
He only felt a flash of black shadow in front of him, and he Feng's figure disappeared in his sight, and his breath also disappeared completely. He Feng's figure could not be captured by either the perception or the naked eye, and he Feng seemed to evaporate out of thin air.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

Countless bullets hit the ground and walls, leaving holes as big as fists.

They are all special guns, and the bullets are all alloy warheads, which are powerful.

However, so many bullets, no one hit he Feng, and even they can't find he Feng's figure.

"What about people?"

"What happened? How did it disappear all of a sudden?"

"Was that a blink? Are you kidding me? I'm fighting with someone who can blink? "

The voices of surprise rang out among the people of the Zhang family.

These people are extremely depressed, they clearly so many people, and all with guns, they thought he Feng would be beaten into a beehive, but do not want a bullet did not hit each other, now the other side has disappeared in their sight.

Crisis rises in everyone's heart.

"Danger, be careful!"

Zhang shouts subconsciously. He always feels that the situation is not right. He stands back to back with several elders, running vigorously, with a dignified face.

"Actually, I won't blink, just a little faster."

At this time, a voice sounded in the void.


Then came the sound of sharp weapons cutting the flesh and blood.

A son of Zhang family was robbed by He Feng of a dagger on his waist and cut his throat.

He couldn't even make a sound, so he covered his throat and fell into a pool of blood.

The rifle and pistol in his hand fell to He Feng.

"Bang Bang Bang..."

The gun shot again.

This time, the bullet did not shoot empty, each bullet was extremely accurate into the human body.

Scream, is also constantly sounded.

Moreover, when the gunfire rang out, it lasted for more than half an hour without stopping.

It's just that when we get to the back, the gunfire is getting thinner.

The smell of blood permeates the whole Zhang family.

Zhang first class looked at the familiar figures falling down, his eyes were red.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin, you have to kill him quickly..."

Zhang first class almost roared.

That Lin Zhiqiu told him before, he Feng as long as a hand, Lin family people will immediately kill He Feng.

But now the Zhang family are dying, Lin family shadow he did not see.

"Mr. Lin? Is it the Lin family? No wonder it's the Lin family of the royal family who can arrange this mysterious array. The action is quite fast. It's only a few days. I've come to kill brother Feng. "

Hear chapter first-class shout, he Feng mouth raised a smile.

Before, he thought that this mysterious array was arranged by the high ancient martial family, but he didn't expect that it was the Lin family.

The royal family really has the strength to arrange the mysterious array of the ground level.

"The Lin family arranged such an array to isolate the breath. It seems that they want to kill me unconsciously, and they don't want the he family to know. The sudden appearance of a double myth of true Qi in the he family should make them feel scared, right

He Feng glanced at Zhang first-class, some sympathy for this guy, "since the Lin family doesn't want to let outsiders know that they killed me, how can they leave a living for Zhang family? Ah, brother Feng, I'm kind. I didn't kill many people in the family. "

Thinking of this, he Feng pulled the trigger again.

Bullet, again shoot out, will only a few chapter family children to kill.

"Pooh! Poof! Poof

Then, the bullet began to sink into the elder Zhang's body.

In the face of the master level sharpshooter, even the strong one at the top of the dark strength can't avoid his bullets.

In the blink of an eye, three Zhang family elders were killed by bullets on the spot.

"Run! Run away... Zhang family, run away! "

At this moment, Zhang first-class finally completely understood that Lin Zhiqiu not only wanted to destroy He Feng, but also his family.

I thought Lin Zhiqiu would be the Savior of Zhang family!

How naive!


With Zhang's order, several elders rushed around without hesitation, trying to escape from Zhang's home.


Zhang Feihe, Zhang's first-class son, is running to the gate of Zhang's family and is about to rush out. A figure suddenly flashes in front of him and claps him with one palm.


Several other elders of the Zhang family were also photographed on the ground, and two of them died on the spot.

Zhang's family killed he Feng. At this time, only Zhang first-class, Zhang Feihe and two elders were left.

But soon, the two seriously injured elders were trampled to death by an old Lin family man.

At the same time, two Lin family elders rushed to Zhang Feihe and Zhang Yiyi respectively.

He Feng, who is ready to shoot Zhang Yiyi and others, sees this scene, opens his mouth and immediately throws the gun to the ground.

It seems that the remaining few people don't need brother Feng to fight any more.

"Lin Zhiqiu, you are not a human being. You are a beast. God will not let you go."

Zhang first-class knew that the Lin family old man was the master of Huajin. He didn't dare to fight. He turned around and ran without saying a word. At the same time, he swore loudly.


A figure appeared in front of Zhang first-class, kicking him to the ground.

It was Lin Zhiqiu.

"I don't know if God will let me go, but today I won't let you go." Lin Zhiqiu said lightly.

