"What to do? He turned out to be a myth. No matter how good I am, even the demigod can fight against him. But in front of the real myth, I have to die. "

Lin Tianqing was afraid at last.

Seeing that he Feng's palm was about to fall on his body, Lin Tian's green face changed greatly. He yelled out: "stop! You can't kill me! Stop it

"Oh? Why can't I kill you? "

He Feng's palm slightly pauses on Lin Tianqing's head.

The mysterious array of covering the sky has been completely dispersed. The power of heaven and earth that appears here is felt by some knowledgeable people outside.

Therefore, he must make a quick decision to avoid Lin Tianqing divulging the news that this myth is his.

"I'm the elder of the Lin family. My brothers are all mythical. My nephew who has the best relationship with me is the true disciple of Tianlei sect. If you kill me, our Lin family will not let you go. He Feng, the main purpose of our Lin family to deal with you is not to see you grow up. But now, you have broken through the myth and really grow up, so our Lin family will never trouble you again in the future. Even, I'll remember you

Lin Tianqing in order to survive, old face all don't want to, "you think about it, I'm the master of the earth level array, with my personal feelings in the future will certainly help you."

Lin Zhiqiu's face was not very good-looking, but she didn't dare to say anything at the moment.

He is to kill He Feng, but now he Feng to beg for mercy, let he Feng forgive him, it is very shameless.

But after thinking about it, it's still important to live.

"The earth level array is really powerful."

Smell speech, he Feng agreed of nod.

Just now, he was trapped by the magic array for a while. If it wasn't for the other party's later use of mental power, which made him aware, he would be trapped for a while.

"So you promised to let me go, didn't you?" Lin Tianqing sees he Feng's hesitation and is happy.

It seems that there is a play.

He Feng nodded, "well, you can leave, but..."


"Can't leave alive!"


Voice just fell, he Feng's palm suddenly fell, light fluttering in Lin Tianqing's forehead.


The power seems not big, but Lin Tianqing's body seems to have a terrible energy explosion.

Then, the light in his eyes quickly dissipated, and his eyes were the same as at the beginning.

"Well, since you like to be absent-minded, you'll always be like this."

He Feng murmured, and his eyes fell on Lin Zhiqiu.

"He Feng, I..."


Lin Zhiqiu just opened his mouth, and he Feng cut his neck with a knife without hesitation, and killed him.

Now the mysterious array has spread, and he has also used the power of heaven and earth. At this moment, some people may be guessing whether he has reached the myth.

Therefore, he must solve the battle in Zhang's family in the shortest time, and then leave.

"Zhang's family, it's their own sin!"

He Feng's eyes swept around, and his mental power spread away, but he couldn't feel a living life.

There are hundreds of people in the whole Zhang family, none of them live.

"If they had confessed to me at the beginning, instead of trying to eradicate me with the help of the Lin family, they would not have died. People just can't be too confident, otherwise they will pay the price they can't afford. "

He Feng looks indifferent, in the heart only silk sympathy.

The destruction of the whole Zhang family is the price they paid for their choice.

When he came to Zhang's house this time, he had planned to get 100 billion yuan, but now he couldn't get a cent. As for Zhang's industries, he Feng estimated that nine of the last ten will fall into the hands of the state.

"Although I didn't get any money, the value of this Rubik's cube should be more than 100 billion, right?"

He Feng looked down at the Rubik's cube and was quite satisfied.

This Rubik's cube can store a ground level array.

The array stored in the Rubik's cube can be released at any time. It's equivalent to instant array, which is quite abnormal.

A magic array of the earth steps, even the myth of He Feng has been trapped for a while, what if the cultivation can't reach the myth?

The probability of being trapped alive is very high.

"I don't know if this Rubik's cube can store the sky level array. If it can store the sky level array, it's definitely a big killer." He Feng murmured.

This Rubik's cube, which he is ready to use by himself for the time being, is also of great help to his combat effectiveness.

As for Wang Xiangyun and others, he wants to, but controlling the array requires a high level of mental strength, unless he knows the array very well.

Wang Xiangyun, they don't know how to use their mental power, and they haven't even touched the array. Even if they store a sky level array in it, they can't work.

"When their mental strength is improved, my strength should also be stronger. At that time, I can't use this Rubik's cube, just for them."

He Feng murmured.

He estimated that if there was a magic array that Lin Tianqing had just displayed in this magic cube, with the help of the magic array, he would certainly be able to defeat the ordinary double initial myth of true Qi in a very short time.

You know, with his current strength, if he doesn't use killing moves, he will be able to draw with the ordinary Qi State in the early stage.

