"Xiao Feng, your daughter-in-law is amazing. She can make such a good thing. If it is really promoted to the market, and our he family has resisted the pressure from the outside world, then our he family will be developed. " He Bayun exclaimed.

He Feng rolled a white eye, this still use you to say.

"Er Bo, do you know the strength of the top ten medicine halls?" He Feng asked.

He knows too little about the top ten medicine halls.

No, not only the top ten medicine halls, but also some high-level ancient martial families. He thinks they may not be as simple as they seem.

After all, only a few people in their family know how deep some old high-level ancient martial families have been handed down for hundreds of years.

"I don't know, but I'm sure there will be at least one myth in every medicine hall. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to open their medicine hall. "

He Bayun pondered for a while, and said: "in addition, there are two or three of the top ten medicine halls with royal background, and several with ancient background. There is even a medicine hall, their supreme elder and inner disciple of the sect. "

Inner disciples, that's the myth, and it's still a myth less than 100 years old. It's not the ordinary and low-level myth outside that can compare with the key cultivation of the sect.

"It seems that it's a little difficult for yunyun's medicine to be popularized and seize the market of the eight medicine halls." He Feng whispered.

"It's difficult, but it's not impossible. For example, we can find two powerful pharmacies to cooperate, let them be responsible for providing raw materials and market protection, and we will give them certain interest dividends. " He Bayun said.

"Does that work?"

"As long as the cooperation between Yaotang and us is sincere, I think it will work."

He Bayun thought about it and said: "the background of Guiyi medicine hall is very mysterious. You can inquire about it when you go to Yanjing this time. If you're strong enough, you can work with them

"Well, when I go to Yanjing this time, I'll talk to the senior management of Guiyi medicine hall." He Feng nodded.

"Let the elder brother or the old man take you. You'd better not expose your strength. Yanjing, after all, is the territory of Tianlong eight. " He Bayun said.

After a few words of advice to He Feng, he Bayun also went to practice.

He has just broken through the three realms of Qi, so he needs to stabilize it.

"I know!"

He Feng said, looking at Ling Weiyu, "little feather, now the website traffic is still growing? That Jiuku. Com, is there any outside idea behind it? "

Before Ling Weiyu opened his mouth, the monkey said: "boss, you look down on me and the brothers of Shenji camp too much. With us, a small website, how can you be uncertain? In the past two days, the sales of Fengyu Chinese network are also growing steadily. There are more than 20 books with a daily sales of more than ten thousand. "

"There are so many..."

He Feng was also a little surprised.

At the beginning, he was also reading novels on pirated websites, but he didn't expect that the traffic of pirated websites was so terrible, even bigger than the largest platform of Vietnamese computer-based websites.

"Hey, it's just the beginning. The main reason is that there are too few authors on the website now. When there are more authors, I'll get some pirated websites." The monkey said triumphantly.

Anyway, it's hard for him to improve his strength in a short time, so now he has less time to practice. More often, he helps his sister-in-law to practice martial arts.

But this kind of thing is too boring. After all, it's the woman who is the eldest of his own, so he usually finds something else to do.

"Oh, you hurry up a little. We're going to make a trillion a year at least, and the novel website must be the first in the industry, or it will make people laugh." He Feng light way.

"Well, I'll go and get all the other pirated websites to us today." The monkey said casually, as if doing this kind of thing is as simple as eating and drinking water.

"Brother monkey, it's not good."

At this time, a man of Shenji camp came quickly.

"Brother monkey?"

Ji Xinyu and others laughed when they heard the name of monkey.

"Pooh! How can this line sound familiar? "

"Monkey, who is your master? Have you been taken away by a monster? "

Ji Xinyu and others directly joked.

"Sister in law, don't tease me. If I get used to it, it will be hard for me to find a girlfriend in the future."

Monkey is very speechless. His real name is Hou potian. Because this name always reminds us of Monkey Sun, he Feng and his family have given him the nickname "monkey". Many younger brothers in Shenlong Island call monkey "monkey brother".

The monkey didn't kick the brother of Shenji camp angrily, "what are you doing, what's the matter?"

"Monkey brother, Jiuku's page has been restored to their own website. They invited experts to come, but we can't get them."

With that, the man noticed he Feng and quickly lowered his head to repent.

Although he Feng didn't tell them to do it, they didn't perform well in front of him Feng, which was also a shame.

"Damn, they took back the website."

Monkey face a red, he was just in front of He Feng, did not expect that this is less than a minute, Shenji camp brother said nine cool net was robbed back.

It's like hitting him in the face!

"Monkey, it seems that your computer technology has regressed. You can't make a novel website."

He Feng shook his head, "do you want me to do it myself?"

"No, boss, I'm going to get the website back now."

Monkey where good meaning let he Feng hand, drop this words to turn around to leave.

See he Feng eat shriveled appearance, he Feng also a little funny.