Zhang first class covered his chest and stood up, coughing up a mouthful of blood. He looked at Lin Zhiqiu with resentment on his face, and his heart was full of regret.

Knowing this, he took the initiative to find he Feng, apologized to him and admitted his mistake. It is estimated that he Feng will also give them a free hand like the family of the forgiveness department, as long as he pays a little price.

At this moment, he was a little jealous of what happened to his family.

"Zhang's children, run away from Zhang's family and tell the world that he Feng was killed by Lin's family."

Zhang first-class stares at Lin Zhiqiu for two seconds, feeling the killing in the latter's eyes. Knowing that Lin Zhiqiu can't let go of himself, he immediately takes a breath and yells.

However, when Zhang's voice fell, he felt something was wrong.

His voice was very loud. With all his strength, his voice shook ten li. At this moment, his voice reverberated around. Everyone in the Zhang family could hear it clearly.


Zhang first class did not hear any response.

There was no sound at all!


There is a voice that rings out. It's not someone in the Zhang family's response to his voice, but his son Zhang Feihe, whose throat is pinched by Lin Wufang.

"Dad, i... I'm sorry for the family."

Zhang Feihe covers his throat, says a word difficultly, and then falls to the ground.


This is Zhang's eldest son. His cultivation talent is at the top of his family. In his early 50s, his dark strength is at its peak, and there is hope for his future strength.

But now, he's dead.

White hair to black hair!


Lin people can't let him leave alive.

"What about my family? Lin Zhiqiu, what did you do to my Zhang family? Why didn't anyone respond to me? "

At the thought of some possibility, Zhang's body was shaking and his eyes were full of panic.

As he spoke, he kept shaking his head, as if praying that what he imagined would not happen.

However, Lin Zhiqiu's reply made him feel as if he were dead.

"From now on, there will be no Zhang family in the world. Your people, who stay in Zhang's house today, have no one to live except you. " Lin Zhiqiu said without expression.


Plain voice, fell in Zhang's ears, but like thunder, roaring.


All dead?

No one alive?

"How could that be? Lin Zhiqiu, you, you are not human, you are the devil, and God will not let you go. "

Zhang's eyes are bleeding.


What a beast!

He risks being dealt with by the he family in the future. He is kind-hearted to help him deal with He Feng. He even kills the Zhang family.

In addition to these ancient warriors, there are hundreds of ordinary people in the Zhang family, and even old and young women and children.

How can he do it?

Even he Feng, who was in the family of Si, just killed the warrior. No ordinary man was killed.

"Lin Zhiqiu, I'll fight with you."

Suddenly, Zhang shouts, gathers all his energy, gathers on his fist, and rushes madly towards Lin Zhiqiu.

"Shake the tree!"

Lin Zhiqiu sneered with disdain. With a wave of his hand, Zhang first-class, the most powerful man in the dark, flew out behind him.


Zhang first class fell to the ground, his face pale, his mouth kept coughing up blood, his breath plummeted.

Lin Zhiqiu's casual hand had already abandoned his elixir field.

Zhang's face is full of pain and reluctance.

"Why? Why is that? God, what did I do wrong? Do you want to destroy my family? "

Zhang shouts feebly.

"It's not God who wants to destroy your Zhang family. It's Lin Zhiqiu who wants to destroy it. However, for you Zhang family, I am Lin Zhiqiu. Since I want to destroy you, I am God. "

Lin Zhiqiu said indifferently.

"Lin Zhiqiu, you die!"

Zhang first-class hands suddenly appeared a knife, once again rushed to Lin Zhiqiu.

a beast at bay will put up a desperate fight!

"I said, now I am the day. There is only one way out to fight against heaven. "

Lin Zhiqiu's face was expressionless and raised her hand slowly.

With his arm raised, there seemed to be a huge wave in his body, which broke out a terrible power. He didn't use any strength, but the ground under his feet was suddenly sunken.


Lin Zhiqiu looks at Zhang first-class like a mole ant, and he wants to take a picture.

In the middle of Huajin's reign, the free blow was far more than that of the great master in the early period of Huajin. Even in the heyday of Zhang's reign, he would surely die in front of this hand.

And now the first-class chapter, Dantian has been abandoned.

If this slap falls on Zhang, he will die.


At this time, a dark shadow suddenly flashed in front of Lin Zhiqiu, and then Lin Zhiqiu found that his palm was empty.


Five meters in front of him, he Feng was carrying Zhang first-class like a chicken. He said with a smile: "he seems to be the owner of Zhang family, right? I came to the Zhang family today just to get revenge. Although I have killed many people in the Zhang family, none of them has admitted their mistakes to me. Therefore, the master of the Zhang family, you can't kill him. I need to hear him apologize to me before he can die. Besides, he can only die in my hands. You have no right to kill him. "


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