"Are you going to Yanjing?"

He Feng words just export, Wang Xiangyun and others will frown.

It's not that they don't want he Feng to help Xi Xueqing, but they think he Feng's going to Yanjing now is too dangerous. The Lin family must be staring at Yanjing.

Xi Xueqing also quickly shook her head, "brother Feng, I'll go by myself. Don't go with me. It's too dangerous for you to go to Yanjing. What's more, you can't intervene in their competition. It's useless to go there. I'm just too worried to go there, so I want to have a look. You really don't have to go there. "

"You worry, I don't worry? That's my future father-in-law. Besides, even if this relationship is ruled out, elder brother Xi has helped me a lot. He and I can be regarded as good friends. Now that he is in trouble, I have to go and have a look. If he's not in danger, I'll stop him for the first time. "

He Feng said.

Smell speech, Xi Xueqing heart warm.

"Don't worry too much about Xiao Feng. In fact, it's enough to protect yourself to go to Yanjing city with his strength. Just don't let the king of hell of Tianlong eight find him. However, as long as his whereabouts are a little secret and don't show the mythical means in Yanjing, the king of hell can't find him. "

He Bayun said: "as for security, you don't have to worry too much. I'll just ask my elder brother to protect him at that time. Elder brother's strength, however, is stronger than me. It is possible that he can match the old man. With elder brother by his side, no matter Lin's family or master Xi's meeting with danger, they don't need Xiao Feng's hand. Elder brother can solve it by himself. "

Hearing this, Wang Xiangyun and others are not good to say anything, just let him be careful.

"Uncle, have you contacted your great grandfather?" He Feng asked.

"Of course, great grandfather and his family are rarely locked up now. Even if they are locked up, they are still in our he family forbidden area. There is only a relatively simple magic array, but your grandfather knows this array very well. He soon found your great grandfather and told him about your situation. Your great grandfather, he said you can go to he's house to find him at any time. He already has enough array materials. Even if you need Tianjie array, he can arrange one for you. "

He Bayun nodded.

"Sky level array..."

He Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, "well, this time I went to he's house, I went directly to my great grandfather."

The monkey on one side opened his mouth. Is the eldest brother's family so strong? First of all, there was the myth of true Qi triple. Now even the array masters of Tianjie have it.

"When are you and Xueqing going to Yanjing?" Ji Xinyu asked.

Everyone is also looking at He Feng.

He Feng looked at Xi Xueqing, "Xueqing, do you have any plans?"

Xi Xueqing shook her head and said, "I haven't fully considered it now, but I can arrange it according to brother Feng's time."

"Is their contest the day after tomorrow? Let's start tomorrow afternoon and arrive in Yanjing one day ahead of time. " He Feng said.

"Well, I think so, too." Xi Xueqing naturally has no problem.

"OK, now that we have discussed it, let's have a meal."

He Feng smilingly way, and then picked up chopsticks to all the women one by one clip vegetables.

He Bayun and the monkey looked at each other, and consciously went to the restaurant.


"Daughter in law, how is your research going now? Do you have any finished products? "

After dinner, several people are sitting in the living room drinking tea. He Feng looks at Wang Xiangyun and asks.

"Wait a minute, I'll show you."

Wang Xiangyun said, got up and went to the training room.

"Is there a finished product?"

He Feng was a little surprised. He just asked casually. After all, Wang Xiangyun didn't study pills for a few days. Is it so fast?

Soon, Wang Xiangyun came out.

But now in her hand, she was holding three glass tubes filled with different colors of liquid.

"I've developed these three drugs for the time being, but I'm doing data improvement. In three days at most, I can develop an enhanced version of the drug." Wang Xiangyun said, and handed the medicine to He Feng, saying, "you can have a look at these three kinds of medicine first. It's best for one person to have a drink."

"Well, let's be mice for you, isn't that good?" He Feng coughed softly.

"Don't believe me, I don't force you to be a mouse."

Wang Xiangyun rolled his eyes, looked at the monkey and handed him a tube with blue medicine. "Monkey, you drink this."


Monkey silly eyes, why me?

If the boss doesn't want to be a mouse, let me be it?

"Why, you don't even believe your sister-in-law, do you?" Wang Xiangyun narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, how can I not even believe my sister-in-law?" The monkey gave a quick explanation.

"Now that you believe it, don't talk nonsense. Drink it quickly, and then tell us its efficacy." Wang Xiangyun directly threw the medicine to the monkey.

Monkey is very helpless, but I am a myth, even let a generation of myth as a mouse, also own sister-in-law can do this kind of thing?

