"Yes, keshao. I took this half an hour ago."

The middle-aged man nodded, "this should be Miss Zou?"

"Well, she is Zou Xun." Looking at Zou Xun in the photo, Ke Zhennan felt that his breathing was a little short, "where are people? Where are people? Why didn't you catch her for me? "

"Ke Shao, I'm sorry. Originally, I really wanted to leave Miss Zou, but another man beside her had better accomplishments than me, so I didn't dare to do it. Even, he seemed to have found me at that time. Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise I would have been caught by them. "

The middle-aged man pointed to a man in the photo, "Ke Shao, this man, do you know him?"

Ke Zhennan just looked at the man standing beside Zou Xun in the photo. It was he Feng.

Ke Zhennan said in a cold voice, "who is this man? Isn't it the wild man she's looking for outside? "

The middle-aged man said with a smile: "at that time, I watched in the dark for a while. I felt that the relationship between him and miss Zou should not be so close, and there was a woman beside him at that time, and that woman was his lover."

"And who is this man?" Ke Zhennan asked.

Although he has been back home for many days, he has been familiar with the business of his father's company these days and seldom pays attention to the outside affairs.

"Ke Shao, these two days, you should have heard of a name called 'He Feng'

"He Feng?"

Ke Zhennan's pupil shrinks, "this man, is He Feng?"

"Yes, he is He Feng." The middle-aged man nodded.

"Zou Xun ran with He Feng?" Ke Zhennan was surprised.

"Ke Shao, although I can't bring Miss Zou to you, I think if we can find he Feng, we can definitely find out Miss Zou's whereabouts from him. However, he Feng is likely to be a child of the he family. " The middle-aged man warned.

"The children of he family?"

Ke Zhennan had a sneer on his lips. "Other people are afraid of the he family. We Yinhe Gang don't have to be too afraid of them. We don't directly fight with the he family. I don't believe it. They will fight against me because of a little trifle. Zhan fan, next I'll give you a task to find out the trace of He Feng for me. I'll ask him directly about Zou Xun's whereabouts. "


See Ke Zhennan is not afraid of He Feng, middle-aged man Zhanfan naturally will not say anything more.

He is also quite clear about Ke Zhennan's identity. He is a young leader of the galaxy gang and has been sent abroad since he was a child. Xuancheng studied abroad. In fact, he entered a big force and was cultivated by an expert. Now he is only 25 years old and has already broken through to Huajin.


To be exact, when he was 24 years old last year, he had already made a breakthrough, and now he is trying to make a breakthrough.

Even if Yanjing city's top ten heroes, some of the lower ranking, if there is not enough bottom card means, I'm afraid they are not necessarily Ke Zhennan's opponents.

Not only is Ke Zhennan a powerful individual, but the galaxy Gang is also an extremely powerful force.

Outsiders don't know, but Zhan fan, a confidant of Ke Zhennan, is quite clear about the strength of the galaxy gang.

As one of the three major gangs in the three northeastern provinces, the strength of the Yinhe Gang is much stronger than that of some ordinary higher guwu families.

Not to mention anything else, only the eight deputy leaders, each of them had the cultivation of master Huajin.

As for the strength of the elders in the gang, I'm afraid no one knows except a few key figures in the gang.

In addition, the galaxy gang has an extremely mysterious background.

Because of these, Ke Zhennan is not too afraid of the he family, one of the four royal families. Instead, he asks Zhan fan to investigate the trace of He Feng and go to find him in person.


For these things, he Feng does not know.

At this time, he and Xi Xueqing have left Yanjing city and come to the suburbs of Yanjing city!

This is the real suburb, not the edge of the city.

Not to mention the high-rise buildings around, there are no residential areas. Only occasionally can we see a few scattered dilapidated buildings, and we don't know if there are people living in them.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's hard to drive on the mountain. My car can't go any further. Are you sure you're going to the right place?"

The driver stopped the car on a small road, and then looked at He Feng and Xi Xueqing warily and asked.

Do you want me to drive you to such a remote place to do something bad to me?

All along, only drivers cheat passengers into remote places and then do some bad things to passengers. Few passengers do bad things to drivers.

I won't let myself meet you today, will I?

"Master, don't worry. I come to this place often. I'm sure I didn't go wrong."

Xi Xueqing explained to the driver and said, "brother Feng, the road ahead is really hard to drive, but it's not far away. It's only two kilometers to go up the mountain. Now the temperature outside is not high, so let's walk slowly. What do you think?"

The driver was relieved when he heard Xi Xueqing's words.

It seems that I don't want to do bad things to myself.

Yes, if you really want to do something bad to the driver, it should be two men together. How can you be a couple.

"I said, little brother and little girl, do you want to go to that mountain?"

