"It's just the two of you!"

He Feng looked at Lin Zhiqiu and Lin Tianqing, "let's do it. I'll go home early to accompany my wife after playing."

"He Feng, I admit that your strength is very strong, even stronger than I imagined."

This time, Lin Zhiqiu is no longer the speaker, but Lin Tianqing, who has an old and deep voice.

Lin Tianqing's eyes flashed, "originally, I thought you were the most powerful. I sent out so much power, and I also came here personally to encircle you, which is enough to see that I attach importance to you. But unexpectedly, your strength is still beyond our expectation. He Feng, I'd like to know if you are the children of he family? If you are not a direct descendant of the he family, but just a genius they casually find, why don't you come to our Lin family. Our Lin family can not only let you go to the sect to practice, but also give you endless training resources, so that you can enter the myth in the shortest time, and enter the realm that countless ancient martial artists dream of. How about that? "

Lin Tianqing has never heard of He Feng. He thinks he Feng is probably just a genius he's looking for outside, not his family.

If so, why can't their Lin family dig it up?

Lin Tianqing continued: "although your strength is strong, I'm not afraid to tell you that our Lin family is stronger. In our Lin family, there are ten mythical people who are stronger than he family. It's not a wise choice for you to help the he family fight against our Lin family. Even if you are lucky today and can survive, what about next time? At that time, our Lin family will know that you have such a high talent, and you will have to fight against our Lin family. Then our Lin family will come to deal with you again, not my Huajin master, but a myth. Myth, you will only die

"Lin family has ten myths?"

This, he Feng is really surprised.

Isn't it true that there are only ten masters in the four royal families?

When did it become a myth of ten?

It's too deep, isn't it?

"Yes, the strength of our Lin family is beyond the imagination of the outside world. Moreover, the ten myths are just the strength of our Lin family, and we also have side branches. Some of the long-standing side branches also have myths. For example, the side branch from our Lin family finally developed into an ancient tribe. How strong their power is, even our master's family is not very clear. "

Lin Tianqing said with a haughty smile: "in addition, in addition to the master's family and the side branches, some of our Lin family have entered the clan. Some of their children have even stayed in the clan for hundreds of years. They are all myths. "

Hearing this, he Fengcai deeply understood the power of the royal family.

The development of hundreds of thousands of years, the royal heritage, far beyond anyone's imagination.

I'm afraid even the current owners of the royal family don't know how strong their family is.

"Lin family is so strong, where can he family be weak? At least, the strength of the old man can not be underestimated by the Lin family. But Lin family should not know how strong he family is? "

He Feng looked at Lin Tianqing and asked, "if I want to go to your Lin's house, can you really give me endless cultivation resources?"

Lin Tianqing said, "if you don't say more, there will be no less resources for you to practice mythology."

"Yes? Then you can transfer hundreds of billions to me now. I'll go back to your Lin's house. "

"What did you say?"

Lin Tianqing's face suddenly became ugly, "are you playing with me? I really think you have the strength of Huajin peak. I'm afraid you won't succeed? "

In Lin Tianqing's view, he Feng's strength is the peak of Huajin.

Even a little better than him, he is not afraid.

As an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, how can there be nothing pressing the bottom of the box.

"To fool you? Are you kidding me? Don't you say that as long as I go to Lin's, you will give me endless cultivation resources? Now I've promised you to go to Lin's house and ask you to give me hundreds of billions. I'm going to buy cultivation resources myself, but you don't agree. Are you kidding me? "

He Feng cold way: "I He Feng from small to big, has never been teased.". If you play with me now, I won't forgive you when you are old. "

"Presumptuous, he Jia'er, you are too rampant."

Lin Tianqing angrily rebuked, and his look was hard to see the extreme.

"Sixth grandfather, if you are sure, kill him directly."

Lin Zhiqiu whispered beside Lin Tianqing: "at the age of 26, he has reached the peak of Huajin. This talent is no worse than my invincible uncle. Combined with the careful cultivation of the he family, maybe they can really develop their true Qi and enter the myth just like Uncle Wudi before the age of 30. In the future, it will definitely become a big threat to our Lin family. "

"Twenty six years old, myth..."

Lin Tianqing murmured, the deep eyes gradually narrowed up, flashing sissen cold killing.

Yeah, I almost forgot about it.

The young man in front of him, who is only 26 years old, is the key training object of the he family. In time, he will be able to achieve the myth.

