"Oh? Why have to marry? Is it because they have a very good relationship? Can't you stop it? " He Feng joked.

Lang Xing said with a bitter smile: "at first, the man really adored Xiaomi. They were classmates. The man chased Xiaomi for more than three years. But Xiaomi didn't know why he didn't like him very much, so he never agreed. Three months ago, their attitude suddenly changed. They had to marry Xiaomi to their family, or they would crush our Lang family. "

The matter has already been said. Lang Xing didn't sit down. He stood up and bowed to He Feng and said, "Mr. He Feng, I know it's a bit too much, but now I really can't help it. I beg you to help me and let my daughter not marry. I'll bear this in mind. In the future, if Mr. He Feng has any assignment, I'll certainly do it for you, not to mention the whole Lang family. "

He Feng took a look at Lang hang. Is this guy too direct? It's no wonder that you have to keep yourself. It turns out that you have something to ask for.

But can you be more reserved? I've just had a sip of your tea, so you want me to help you.

Fortunately, brother Feng is easy to talk. If you change to another master who has a bad temper, you will be very upset. It's possible to leave directly.

At this moment, Lang MI and Lang Yun also came in.


Lang Mi saw that his father asked he Feng for help for his own business. He was so surprised that he went up quickly. "It's my own business. I'd better find a way to solve it myself."

"Isn't it better to be broken than broken? What kind of way is that? " Lang hang frowned.


Although Lang Mi didn't have a better way, he didn't want to see his father beg others.

"Mr. Lang, sit down and talk first." Hefeng road.

"Mr. He Feng..."

"Sit down!"

He Feng frowned.

If it's just a small matter, if he can help, he will help naturally. He looks very cheerful, so it's like making a friend.

But if Lang Xing forces him to help, he Feng will definitely "how long do you need to get your diploma?" He Feng asked.

"About twenty days."

Lang Mi thought, "but Ji Chang'an may come ahead of time."

"Well, when he comes, give me a call and I'll help you with this." He Feng said.

"That's a promise?"

Lang Xing was surprised. He just understood what happened and agreed to help them?

I don't know if what they said is true or not?

Or, don't you know in detail if the Ji family has any other royal background?

"Thank you!"

Lang MI can't manage so much, see he Feng promise to help herself, she immediately jumped up with a smile, in the heart also relaxed a lot.

Recently, because of this matter in my heart, she has been in a bad mood.

"Thank you. Don't stare at me with your little eyes in the future."

"Hee hee, certainly not."

Lang Mi didn't feel embarrassed. He said with a smile, "by the way, how do you practice? How can you break through to master Huajin so young?"


Lang Xing's face changed slightly, and he quickly said, "it's nothing to do with how Mr. He Feng practices. Just try your best."

Then he solemnly said to He Feng, "Mr. He Feng, thank you very much for helping Xiao MI and our Lang family. In the future, if you can use the place I can do well, just open your mouth. "

Lang Mi spat out his tongue and stood on the side, so he didn't dare to speak again, lest he would be scolded again.

She felt that it was tiring to chat with those who had high accomplishments. She couldn't even ask people how to cultivate.

If there is a strong person who is strong enough to ask her for advice, she will not say anything except the unique martial arts of the Lang family.

"No, I'll help you, but I won't come out directly. I'll arrange someone to deal with it. I can't give you a guarantee as to what can be done in the end. So, you'd better make a second-hand preparation as well. "

He Feng waved his hand, then looked at Lang MI and said, "my cultivation method is different from yours, and it's not suitable for you. So, you should continue to practice according to your current cultivation method. "

Lang Mi thought he Feng would not pay attention to himself, but he Feng answered his question.

See he Feng that serious appearance, also don't seem to be in deceive.

She glanced at her father subconsciously. Seeing that Lang Xing didn't stop her, she immediately asked, "why is your cultivation method different from ours? Don't we all cultivate vigor? "

He Feng said: "vigor, in fact, it's just a means to make you strong. But what is a strong man? Is it a strong one who has made great progress in cultivation? Are ordinary people necessarily weak? It's all relative. Therefore, the difference between our cultivation methods lies here. You spend most of your time thinking about the improvement of vigor, right? "

Lang Mi nodded and said, "yes, aren't you?"

"Of course, I also improve my vigor, but the cultivation of vigor will not take up too much of my cultivation time."

He Feng said: "more time, I'm on the battlefield, working with the enemy, really improving my strength in the killing. Kill the enemy, my strength will be improved to a certain extent. But if I fail to kill the enemy, then... I may be killed by them. "

As soon as the words came out, the hall was obviously quiet.

It's hard to imagine that this is said by a young man who looks a little gentle and handsome, and it's said in such a casual tone.

But Lang Mi frowned, "for example, you killed all the people in Zhang's family today, just to improve your strength?"

Killing people is just to enhance their strength. This is indiscriminate killing, which belongs to evil means.

Such a person is no different from Ji Changan.

Although Lang Mi asked casually, Lang Xing and others obviously felt that the atmosphere was not right, and they were worried.

This wench, is really what all dare to say, this kind of disposition sooner or later has an accident.

"If I said that today I was in Zhang's house, I only killed the martial arts, and I didn't kill any of those who had no accomplishments, would you believe it?" He Feng said.

"Really?" Lang MI has some doubts, isn't it?

"If you believe it, it's true. If you don't believe it, it's fake. "

He Feng shrugged and said nothing more. He felt his stomach. "I'm hungry. Let's have some breakfast. After dinner, it's time for me to go home with my daughter-in-law..."

Lang MI was still in a trance. When she heard he Feng's words, she was a little stunned. Suddenly, a smile of self mockery appeared on the corner of her mouth.

I almost forgot. He's a married man.

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