"It's rubbish. Brother Feng is about to fall asleep. Lin Zhiqiu, are you too weak? How dare you shout with my fourth uncle even with your strength? My fourth uncle can press you to death with one finger. "

He Feng shook his head and laughed, "but my fourth uncle is not so idle at ordinary times. He is a public servant of the people. He has precious time to serve the country. So today, I'll take care of you for my fourth uncle. "

This time, Lin Zhiqiu did not refute He Feng's words.

They are all kicked away. No matter how tough they are at this time, they will only be laughed at.

"Grandfather six, I'm ashamed of you." Lin Zhiqiu looks at Lin Tianqing and says.

Although his sixth grandfather is not a myth, his status in the Lin family is not much worse than the myth. At this time, he still cares about Lin Tianqing's feelings.

After all, Lin Zhiqiu joined Tianlei sect in order to compete with his two elder brothers and several younger brothers, inherit his father's position and become the leader of the Lin family.

If he wants to be the head of Lin's family, he must get Lin Tianqing's support.

"Your strength is not bad, but he Feng is stronger. His combat effectiveness is no weaker than that of the later period of his ordinary strength. "

At this moment, Lin Tianqing also opened his eyes.

Eyes deep, but with endless light, ordinary people look, will immediately fall into.

With one look, Lin Tianqing can hypnotize ordinary people.

"Sixth master, why don't you... Let me take this He Feng and give it to master Zhiqiu?"

Lin Wufang said again.

Lin Tianqing took a look at him, "well, you five people try your best to take him, it's not a problem."

"Yes, we will take He Feng."

Lin Wufang nodded with a smile.

He Feng's strength, he also saw, in fact, the speed is comparable to the later period of Huajin, but in the strength, it is much weaker than the later period of Huajin.

Otherwise, just now Lin Zhiqiu is not a simple vomit a little blood, direct fall to the ground can not rise.

"No lack, no action, you two, join hands with me. The rest of us, we'll take a look at him and watch him escape. "

Lin Wufang immediately made arrangements.

Three people are enough to deal with He Feng.

Originally, he thought that he could do it by himself, but when he thought of Lin Tianqing watching, he didn't want to have any extraneous feelings, so he took the two Huajin together.

As for the other two strength of the initial stage, is to let them stare at He Feng to escape.

It seems to be a ground level array, but its main function is not to attack and defend. The ability to resist is not strong enough to stop the master's all-out attack.

Its main function is to cover up the breath. Because of this function, the whole Zhang family has been killed, and they don't notice anything wrong.

"I said, you guys, don't engage in a wheel fight. Let's fight together. Don't watch the opera beside that old man with dull eyes. You are the best when I see the people on the stage, aren't you? You can do it together. Otherwise, you have no chance to beat me. "

He Feng pointed to Lin Tianqing and said.

Although he felt that even if the other side shot together, there was no chance.

More than a dozen ordinary dark strength peak strong men are not the opponents of an ordinary primary master of Hua strength.

In the same way, more than a dozen ordinary top masters of Huajin are not rivals of the early myth of Zhenqi.

Lin family people, the total number of only seven, Huajin peak estimated that one or two.

He Feng, however, is not a myth in the early days of Yizhong.

"Don't pay any attention to this arrogant man. After we take him down, we will discard his limbs and Dantian, and beat him into a useless man. Let's see how arrogant he is."

Lin Wufang didn't pay attention to He Feng's meaning at all. He waved his hand directly, "start, fight quickly, fight for three breaths to win him."

Lin Wufang had already been the first to bear the brunt of the fall. He stepped on the ground fiercely, and his rickety body was still a little rickety. In an instant, his strength roared. When he rushed out like a shell, there was a big hole at his feet.

Blink of an eye, Lin no convenience appeared in front of He Feng.

Carry on the body of nine ring big knife, suddenly cut down, want to He Feng on the spot earthquake kill.

At this moment, his muscles and bones were singing together, and a steady stream of energy burst out from his bone marrow, which gathered on the broadsword, making the broadsword shine like the sun in the sky, sending out endless power.

Terror, shock!

Zhang first-class, the strong man at the top of dark strength, couldn't help swallowing.

Is this the later stage or the peak of Huajin?

It's too strong.

He felt the power of terror and felt like a mole ant.

If this move against him, Zhang first-class do not know whether they have the courage to compete with it.

"He Feng, I'm afraid it's dangerous!"

Zhang first-class heart some sympathy, there is a kind of despair.

But think about it, it seems that this is the expected outcome, right?

"After refining gas into the bone marrow, the power that can burst out is at least twice as strong as that in the middle of Huajin. If I had the cultivation of Huajin in the later period, how could I have been kicked by him just now? However, after killing this He Feng, I will go to the he Juncong to fight for life and death. After killing him, he family should be angry, but as long as I go back to tianleizong, no matter how angry they are, it's useless. He family, still want to rise? Dream

Lin Zhiqiu thought so, but his eyes didn't leave he Feng.

He wants to see with his own eyes the scene that he Feng is defeated by Lin Wufang, and then kill He Feng himself.


Facing Lin Wufang's all-out attack, he Feng looks calm, and he doesn't see any evasive action. When Lin Wufang's nine ring sword is about to fall on him, he Feng raises his hand.

A flick!


A crisp sound of gold and iron came out.

"Ah..." Lin Wufang cried out in pain, and his figure retreated.


In his hand, the nine ring sword, which weighs dozens of Jin, fell to the ground.

Lin Wufang holds his wrist tightly and looks at He Feng with shock.

Just now, he Feng at the critical moment, directly with his finger on the knife, and then Lin no convenient feeling a strong force to shock over.

