"Is this the Zhang family? It looks like they have a lot of money. I hope they didn't run away. Otherwise, brother Feng's trip will be in vain. "

At this time, on the Avenue outside the gate of Zhang's house, he Feng got out of the taxi and was in a good mood.

Because the drivers in hangqiu city are very reliable. They didn't take him around like they did in Beichang city before, which saved him a lot of time.

Looking at Zhang's house, he Feng glanced around again.

In the vicinity of Zhang family, he gathered a lot of eyeliner. It seems that many people knew he had come to Hangzhou City, and he knew that he came to Hangzhou city to deal with Zhang family.

"It's different in the information age. I just arrived at Zhang's home, and there were so many people who arrived before me. What's more, there are quite a few people, at least over a hundred? "

He Feng tut tut exclaimed that when he was in the Department's house before, there were only a few people who watched the excitement.

Now in Zhang's house, as soon as he arrived, more than 100 spectators gathered.

Moreover, some of them have extraordinary bearing, their eyes are shining, and their accomplishments are definitely not low.

In cicada forest Province, there are three high ancient martial families. He Feng is not surprised that there are several Huajin masters outside Zhang's family.

"There are several masters outside the Zhang family. What about inside the Zhang family? Zhang Jiaming knew that I wanted to seek revenge for them, but he had not yet chosen to escape. He must have relied on them. I'd like to see what the Zhang family relies on... "

Thought, he Feng step forward, in a road under the gaze of the eyes, toward the door of the chapter.

As he Feng goes to Zhang's house, the hidden figures come out and stare at him excitedly.

"Is He Feng? Tut Tut, you look so young. It's said that you are only 26 years old. I envy such a young master. "

"There's nothing to envy. He's the key target of the royal family's he family. It's quite normal for him to reach the level of strength at the age of 26. At least, it's not "not necessarily. I heard that the master of the wood family is still in the wood family, and none of them has left the wood family. In particular, Mu's ancestor, who is said to be an old master of Huajin's later cultivation, appeared in the hangqiu Martial Arts Association half an hour ago. Now he should still have tea with the president of the martial arts association. "

"You're stupid. There's not only one master in the Mu family. As far as I know, there are three masters in the Mu family. And the wood family is a family that has been inherited for more than 300 years. God knows how many strong masters they have. Maybe they have reached the bottom line of promotion, and there are more than ten masters. "

"This... Is really possible, but even if the wood family sent the master to the Zhang family, they certainly dare not hurt he Feng. He Feng is a child of the he family. Of course, it's not realistic for He Feng to want to kill as much as he did in his family. "

For these people's comments, he Feng naturally heard, but he did not pay much attention.

"The wood family? If they only sent the master of Huajin in the early stage to take charge, the result of the Zhang family would not be different from that of the Si family. If it's in the middle of Huajin period... Then he'll show a little stronger fighting power. For example, I'll show the strength of refining eight weights as well? "

He Feng murmured.

As for Zhang's final result, it is still the same.

"Stop, you, who are you?"

When he Feng went to the gate of Zhang's house, the guards who had already guessed his identity asked uneasily.

He Feng glanced at them and frowned: "don't you Zhang's family have guessed that he Feng will come to you for revenge? Now I all appear outside the gate of your Zhang's house, pretending not to know me? Is your acting too fake? "

"What? Are you He Feng

"You, you really come to our Zhang family?"

"Quick, report to the owner. He Feng is here."

As soon as the guards heard he Feng say his own name, they were all in a panic. Without saying a word, they ran away, fearing that they would be eaten if they didn't run away immediately.

"Damn, this acting skill is really boastful. You Zhang Jiaming invited the master of the wood family to take charge, and even pretended to be so scared. Do you really think he Feng is an idiot?"

He Feng rolled a white eye, also don't bother to delay time, step followed behind, into the door of the chapter.

He wanted to see what the Zhang family was up to.


However, as soon as he entered Zhang's house, he felt a strange energy, as if it had come into being out of thin air, and immediately enveloped the whole Zhang's house.

In an instant, all the breath of the Zhang family was covered, and even the whole Zhang family became confused and quiet in the eyes of outsiders.

At this time, when you look at Zhang's family from the outside, you feel that Zhang's family has become a scroll of paintings. As long as the people inside don't step out of the door of Zhang's family, you can't see any of his actions in Zhang's mansion.

As for what kind of battle is going to break out inside, no matter how fierce the battle is, no matter how loud the voice is, there is no sense of it outside.

Not only he Feng sensed the changes of Zhang's family, but also the people watching outside felt some abnormalities.

"What's going on? Why did the Zhang family suddenly become so quiet? "

"Yes, I could feel some ambience before, but now I can't feel anything. I feel that Zhang's family has become an empty shell."

"He Feng's figure could be seen just now, but as soon as he entered the gate of Zhang's house, he disappeared, as if he had suddenly moved away."

Everyone was shocked.

Not far from Zhang's residence, a group of people came out slowly. They were keixian Yamamoto and Qianshan.

"Mr. Yamamoto, what's the status of the Zhang family? Can you see that? " It was not Qianshan who asked, but an old man.

An old man in his eighties!

If Gu wuzhe of hangqiu city saw him, he might recognize his identity.

The owner of the wood family, the end of the wood sea.

A master in the later period of Huajin!

"This is the mysterious array. It should be the mysterious array of the earth class."

"Can you be sure that he Feng has just arrived in hangqiu city?" Yamamoto said

"Sure, we have been tracking the whereabouts of He Feng. He had been in Jiangbin city before. He left Jiangbin city until today. First he went to Beichang City, and then he came to hangqiu city." Qian Shan's affirmative way.

