He Feng doesn't know what happened in Oro. At this time, he is immersed in Ji Xinyu's gentle hometown.

In recent days, he Feng and Ji Xinyu seldom live in the world of two people. Now they have a chance. Naturally, they won't miss it.


Naked Ji Xinyu lies on He Feng's chest, heavily panting, blushing, extremely attractive.

"Husband, you are so powerful, when can you subdue yunyun?"

Ji Xinyu said with her eyes closed.

He Feng touched his nose, "why did you suddenly ask this question?"

Of course, he wants to subdue Wang Xiangyun, but the key is, it's hard

"Hey, I just want to serve you with her." Ji Xinyu smiles.

"What bad taste? Why do you have to be with yunyun? It's OK with feathers. " He Feng is speechless.

"No, I just want to talk to yunyun."

Ji Xinyu stroked He Feng's strong body and said: "husband, you have to work harder to subdue yunyun as soon as possible and satisfy my little wish."

"Well, I'll try." He Feng coughed softly.

Because of the injury last time, although Wang Xiangyun's women expressed their love for him and their feelings were recognized by each other, Wang Xiangyun devoted most of his time and energy to cultivation and research, and rarely paid attention to the sublimation of his feelings because he wanted to realize his life value.

In other words, Wang Xiangyun may not have made enough psychological preparation for the time being, so he deliberately let himself devote himself to research and Cultivation in order to avoid the occurrence of certain things.

For this point, he Feng also knows that Wang Xiangyun, a woman, is more traditional and conservative in nature, and he Feng will not force her.

It really takes a certain amount of time for their feelings to get real sublimation.

"By the way, Xinyu, how is Xiaogang now?" He Feng asked.

"Xiao Gang, before you came back yesterday, he came out once and had already broken through to the middle of the dark force." Ji Xinyu sincerely praised: "Xiaogang's cultivation speed is really quite fast after he wakes up his blood. It's only a few days before he breaks through the dark energy, and it's in the middle of the dark energy. Moreover, he said that after he breaks through the middle of the dark energy, his cultivation speed doesn't slow down. It's estimated that in a few days, he can reach the later stage of the dark energy, and it's not too long for the peak of the dark energy."

When it comes to Ji Gang's cultivation, Ji Xinyu smiles and looks forward to it.

"Does Xiao Gang want to go to Ji's house when he reaches the peak of dark strength?"

"Yes, he has awakened his blood, and now he can control his blood. When the dark strength is at its peak, once he becomes crazy, his combat effectiveness will not be weaker than me. I will accompany him to Ji's house. I will sweep the array for him and try not to fight. It should be enough to deal with those people with his strength. "

"Xinyu's wife, after Xiaogang breaks through to the peak of dark strength, you ask him to practice more for a period of time, and then go to Ji's house when he breaks through to Huajin. Besides, when I go to Ji's house, I'll go with you. "

He Feng said.

Ji Xinyu frowned, "why do you have to wait for Xiaogang to break through to Huajin? Although he is now practicing fast, there is still a threshold for him to enter the micro level from the dark strength to the Hua strength. Moreover, after entering the micro level, he will have to settle down for a period of time. It will be very difficult for him to break through the Hua strength within a few months. "

If it wasn't for He Feng's worry and Ji Xinyu's worry about her health, she would like to go to Ji's house by herself.

After all, it was the Revenge of killing my father.

She witnessed those bastards killing her father in order to be the head of Ji's family.

She can't wait to get her revenge.

"Because, I got a news yesterday, Ji Shurong, he broke through." Ji Xinyu, he Feng does not intend to hide.

"Suddenly... Broke through?"

Ji Xinyu opens her mouth.

"Well, half a year ago." He Feng nodded, "now Ji's family, has been regarded as a high ancient martial family. And after half a year of development, I think the Ji family must have emerged a few strong people with the highest dark strength. If Xiaogang doesn't break through to Huajin, it's hard to deal with the Ji family. "

"Ji Shurong's breakthrough must be because he deprived my father of his blood." Ji Xinyu's face is full of hatred, and his tone is full of killing.

"Deprive your father of his blood?"

He Feng frowned and asked.

It's true that the awakening blood in the warrior can be deprived, but generally no one will do this kind of thing, because it's too evil. Once it's spread out, it will be rejected and suppressed by the warrior circle. In the future, it will become a street mouse and everyone will shout.

Of course, there are still many red eyed ancient warriors who will try to deprive others of their blood.

The reason is very simple. If you deprive others of their blood, you will speed up your cultivation and your strength will soar.

In the world of ancient martial arts, where the strong are respected, as long as they can get powerful power, many people can even ignore their lives. How can they care about fame?

However, people outside know very little about the means of depriving blood, even he Feng. Ji Shurong, who used to be the head of the lower guwu aristocratic family, knows this means?

"When he started with my father, he said that since my father wanted to take away the position of head of his family, he would take away my father's blood. At that time, I thought that he just said it unintentionally, but now that he has broken through to Huajin, I think it must be because he deprived my father of his blood. Otherwise, with his talent, he didn't even understand the subtlety in those years. How could he break through to Huajin in such a short time? " Ji Xinyu said.

Smell speech, he Feng also a little doubt.

Does Ji Shurong really know how to deprive others of their blood?

If that's the case, Ji Shurong will be a little more complicated.

"Xinyu, no matter what, after Xiaogang breaks through to the peak of dark strength, you still have to tell him about it, let him continue to work hard, break through to Huajin, and then go to Ji Shurong for revenge."

"Well, I'll tell him then, but Xiao Gang may guess that our father's blood has been deprived by Ji Shurong. He must be very angry."