Since they didn't want to hurt themselves, the driver was not nervous. "Little girl, if you come here often, you should know that there is danger on the mountain, right?"

"You mean wolves?"

"You know? Then you dare to go over! "

The driver rolled his eyes and said, "I've heard that many people come into the mountain and almost all of them come across wolves. I don't know how many people have become food for wolves. But the government didn't know why. It didn't send someone to kill the wolves, which made the mountain a forbidden area. No one dared to go in or even close to it. I advise you, if you want to see the sunrise the next morning, change the mountain. It's really dangerous. "

Obviously, in the driver's view, he Feng and Xi Xueqing are traveling.

"Ha ha, it's OK. We are not afraid of wolves."

Xi Xueqing smiles, "brother Feng, let's go. It will be dark later."

"Well, good!"

He Feng nodded, took out a hundred dollar bill and handed it to the driver, but he didn't give him the change. He went straight to the mountain with Xi Xueqing.

"These two young people are not sensible, are they? I told them that there were wolves in the mountains, and they even went into the mountains? "

The driver shook his head and sighed, "come on, I'll wait for them here for a while to see if they will return."

I thought to myself that the driver would turn off the car and wait while smoking.

However, he Feng and Xi Xueqing have no intention of returning. He smokes three or four cigarettes in succession. He Feng and Xi Xueqing are about to enter the mountain.

"Alas, it's a pity that this young couple will become food for wolves when they are young."

The driver looked sympathetically at the two people in front, stamped out the cigarette butt, and then got on the bus to leave.

However, as soon as he got on the bus, he saw an incredible scene.

I saw a couple in front of me. At this time, they were surrounded by more than a dozen wolves. One of them was more than one meter high. He was circling around Xi Xueqing, wagging his tail so that he was happy.

At this time, the girl who should have screamed not only didn't shout, but also waved to the wolves, just like an old friend who hadn't seen her for a long time.

"I... am I wrong?"

Seeing this scene, the driver widened his eyes and quickly opened the door to get off the car, ready to take a closer look.

But when he looked ahead again, he saw nothing. The couple and the wolves were gone.

"Is it that I've seen too many movies recently, and I can't keep up with the nutrition, so I'm dazzled?"

Murmured the driver.


"Brother Feng, is it comfortable for the wolf to ride?"

In the mountain forest, he Feng and Xi Xueqing are sitting on the back of a wild wolf, while the rest of the wolves are guarding on both sides, running towards the central part of the small mountain forest.

"It's OK. I didn't expect that there are so many wolves in Guiyi medicine hall, and these wolves should be fierce beasts, right? It's much stronger than the ordinary wolf. " He Feng said with a smile.

"Of course, these wolves usually take some medicine. If they eat too much, they will naturally evolve."

"The driver just said they would eat people?"

"Of course not. They only bite, never eat."

"What's more, the people they bite are people who go up the mountain with a purpose. If ordinary people go up the mountain, they will only appear to scare people away and will not take the initiative to attack them," Xi said

"Going up the mountain with a purpose?"

"Well, in addition to being the headquarters of Guiyi medicine hall, Guiyi medicine hall has planted many miraculous drugs all over the mountain. And these wolves are responsible for the task of patrol, if someone goes up the mountain, they will be scared away. Some people have shotguns and can't be scared away. When they get close to the medicine garden, these wolves will attack. "

"I see!"

He Feng carefully induction for a while, also really feel the air has a touch of elixir.

There must be a lot of elixirs planted on this mountain.

Now he can understand why the headquarters of Guiyi medicine hall should be built on the mountain. Only this kind of place is suitable for the cultivation of miraculous medicine. If it is planted in the urban area, it is not easy for the miraculous medicine to grow, and it is easy to be coveted.

Of course, it's also possible that experts don't like to live in the noisy city.

About ten minutes later, some buildings appeared in front of He Feng.

These buildings are quite old. One of them is relatively new. It looks like a product of the last century.

On the path outside these buildings, people come and go, quite lively.

And he Feng and Xi Xueqing came by Wolf, which soon attracted the attention of those above.

"Eh, isn't that Xueqing's sister back? She hasn't been back to headquarters for more than a year, has she? Come on, tell fan Shao. Fan Shao will be very happy when she comes back. "

A young man said in surprise after recognizing Xi Xueqing sitting on the wolf.

"Well? There's something wrong. Xi Xueqing seems to have a man around her. Besides, it seems that Xueqing is quite close to him. What's the situation? " Another man said.

"Damn, that's true. No, I have to tell Ji Shao about it right away. You stare here first, and I'll find Ji Shao. "

With that, the young man turned and left at a very fast speed.

He is just a patrol team leader, but his cultivation has reached the level of dark strength.

It's not only the two of them who notice the arrival of Xi Xueqing and he Feng, but also many people on the mountain.

