the rumor is that he Feng, the son of the he family, can't be presumptuous in their Zhang family.

When he Feng comes to hang Qiu city immediately after he Feng has dealt with his family, Zhang first-class is in a panic. However, the wood family's answer is ambiguous, saying that they should not worry too much. As long as he Feng dares to come to Zhang's house, they will arrive immediately, and let He Feng pay the price for this impulsive action.

Then he sent Zhang Yiyi back.

Zhang first-class natural hope that wood will not deceive themselves, but what if?

In case he Feng comes to the Zhang family to kill people, the master of the wood family is not in such a situation. Naturally, Zhang is extremely nervous and uneasy.

At this time, Lin Zhiqiu arrived. For Zhang first-class, it was like a cruise ship sailing towards him after drowning in the sea.

"Mr. Lin, according to our investigation, he Feng is not only a master of horizontal training, but also a master level sharpshooter. Are you sure to deal with him?"

At this time, a middle-aged man came up and asked respectfully.

His name is Zhang Feihe. He is Zhang Ziyan's son and father.

Originally, Zhang Ziyan caused such a big disaster. Zhang Feihe wanted Lin Zhiqiu to glance at Zhang first-class. Instead of answering his question, he asked a question, "how many people are there here?"

Zhang Feihe smoked from the corner of his mouth. He didn't understand why Lin Zhiqiu asked such a retarded question.

But considering that the other party came from Lin's family in Yanjing, he said truthfully, "Mr. Lin, you have seven people here in total!"

Lin Zhiqiu asked again, "do you think the seven masters can deal with He Feng?"


When Lin Zhiqiu said this, everyone in the Zhang family opened their mouths.

"What did Mr. Lin say just now? He said that these seven of them are all masters? Seven masters? "

"It's not the seven peaks of dark energy, but the seven masters of Huajin? This... Such a strong lineup? "

"If it's really seven masters, and Mr. Lin is also ready to deal with He Feng, he Feng will die once he comes to our Zhang family."

"Now, it depends on whether Mr. Lin will go all out to deal with He Feng."

Everyone in the Zhang family is looking forward to it.

Lin Zhiqiu is also too lazy to hide, saying: "I have a deep hatred with He Feng. From my birth to now, an elder who has been responsible for taking care of my daily life was killed by He Feng in Jiangbin city a few days ago. With the video on, in front of me, kill me. I come to your Zhang family this time, in fact, to let you cooperate with me to deal with He Feng. If you kill He Feng, your Zhang family will be meritorious. I can give you a chance to become an affiliated family of the Lin family. "

"Thank you, Mr. Lin!"

Zhang Yiliu didn't even think about it for a second. He bowed down and agreed without hesitation, "Mr. Lin, don't worry, our Zhang family will definitely cooperate with you and capture He Feng."

It's a joke that they didn't dare to think about before they joined the four royal families.

For them, it would be very good to have a higher guwu family as the backing of the Zhang family, which is one of the reasons why they married with the Mu family.

But if they can climb up to the Lin family, their Zhang family is very likely to be able to give birth to a great master in a very short time, and become a high ancient martial family.

For this reason, why not let the Zhang family go through the danger once?

Besides, this time, the Zhang family sent out seven masters to deal with He Feng. They didn't need to go through any danger. They just need to watch He Feng killed.

It's like pie in the sky!

Lin Zhiqiu nodded and said, "well, I'm very satisfied with your performance. Next, you can just watch it. When he Feng arrives, you just need to let him step into Zhang's house. When he gets into Zhang's house, we'll do what he does. "

"Understand, later we will pretend to be still very scared, let he Feng enter Zhang's house." Zhang first-class nodded repeatedly, he could not wait for this, otherwise let the Zhang family go to work with He Feng, that is not to deliver food.

But Zhang Zhiqiu has some doubts. Why does Lin Zhiqiu have to let them introduce He Feng into Zhang's family?

Lin Zhiqiu looked at Lin Tianqing, the old man behind him, and said, "sixth grandfather, I'll leave it to you."

"Well, it's just a primary earth level dark array, and it only lasts for one hour. Just give me ten minutes to complete the arrangement. Now I'll go around this chapter's house and see where the array eyes should be."

Lin Tianqing nodded, and in a flash, he disappeared in front of Zhang Yiyi and others.

"Good, fast speed..." Zhang first-class heart shock.

In fact, he had the honor to communicate martial arts with a master of Huajin in the wood family and to see each other's speed.

Master Hua Jin's speed can be clearly captured by him.

But Lin Tianqing's speed, he can't see clearly. It's too fast. It's much faster than the master of Huajin at the beginning of the Mu family.

"Huajin? No, the speed of Huajin's middle stage is certainly not so fast, at least in the later stage. Even, it may be the peak of Huajin! "

While Zhang was shocked, a smile appeared on his face.

The stronger Lin Tianqing is, the more powerful they are. Once he Feng comes, the higher the probability of being killed.

As for whether he Feng is a child of the he family, he is too lazy to care now.

What about the he family?

At present, all these people are the core members of the Lin family.

Lin family is not afraid of he family.

Ten minutes later, the whole Zhang family seems to be enveloped by a mysterious breath, sending out energy fluctuations.

"Is this XuanZhen? It's worthy of being one of the four royal families with such a profound foundation. "

"This array seems to have a power of isolation. It seems that the energy fluctuation inside is difficult to spread to the outside world."

"XuanZhen is really magical, even the energy fluctuations can be isolated."

Zhang Yiyi and others felt the changes around them and marveled.

At the same time, I took a look at Lin Zhiqiu.

It seems that Lin Zhiqiu wants people to set up such a mysterious array to separate Zhang's family from the outside world, so that people outside can't see Lin's family dealing with He Feng.

It seems that the strength of the he family in recent days makes the Lin family feel a little scared, so they specially sent this array master to arrange the sky covering array.


A dark shadow passed by, and Lin Tianqing's figure appeared. "Well, the array has become. Now we are waiting to invite the emperor into the urn."

With that, his eyes became deep again, and he entered the cultivation state. He didn't seem to be very interested in the next battle.

The reason why he accompanied Lin Zhiqiu this time is not to attack he Feng, but to let him arrange such an array.

If he Feng has experts around him, such as he Bayun, Lin Tianqing will do it.

As for the myth of the he family

The Lin family doesn't think that the he family will specially send a myth to protect He Feng.

Moreover, for the two myths of the he family, he Qingtian and he Junxiang, not to mention the Lin family, the state will specially send people to stare at them.

Once they left Yanjing City, at least Lin's family constitution was first-class. They nodded, "I'm ready. I've changed a group of guards outside. They are all people who don't know Lin's coming. When they see he Feng, they will run in in panic, and he Feng can't see the clue."

Lin Zhiqiu asked again, "where is He Feng now? Has the news come back?"

Zhang Yi: "just received the news, he Feng got into a taxi and really came to our Zhang family. If there is no accident, he will arrive at our Zhang's house within 20 minutes. "

"Good, then we'll wait for him another twenty minutes."

Lin Zhiqiu didn't speak any more. She casually sat down in a chair in the meeting hall, closed her eyes and prepared to adjust her state to the best.

Wait a moment, he will kill He Feng himself.

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