"Angry, isn't it? It's OK. When the time comes, I'll find something to vent my anger to him. I'm sure it will satisfy him. "

"Oh? What's the matter? "

Ji Xinyu asks curiously.

"Ji Chang'an, Ji Shurong's son, you should know quite well, don't you?"

"Of course, he is my cousin in terms of relationship. However, Ji Chang'an has a vicious mind and can't go with me. "

"What I want to say is this Ji Chang'an."

He Feng smiles and tells Ji Xinyu what happened to Lang MI, "my idea is that when Ji Chang'an goes to Lang MI for trouble, you can tell him about Ji Shurong's breakthrough, and then let Xiao Gang go to hangqiu city to solve Ji Chang'an."

Ji Xinyu frowned and said: "in this way, Ji Shurong will not know about our sister and brother. He will be ready then. It will be a little difficult to deal with him again."

As for whether Ji Shurong will send someone to kill them, Ji Xinyu is not worried at all now.

In the past, she was afraid of revealing her identity, but now she has enough power to protect herself. She is eager for Ji Shurong to send someone to kill their sister and brother. Instead, she can leave Ji Shurong's people behind.

He Feng said with a smile: "it is to make him ready, and then you will crush him with absolute strength, which will only make him more desperate and painful. Otherwise, it would be too cheap for him to kill him with one knife? "

"Well, husband, what you said is very reasonable."

Ji Xinyu nodded, "in that case, I don't have to worry too much."

With that, Ji Xinyu stood up to get dressed.

"Wife Xinyu, are you ready to get up?" He Feng asked while appreciating a woman's perfect body.

Ji Xinyu said with a smile, "yes, I'll get you some delicious tonic."

"What can I do for you? I'm in good health. I've only been struggling all afternoon. Where can I do for you?" He Feng is speechless. Why do you always think I need to mend my body? Is brother Feng strong?

"I know that an afternoon is a small thing for you. I'm afraid you'll have to fight another night tonight, but you can't be overdrawn. Well, I'm going to tell my servants to go to the vegetable market and buy two fresh kidneys. "

Ji Xinyu put on his clothes and left the room directly regardless of whether he Feng agreed or not.


He Feng smoked from the corner of his mouth.

Kidney again?

Even if the body, why do you want to get kidney?

After a while, brother Feng will eat kidney in front of so many people?

At the thought of that scene, he Feng would like to find a hole to drill down.

"No, I can't eat kidney in front of people even if I'm killed."

He Feng says in the heart secretly, then take a deep breath, cultivated.

About an hour later, the door of the training room was pushed open.

He Feng opens his eyes and sees Ji Xinyu coming in with a bowl.

"Husband, are you not busy? Why don't you eat what's in this bowl first, and then go out for dinner. " Ji Xinyu came over with a gentle face.

Don't need to see with eyes at all, he Feng just smelled twice, smelled that familiar flavor.


This girl really went to buy a kidney, and it was ready so soon.

The key is, also very intimate, guess he Feng don't want to eat kidney in front of outsiders, so specially brought over.

"Wife Xinyu, I really don't need to eat this." He Feng said bitterly.

Brother Feng is in good health. Why do you have to force me to eat?

"Yes, I know you're in good health. You don't need to eat this kind of food. But this is not what I want to buy for you. It's yunyun who reminds me to buy it for you. " Ji Xinyu looks serious said.

"Wang Xiangyun asked you to buy it?"

He Feng can't help staring at Ji Xinyu. When does Wang Xiangyun care about his body?

Ji Xinyu calmly, facing He Feng's eyes, said with a smile: "I think she may be worried that you haven't been married with him, and your body will be drained. And she must be embarrassed to say that to you in person. I can only help her. What about? Do you feel your main room is very intimate? You have to work hard to subdue her early, so that when she feels your ability, she won't force you to eat it again. "

"But it makes me feel a little nauseous. Xinyu's wife, why don't you eat it? Women need to be mended, too. "

"That's no good. Yunyun said that I would supervise you to eat. I can't cheat her. Husband, just be obedient. Yunyun will be very happy to know that you have eaten. Maybe if she's happy, you can take her down soon. "


He Feng always feels that something is wrong, but after thinking about it, it's just a bowl of kidney, not poison. If a bowl of kidney can really make Wang Xiangyun feel better about himself, it's quite cost-effective.

Besides, this thing seems to be a magic medicine for men. Maybe brother Feng will be more powerful in the future?

"All right!"

Finally, he Feng nodded, took the chopsticks from Ji Xinyu's hand, and ate them quickly.

Ji Xinyu's cooking is still very good. He Feng feels delicious even though he has a heavy taste of kidney. Finally, he drinks all the soup.

"Honey, let's go to dinner?" Ji Xinyu took the chopsticks and said with a smile.


He Feng looked at Ji Xinyu, his eyes narrowed, "Xinyu wife, this bowl of kidney is not what Wang Xiangyun asked me to eat, right? Do you mean to cheat me to eat? "

Ji Xinyu couldn't help laughing, "poof! People just listen to people outside, men like to eat kidney, so I want to see if you can eat my husband. Hee hee, it seems that you don't reject my husband. Then I won't worry about your body. "


He Feng's mouth is pumping wildly.

Cheat me to eat kidney, just want to see if I can eat?

What's more, why don't you worry about my health?

You've been worried about your feelings

"Xinyu wife, I think it's necessary for me to prove that I'm in good health all the time."

He Feng said with a smile, and then stood up.

"Ah? Honey, what are you doing? It's time for us to go out for dinner. Yunyun, they are still waiting outside... "

Ji Xinyu is pushed down by He Feng before he finishes speaking.

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