One night, he Feng was not idle. First, he personally instructed Wang Xiangyun and Chu Yue about their cultivation. Later, he alone instructed Ling Weiyu's cultivation.

This practice is a whole night.

The next morning, he Feng just got up, he Bayun was called in the past, let he Feng will plant the spiritual seed method to him.

Planting spiritual seeds is related to the use of spiritual power. The process seems simple, but in fact it is very complex. Only the mythical strong man who can make the spiritual power outside and control the spiritual power to the micro level can plant spiritual seeds for others.

It took a whole morning for he Bayun to grasp the means of giving the seeds of human spirit. With a little more practice, he can start to give the seeds of human spirit.

Of course, when using this method in the early stage, the other party must fully cooperate, and the spirit can't resist at all. Otherwise, it's easy to be backfired, and it's much better to be proficient later.

It is said that when the spiritual gap between the two sides is too big, they can even plant spiritual seeds by force, which is very overbearing.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

Just about to have lunch, he Feng received a call from Zou Xun.


He Feng answers the phone.

"Master, I heard from sister feather that you are going to Yanjing city?"

Although Zou Xun called master he Feng, the name between her and Ling Weiyu remained unchanged.

"Well, go to Yanjing and do something." He Feng nodded, but he was curious. How did Ling Weiyu tell Zou Xun about it?

"Well, master, I'm going to Yanjing city today. Let's go together. I'll buy the tickets." Zou Xun said with a smile.

"Are you going to Yanjing, too?"

He Feng said in surprise.

"Well, I'm going to Yanjing city to talk about a film and television project. It's a film starring an acting star. They have a temporary divestment from their investors, but their film has been turned on, and they are very short of money. I discussed with sister feather this morning. Sister feather wants the company to enter the film and television industry, so let me talk to them. Of course, we want to be the biggest investor. "

"All right, you can buy the tickets. We'll set out in a moment."

Work, he Feng did not go to say more, directly should come down.

"OK, I'll let you know when I get the tickets."

Hung up the phone, he Feng looked at Ling Weiyu, who had just returned to Liuyue club, "it should take a lot of money to enter the film and television industry, right? Do you have enough money? "

Ling Weiyu has a lot of money on hand, but the website still needs to dig a lot of big gods, some of the top gods. A person will have thousands of years.

A supreme god like tomato needs to prepare 100 million yuan to dig.

Although Ling Weiyu won't dig, the money still needs to be ready.

"Brother Xiaofeng, don't worry. I have enough money here." Ling Weiyu said with a smile.

"Well, if it's not enough, just tell me. If it's not enough, you can use it as pocket money

He Feng nodded and said.

Of course, this is not for Ling Weiyu alone.

"Boss, sisters in law all have pocket money, so I should have it as a brother, too?" The monkey said expectantly, not at all polite.

"Of course!"

He Feng said, without saying a word, he took out a ten yuan note from his pocket, "take it and use it!"

"Shit, ten bucks?"

Monkey muddled circle, "boss, you don't say one billion eight hundred million, how to give ten to me?"

Is there such a big gap between men and women?

"Why, feel less? All right, then don't take it. Eat. "

Say, he Feng very agile put money back pocket again.

Do you really think ten yuan is not money? I can buy several sets of Fengge, although Fengge never uses it.


The monkey said, "hum, stingy. It's easy for me to earn 100 billion, 800 billion or something."

He Feng glanced at the monkey, "if you let the official forces of China notice you, then you can go back to Shenlong island for me."


The monkey said he was very tired.

He Bayun said: "Xiao Feng, yunyun has developed new pharmaceutical products and plans to make money in the market. I have already told the old man that he should have no big problems, but he still wants to talk with you face to face about how to operate. You went to Yanjing today, so go to talk with him face to face."

"Well, I'll go to Guiyi medicine hall today to find elder brother Xi to learn more about their challenge, and then I'll go to he's house."

He Feng nodded.

Today I'm going to the he family, but his heart is more complicated.

"Shall I go to Yanjing with you? I'll talk to the old man face to face about the product promotion plan. "

At this time, Wang Xiangyun said.