"Feather, how are you doing? Is there anyone who needs my advice on cultivation? "

He Feng looks at Ling Weiyu and others and asks, with a bad smile in his eyes.

Ling Weiyu and others don't understand what he means. This rascal must want to do something bad.

"I'll take a lunch break!"

Ji Xinyu stretches to show her delicate and sexy body. Then she steps up and leaves.

"If you want to leave, Why tempt me before you leave? I really think brother Feng is embarrassed to touch you in front of so many wives? "

He Feng is very depressed and goes forward without saying a word.

Ji Xinyu hasn't reacted yet, so he Feng hugs him with a princess.

"Ah! You're so ashamed to let me down. " Ji Xinyu is ashamed and annoyed to call up, these days hard to maintain the image, the feeling is He Feng this embrace all to do not.

It's a shame. I feel like I'm going to be forced.

"I'm old husband and wife. What's the shame?"

He Feng can't manage so much, originally just casually joked, also didn't really plan to do bad things in the daytime, who let this nice girl suddenly to tempt himself?

I don't know brother Feng has been holding it all day. How can he stand the temptation?

Ji Xinyu doesn't know. After he Feng leaves with her in his arms, Ling Weiyu's eyes are full of envy.


At the same time, Oro.

"Brother Tang, you're right. Your opponents have started to fight back. They should be three people."

A handsome man with blonde hair and blue eyes is typing the keyboard slowly. The hand speed seems not fast, but the keyboard is crackling.

Fortunately, this keyboard is made of alloy, as long as it is not forced to knock, it is difficult to break.

Bruno has been using this keyboard for three years, and the keyboard has not been damaged at all.

"Bruno, you won't let them steal this website again, will you?"

Asked Townsend, squinting.

Jiuku.com brings him tens of millions of profits every year.

Income is not much, even for him, this income is not enough even his pocket money, he bought a sports car to tens of millions.

However, with jiuku.com stolen by others, he was ridiculed by others.

In the organization, many people know that he likes reading novels.

The reason why he wanted to create Jiuku at that time was that he was abroad, and it was too troublesome to register an account and recharge. After all, there were too many novel websites, so it was impossible for him to register an account and recharge every website.

As a result, Tang Sen created Jiuku. Com. He collected all the great God's works of the whole network, and he was also correct. Even many other pirated websites get content from him.

Over the years, Jiuku has gathered tens of thousands of readers, which is much larger than the flow of legitimate websites.

This makes Townsend very proud, so he often brags in front of his friends.

But these days, he was teased by his friends from time to time and asked if he had robbed the website.

Of course, Tang Sen wants to rob, but the hacker technology of the other party is so powerful that Tang Sen can't find any powerful hacker all of a sudden. Today, his man Jackson finally helped him find a powerful hacker.

Bruno, the fourth largest hacker in the world.

Sure enough, Bruno shot, less than half an hour, will be nine cool net to him back.

"Don't worry, with me, no one can steal your website." Bruno was puffing on the keyboard, not caring that it was Townsend's office.

Don Sen is also helpless. If other hackers smoke in his office, they will be slapped out by him. But this Bruno is not only a hacker, but also a gold medal knight with purple fighting spirit.

The gold knights in western countries are equivalent to the masters of Huajin in Eastern countries.

In addition, Townsend also knows that Bruno has a big future. Even he should be polite in front of Bruno.

When DONSON heard Bruno's words, he was a little relieved.

It seems that Bruno has some real skills to rank fourth in the global hacker list.

"Well? It turns out that someone has joined the battle circle, and they are still very strong. "

At this time, Bruno seemed to be aware of something, and his face became solemn. He directly vomited his cigarette on the ground. The carpet, which cost millions of meters to buy, was directly burned into a hole.

"Pa pa pa..."

Bruno can not manage so much, hands on the keyboard crazy tapping, face unprecedented dignified, even exuded a trace of purple light.

Gradually, there was sweat on Bruno's forehead, and the purple light on his body was even worse. The ten fingers that knocked on the keyboard were so close that he could hardly see clearly with the naked eye.

More than ten minutes later, Bruno's face became more and more ugly.



As he raised his hand high, patted the keyboard with one palm, and broke the keyboard into pieces, the hacking war without gunpowder finally came to an end.

Look at Bruno's face, you can see who wins and who loses.

"Bruno, what's going on? How was the website robbed by them again? "

Don Sen frowned and asked, because he saw that the website displayed on Bruno's computer screen was no longer Jiuku, but Fengyu Chinese.

"That man is a master. His computer skills are no worse than mine, even a little better. And the other three people, strength is not weak, each has the impact of the global hacker top ten strength. I can't resist the four of them working together. "

Bruno said in a subdued voice.

If the other side is only one person, he only defends, should be able to defend.