He suddenly felt that this sister-in-law was even more domineering than Ruo die sometimes.

"Well, I'll try."

The monkey had no choice but to take the medicine, open the bottle and put it in his nostril to smell it.

"Eh, it's very fragrant..."

Monkey surprised way, originally he thought the medicine will be very heavy, did not expect not only no medicine, but with a fragrance.

Raising his head, the monkey drank all the medicine in one bite, and he looked like he was enjoying it. It seems that the taste of the medicine should be good.

Medicine into the abdomen, the monkey induction, surprised: "sister-in-law, you this medicine is for the liver and intestinal tract?"

"Feel it?" Wang Xiangyun said with a smile.

"Well, this medicine is really cleaning up the filth in my liver and intestines, although my viscera are very clean. However, its effect on ordinary people should be very good. In the early stage, it will help to regulate the liver and intestines. In the later stage, it will strengthen the liver. In the future, even if you get sick, it will not affect the intestines, stomach and liver

The monkey looked at Wang Xiangyun in shock, "sister-in-law, you are really powerful enough to develop this kind of medicine. For ordinary people, it's a miracle drug. "

"It must be!"

Wang Xiangyun a face complacent, "some people still don't believe it, still think I will harm him."

"Daughter in law, I didn't say you wanted to hurt me." He Feng quickly explained, "I just think that monkeys are more suitable than me to be mice. Of course, I have to give him this opportunity."

"Why am I more suitable to be a mouse?" Monkey is very speechless, you husband and wife bickering on bickering, why me?

He Feng didn't want to answer him. He just looked at Wang Xiangyun and asked, "daughter in law, what's the effect of your other two kinds of medicine?"

Wang Xiangyun picked up a glass tube filled with red medicine and said: "this medicine can help ordinary people strengthen their flesh and blood and build up their physique. If they take it for a long time, it will make them more powerful. I preliminarily estimated that if ordinary people insist on taking it for two or three years and take it twice a month, their strength should reach the level of refining one body. "

"In two or three years, you can reach the first level of physical training?"

This time, he Bayun and others were also shocked.

Two or three years seems to be a long time, but how long does it take for an ordinary person to become an ancient warrior if he wants to practice normally?

It's hard for many people to gather energy in their whole life!

For example, the former Wolf Gang and the white cloud Gang, their leader has just refined their energy, and the deputy leader has just cultivated their sense of energy, and their energy has not been condensed.

Now, Wang Xiangyun says that as long as she takes this medicine for two or three years, and only needs to take two every month, she can become an ancient martial arts practitioner.

This is the potion of Genesis.

"Yunyun, can you produce this medicine on a large scale?" He Bayun asked suddenly.

Wang Xiangyun nodded and said, "this is the product of the assembly line. As long as the raw materials are enough, I can produce as many as I want. But I asked Xueqing to show me the data of raw materials. I'm afraid there won't be a lot of raw materials that can be produced every year. "

"Are you going to promote this product?" He Bayun continued to ask.

"Of course! I just want to make more money with this product, so that we won't be short of money for cultivation in the future. " Wang Xiangyun said: "besides, I think it's time to give ordinary people some opportunities to practice. At the very least, let them know the existence of ancient warriors. "

"It's nothing to let ordinary people know about the existence of ancient warriors. In fact, the state has always planned to do so, but it hasn't officially announced the existence of ancient warriors to ordinary people."

He Bayun nodded, "however, once you promote this medicine, I'm afraid it will cause a violent shock. The country and the major forces will certainly pay attention to it. Even foreign countries will pay attention to it, which may cause a lot of trouble. "

"If you want to make a lot of money, of course there will be trouble. I thought of it, so I discussed with you to see what you think." Wang Xiangyun said.

"Daughter in law, tell me about the effect of the third medicine first."

He Feng didn't think so much, but stared at the third tube on Wang Xiangyun's hand and asked.

Wang Xiangyun said: "this third medicine has a relatively simple effect, which is to help promote, similar to coffee and cigarettes. Of course, its effect is much stronger than coffee and cigarettes, and it will not do any harm to the body, and it can even nourish the spirit. Take this medicine, even if you sleep two or three hours a day, you won't feel tired. Of course, this potion is more accumulated, but because it has too few raw materials, I'm going to set its price at a high point, only for some rich people who want to make more money with their time. "

He Feng stared at the purple Potion on Wang Xiangyun's hand for a while, and then said, "how big is the profit margin of these three potions? Do you have an estimate? "


Wang Xiangyun replied very simply, "because I think its profit margin is infinite. Of course, the greater the benefits, the greater the risks. There will certainly be many people who want to share our cake. "

"Hundreds of billions to make?" He Feng blinked and looked at Wang Xiangyun.

