"Huajin peak, master of earth level array?"

He Bayun heard he Feng's words and thought for a while, then he thought of a person in his mind, "there are only two or three masters in the Lin family. And there is only one who reaches the earth level. But didn't he reach his peak decades ago? Decades later, he did not understand the unity of man and nature and took the last step? That's right. Not everyone is as evil as our he family. "

"Second uncle, do you know the identity of this person?" He Feng see he Bayun did not speak, take the initiative to ask.

"Well, if I guess correctly, his name is Lin Tianqing. Now he is 150 years old. As early as 50 or 60 years ago, he was the peak of Huajin."

He Bayun tone slightly dignified, "Xiao Feng, Lin family in order to deal with you, even this old monster are sent out, it seems that you are also holding a will to kill heart. Next, in addition to being careful of mieshen Pavilion, I'm afraid you have to guard against the Lin family. "

He Feng nodded and said, "I know, but second uncle, the old man said that there are more than ten myths in the Lin family. Are they true or false?"

He Feng feels that Lin Tianqing may be bluffing him and wants him to surrender to Lin's family, so he still wants to confirm with he Bayun.

He Bayun said: "there are more than ten myths in the Lin family, which should be true. Even if we add the myth of closing the door to death, there may be more than a dozen myths, and the number has to be doubled. "

"Isn't that nearly thirty myths? So much? "

He Feng was startled.

Now he feels that he Bayun is scaring him instead of Lin Tianqing.

I'm a good boy. When I was in the underground world, although he knew the strength of the four royal families, he didn't really care about them.

There are only more than ten Huajin masters. There are dozens of Huajin masters in our mythical mercenary regiment.

Now, although his mythical mercenary regiment has dozens of Huajin masters, others have dozens of myths.

The gap is too big.

Now he is very glad that he used to keep a low profile and didn't provoke the four royal families.

"Er Bo, how many myths do we have about the he family? Do you have more than 30? " He Feng can't help but continue to ask: "I heard you say before, the old man is the real mood four fold, that should be the most powerful he family at present?"

Hearing the words, he Bayun was a little silent and said: "the myth of he family is less than that of Lin family. Not only than the Lin family, but also less than the other two royal families. Because, they all have children in the clan, almost all become true disciples. Zhenzhuan disciples can easily get cultivation resources from the sect. They can get some of them to their families. As long as they have better talent, they will have a chance to break through the myth. In addition to the myths that the he family has been closed all the year round and that the he family has not been able to get out of the gate because of the crisis of extermination, the total number of myths is just over ten, and they are all cultivated over the years. "

"Only a dozen?"

If he Bayun told him that he family had more than ten myths before, he Feng would definitely think he family was very powerful.

But compared with the other three royal families, the he family is a little weak.

"What about the old man? Is he the best of the family?" He Feng asked again.

"Master... Well, I'm not sure, because many of the old monsters in the he family haven't passed the test in one or two hundred years. The outside world doesn't know what level their cultivation has reached."

"All right!"

He Feng thought about it and then asked, "is the place where they are closed at he's home?"

He Bayun said with a bitter smile: "Xiao Feng, do you want to know that since there is a myth in the he family, why did your parents not help when they were surrounded and killed?"

He Feng does not hide, "well, listen to the second uncle you say he family has so many myths, I naturally want to know about the situation."

He Bayun said: "well, actually, I have questioned the old man about it, but the old man told me that when your father came to he's house, they were all closed, and they also arranged the array, which is not only a myth but also a legend."

"Shut up?"

"Well, at that time, Lao San brought a lot of cultivation resources from the sect. As soon as they got the cultivation resources, they naturally went to practice for the first time. After the outbreak of the war, there was only such a myth as Laosan outside the he family. Even Laozi was only a demigod. At that time, he tried his best to wake up the myths of the he family, but in the end he failed to get in. "

He Bayun said: "Xiao Feng, don't blame them. In fact, they blame themselves after they know the situation. For this reason, although they will be closed later, they have never arranged an array again. You should know that in addition to cultivating the vitality of heaven and earth, mythological cultivation is more about cultivating spiritual power. It's the most taboo to be disturbed. They can understand how to arrange arrays. "

"Oh, all right."

He Feng touched his nose and didn't bother to blame them. "By the way, second uncle, you said they arranged the array, and there were array masters among them?"

"Of course, this man is my grandfather, your great grandfather. As early as more than 20 years ago, his level of array and Taoism had reached the primary level of heaven, which was not comparable to that of Lin Tianqing. " He Bayun is proud.


He Feng murmured, his eyes appeared a touch of joy, "more than 20 years ago, the primary level of heaven, then now is not the intermediate level of heaven?"

