After breakfast, he Feng and Lang hang exchanged their contact information, and then got on a limousine driven by a senior Lang family member and went to the airport.

"Xiaomi, you just said that you were really too impulsive. Do you know that the master's dignity can't be violated? If you offend someone else, they may kill you and destroy our Lang family. Then you will have no place to cry. "

As soon as he Feng left, Lang Yun scolded him.

This granddaughter is too spoiled at ordinary times. He feels a little lawless. He even dares to violate the authority of the master.

Master, and dark force that is not a level of character, has a very high status, even if the dark force peak strong in front of the master, but also careful, careful again.

Just now, kelangmi repeatedly questioned others and even glared at each other. If he was a master with a bad temper, their Lang family might have a bloody incident.

Even if things spread to the outside world, others would only say that they asked for it by themselves, and would never say that the master was arrogant and overbearing.

"Grandfather, don't worry. He Feng is not a murderer." Langmi spat out his tongue.

Naturally, she knew that her performance just now was a little too much.

If you change a master who is not easy to talk to, she may cause trouble for the Lang family.

"You'd better pay attention." Lang Yun shook his head helplessly.

"Well, I know, Grandpa."

"Xiaomi, what do you think of He Feng?"

At this time, Lang Xing suddenly asked.

"Dad, it's not good to talk about the master behind his back, is it?" Lang Mi smiles.

"Well, I'm not talking. I just want to know how you feel about him."

Lang Xing coughed awkwardly, "I remember you used to tell me that you would marry only the master in the future, right? But in China, there are few masters under 30 years old. Most of them are over 50 or 60 years old. Do you want to marry an old man of 50 or 60 years old in the future? "

Hearing Lang Xing's words, Lang Yun immediately understood what he meant and said: "yes, he Feng is not only in excellent condition, but also at the age of 26. He broke through to master Huajin. His background is even more amazing. He is one of the four royal families. If we can get a little kinship with the he family, I think our Lang family will be much stronger in the future than it is now. Maybe if the he family gives us any training resources, we will have one or two great masters of Huajin. "

The rest of the Lang family high-level, are also eyes shining, one by one eyes jiongjiong looking at Lang MI.

Langmi is twenty-three years old, which is the most beautiful time for women. And langmi is really very beautiful. She was known as the first school flower in school before. If she is willing to be a woman of He Feng, even if he Feng is a great master, it is difficult for her to resist the temptation, isn't it?

After all, young people are impulsive.

"What do you think? I won't marry a married man. Don't think about it. Even if I want to marry a master, I must marry a single master. "

Lang Mi refused without thinking about it.

No matter how excellent, it is a man with a wife.

Lang Xing and others are disappointed.


Almost at noon, he Feng arrived in Jiangbin city.

This time to meet him, it is still Xi Xueqing. They have a good chat. He Feng also knows about Wang Xiangyun and Ji Xinyu these two days.

No one is idle in practice, in research, in research.

"That's good. Everyone is making progress. It's better to break through to the master in a month or two. With the strength of a great master, we can at least protect ourselves. "

It's true that he Feng now thinks that at least he must have a great master's accomplishments in order to be able to protect himself.

Didn't you see that all the people who came to deal with him, whether they were the mieshen pavilion or the Lin family, were strong men above Huajin?

More than half an hour later, they returned to the club.

This Saturday morning, Wang Xiangyun and Ling Weiyu went to the company and were busy for a while, but they all came back at noon.

Because they received the news, he Feng came back, they also rushed back to Liuyue club to have lunch together.

"Tut Tut, boss, why are you so handsome all of a sudden? Is it true that I met a beautiful girl in hangqiu City, so I dressed up to hook up with her? "

On the dining table, the monkey grinds at He Feng.

It's obvious that I know all about what happened to you in hangqiu city.

But monkeys do know.

He was idle and bored in Liuyue club, and had nothing to do, so he wanted to see what happened to He Feng in hangqiu city.

So he saw he Feng buying new clothes and cutting his hair in the mall

They even intruded into Lang's network monitoring system and saw Lang mi

"Ha ha, if I want to hook up with my sister, do I need to dress up? If I hook my fingers, a lot of beauties will throw themselves into my arms... Ah

Speaking of the back, he Feng cried out in pain, "who stepped on my feet?"

At the dinner table, Wang Xiangyun, Ji Xinyu and others all looked at him suspiciously.

"I didn't step on it."

"It's not me!"

"Brother Xiaofeng, don't stare at me, it's not me."

He Feng looks at Wang Xiangyun, and he thinks that she is the one who has ten contacts.

"What are you looking at me for? What, you suspect I stepped on your foot? " Wang Xiangyun asked with a smile.

"No, no doubt."

He Feng shook his head.

Of course, there is no doubt, because brother Feng already knows that it's you.

But I can't say that now, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be practicing with her again tonight.

"Xiao Feng, I've already told the old man about the Lin family's dealing with you. The old man also went to the Lin family to ask for an explanation, but the Lin family's attitude was also relatively tough. He said that the Lin family's people just wanted to learn from you, but you killed them all, and the Lin family would also ask you for an explanation. "

At this time, he Bayun said.

He Feng sneered: "this Lin family's person, the skin can be really thick, unexpectedly also want to ask me to ask for an explanation? I don't know if the person they send to me next time will be a myth. If it's not a myth, if it's not a myth, I'll let them continue to regret it. "

He Bayun thought for a moment and said: "if there is no accident, if they do it to you again, it should be a myth. After all, there are more than ten myths in the Lin family, and it's not too difficult for them to send one or two at random. "


He Feng eyebrows pick.