If this time let him leave, after Lin family can find such a good chance to kill him?

I'm afraid it's hard!

"In that case, I'll pay a little price today and leave him here."

Lin Tianqing's palm turned, and a special wooden magic cube appeared in his palm.

This Rubik's cube looks ordinary, but it seems to contain a mysterious force.

"This is a foreign soldier?"

Lin Zhiqiu saw the imitation, and his eyes brightened, "is it like this strange soldier on sixth grandfather's hand? Three years ago, when he became a master of earth level array, uncle Wudi brought it to him from the clan. However, it seems that the sixth grandfather has never used this strange soldier since he got it. I don't know what kind of power he has. Can the sixth grandfather directly kill He Feng by relying on this strange soldier? "

Foreign soldiers are also soldiers, but they are not ordinary soldiers. Ordinary soldiers must be inspired by those who are armed to form combat effectiveness.

But the alien soldiers are different, because the alien soldiers themselves contain attack power, as long as they have the energy to guide the attack power inside.

An ordinary ancient warrior in the early Ming Dynasty can kill the master if he has powerful foreign soldiers.

Different soldiers are too precious. Even he Feng doesn't have a different soldier in his hand.

However, he Feng had seen a strange soldier, because he had one in his life, which his master gave him to protect his life.

He Feng clearly remembers that when they were still in the dark and had not yet broken through to the great master, they were suddenly chased by three or four great masters. When they could not escape, they were seriously injured and were about to be killed, Huisheng took out the strange soldier.

It's a silver needle, hidden in the reincarnation needle box.

When the silver needle appeared, he Feng saw a light coming out of the silver needle.

Then the three masters fell down.

Therefore, when he Feng saw Lin Tianqing take out a common magic cube, his heart became alert.

"Is this a strange soldier?"

As soon as he Feng's pupil shrinks, the real Qi in his body is ready to use it at any time.

I'm kidding. In the early Ming Dynasty, the ancient warrior could kill the master with a strange soldier. A strong man with the highest strength could kill the myth with a strange soldier in his hand.

He Feng doesn't want to be a myth of being killed by a master. He can't afford to be a negative textbook.

"Well? Do you even know the existence of alien soldiers? It seems that you are really valued in the he family. The he family even told you about the strange soldiers. You know, even among the eight sects, not every disciple of the inner sect has a strange soldier. Of course, the mythical soldiers of different ranks can't be inspired without enough accomplishments. "

Lin Tianqing light smile, "however, I take this person rank different war soldiers, under the myth, I can cut. Even if it's a myth that has just stepped into the realm of true Qi, I can fight against it. "

"Only under myth can we kill?"

He Feng hears Lin Tianqing's words, but is relieved. Brother Feng is almost not scared to death by you.

It seems that foreign soldiers are strong and weak. Not all foreign soldiers can kill as many people as possible.

Lin Tianqing see he Feng not only not nervous, but also a face relaxed, not from doubt.

What happened?

Shouldn't he be scared to run for his life?

"Hum, I'll make you kneel in front of me and beg for mercy when I beat you down with my treasure."

Finish saying, see Lin Tianqing to turn the Rubik's cube in the hand.


As soon as the Rubik's cube turned, brilliant colors burst out from it, and mysterious and strange energy spread out, and instantly enveloped the whole Zhang family.

At this moment, the whole Zhang family's sky, flowing with different colors of light.

From the outside, the Zhang family seems to be shrouded in clouds.

"What is it? What happened to the Zhang family? How come all of a sudden there are so many clouds? " Qian Shan asked suspiciously.

"Xuan array, this is Xuan array, at least above the ground level. What's more, it's the most complicated magic array in the mysterious array. The Zhang family invited an array master who can arrange the magic array of the ground level to come? "

The answer is muhaiya. Muhaiya is a little involved in the array, so he can see it at a glance.

"Earth level magic array? Wasn't there a big sky covering array before? How to arrange a magic array again? Haven't the people of Zhang family killed he Feng yet? " "Yamamoto Guixian some doubts," He Feng is not just refining body seven heavy? A strong person who can arrange the magic array of the earth steps must have strong mental power, at least he must have the later cultivation of Huajin. This kind of strength, kill a refining body seven heavy He Feng, not too long? "

When he heard this, Mu Haiya was puzzled.

"Forget it, just wait."

Keizo Yamamoto frowned.

He's feeling something's wrong now.


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