"If raw materials can be supplied continuously, and any threat from outside can be solved."

Wang Xiangyun paused and said, "I'm sure I'll make a trillion yuan in one year."


He Feng was choked face red, "how much do you say?"

Ji Xinyu and others also stare at Wang Xiangyun in disbelief.

Before, Wang Xiangyun said that her research can make a lot of money, but they did not expect Wang Xiangyun to say that she would make a trillion.

And it's within a year.

Even the most profitable enterprises in the world can't make a trillion yuan a year.

Except, of course, some mysterious institutions that they don't know but are extremely powerful.

"Don't be so surprised. In addition to these three drugs, there will be an enhanced version of my research soon. The enhanced version of the medicine has been comparable to the pill. "

Wang Xiangyun analyzed: "when refining pills in other pharmacies, not only should pharmacists be given money, but even pharmacists will have a certain failure rate. But I won't, and I don't need to give the pharmacist any money. I just need to pay the staff a little. "

"You mean, we're going to rob the top ten drugstores?" He Feng mouth corner smoked to smoke, can play a little big?

He Bayun is also helpless to caress the forehead. The daughter-in-law here is a little tough. It's OK to do business with ordinary people. Others will rob you of your cake at most.

But you take the initiative to rob other people's cake, which means that you are deliberately pulling hatred.

At the same time, in the face of the top ten medicine halls, even the he family, they feel like Alexander.

After all, the ten medicine halls may not be as powerful as their royal family, but if they unite, the he family will not be able to bear it.

In addition, some pharmacies have their own backgrounds.

For example, the royal family, the ancient family, the clan

"Yes, there is competition in business. You can't make money alone in an industry. I've developed drugs. After the drugs come into the market, I think there will be other people who will also develop drugs. If they succeed in developing drugs, aren't they robbing us of our business? I can only accept this kind of reasonable competition. I can accept other people's competition and let them grab my market. Then why can't I grab other people's market? "

What Wang Xiangyun said is very direct.

He Bayun feels that he is usually overbearing enough, but he doesn't want Wang Xiangyun to be more overbearing than him. He really wants to rob the business of the top ten drugstores.

"Are you sure your potion can take the market of the top ten drugstores?" He Bayun inquired.

Wang Xiangyun nodded, "I'm very confident in what I've developed, and the effect will certainly not be worse than pills. Because our cost is not high, so I intend to fight a price war with them. The price is set at two-thirds of their price. "


Smell speech, he Ba cloud directly poured to suck a cool air.

It's one-third cheaper. It's a rolling advantage in price.

Think about it. A lower ancient martial family consumes nearly 10 billion yuan of pills every year.

The average guwu family consumes about 50 billion yuan to buy pills every year.

As for the higher guwu families, none of them will be less than 100 billion.

I'm afraid that only the head of the four royal families knows the amount of money they spend on resources every year.

How much money can Wang Xiangyun save every year?

If the effect is the same, but the price is so much cheaper, who won't choose to cooperate with Wang Xiangyun?

But when the business of the top ten drugstores is robbed, will they be indifferent?

"At the same time, I'm against the top ten medicine halls. It's a bit too big for me to be the master."

He Bayun said with a bitter smile: "it's just that Xiao Feng is going to Yanjing tomorrow. Let him discuss with the old man face to face. I'll explain the situation with the old man in a moment, so that he can think about it clearly."

"Well, if you want to compete with the top ten drugstores at the same time, you really have to think it over before making a decision."

This next he Feng also calm a lot, did not rush to make money.

All the forces in China are very secret. Each of the four royal families has more than ten or twenty myths. What about the ten medicine halls that are not much weaker than the four royal families?

He Feng thinks that there must be so many myths in every medicine hall, right?

If the top ten pharmacies unite to deal with them, even if the he family is in front of them, they will not be able to stop them. After all, they are robbing the cake of the top ten pharmacies.

"Well, I'll keep busy and try to get the enhanced version out in the next two days."

Wang Xiangyun nodded and then went back to the training room.

She is also very helpless, just a little ordinary medicine, ah, even the he family are so worried.

If you take out another research achievement of your own, the medicine that can make people directly reach the first or even the third level of body refining, will they be afraid to promote it?

But from today's talk, Wang Xiangyun also realized a problem.

Interests belong to the strong.

Otherwise, no matter how hard you try, you will only make wedding clothes for the strong.

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