He Feng looked at Wang Xiangyun and Ling Weiyu, who was full of expectations. He Feng shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "you'd better not go to Yanjing with me. I'm not sure if it will be dangerous when I go to Yanjing this time. If there is any danger, there may be myths against me. If you are by my side, it will be more dangerous. As for product promotion, let's see what the old man said first. I believe that as long as the he family can withstand the pressure from the pharmacy and other forces, we don't need to worry about making money any more and just wait to count the money. "

He can see that Wang Xiangyun said that he was going to Yanjing city to talk about product promotion with the old man, but in fact he must be worried about him.

"Well, go and return early. Call home when you are free."

Wang Xiangyun shrugged and said no more. He took up his job and began to eat.

"Xiao Feng, I have something to do with the government of Yanjing city. I even have some old friends in the military. If you have any trouble and need help, please call me directly."

Said Tang Kan, sitting on the side.

"Well, I won't be polite to you, Mr. Tang. If you are in trouble, I will definitely contact you." He Feng grinned.

After dinner, he Feng and Xi Xueqing leave the Liuyue club with a bag. Zou Xun drives a car to pick them up. The ticket they bought will take off in two hours. Even if it's Sunday and there are many cars on the road, they can start at this time.

If he can't make it, he Feng's phone call can make the plane take off a little later, but it will delay the time of other passengers, so he Feng still leaves a little earlier.


On the plane, he Feng directly closed his eyes to practice.

The reason is very simple, because the air in the sky is much purer, the vitality in the sky is more rich and pure, and the effect of cultivation in the air is better.

This is also the reason why the sites of the eight sects are all located on high mountains with an altitude of several thousand meters.

After staying on the plane for more than three hours, the plane finally arrived in Yanjing city.

"Master, do you want to go directly to Guiyi medicine hall with Xueqing?"

As soon as he got off the plane, Zou Xun began to ask. At this time, the two women were arm in arm with each other, looking very close, just like a best friend.

Just on the plane, he Feng devoted himself to the cultivation, while Xi Xueqing and Zou Xun chatted all the way.

Of course, they are not gossiping, but discussing martial arts knowledge with each other.

Because Zou Xun can enter the ethereal state at any time, her understanding ability of martial arts is far beyond ordinary people. Even though she has just broken through to the initial stage of dark strength, she is already practicing the primary martial arts of the earth level, and even has reached the Xiaocheng level. It's easy to jump the level and fight. In this aspect, Xi Xueqing is much worse.

However, Zou Xun can't compare Xi Xueqing's various information about the ancient martial arts world and his understanding of Dan medicine.

The two chatted together, shared what they knew, and naturally became familiar with each other.

"Well, Xueqing, she wants to go to Guiyi medicine hall as soon as possible to see her father and understand the situation there."

He Feng nodded, "how long can you deal with your affairs?"

Zou Xun said: "I'm not sure about that now. I have to go over and learn more about it. I talked on the phone before, but I don't know much about it. Moreover, I also need to carefully look at their scripts and the strength of their entire production team. At least 80% of them must be sure that their films will be popular before I can invest money in them. Feather left it to me. I can't let her lose money the first time. "

Zou Xun said with a smile.

"Well, let's talk later. You can contact me if you have any questions. In addition, don't neglect the cultivation. Strength is the foundation of everything. Everything else is empty. Your talent is higher than Chen Jian's. If you go out in the future, I will be He Feng. Don't give me shame. "

"Master, don't worry. I won't be lazy when I practice this. I think I will be able to do it in three days."

Zou Xun naturally won't neglect cultivation. She hopes her strength can be improved as soon as possible, so that she can save her sister.

But she also knew that cultivation was not an overnight thing, so she would not be too anxious.

He Feng said with a smile: "now, can you return Xueqing to me?"

"Well, of course, master is afraid that I will rob women from you?"

Zou Xun's face is slightly red, and he quickly releases Xi Xueqing.

"Che, you are my apprentice. You can be said to be my man. How can you rob me?" He Feng turned his eyes.

"Your people?" Zou Xun slightly lowered his head, and he Feng did not dare to look at each other.

He Feng touched his nose. He felt as if he had said something wrong, but he didn't explain it. He said as if nothing had happened: "OK, I'll call a car for you first. Xueqing and I will be fine later."