The sky level primary array can already deal with the lower myth.

But the sky rank intermediate, is may deal with the medium myth.

As for the higher level of heaven, we can fight against the higher myth.

However, the cultivation of array is much more difficult than the cultivation of vitality.

He Bayun rolled his eyes, "Tianjie intermediate? How can it be? Do you think the progress of array cultivation is very fast? It was thanks to your mother's advice that my great grandfather reached the heaven level. My great grandfather himself said that Tianji Junior is his limit. He can't take another step forward in his life. "

He Feng surprised: "my mother is also a master of array?"

He Bayun nodded, "well, Tianjie intermediate!"

"So powerful..."

A touch of pride rose in He Feng's heart.

"By the way, you suddenly asked us if he family had any array masters. Why?"

"Well, I got a strange soldier from the master of the Lin family. That strange soldier can store the array. So, I want to ask a master of array to help me arrange an array and put it into the Rubik's cube. "

He Feng grinned and looked forward to it.

If he can put a sky level primary array in the Rubik's cube, even if he encounters the myth of the triple peak of true Qi, he estimates that he can leave the other side completely.

When an array is over, you can trap the opponent, and then when the opponent is unprepared, you can use the most powerful killing move extreme, which is bound to cause fatal damage to the opponent.

"Oh? You got the alien soldier? Well, then I'll call the old man and ask him to find his great grandfather

"Well, I'll stay in any family for a while. If someone is sent to the mieshen Pavilion, I'll try to keep it alive. "

Hang up the phone, he Feng's mood a little bit better.

Unexpectedly, the he family has a master of Tianjie array.

It's a bit unexpected!

However, he Bayun told him that his mother was also a master of Tianjie array, which made him miss his parents even more.

"Higher mythology, I will raise my accomplishments to this level as soon as possible." He Feng murmured.

But he also knew that it was too difficult to achieve higher mythology.

"Among the mythical strongmen of the kingdom of China, eight or nine of them gather in the sect. It must be because the sect has something to attract them. Looking back, I have to carefully understand the situation of the sect. If the environment in the sect is really conducive to the improvement of myth cultivation. Then I have to be ready to practice in the sect. "

In the secular world, it is too difficult to improve cultivation.

He still has some medicine effects in his body, but these medicine effects can last for a month or two at most. When the medicine effects are exhausted, he will slow down a lot if he practices again.

"However, even if they want to enter the sect, they must first upgrade their cultivation to Huajin. Then they can go to zongmen with me. "

He Feng thought is more beautiful, just don't know this idea reality is not realistic, back or to find the old man detailed understanding of the clan situation.


Later, he Feng found a middle-sized guwu family which was closest to him. He went in and hid on one of their roofs to practice quietly.

At the same time, he Feng also found that this middle-class guwu family with Lang's surname seems to be aware of the crisis. Even at night, there are still dozens of guwu people with guns on patrol. Every place is full of guards, and the whole Lang family is under martial law. It is obvious that they are ready for a bloody battle.

It's getting dark, and he Feng's mind is slightly reserved while he practices.

Although the mieshen pavilion has killed many people, it may take revenge again. If no one stops them at that time, a large number of Chinese warriors will die.

The Lang family arranged many guards to patrol, but these guards were no different from ordinary people in front of the master.

However, he Feng didn't feel any wind or grass after staying in this ancient martial family all night, but he could hear the voice of shame from some men and women under the spread of mental power.


The next morning, he Feng stood up on the roof and stretched.

"The task is over. Can brother Feng go home to accompany his daughter-in-law now?"

He Feng murmured.

I don't know if Wang Xiangyun went to the company this Saturday.

And the little feathers.

"Who are you? Why are you at my Lang's? "

At this time, the following came a clear cheering, talking about a beautiful woman in sportswear, running.

The woman looks twenty-three years old. She is nearly one meter seven in height. Her skin is as white as tallow. Her delicate facial features are like carved works of art. It's hard to find flaws.

The beautiful woman stares at He Feng with questioning and vigilance, "hiding on the roof of our Lang House in the morning, what did you do in our Lang House last night? Come down and be honest, or you'll never get out of Lang's house. "

"Er... Is this a thief?"

He Feng opened his mouth.

Brother Feng has a new haircut and new clothes. Some beauties take the initiative to chat up with me and try to tease me. Now you are being treated as a thief?

What vision?

"Xiaomi, what happened?"

"A thief? Where is the thief? "

"Come on, where's the convoy? Come on."

No matter where beautiful women are, they are all concerned.