"The Lin family suffered a lot this time. I don't know if they will continue to send people to deal with me. Next time you send someone to do it, how can it be a myth? If they don't send the powerful double myth of true Qi, I can kill each other with their Lin family's Rubik's cube. But before that, I have to find an array master who can at least reach the ground level and help me get an array to put in. "

Thinking of this, he Feng doesn't stay in Zhang's house any more. He walks towards the outside.

He is going to go back to Jiangbin city to ask Er Bo to see if he family has any array masters above the ground level.


But at this time, outside Zhang's house, there were many people around, looking inside with a frightened face.

Although the door of Zhang's family was closed, they couldn't see anything inside, but a strong smell of blood came out from the sky of Zhang's family.

Even if separated by a high wall, they can smell the pungent smell.

How many people have to die to give off such a strong smell of blood?

"It seems that Zhang's house is completely quiet. Is the battle over?"

"Doesn't it mean that the Zhang family invited experts to help? Why is the smell of blood so strong? It's obvious that many people have died. "

"I'm afraid there's something wrong with the Zhang family this time. It seems that the mysterious array arranged in the Zhang family was broken by force."

"I don't know, but now that the battle is over, the door of that chapter's family should be opened soon. After a while, we'll see who comes out."

Many people are extremely frightened, staring at the door of the Zhang family.

They want to know who will open the door later.

"Mr. Yamamoto, the magic array of the Zhang family was really defeated by force?"

In a hiding place not far from the gate of Zhang's family, Qian Shan asked a little doubtfully.

Yamamoto did not answer Qianshan, but looked at the edge of the wood sea, "master wood, did you feel the strength just now?"

"What power?"

Mu Haiya asked a question in doubt.

"It seems that no one else on the court can feel the power except me."

Yamamoto Guixian tone dignified, "that is, the land of heaven and earth!"

"What? "The land of heaven and earth?"

Mu Haiya opened his mouth wide.

The power of heaven and earth represents a kind of energy, but it also represents a realm.


"Myth? Or demigod

Mu Haiya swallowed.

The demigod can also exert some of the power of heaven and earth, but the demigod is also terrible. One demigod is enough to fight against five or six ordinary peaks of Huajin.

As for mythology, even the weakest state of true Qi, the early mythology, can easily kill more than ten or twenty top masters of Huajin.

"Looking at the explosion degree of the power of heaven and earth just now, it should be a real myth, not a demigod." Keizo Yamamoto's face is a little ugly.

I thought that after he Feng left Jiangbin City, there should be no more myths around him.

Unexpectedly, just now he felt the breath of the power of heaven and earth, but also very rich.

"Mr. Yamamoto, do you mean that he Feng is surrounded by myths?"

Qianshan was also shocked. "However, according to my investigation, he Junxiang, the elder of he family, is clearly in Yanjing city."

Yamamoto glanced at him. "That only shows that your news is false."


Qian Shan opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to argue.

But mu Haiya guessed: "Mr. Yamamoto, is that myth invited by the Zhang family?"

Yamamoto asked, "which middle-class family of ancient martial arts have you met with a mythological background?"

"It seems that we haven't heard much about it in China."

Mu Haiya pondered and shook his head.

The guwu family with mythological background can not be just a medium-sized one.

"In this way, the myth is that he Feng is one of the people there." Mu Haiya worried: "next, what should we do? Do you want to stay here to find a chance to hunt He Feng, or do you want to

"If there is a myth around He Feng, then even with the strength of all of us, there is only a dish to deliver."

Yamamoto, who knows the power of myths and legends, says helplessly.

They have more than a dozen masters here, but he is the only one who is at the top of their strength.

If these ten masters are all at the peak of Huajin, they have the hope to kill He Feng in the eyes of a myth, regardless of casualties.

"So we're leaving now? Or wait for He Feng to come out? "

Mu Haiya saw that keixian Yamamoto was going to give up the task, which was a little relieved.

"Of course, we have to wait for him to come out first. Although we don't deal with him today, we have to look at the situation and try to kill He Feng another day."

Yamamoto Guixian said.

He Feng, he must have killed him.

He has already said in the prime minister's side, he Feng is not dead, he is dead.

In this case, even if there is a myth around He Feng, he will try to kill him.

"All right!"

Mu Haiya is helpless, but it's hard to say anything. It's just bitter in my heart.

To hunt and kill a person who has a close protection of myth, one bad thing is the end of the body.

There are few masters in their family who can do anything about it.

"The door of Zhang's family is open. Someone is coming out from inside."

At this time, the voice of Qianshan sounded.

Smell speech, Yamamoto Guixian and wood sea Ya hurriedly toward the front to see.

Sure enough, the door of Zhang's family had been opened.

All eyes converged towards the gate of Zhang's family.

We all want to see whether the people coming out of Zhang's family are Zhang's family or he Feng?


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