That force, as if to pass directly through his arm, shook his whole body.

If he doesn't give up the knife, his whole body will suffer unprecedented damage, and his body may fall on the spot.

Rao is so. His tiger mouth was also seriously injured, and his bone marrow was injured. If he was not treated in time, he was afraid that he would leave sequelae.

"It's just a blow. Why are you shrinking so fast? Let's go on

He Feng's light smile sound rings in Lin Wufang's ear.

At the same time, Lin Wu feels that he Feng, who was several meters away, has appeared in front of him and slaps him.


This palm seems to be slow, Lin Wu Fang in the heart secretly sneer a, then want to dodge.


However, when he thought that he would be able to escape immediately, he Feng's palm had already fallen on his chest.

The terrible force poured into Lin Wufang's body.


Lin Wu Fang spat out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew out directly.

When he landed, his breath had dropped rapidly.

Dantian, abandoned.


After Lin Wufang's palm was abandoned, he Feng's body didn't stop at all. He rushed out again, and immediately came to the other four Huajin masters.

"Bang, bang, Bang..."

A series of dull sounds, one after another.

Before the four masters understood what was going on, they flew out.

When they land, the breath falls.

Similarly, the elixir field was abandoned.

Since then, all the five masters on Lin Wufang's side have been abolished.

"What? This, how is this possible? Lin Wufang was abandoned by him? " Lin Zhiqiu is silly.

What's going on here?

Shouldn't he Feng be seriously injured by Lin Wufang?

How is Lin Wufang abandoned by He Feng?


Not only Lin Wufang, but also Lin Wufang's four masters, the two middle and two early Huajin, had no resistance in front of He Feng. In the blink of an eye, they were abandoned.

What's going on here?

At this moment, Lin Wufang was a little flustered.

"This... This is true? Can't it be my eyes

Zhang first-class also shocked, rubbed his eyes, carefully looked a few times to make sure he was not wrong.

"The strength of He Feng is so strong? The five great masters of the Lin family didn't even have the strength to fight against him? How strong should he be? "

Zhang first class looked at He Feng, his face suddenly began to smile.

For the man who brought great disaster to the Zhang family, he even laughed and was very happy.

Aware of Zhang's first-class smile, he Feng takes a look at him.

A family owner, watching his family destroyed, hundreds of people in the family were killed, his son died in front of him, he Feng also sympathized with him, although this is Zhang first-class.

"Five of them have no resistance. You can kill them with this gun. Then, kill yourself. "

He Feng kicks a specially made AK at the foot to Zhang first-class, and says faintly: "as for the other two people, I'm going to kill them myself, don't you mind?"

"Of course, I have no idea. I'm satisfied to kill five people. Thank you, he Feng. "

Zhang first-class gratefully nodded to He Feng, and then quickly picked up the AK on the ground.

press the trigger!


"Master Zhiqiu, help me!"

"Spare my life!"

Lin Wufang and others roared.

"Bang Bang..."

There was a lot of gunfire.

Lin Wufang and other people's shouting, suddenly stopped.

The gunfire stopped.

Looking at Lin Wufang and others in the pool of blood, the smile on Zhang Yiyi's face is even worse.

These bastards are finally killed by themselves, which is revenge.

"Mr. He Feng, although you are the cause of the disaster of my Zhang family today, I still thank you. In addition, I would like to ask, what level of your strength have you reached? I wonder if you could tell me? "

Zhang first-class asked with some expectation.

Lin Wufang and others are all old masters in Huajin. Although Zhang first-class doesn't know their specific accomplishments, he also knows that they must be very strong.

But these powerful masters have no resistance in He Feng's hands. What about He Feng's strength?

Is it Huajin?


Beyond Huajin, reaching the legendary realm beyond the master, myth?

He Feng looked at Zhang first-class, frowned.

But soon, he said with a smile, "anyway, all of you can't leave, so I'll tell you."

When he Feng's words sounded, even Lin Zhiqiu and Lin Tianqing raised their ears.

Especially Lin Tianqing, now looking at He Feng's eyes have been completely different.

Lin Tianqing is the peak of Huajin, refining Qi into the viscera. In addition, he is a master of the earth level array, with strong mental power, comparable to the earth level pharmacist.

Rao is so, if let him fight with Lin Wufang, he must go all out, in order to defeat Lin Wufang in one move.

It's just

He can't just as easily discard Lin Wufang and the other four masters' Dantian as he Feng.

But he Feng did it!

Or, he Feng's accomplishments are higher than him.

Or, is He Feng's speed is too fast, fast to Lin Wufang reaction.

But no matter which point, it is enough to show that he Feng's strength is too strong, he is not sure that he Feng can be defeated.

Now, he just wanted to know how far the cultivation of the young man of he family had reached the top.

Is it the peak of Huajin like yourself?

As for myth

It should be impossible.

Lin Tianqing did not dare to believe the myth of 26 years old.

"My accomplishments are as you think."

Lin Tianqing doesn't believe it, and he Feng doesn't answer Zhang first-class, just casually.

However, Zhang first-class is not as complicated as Lin Tianqing thought. He is just guessing whether he Feng has reached the realm of the legend.

"Really, it's true. I didn't expect to see the legend of martial arts walking in the world in my lifetime. Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha

Zhang first-class laughed loudly, then he stood up straight and bowed deeply to He Feng.

He Feng looked at Zhang first-class, also did not avoid, let him bow.

He knew that Zhang's bow was not for He Feng, but for his martial arts realm.

Myth realm!

When Zhang Yiyi stood upright again, he raised the muzzle of the gun and pointed it at his jaw.


The bullet went through his head and exploded, then he fell straight.

Zhang family, all destroyed!

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