"It's he Feng. He Feng is out."

"There is a lot of blood on him. It seems that many people died in the Zhang family."

"For sure, I don't know how many people died."

"He won't kill all the people of he family, will he?"

"Shouldn't be. There are hundreds of people in the Zhang family. Does he Feng dare to kill so many people?"

When he Feng's figure appeared in people's sight, many people held their breath, but some people were talking in a low voice.

In this regard, he Feng did not pay attention.

His eyes swept over the crowd one by one, and his eyes were calm.

Because, he can feel, these people gathered at the door of Zhang's house, the vast majority of people just for the sake of watching, there is no hostility to him, he is also lazy to pay attention to.

However, when his eyes fell to a remote place, his eyes slightly stopped.

"A group of more than ten people gathered together, and each of them seemed very human. There were several people who were inexplicably intent on killing me, and the pertinence was very obvious. It seems that their purpose is very clear, that is to kill me. "

He Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

If these people are not hostile to him, no matter how strong these people are, he Feng will not care too much.

But since there is hostility to him, and it seems that his strength is not weak, he Feng naturally wants to keep an eye on him.

Of course, his vision quickly returned, did not stay too long, lest the other party noticed.

"Ladies and gentlemen!"

He Feng took two steps forward and stood outside the gate of Zhang's house. He said to the people outside: "I think you already know my identity. My name is He Feng and I come from Jiangbin city. Some people should have guessed my true identity, and I'm too lazy to hide it. I'm really a he family kid. "

"It's really the children of he family. The rumor is true."

"At the age of twenty-six, we have achieved the cultivation of master Heng Lian. In China, apart from the four royal families and the eight sects, which other forces can be cultivated? However, the strong men of the eight sects seldom walk in the secular world, and they are very likely to be children of the royal family. "

"The he family has kept a low profile for so many years. Now it seems that they are going to rise. Two days ago, a myth and legend first appeared, which shocked the whole ancient martial world of China. Now, there is a 26 year old master of horizontal training. It's amazing. "

"But what does it mean that the he family suddenly announced his identity in public?"

Most of the onlookers are experts from cicada forest province.

These people are strong and weak. The weak ones are only Mingjin cultivation, while the strong ones are the masters of some high ancient martial families.

Now we all have some doubts when we hear he Feng suddenly announce his identity.

He Feng continued: "many of you should know that I went to Si's home at noon and killed many people in Si's home. And now the Zhang family has been completely destroyed by me, and there is no one alive. "

The whole audience was shocked by this. Some people look at He Feng's eyes, showing panic, some people are very angry, but the Zhang family has some of their friends.

Of course, more people are more confused. Even if you kill so many people, why do you say it?

He Feng, of course, has to say that instead of being talked about behind his back, he would open up and say it.

"Originally, I didn't intend to destroy all the Zhang family, but they didn't know what to do. They not only sent experts to arrest my women to threaten me, but also invited experts to kill me when I came to ask for an explanation. If I had not been prepared, I would have been killed by them as soon as I got into Zhang's house. " He Feng said.

Smell speech, public eyes twinkle, faintly understand what.

"It's no wonder he Feng's attack is due to his hatred."

"He just said that if he had not been prepared, he would have been killed when he entered Zhang's house? What does that mean? Does it mean that he has resorted to external forces? "

"The one who can be called an expert by He Feng should be the master of array just now? What's he Feng's preparation for? "

A lot of people are guessing.

And not far away of Yamamoto Guixian, hear he Feng words, is completely sure.

"It seems that he Feng really has myths around him. It's very likely that before he stepped into the Zhang family, the myth of the he family had already entered the Zhang family ahead of time. " Yamamoto said in a low voice.

"Well, it should be." Mu Haiya echoed the road.

"However, did you just notice that he Feng's eyes seemed to stay with us for a long time?" Yamamoto asked.

Mu Haiya frowned and said, "shouldn't it? I feel that he spent almost the same time looking at everyone, and he didn't stay here too much. "

"Is it?" Yamamoto shook his head. "I hope I think too much. Forget it, now that we know the result, let's leave for a while. We'll discuss on the way, and then how to deal with He Feng. "


Immediately, a group of people quietly back, soon disappeared in the crowd.

Now that he Feng is protected by a mythical strongman, keixian Yamamoto is not in a hurry to deal with him immediately.

Outside the door of the Zhang family, he Feng takes back his eyes from keixian Yamamoto and others, and continues as if nothing had happened: "I'm not very good tempered. After all, I'm young and energetic. Many times I talk and do things impulsively, and I often offend people. Now I want to say to some of my enemies that I've offended you. I don't mind if you want to deal with me. Even if your accomplishments are better than mine and you want to pull me to fight for life and death, I don't mind. However, no matter what means you use, you can't hurt the people around me. Otherwise, I won't be as talkative as I am today, killing only a few hundred people. "

With these words, he Feng feels that the breath of Yamamoto Guixian and others has gradually gone away, so he doesn't say any more. He lightly touches the ground at his feet and quickly sweeps toward the back of the crowd.

Those people, obviously hostile to him, came to deal with him.

And each of those dozen people has extraordinary temperament. At first sight, they are not ordinary warriors.

Maybe more than a dozen great masters of Huajin!

If so, the origin of these people is certainly not simple.

It is impossible for ordinary forces to send out more than a dozen strong masters at one time.


At this time, a group of people, such as Yoshio Yamamoto, had already got on four ordinary Volkswagen cars and moved away from the Zhang family.

