"Sixth grandfather, what array is this?"

Lin Zhiqiu looked up at the twinkling streamers in the air, and felt that even he had some despairing power. He could not help but asked with palpitation.

"Magic array of earth steps!"

Lin Tianqing replied.

Rubik's cube is really a strange weapon, and it is specially for the array. You can arrange the mysterious array in advance, and then the Rubik's cube can absorb the array.

When fighting with people, if you encounter a strong enemy and can't beat others, you can release the array from the Rubik's cube. The array takes shape every minute and forms attack power.

Of course, the longer the array stays in the Rubik's cube, the weaker the power of the array.

"Can the magic array of the earth steps kill him?" Lin Tianqing also knows the power of the earth level array, but the magic array is a magic array after all, and its attack power is very weak.

How to kill a master with the highest power by relying on a magic array?

"My magic array is not an ordinary one. Just look at it. Before long, he Feng will become the fish on the chopping board and let us slaughter him. "

Although Lin Tianqing's voice was flat, she was proud.


At this time, a purple cloud, like a pitching, across the void, in the blink of an eye came to He Feng.

Outsiders see such a scene, but in He Feng's eyes, it's not the clouds that rush to him, but a giant toothed tiger that roars in the mountain forest and is more than three meters high.

He Feng can feel that the fierce breath from the giant toothed tiger has reached the level of higher fierce beast, and can threaten the master of Huajin peak.

"High beast? That Lin family old man's magic cube inside, is hide high fierce beast? Damn, where is this ordinary alien soldier? "

He Feng looks rather ugly.

But at this time, he couldn't help thinking, because the giant toothed tiger had rushed to him, opened his mouth and bit his throat.

"Go away!"

He Feng a fury, raised a hand to clap at the huge tooth tiger's forehead.


The giant toothed tiger fell straight to the ground.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh


However, he Fengcai just killed a giant toothed tiger, and immediately a group of giant toothed tigers appeared, roaring towards him. The sharp claws of the tiger were shining with cold luster.

He Feng frowned and looked at the giant toothed tiger that was killed by him. It didn't look like it was fake.

"But how can so many giant toothed tigers suddenly appear here? This is not in the mountains and forests will appear fierce beast, this Lin family people how can take so many in the side? Is he a beast master, and the strange soldier in his hand can hold a lot of fierce beasts in it? "

He Feng murmured.

The functions of alien soldiers are various. They can not only launch attacks, but also store living things.

However, the alien soldiers who can hold the living things must be the top class. How can they appear in the hands of only one Huajin master?

It's hard for ordinary mythical strongmen to have alien soldiers who can hold living creatures, right?


In his meditation, the giant toothed tiger has come to him.


He Feng helpless, temporarily also lazy to think, another palm fell.

With the surge of Qi and blood, he killed the giant toothed tiger with one palm, and then killed more than a dozen giant toothed tigers in succession. Each giant toothed tiger only needs one palm.

However, Lin Tianqing seems to have kept countless giant toothed tigers.

More than a minute later, he Feng killed more than 30 giant toothed tigers, but there are still one giant toothed tiger constantly appeared, and rushed to him.

"As a great master of Huajin, how did he raise so many giant toothed tigers? Did you come back from wholesale? "

He Feng's face is a little ugly. How long will it take?

"Hum, if you don't kill me, I'll catch the king first and kill the old Lin family first. I'd like to see if the giant toothed tiger, who was raised by him in a foreign soldier, could survive if he died? "

He Feng cold hum a, foot move, active kill to Lin Tianqing.

"You want to kill me? Dream

Lin Tianqing see he Feng rushed to himself, immediately know the latter's idea, immediately cold hum, mental power again into the Rubik's cube.

"Roar! Roar! Roar

More giant toothed tigers, dozens of them, appeared out of thin air and rushed to He Feng with a roar.

As everyone knows, Lin Tianqing is also shocked.

He thought that a dozen giant toothed tigers would be enough for He Feng to drink.