Therefore, when he Feng and Xi Xueqing stop and turn over, many people come up.

"Is Xueqing back? How does it feel to study in the city? "

"Sister Xueqing, did you bring me a present when I came back this time?"

"Xueqing, your father seems to have come back. Are you coming to see him?"

All the people said.

Xi Xueqing opened her backpack, took out a few bags from it and handed them to everyone. "I'm in a hurry this time. I didn't buy anything. They are all local products from Jiangshu province. Let's have a try."

"Thank you, Xueqing!"

"It's very kind of you, Xueqing."

"Sister Xueqing, who is this brother?"

Several younger children, with a curious look at He Feng.

Not only the children, but also the older ones are staring at He Feng.

Their eyes are more venomous, they have probably guessed the relationship between He Feng and Xi Xueqing, but Xi Xueqing did not take the initiative to say, they will not say anything.

Xi Xueqing smiles and admits generously, "let me introduce him to you. His name is He Feng and he is my boyfriend."


"What a boyfriend!"

"Before so many boys chasing snow fine, also did not see her promise, did not expect today even quietly brought a boyfriend back, also don't know flying will be very angry."

Individual several people, looking at He Feng's eyes is very bad.

"Auntie Wang, I won't tell you. I'll go to my father."

Xi Xueqing is obviously aware of their eyes, smiles, and then pulls He Feng to go on inside.

"Xueqing, what's the situation of the one called Feiyang?"

On the way, he Feng looked at the buildings of Guiyi medicine hall and asked with a smile.

Xi Xueqing said: "you said Ji Feiyang, he is a pursuer of mine, but I don't like him very much, so I went to Nanjin with my father to study."

"Oh? Just because you don't like him, you go to Nanjin city to study? " He Feng asked.

"Ji Feiyang's father is the deputy head of Guiyi medicine hall. His cultivation has reached the peak of Huajin. He seems to have reached the peak of his own dark strength. Before, his position in the medicine hall was higher than that of my father. So every time he comes to me, my father is not very happy, but he can't say anything. Over time, my father was also bored, so he took the initiative to go to Nanjin city as the head of the branch hall, and took our brother and sister to study. "

"So it is!"

He Feng suddenly said, "where does elder brother Xi live? Let's go to elder brother Xi directly."

"If there is no change of place, it should be the front yard." Xi Xueqing pointed to the front and said.

He Feng looked in front, very speechless, where at a glance to dense at least a few hundred yards.

Further down the yard, you'll get to the top of the mountain, where many yards have been built, but the yards are bigger and less dense.

"The places where the courtyard is more concentrated are all places where the strong people above the peak of dark energy are qualified to live. And at the top of the mountain over there, you can't live until you reach the level of strength. " Xi Xueqing explained.

"A garden for one person?"

"Not necessarily. Some yards may have lived for two or three months."

"Doesn't that mean that if you come back to the same medicine hall, you have to have nearly a hundred powerful people?"

He Feng said in shock.

On the top of the mountain, there are seven or eight yards.

If there are two or three Huajin masters living in some courtyards, there will be nearly 100 Huajin masters in Guiyi medicine hall.

"Well, the real strength of our top ten pharmacies is better than the rumor." Xi Xueqing nodded.

He Feng wry smile, is this stronger?

It is said that there are less than ten Huajin masters in the top ten medicine halls, which is a little better than the Gaogao guwu family.

But now, there are nearly 100 Huajin masters. They can hang most of the high ancient martial families, OK?

"Among your top ten medicine halls, there should be myths, right?" He Feng asked.

Before, he only suspected that there were myths in the top ten medicine halls, but now that there are nearly 100 masters of Huajin, he felt that there must be strong myths in the top ten medicine halls.

"I'm not sure about that. Even my father didn't know about it before, but I think now that he has broken through to Huajin, his position in the medicine hall has risen greatly. He should know some secrets of the medicine hall." Xi Xueqing.

"Well, ask elder brother Xi later."

He Feng nodded.

They went on.

Through a courtyard, Xi Xueqing Road will also meet some acquaintances, will warmly greet.

When someone asks her about He Feng, she will generously admit that he Feng is her boyfriend.

Gradually, the story of Xi Xueqing taking her boyfriend back to the pharmacy spread. Many people know that Xi Xueqing, who has never talked about love, took her boyfriend back to the pharmacy today.

"Brother Feng, that's my father's yard now, but I didn't live here long. We moved in only after my father broke through to the peak of dark strength."

Before long, Xi Xueqing pointed to the front of a yard and said.

"Well, I already feel the breath of elder brother Xi. Let's go first." He Feng nods and wants to knock on the door with Xi Xueqing.

"Xueqing, are you back?"

But at this time, a young man suddenly came over, although quite polite on the surface, but looking at He Feng's eyes, but extremely bad.

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