But there are four people on the other side, each of them is a master, and one of them is more powerful than him. It's good for Bruno to persist for so long.

"Technology is better than you?"

Townsend looked ugly, too.

He was very puzzled, with such a strong computer technology, why come to grab a pirated website with him? I do a website is just play, play people do not play it?

Just for a little bit of traffic?

How much money can such a little traffic make?

It's only tens of millions a year!

If you really lack the money, let's discuss it. I can give you tens of millions at one time.

"Well, the four of them work together. I don't have any way. Next, you can find a way to deal with it yourself."

Bruno was very depressed. He took out a cigarette to light it and took a heavy puff. Then he felt a little calmer.

Just now, he really tried his best, but if he was defeated, there was nothing to admit.

"Since the literati are not good, let's fight with them."

Townsend also lost patience, looked at Jackson and said, "Jackson, I asked you to contact the killer organizations around Jiangbin city before. Did you contact them?"

"Boss, I have contacted one of the top 20 killer organizations in China, called red sun. This is their boss's contact information. "

With that, Jackson took out a business card and handed it to Townsend.

Tang Sen took the card and glanced at it. "How about the strength of HongRi?"

"Very strong! It's much better than the group we contacted last time. However, when we asked the film group to take action, we underestimated He Feng's strength. I inquired about it some time ago. It turns out that he Feng was hiding his strength all the time. His real strength is not a heavy body, but a four heavy body. "

What about the red sun

"The red sun once assassinated many strong men at the top of dark strength. Their boss seems to have broken through to the top of dark strength."

"The peak of dark energy? it 's not bad! I'll call him now. "

Townsend took out his cell phone and dialed it according to the number on his business card.


After a while, a middle-aged man's voice came from the phone.

"I'm Townsend. Are you the boss of red sun?" Asked Townsend directly.

"So you are boss Tang. I've heard friends say that you want me to do something for you?" The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Yes, I want to ask you to help me kill a four fold horizontal practitioner. If the price is 100 million, what do you think?" Townsend road.

"Oh? It's just refining the body. Boss Tang has paid such a high price. He is really a rich man. He is generous. " The middle-aged man was surprised and said, "I don't know who boss Tang wants me to kill? Do you have any specific information? "

"No, we don't. But we have his address, his place of work, and a photo of him. I'll send it to you later." Said Townsend.

"OK, but tell me his name first. Maybe I'll know him, so you don't have to send me information."

"Oh, his name is He Feng. Do you know him?"

"You, what do you call him?"

The middle-aged man asked with some uncertainty.

"He Feng, Congratulations, maple of maple leaf."

"He Feng, who lives in Jiangbin city?"

"Yes, it seems that you red sun really have some strength. It's just a four fold martial arts practitioner. As soon as I give you my name, you will know that your intelligence ability is really strong."

Don Sen said happily.

"Boss Tang, are you sure you are not joking with me? Do you really want me to deal with He Feng?"

The middle-aged man asked in a strange tone.

"Of course, I hate him a lot. Otherwise, I wouldn't pay you such a high price to deal with him." Townsend road.

"100 million, is that high?" The middle-aged man sneered, "boss Tang, if you really want to deal with He Feng, don't say 100 million, I think 100 million is far away."

"Billion? A strong man with four body refining needs a price of one billion? Is the price of your country going up too far? "

Tang Sen was already a little upset. He felt that the other party was trying to blackmail himself, and he also felt that the other party's brain was a little bit flooded.

I ask for 100 million, but you say it's a long way off?

Even if you want to blackmail, you have to have a score, right?

"Ha ha, boss Tang, it seems that your intelligence ability is not good."

The middle-aged man said with a faint smile: "if you are sure that the He Feng you are talking about is the He Feng in Jiangbin City, then I can tell you clearly that even if you really give the price to one billion, no one will take the task."

Don Sen frowned and said, "can you speak more clearly?"

"Well, you really don't know. He Feng's real cultivation is not what you call the four fold training. It's about refining the body seven times. " Red Sun said: "in addition, he is one of the four royal families in Jiangbin City, a direct descendant of the he family. Think about it for yourself. How much does it cost to assassinate a master of horizontal training. What's more, he is the master of the royal family

"Master Henglian? The children of the four royal families in China? "

Townsend's eyes widened.

Are you kidding?

Isn't he Feng an ordinary ancient martial arts practitioner? When did he become a master?

"Well, in fact, at the beginning, the outside world really thought that he was just a four fold cultivation, but in fact, he concealed his cultivation. His real strength has reached seven fold cultivation, and he is a strong master of a generation. Now in our kingdom of China, those who have a little knowledge of ancient martial arts all know that he Feng is a young master who was secretly cultivated by the he family. " HongRi old Avenue: "I've told you what to say. HongRi can't take over the task of He Feng. You can find someone else."

With that, without waiting for Tang Sen to reply, red sun hung up directly.

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