Then he raised his hand and waved to the taxi not far away.

The taxi came quickly. Zou Xun looked at He Feng and Xi Xueqing and said, "I'll go first. I'll contact you later."

"All right!"

Seeing Zou Xun leave the car, he Feng's brow is suddenly wrinkled, looking back.

"He Feng, what's the matter?"

Seeing this, Xi Xueqing asked.

He Feng glanced around for a while and then said, "it seems that someone was staring at us just now!"

"Ah? Is it the Lin family

When Xi Xueqing heard the speech, she immediately became worried.

This time, they came to Beijing in the name of not letting the Lin family find out, so their whereabouts were very secret. They didn't let the he family or Guiyi medicine hall pick them up.

But don't want to, just out of the airport, he Feng said someone staring at them.

"It shouldn't be. It doesn't feel like a strong man." He Feng shook his head.

If you are master Huajin, because you have refined the gas into the flesh and blood, every move is very powerful. As long as you don't deliberately hide it, you can easily see it.

But just now, he didn't notice anything. Even if someone was staring at them, it was just an ordinary ancient warrior at most.

"Does it feel wrong? I feel a lot of people around us are staring at us? " Xi Xueqing took a look around and asked in doubt.

Indeed, she found a lot of people staring at them.

As for whether there is hostility in these people's eyes

There seems to be!

They look at He Feng's eyes, full of envy.

A character like a loser, unexpectedly attacked the goddess, why?

"Well, the eyes I just felt are different from those of these people. However, these people are really, brother Feng, I can catch up with beautiful women. That's brother Feng's ability. Why do they look at me like this? " He Feng has no good way.

"Hee hee, that's it."

Xi Xueqing said with a happy face: "however, if you tell them, it's not brother Feng you're chasing me, but brother Feng you I'm chasing. I don't know what they will think?"

"What else can you think? I guess you want to kill me."

The two joked and ignored the onlookers, so they recruited a taxi and left the airport.

Less than half an hour after they left, a young man, accompanied by two men, came out of the airport.

As soon as the youth came out, there was a middle-aged man in the crowd.

"Ke Shao!"

The middle-aged man came to Ke Zhennan and saluted respectfully.


Ke Zhennan nodded faintly and asked, "have you arranged all the places to play? This is my first visit to Yanjing. Don't let me down. "

"Ke Shao, don't worry. The place I arranged is the best place in Yanjing. Usually even the top ten heroes of Yanjing City occasionally go there to play. He won't be disappointed." The middle-aged man said quickly.

"Top ten? Ha ha, tomorrow we will see the top ten heroes fighting with others. I hope they will not let me down too much. "

Ke Zhennan chuckles.

This is the purpose of his visit to Yanjing city to watch Chang Tao, one of the top ten heroes, compete with another Huajin master.

Ke Zhennan had been studying abroad for a long time. He had just broken through to Huajin, so he came back to China.

These two days, he heard that Chang Tao, one of Yanjing's top ten heroes, was going to compete with a Huajin master in Guiyi medicine hall. So he came to Yanjing one day ahead of time to see how far away he was from this hero.

"I have also carefully investigated Chang Tao's strength. It wasn't long for him to break through to Huajin, but before he broke through to Huajin, he defeated an early master of Huajin. Now, after the breakthrough, I'm afraid it's very difficult to meet opponents in the initial stage of transforming strength. " Said the middle-aged man.

"That's good, or I'll be disappointed with the top ten heroes in Yanjing city." Ke Zhennan's eyes brightened, "where's the car? Let's leave first and take me to enjoy the beauties in Yanjing. Paralyzed, so many days back home, I have never met one that can really make my heart beat. I finally saw one last time and ran away. I haven't found one yet. "

"Ke Shao, is that the woman in the picture you are talking about?"

The middle-aged man suddenly took out his mobile phone, turned out a picture and handed it to Ke Zhennan.

Ke Zhennan casually glanced at the figure in the photo and said in surprise: "eh, how can you have Zou Xun's photo? Is this downloaded from the Internet? No, how familiar is the background? Isn't this where I'm standing now? Is this the picture you took? "

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