It's a bit big!

"Well, the Lin family has always been cautious. It is reasonable to say that they have sent so many masters to deal with you this time, and Lin Tianqing, who is not only the peak of Huajin, but also the peak of the earth level array master, can already see their will to kill you. After all, in the eyes of outsiders, you are the only one who practices seven fold

He Bayun pondered: "now, they may guess that there may be a myth close to you to protect you. Therefore, if they want to kill you again, they will at least send out two myths. One is responsible for pestering the people who protect you, and the other is responsible for killing you. "

"Haha, if they only send the myth of the first stage of the true Qi State, I will try to keep both of them. In that case, it's a bit of fun. "

He Feng grinned.

"Fun what fun? Is myth so easy to deal with? You can handle one, you can handle two at the same time? What's more, what if people hide their cards? You'd better take it easy. " Wang Xiangyun stares at He Feng.

This guy is a little arrogant because of his strength.

He Feng knew that Wang Xiangyun was concerned about himself and grinned, "wife, don't worry, I won't do anything I'm not sure about. If I feel the danger, I won't fight them any more and just run for my life. "

He Bayun said with a smile: "don't worry too much. The myth of the four kings will not leave Yanjing easily. Myth seems to be strong, but those older myths are timid and afraid of death. Therefore, they will not easily leave their base camp to carry out some unknown tasks unless they have to. Even the four kings will not force a myth to do what they do not want to do. "

After listening to he Bayun's words, Wang Xiangyun and Wang Xiangyun were relieved.

Although he Feng is powerful, they still don't want him to face too many dangers.

"Is the headquarters of the Lin family in Yanjing?" Ling Weiyu asked curiously.

"Yes, the headquarters of the four royal families are all in Yanjing."

He Bayun nodded: "so, as long as Xiao Feng doesn't go to Yanjing City, Lin's family won't easily attack him any more. At least, it is not easy for them to persuade more than two myths to come to Jiangbin city to deal with Xiaofeng in a short time. "

"Did you hear that? If there is nothing important in the future, don't go to Yanjing city." Wang Xiangyun stares at He Feng Road.

"Nothing important. What am I doing in Yanjing?"

He Feng shrugged, "however, Yanjing I sooner or later to the past, and so on a little bit more time, the recent past is nothing."

He Feng also wants to know about the eight sects with the master of the he family face to face. He wants to see if he wants to enter the sect to practice and when. But these things are not very urgent. He can wait until Wang Xiangyun's accomplishments have been improved, or when the residual energy of pills in his body has been completely absorbed.

"Xueqing, after a while, you will send a message to your father and let him call me when he is free. I'll talk to him about purchasing pills."

He Feng said with a smile: "this time I went out and earned 100 billion yuan. It's enough for all of you to reach the peak of dark strength, and even one or two of you are expected to break through to Huajin."

"Brother Feng, it may be two or three days late to call my father." Xi Xueqing said.

"What's the matter, he's closed up?"


Xi Xueqing pursed her lips and nodded.

He Feng noticed that Xi Xueqing's face was abnormal and continued to ask, "what happened?"

Seeing he Feng staring at him, Xi Xueqing said, "yesterday, a man from Baiyun medicine hall went to Guiyi medicine hall and challenged my father. This challenge concerns the face of the medicine hall, so my father took the fight, and their fight will be in the morning the day after tomorrow. "

"Who in Baiyun medicine hall went to challenge elder brother Xi? Is it because I killed Hua Wenyuan of Baiyun medicine hall? " He Feng asked.

"It may have something to do with it, but it may not. I'm not sure." Xi Xueqing is a bit hesitant.

He Feng frowned and said: "Xueqing, you can say it directly. Who is the person who challenges your father and how about his strength?"

Xi Xueqing said: "the person who challenges my father is Chang Tao. He is only 28 years old now. He realized the mystery of entering micro a year ago and successfully stepped into Huajin a week ago. He is the leader of the young generation of Baiyun medicine hall. He is the first genius."

"Then why did he challenge your father, you know?"

"I don't know the details, but it may have something to do with me..."

Xi Xueqing weak way: "before he pursued me, but I don't like him, so refused.". My father doesn't like him either, so every time he comes to me, he will be driven away by my father before he sees me. I think that's why he resented my father and challenged him. Of course, it may be the order of Baiyun medicine hall to suppress our unification medicine hall. "

"The pursuer?"

He Feng shakes his head and smiles. It seems that no matter where the beauty is, there is no lack of pursuers. "What kind of fight is their fight? Is it an ordinary martial arts competition that stops when you click, or is it a battle of life and death

"I'm not sure about that. My father didn't tell me anything. My brother told me the news. I wanted to contact my father to learn more about him, but he has closed the door."

"Xi Xueqing said:" I think they should be just ordinary competition, right

He Bayun narrowed his eyes and said, "if it's an ordinary competition, there's no need to wait three days for the competition. Moreover, even if it's really an ordinary contest, it can be a fight without eyes. Therefore, both sides of the contest will be required to sign a life and death disclaimer before the competition. That is to say, whether it is maimed or killed, the other party does not need to bear any legal responsibility. "

"Is this... So serious?"

When Xi Xueqing heard the speech, her face turned white.

She immediately looked at He Feng, "brother Feng, my father has now returned to Yanjing City, I also want to go to Yanjing city."


He Feng did not want to, nodded directly, "then I'll go with you!"

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