"That's a little strange. Did the master of he family arrange this mysterious array in advance? But it shouldn't be. If it's arranged by the he family, why didn't they arrange it at the Si family, and when they arrived at the Zhang family, they did it again? "

Mr. Yamamoto is really confused.

This is the mysterious array of the earth level. It's hard for ordinary high-level ancient martial families to arrange it.

For example, Mu Haiya, the ancestor of the Mu family of the high ancient Wu family, can't even recognize this mysterious array.

"Can the Zhang family invite the experts of the royal family or the eight sects to help them?" Yamamoto asked.

In the kingdom of China, except for the four royal families and the eight sects, Yamamoto does not think that anyone else can arrange the earth class's mysterious array.

As for the ancient people

Yamamoto didn't think about it. The ancient clan is too mysterious. It's more secret than the eight sects. It's just a middle-class ancient martial family. It should not be able to contact the ancient clan.

"Hey, whether it's the four kings or the eight sects, they are fighting each other anyway. Tut Tut, Chinese people have known to kill each other since ancient times. It's interesting. I'll watch the fun outside first. When they're finished, I'll go in and take care of their defeated group. "

Keihyun Yamamoto scorned sneer, and then silently waiting, also not anxious.


"Is this the mysterious array? Besides, it's a terrace. "

After he Feng stepped into the Zhang family, he also noticed the abnormality in the Zhang family, which made him feel a little surprised, "is the higher family of China so rich? Even the earth level array master has it? "

Master of array, they have Dragon Island, but there is only one, that is, rebirth.

The five elements and eight trigrams, medical array, Xiangshu and traditional Chinese culture are all proficient in Huisheng, and they are extremely gifted. But in the whole Shenlong Island, they can no longer find the Zhang family to arrange such an array. We can already see their attitude. It should be to invite the king into the urn, and then catch the turtle in the urn. When he Feng dies, people outside don't know who killed him, At most, I doubt the Zhang family.

But smart people all know that the Zhang family certainly does not have this strength.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

At this time, a burst of rapid footsteps sounded, Zhang first-class with a group of Zhang family elders, as well as a group of dark shadows came.

In front of a few buildings, but also out of a head, armed with guns, aimed at He Feng.

"He Feng, even if you go to the Secretary's house, our Zhang family is not the place for you. Today you come to my Zhang family, you can't hurt anyone."

Chapter first-class staring at He Feng looked for a few seconds, immediately cold mouth way.

He Feng shook his head, "Why are you so nervous? When did I say that I came to your Zhang family to kill people?"

Zhang first-class Leng next, "that you come all the way to our Zhang family to do?"

He Feng looked at Zhang first-class like an idiot, "can you ask such an idiot's question? I've come to your Zhang family to avenge and kill people, of course. "

"You... You played with me?"

Zhang's face became ugly in a moment.

He Feng not only played with him, but also called him an idiot. Zhang first-class wanted to start immediately.

But he knew very well that the person standing in front of him was not an ordinary person, but a powerful master of seven levels of physical training. Although he was the peak of dark strength, he was afraid that one or two of them would die in front of him.

"Yes, brother Feng is playing with you. If you have the ability, you can kill me." He Feng casually laughs, a trace of weak mental power scattered away, looking for the Zhang family hidden in the dark master.

I've already stepped into the sky covering array. Why don't I show up? Playing hide and seek with brother Feng?

Chapter first-class see he Feng a little face also don't give him, angry face all black.

If I had enough strength, I would have killed you long ago. Where can I get you to be reckless here?

"Mr. Lin, why don't they do it? Isn't he Feng already here? Do you really want to wait for He Feng to do it first, and then he will do it? "

Zhang Yiyi has some worries in his heart, but now Lin Zhiqiu and others are behind him. He is already on the way, and there is no turning back.

"He Feng, you are presumptuous. Don't think I dare not kill you. Now I can give you a chance to live. As long as you kneel in front of me and kowtow to apologize, I will let you leave Zhang's house alive. Otherwise, you will die today. "

Zhang took a deep breath and made a decision in his heart.

Since you have to do it, do it.

Zhang first class is actually quite clear, once the Lin family's hand, he Feng is absolutely doomed.

Because this mysterious array can not only shield their breath from the outside world, but also shield the signal. He Feng can't even call his family for help.

"Oh, are you getting tough? Ha ha, then be a little more tough. Let's do it. Brother Feng is already itching. " He Feng surprised to see the first-class chapter, said smilingly.

Just now, his mental power was detected, but because of the existence of the dark array, his mental power was hindered. A little mental power could not spread too far.

In order to find a few people, consume too much mental energy, he Feng and feel some not worth it, so also lazy to find.

Anyway, he has already entered Zhang's home. Sooner or later, the other party will do it.

Is it difficult for them to arrange such a ground level array just to watch the excitement in the array?

"Well, since you want to die, don't blame me."

Zhang Yiyi squinted and waved, "shoot!"

Even if he does it, he can't do it himself. He won't even let the elders around him do it. Instead, he will directly carry out a long-range attack.

"Bang Bang..."

As soon as the order came down, there was a lot of gunfire.

Flames flicker at the muzzle of the gun, bullets drop on the ground without money, making a clear sound of Ding Ding Ding, and countless bullets, like raindrops, spread all over the world towards He Feng.

Zhang Yiyi and others looked at the scene with a cruel sneer.

Although the master can avoid bullets, it depends on the situation.

One or two people shot at him, and he could get away.

But what about ten or twenty? It's not that difficult.

And one or two hundred people

How to hide?


Zhang first class now have a little regret, early know he Feng so easy to deal with words, before he should not go to wood home, white run.

I really don't know how the family of Si killed one or two hundred people. Is the family short of heat weapons? One or two hundred people, going to fight against the master?

Soon, Zhang knew he was wrong.

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