Even if Lang MI is running in her own home, there are still many eyes around her. When her voice rings, many people hear it.

For a moment, at least a dozen people came around.

Besides, everyone has guns in their hands.

"That's him. He suddenly appeared on the roof of our Lang House. Let's send a message to the family to see if anyone dropped anything last night. " Lang Mi yelled: "in addition, you go to take him down quickly, but don't let him escape. I will guard below and give you command."

"Xiaomi, would it be a little unsafe for you to stay here alone?" A young man looked at Lang MI with a look of admiration and said that he wanted to stay with her.

Lang Mi said, "what's not safe? He is on the roof of the fourth floor now. Does he dare to jump off the roof of the fourth floor? You can't kill him

However, as soon as her voice fell, there were shouts of surprise around her.

"He jumped down!"

"Damn, I don't think so?"

"Come on, call an ambulance!"

Hearing the sound, Lang Mi looked up and opened his mouth.

He Feng is as light as a swallow, slowly falling from the roof, elegant and natural, calm and calm, where there is a little jump.

"Master! This is definitely a master. "

"It seems that no one in our Lang family can jump down from the fourth floor so calmly?"

"But isn't he a thief?"

They were shocked and confused. For a moment, they turned their eyes on Lang MI, waiting for Lang Mi to give instructions.

At the same time, out of vigilance, they also raised the gun to He Feng and aimed at him.

If he Feng is not standing in front of them now, but a real thief, it is estimated that the thief wants to cry.

I just steal something. Is it necessary to point dozens of guns at me? It's going to scare you to death!

"You, who are you?"

Lang Mi also realized that it was a bit bad, but when she thought that this was the Lang family, their base camp, the tension she just raised in her heart also dissipated, "hurry up and be honest, or I'll let my Lang family guard take you down and send you to the police station."

"Well, Fengge has been guarding your Lang family all night without a word of thanks and a breakfast. He was caught as a thief and sent to the police station. What a disappointment."

He Feng shook his head and sighed heavily.

"Our Lang family is an ancient martial family. When do you need a thief to guard us?" Lang Mi sneered: "do you think I'll let you go if you just pinch two lies? Come on, take him down first


As her voice falls, those guards with bright energy and cultivation will fight against He Feng.

"Stop it

At this time, a clear cheering sounded.

Then, the crowd saw that five or six old people came this way.

"Is this... The voice of the owner? What's the matter with the owner? Did the thief steal from the owner? "

"Now he's absolutely dead. He dares to steal from our Lang family. Don't try to go out of our Lang family again."

"In addition to the master, there are several elders. It seems that the thief has completely angered the master."

Everyone bowed to salute at the same time, all to He Feng cast sympathetic eyes.

"Dad, what are you doing here? Did he steal something from you? " Lang Mi also went to the owner of the Lang family and said angrily, "now the thieves are too brave. Even our big family dare to steal. Today we have to teach him a lesson."

"Xiaomi, don't be presumptuous!"

Who knows, Lang Mi words just finished, Lang Xing to her scolded a.

After that, he didn't talk to Lang Mi any more. In Lang Mi's eyes, he went to He Feng and bowed directly: "I've met Mr. He

"Met Mr. He!"

Not only Lang Xing, but also some other elders of the Lang family paid homage to He Feng's luggage.


"Damn, am I dreaming? How could the master and the elder salute a thief? "

"Didn't he say he was a thief? The owner of the house won't recognize the wrong person, will he? "

All the people were dumbfounded and looked at the scene in disbelief.

Lang MI was also shocked. He quickly came forward and said, "Dad, do you recognize the wrong person? He is a thief. He just stayed on the roof of our Lang House."

"Xiaomi, please shut up and apologize to Mr. He Feng."

Lang Xing said, without waiting for Lang Mi to apologize, he first apologized to He Feng, "Mr. He Feng, I'm really sorry. I'm not strict with my discipline and let my little girl bump into you. You can rest assured that I will deal with her family law in the future, and I will never forgive her lightly. "

"Family law?"

Lang MI was stunned. Her father said that she would be punished according to the family law?

You know, she has never been treated by family law since she was young. Don't mention the family law. Her father loves her so much that he speaks softly. Now he wants to use the family law to her, and it doesn't look like a joke at all.

Even she could feel that when her father apologized to each other, it was not just a scene. He looked very nervous and seemed to be worried that the other party would continue to blame him.

She thought it was her own illusion, but when she looked at the other elders, she found that the other elders were the same. He Feng's eyes were full of awe.

"He, who is he? Can you make dad and elders so scared? "

At this moment, Lang Mi finally felt that he was in trouble.

What a disaster!


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