For fear of traffic jams or traffic lights, they chose a more remote path.

Anyway, they don't have a definite destination yet, just want to open the biggest distance with Zhang family in the shortest time.

"Mr. Yamamoto, are you sure that he Feng didn't find us?"

It's Mu Haiya.

Mu Haiya is a little nervous now. He has a kind of palpitation from his heart. It seems that something dangerous will happen soon.

Sitting in the back seat, Keizo Yamamoto looked in the rearview mirror. "Just now, we didn't show anything. How could he find us? And even if we find out, haven't we already left? Will he catch up? "

"Captain, it seems that someone is catching up behind, and the speed is very fast."

As soon as Yamamoto's words were finished, the vice captain of the convoy sitting next to him said.


Yamamoto quickly looked in the rearview mirror again.

Sure enough, a dark shadow appeared in the rearview mirror and rushed towards him at a very fast speed.

At this time, the distance between the two sides is still four or five hundred meters, but the distance is shrinking at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"Damn, it's too fast for me. Even the demigod can't have such a fast speed. His speed is absolutely mythical. " "Yamamoto said, immediately in front of the driver is driving said:" speed up, speed up, speed up to the fastest


After Yamamoto's order was given, the driver, who was a professional racing driver, stepped on the accelerator, the engine roared angrily, and the car drove ahead at a speed of more than 120 per hour.

"Captain, I still can't. the speed of the myth behind is faster. There is only less than 300 meters left." The vice captain said anxiously.

Muhaiya and Qianshan also looked back one after another. When they saw that the distance between them was getting closer and closer, their faces were not very good-looking.

"Such a fast speed must be a myth. What should I do? How do we get away next? " Dry mountain twists eyebrow way.

"Although we have more than a dozen Huajin masters here, only Mr. Yamamoto has reached the peak of Huajin and can't compete with him at all. Even if so many of us do it together, we will only be killed one by one. " The wood sea Ya sees to Yamamoto GUI virtuous say.

It's obvious that so many of us can't get together. We have to flee separately so that a group of people can survive.

Yamamoto's face is hard to see the extreme!

Of course, he knows what Mu Haiya said.

However, they haven't started to kill He Feng yet, so they are chased by He Feng's people and run for their lives. Isn't it too humiliating?

"Give me the order. Let's disperse and break up. As for the meeting place, it's outside the gate of Zhang's house at 0 o'clock tonight. " Yamamoto looked at the vice captain and said.

"Mr. Yamamoto, will it be a little risky to talk about the meeting place now?" Asked Qianshan, frowning.

He worried that if the people under Yamamoto's command were caught by that myth, the information would be forced to come out, and they might be killed in one pot.

"Shut up

However, as soon as Qian Shan said this, keixian Yamamoto grabbed him by the throat. "You can question our strength, but please don't question our loyalty to the Lord. Even if we die, we can't sell our faith. "

"Cough, I, I don't say..." Qian Shan's face turned red and waved his hand.

In the case of Keizo Yamamoto, he felt the real intention of killing.

He had no doubt that if he kept questioning, keizhen Yamamoto might kill him.

"Next time, I'll kill you." Yamamoto took a cold look at Qianshan, then released his hand, "order!"

The vice captain nodded, took out his mobile phone and sent a message in a group.

About ten seconds later, Keizo Yamamoto looked back and saw that the distance between He Feng and them was only 100 meters. He yelled, "run!"


"Bang dang..."

With his command, a road figure, from the four cars out of the rapid.

Then they scattered and fled in all directions. The speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, they crossed more than ten or twenty meters.



The three cars were out of control. The direction of the three cars deviated. The extremely fast speed made them overturn instantly, and one of them exploded directly.

This is the myth behind, of course, he Feng.

However, he changed his appearance by using real Qi. Now he looks like a middle-aged man.

Looking at that more than ten scattered escape figure, he Feng slightly Leng next.

"Damn, so determined, actually chose to run away directly?"

He Feng's face is muddled. He is ready to show his skill and leave all the ten great masters behind.

It's a shame. At least fight one more time.

"After which?"

He Feng's eyes swept around and looked at the speed of these people.

Later, he locked in two of his closest masters.

"Kill two first!"

Thinking in the heart, he Feng's two have been lifted up.


Between the heaven and the earth, there is another rumble, just like thunder, shaking people's eardrum.

The two masters who are locked in the breath by He Feng feel the strong breath of death, and suddenly know that it's not good.

"Long live my Lord!"

They suddenly raised their heads to the sky and roared.

"Bang! Bang

Voice just up, a terrible force of heaven and earth, from the sky, fell on the two people.

"Pooh! Poof

The two people vomited blood and fell directly on the ground.

One move killed the two great masters of Huajin. He Feng didn't bother to pay attention to them for the time being, and looked at those masters who had run further.

Although two of his companions were killed by He Feng, those masters who were running away did not stop at all. Instead, they ran faster.

Now the nearest one is more than 100 meters away from Hefeng.

After 100 meters, it will be more difficult for him to kill each other with the power of heaven and earth.

His mental strength can only cover 100 meters at most.

"In that case, catch up with one first. This one needs to be captured alive. "

He Feng glanced at the master Hua Jin who was running away, and then aimed at the person who was farthest away from him. His speed broke out and quickly caught up with him.

Judging from the strength fluctuation of the opponent, he should be the master of Huajin peak, and shiyoulianjiu is the leader of this group.


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