"Son of a bitch, is this the myth of the he family? It's disgusting. I killed my two brothers with one hand. "

At this time, is fleeing in Yamamoto Guixian's heart is full of resentment.

Just now he felt that he Feng used the power of heaven and earth to attack his two men and kill them.

If their cultivation reaches the peak of energy, that is, refining Qi into the viscera, they will not die but will be seriously injured in the face of He Feng's random attack.

But on the field he is such a peak of strength, the two men face he Feng's power of heaven and earth attack, there is no power to fight back.

"When I break through the myth, I will go to Yanjing and kill your he family."

Keizo Yamamoto was cruel in his heart.

Of course, he dares to think about it in his heart now. As soon as he breaks through the real Qi, he goes to Yanjing to kill all sides. He estimates that as soon as he starts, he may be made dumplings by a group of myths.

"Well? He's coming after me? Damn it, it's a problem. "

Aware of a powerful energy wave coming from behind him, his pupils shrank.

He can guess who it is without looking back.

"Damn, his speed is too fast. He has already opened a distance of one or two hundred meters before. It's only less than half a minute, and he has caught up with him."

Yamamoto's heart sank gradually.

By a myth to stare at, he did not survive the possibility.

"It seems that I can't finish the task of prime minister xiangtian."

Yamamoto sighed in his heart. Then he took out his mobile phone, opened a group and said, "brothers, that myth has come to kill me. You should be safe. Please help me to convey to Mr. xiangtian that my subordinates repent for failing to complete his task. I will continue to serve the Lord in my next life. In addition, if you go to some weaker cities in China and slaughter some lower and medium-sized guwu families, you will be avenging me. After the killing, immediately run back to the headquarters. "

With that, the strength of his hand burst out, and his mobile phone burst into pieces.

After throwing away his mobile phone, Keizo Yamamoto stopped and did not continue to flee.

The reason is very simple. He Feng is only a dozen meters away from him. At this time, he has tried his best to escape, and it is impossible to escape.

"Oh? Why did you stop and continue to run

Hefeng see Yamamoto Guixian stop, also stopped in front of him, light smile.

"You should be the myth of he family? I don't know which myth of the he family is. Why do I feel you are so familiar? " Yamamoto Guixian stares at He Feng's face and asks suspiciously.

He remembers the faces of all the important people in the he family, even some great masters of Huajin, but he has no impression of his middle-aged face.

He Feng said: "ha ha, how can you imagine the details of our he family? Come on, who are you? Why should he Feng come to Hangzhou with more than ten great masters of Huajin? What is He Feng's deep hatred for you? "

Yamamoto snorted: "he has no deep hatred with us. His fault lies in his high cultivation talent. I don't want to see him become a myth, so I can only let him die. "

"Because of his high cultivation talent? That's why you killed him? "

He Feng curled his lips, staring at keixian Yamamoto, said: "it seems that you should be the people of mieshen Pavilion, right?"

Sure enough, as soon as he Feng mentions "mieshen Pavilion", keixian Yamamoto's face changes slightly.

It seems that people in the kingdom of China are extremely sensitive to mieshen Pavilion. What's the matter with mieshen pavilion

He Bayun was also surprised.

He just tells He Feng that there is a stronghold of mieshen Pavilion in cicada forest Province, but the whereabouts of mieshen pavilion are secret, and he seldom does it. Unexpectedly, he Feng meets it as soon as he goes to hangqiu city.

"Well, there are quite a few people in this stronghold, and there are more than a dozen masters. Among them, there is also a peak of Huajin. "

He Feng lit a cigarette and said: "the top of Huajin has been killed by me. I killed two ordinary Huajin masters by the way. However, another group of people escaped. I think it is probably because of their losses that they retaliated against China and killed so many masters of China. "

"How can you kill a man with the highest power? Not bad, Xiao Feng. It's a lot of credit. Although we lost a lot, we made a lot of money compared with one Huajin peak and two Huajin masters. By the way, where's the body? The body has to be handed in so that it can be counted as credit. " He bayundao.

"Well, you didn't tell me earlier. I was more casual at that time. The one with the highest strength has been smashed by me." He Feng touched his nose in a calm tone.

We must not say that the other party is self exploding, or we will show our feet.

"Blow it up?"

He Bayun said helplessly, "it's a bit of a pity. If the information is provided by Laosi, it must be a great achievement for Laosi. His military rank may be promoted again next time."

"There was no Huajin peak, but there were two great masters in the early period of Huajin. I killed them at that time, but I didn't pay attention to them. I estimated that now the body should be in the hands of hangqiu police." Hefeng road.

"At the beginning of Huajin? That's OK. The credit is OK. After a while, I'll let old four contact the police there by himself. "

He Bayun said: "Xiao Feng, you can go to stay for another night. I'm afraid they will have another round of revenge tonight. They are all masters, and there may even be masters in the later period of Huajin. We Yanhuang railway brigade will cooperate with them, but if they meet masters in the later period of Huajin, they can only entangle for a period of time at most. It's a little difficult to win each other. "

"Well, I'm in hangqiu anyway, so I'll stay here for one night." He Feng naturally will not have an opinion, a night is just a matter.

"Well, be careful yourself. By the way, I heard that today in Zhang's house, the fighting scene is not small, and even there are array masters. What's the matter? "

He Bayun asked.

He Feng said: "it's the Lin family. My second uncle should remember the Lin family old man we killed the other day, right? Lin Zhiqiu said that he would come to me for revenge. He is the one who came here today. In addition to him, there are several masters of the Lin family. The person who arranged the array has the strongest strength and the highest strength. He has a strange soldier with him. There is a magic array in it. Relying on that magic array, he barely supports two moves in my hand. "

He Feng certainly won't say that he was almost killed by a group of fake giant toothed tigers.


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