When Lang Mi realized that he was in trouble, he began to feel nervous. He held the corner of his clothes in his two little hands and lowered his head to see he Feng. His beautiful eyes were full of anxiety.

This even her father and the elders, all want to bow salute man, unexpectedly she said is a thief.

Can the other party forgive her?

Will you just kill her? Or take her away as a plaything?

She had heard from her father that the more noble her status was, the higher her desire would be.

And I'm not bad

The more he thought about it, the more scared Lang MI was, and even his delicate body trembled slightly.

At the same time, she is also very curious, who is the man in front of her? Why would her father and elders be so awed.

Not only is she curious, but many guards of the Lang family are also curious. They stare at He Feng one after another.

It seems that there is nothing special except a little handsome, right?

"Is she your daughter?"

At this time, he Feng's voice finally rang up.

Lang Mi a listen to He Feng mouth to mention oneself, a heart immediately mention throat eye.

No, don't take yourself away as a plaything.

"Yes, my only daughter!"

Lang hang bowed his head, and he was nervous to the extreme.

"All right!"

He Feng nodded and asked Lang Xing, "how can you know my identity?"

"Well, yesterday I went to Zhang's house and saw Mr. He Feng's face." Lang Xing also did not dare to hide: "moreover, almost all of the ancient martial arts above the dark strength in hangqiu city now know what Mr. He Feng looks like."

"Have I become so famous in your hangqiu city?" He Feng eyebrows pick.

"Well, this... Is really famous." Lang hang bowed his head.

He Feng didn't see it. When Lang Xing bowed his head, his mouth was pumping wildly.

Nima, you slaughtered an entire middle-class guwu family in hangqiu City, killed hundreds of people, and told this story in front of many people. Now you ask me how famous you are here?

Now you are a "devil" in the eyes of our ancient warriors in hangqiu City, OK?

At the moment, langxing is a little regretful. After returning to Langjia yesterday, he should say "Zhang Jia? Grandfather, are you talking about the destruction of the Zhang family? Doesn't that mean it's the work of a killer? What does it have to do with what happened here today? "

Lang Mi's confused way.

"Shh, keep it down. Don't talk about it."

Lang Yun quickly raised his hand and covered Lang Mi's mouth. At the same time, he Feng, who had entered the hall in the distance, looked at him.

See he Feng didn't notice here, should not hear Lang Mi said, Lang Yun just relaxed, but he found his back exuded cold sweat.

"Smelly girl, you don't want to die, and don't drag everyone down." Lang Yun stares at Lang MI and says, "the man who killed the whole Zhang family yesterday is Mr. He Feng. However, the reason why Mr. He Feng slaughtered the Zhang family was that the Zhang family took his woman hostage to kill him. Then Mr. He Feng came to the door to ask for an explanation. They not only didn't admit their mistakes and apologized, but also invited experts to deal with Mr. He Feng. They made mistakes again and again. Then Mr. He Feng killed the Zhang family, which was a warning to the world not to provoke people around him. Others may think that Mr. He Feng has gone too far and question his character. But now you can see that he has just joined the grand master. In order to keep our wuzhe in hangqiu city from being killed by more than a dozen grand masters of mieshen Pavilion, he is ready to fight with more than a dozen grand masters of mieshen Pavilion at any time. How can a man be so bad with such breadth of mind and courage? "

"Is he the strong master of Tu Mie Zhang's family who has the power to cultivate?"

Lang idempotent and his family were deeply shocked by Lang Yun's words.

"I... I pointed a gun at a master Hua Jin just now?" A Lang family guard felt that his legs were trembling and could not walk any more.

"I seemed to point a gun at him just now..." another guard of Lang's family sat down on the ground with a look of panic.

The rest of the Lang family guards were very nervous one by one, so they had to turn around and run for their lives.

Nima, this is a God who dares to kill hundreds of people in a family in broad daylight.

If he's in Lang's house, they'll be able to escape?

Now they admire their owners from the bottom of their hearts. Their hearts are so strong.

"Grandpa, are we going to be ok?" Lang Mi asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, your grandfather. Although I don't have much talent for cultivation, I still have a little insight. This Mr. He Feng is not an indiscriminate murderer. I think he probably killed more people yesterday. He usually doesn't kill much. " Lang Yun said and said to the Lang family guards around him, "don't be so nervous. Next, you'd better be polite. Mr. He Feng won't care about you. Do you know?"

The heads of the Lang guards are like chickens pecking rice.


"Cough! Cough... "

Lang hall, is holding a cup of tea He Feng, do not know how, suddenly choked cough.

Nima, brother Feng killed fewer people yesterday, OK?

At ordinary times, Fengge killed thousands of people.

"Mr. He Feng, are you ok?"

One side of the Lang line see he Feng was choked, suddenly a little nervous.

"I'm fine. I choked on it by accident."

He Feng waved his hand and said, "master Lang, you just said that your daughter just graduated from university? Why are you engaged so soon? You said she was your only daughter, willing to marry so early? "

Langxing sighed: "I'm not willing to, but I have to marry."

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