Although the giant toothed tigers killed by He Feng are all transformed from clouds, and will not cause any attack on the body, they are aimed at the mind and will of human beings, and can annihilate the spirit and vigor of human beings.

More than a dozen giant toothed tigers, should be able to let he Feng's energy and mental energy consumption?

But what happened?

In less than two minutes, more than 30 giant toothed tigers he got were killed, and he Feng didn't seem to have much consumption, so he still wanted to capture the king.

"He Feng's fighting power is really strong. There are more than 30 high-level fierce beasts, giant toothed tigers. If any great master of Huajin is surrounded, there is only one way to die. Even if it's fake, it can also use up its strength. Only the demigod who understands the unity of heaven and man can kill more than 30 giant toothed tigers. But it can't be done in less than two minutes. "

At this moment, Lin Tianqing's intention to kill He Feng is extremely strong.

Without understanding the unity of heaven and man and using the power of heaven and earth, the combat effectiveness is not weaker than that of the ordinary demigod.

It's definitely only a matter of time for such talents to enter the myth, and it won't be too long.


We have to kill!

Think of here, Lin Tianqing heart a ruthless, more spiritual force into the Rubik's cube.

Suddenly, dozens of giant toothed tigers appeared.

The whole Zhang family seems to have become a tiger garden, full of giant toothed tigers about three meters high.

"Damn, there are dozens more?"

He Feng was also shocked.

He wants to ask Lin Tianqing, where did you buy this giant toothed tiger? Can you tell brother Feng that brother Feng also wants to get dozens of them to watch the house.

"No, that power just now... Is mental power!"

He Feng no longer pays attention to the giant toothed tiger, but looks at Lin Tianqing.

At the beginning, Lin Tianqing didn't use much mental energy, he didn't feel it.

But just now, with Lin Tianqing's spirit exerting, he Feng clearly felt it.

As like as two peas of tiger teeth, the size of the giant tiger is almost the same.

And in these giant toothed tigers

He Feng felt it carefully. He didn't feel the power of Qi and blood. Instead, he felt an inexplicable energy.

"Shit! Even if you don't have the power of Qi and blood, how can you be a fierce beast? The reason why fierce beasts are fierce beasts is that their Qi and blood are far more powerful than ordinary beasts, which makes them have extremely powerful attack power. It's silly of brother Feng to be cheated so easily. "

He Feng light scolded a, and then looked at Lin Tianqing's eyes is not good.

Old bastard, dare to cheat brother Feng.

Lin Tianqing seems to be aware of He Feng's eyes, eyes are also toward him, light smile: "how, afraid? If you are afraid, you can ask for mercy. I can let you live. However, you have to let me imprison your strength first, and then I'll take you back to Lin's house. "

Lin Tianqing is a potential myth full of talent, but he still wants to attract it.

"Ha ha, your array is good. Should it be a magic array?"

He Feng didn't answer Lin Tianqing's words, but asked with a smile.

"Well? How could you see that? "

Lin Tianqing was a little surprised, and immediately sneered: "even if you can see it, my illusory array is real and empty. If you resist, it will consume your strength. But if you don't resist, although it won't consume energy, it will also wear out your spirit, and you will only become weaker. Therefore, now you have only one choice to submit to our Lin family. Only in this way can you live. "

He Feng light way: "is it? Then I'll give you a choice. You two will submit to me and give us a chance to live in this life. "

"Hum, if you don't kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistake, even if you are willing to take refuge in our Lin family, you won't survive."

Lin Tianqing snorted coldly.

With the sound of cold hum, the giant toothed tigers rushed to He Feng with extremely fast speed.

"Well, you are brave enough. Just now I told Zhang Yiyi about my true accomplishments. Why do you dare to continue to attack me? Do the Lin family like to die so much? " Seeing Lin Tianqing continue to attack, he Feng shook his head and sighed.

"True cultivation?"

Hearing he Feng's words, Lin Tianqing was slightly stunned.

He naturally remembers that he Feng said to Zhang Yiyi before, "my accomplishments are as you think.".

But Lin Tianqing didn't pay much attention to this. He felt that no matter how strong He Feng's cultivation was, he was the peak of Huajin.

Even now, Lin Tianqing still thinks he Feng is putting on airs.

"Even if you hide your strength, you are a demigod. But even if you are a demigod, you can't help me. I still have a way to get away. But you are bound to become the number one hunting target of our Lin family in the future. "

Lin Tianqing still doesn't care much.

But immediately, his face changed.


A huge roar suddenly rang out.

But the roar did not come from the giant toothed tiger.

It's he Feng!

The roar is as loud as an ape. It can be heard at least ten miles away.

After the sound sounded, the Zhang family's sky, out of thin air appeared a circle of energy ripples, violent ripples.


There was a slight shattering sound.

Then the energy in the air became disordered.

The mysterious array is about to collapse.


With the roar of He Feng, the dozens of giant toothed tigers that rushed to him turned into clouds, then dissipated in the void and became rich energy.

"Damn, this is... A mental attack?"

Lin Tianqing heard he Feng's roar, his face changed greatly, a panic from the heart, rising from his heart.

"Moreover, the strength of my mental strength is much stronger than mine. Even ordinary demigods are absolutely incomparable. " The more Lin Tianqing thought back, the more frightened he was, "did his cultivation really reach that level? No, no? He's only twenty-six years old

Lin Tianqing's heart is shaking!

At the age of 26, the four royal families hardly appeared. His nephew Lin Wudi said that only the peerless genius of the eight sects could enter the myth before he was 30.

"No, he will never be a myth. It's just that his mental strength has reached the level of myth. Because as long as we don't realize the unity of heaven and man and use the power of heaven and earth, no matter how strong our spiritual power is, it's not a mythical realm. " Lin Tianqing comforted herself in her heart.

If there is a 26 year old myth in the he family, the future of the Lin family will be in a bit of trouble.


At this time, Lin Tianqing clearly saw that a tiny energy vortex suddenly appeared over He Feng's head.

An inexplicable energy, out of thin air.

"This energy... This is the power of heaven and earth? He, he directly exerted the power of heaven and earth? "

Lin Tianqing is silly.

I rubbed my eyes hard, and my breath began to rush.

He has been in the Lin family for more than 100 years, and his cultivation is only one step away from the unity of heaven and man. In the Lin family, he often asks for some myths about the unity of heaven and man, and naturally has seen the power of heaven and earth.

And at this time he Feng shows the power, Lin Tianqing can't be more familiar with.

The power of heaven and earth!

It's the power of heaven and earth.

"He... He's not the peak of Huajin or demigod, but... Myth? He Feng is a 26 year old myth

Lin Tianqing murmured.

Not only Lin Tianqing, but also Lin Zhiqiu.

"Myth, he Feng is a myth! Damn, how could that be? "

Lin Zhiqiu really couldn't understand.

"Half god pill? It's worthy of being one of the four royal families. They even have Banshen pills. "

He Feng tut tut exclaimed.

All of a sudden, he looked up at the void and said, "the sky covering mysterious array is going to collapse. No, we have to make a quick decision. Otherwise, the news that I am a myth may be spread."

Read to this, he Feng no longer stay hand, real gas operation, instantly disappeared in place, lightning rush to Lin Tianqing.

Speed, Rao is Lin Tianqing, the strength of the peak, are scared.

The distance between the two has also been rapidly narrowed.

"How can he Feng be so fast?"?! The new myth of our Lin family didn't break out so fast, did it? Has He Feng broken through the myth long ago? "

Lin Tianqing thought, more and more afraid, what kind of monster is this?


While Lin Tianqing is thinking about this, he Feng's speed suddenly soars, and appears a few meters in front of Lin Tianqing in the blink of an eye.

Then, wave your hand and pat it gently.


Lin Tianqing felt that what he was patting was not a palm, but a piece of blue sky.

At this moment, heaven and earth are shaking.

The feeling of death finally rose from the bottom of Lin Tianqing's heart.

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