The young man who came by looked like a 25-6-year-old. He was about the same age as he Feng, but his clothes looked simple. If you look at them carefully, you can see that the cloth is precious. It's all top-grade silk. If you buy it outside, it will take at least ten thousand sets.

What's more, the young people's body is full of breath, and their eyes are shining, which makes people dare not look directly at them.

"It's the highest cultivation of dark energy, and it's not weak in spirit. It's good to have such strength at this age. "

He Feng felt the breath of the youth and exclaimed in his heart.

In fact, it's not just this young man. On this mountain, he Feng finds that many people have strong mental strength.

If he guessed correctly, he would return to the same medicine hall. No, it should be the top ten medicine halls. They all have special ways to improve their mental power.

If they are mentally strong, they have a better chance to become pharmacists.

Once you become a pharmacist, even if you are the lowest level pharmacist, your status can be comparable to master dark strength.

"Brother Feiyang!"

Xi Xueqing said hello with a smile, but she couldn't see any difference.

Without waiting for Ji Feiyang to ask questions, he pointed to He Feng and said, "let me introduce you. This is..."

"There's no need to introduce him. Now the pharmacy is all over the place. He's your boyfriend, isn't he?"

Xi Xueqing smiles, "yes, we've known each other for some time, but it's still the relationship we just established two days ago. Brother Feiyang, I call you brother. You'll have to help me check more when you come back. "

Xi Xueqing's words are polite, but actually she is telling Ji Feiyang that I always treat you as my brother, so don't have any illusions about me.

Ji Feiyang is not a fool, obviously understand the meaning of her words, his eyes swept a cold light.

Lao Tzu has been pursuing you for so long, and even some other women in the pharmacy have taken the initiative to tell me that they were rejected by me. It's because I like you, but now you bring a man to me and ask me to help you?

Ji Feiyang wants to kill people at this time!

Just after hearing the report from his subordinates, his subordinates really felt the real killing intention on him.

"Check it out, right? OK, brother Feiyang will check on you now. "

Ji Feiyang suddenly laughed, "are you still going to college outside now? I'm not very confident about your safety, so I think if you want to find a boyfriend, you must find one with strong strength. I think since you brought him to our medicine hall, you must be an ancient warrior, too? "

Xi Xueqing guessed the meaning of Ji Feiyang, but still nodded, "well, brother Feng is an ancient warrior."

"Well, since it's an ancient warrior, it's easy to talk."

Ji Feiyang's eyes fell directly on He Feng, "brother, I'm Xueqing's brother. If you want to be her boyfriend, you have to pass my pass. Come on, fight with me and win me. I agree with you to be Xueqing's boyfriend. Otherwise, you will go back where you come from, and you will be closer to Xueqing in the future. "

Ji Feiyang's words were very direct and loud, and many people around heard them.

In addition, many people immediately gathered around to watch.

"It's Feiyang. Doesn't Feiyang mean that he's closing the door and making a great impact? How did you come out? "

"He has always liked Xueqing, which is not a secret in our medicine hall. Now Xueqing has brought a boyfriend out. Feiyang is in a mood to shut down."

"Looking at Feiyang now, he is obviously very angry. I'm afraid that young man is miserable."

Looking at He Feng's eyes, they all show pity.

He Feng just looked at Ji Feiyang strangely, "are you sure you really want to fight with me?"

"Of course!"

Ji Feiyang looked at He Feng with disdain, "how, are you afraid? If you are afraid, go away! "

He Feng seems to be too ordinary. Ji Feiyang even suspects that he is not an ancient warrior, or a little white face. Relying on his face and some sweet words, he deceives Xi Xueqing.

If so, he must drive He Feng away.

Of course, after he Feng was driven away, he could never leave the mountain alive.

"In addition, if you want to tell me that you are not an ancient warrior and don't compete with me, then you can go now. Because, I will never allow my sister Xi Xueqing to be with an ordinary person. Even Gu wuzhe is not an ordinary person and is not qualified to be her boyfriend. "

Ji Feiyang directly blocked He Feng's retreat, forcing him to fight with him.

Once you fight, it's easy.

After all, he doesn't worry even if he Feng is killed, which makes Xi Xueqing angry for a few days.

Smell speech, he Feng is some doubts.

They all show their master's strength, plus the status of he family's children, people with a little knowledge should know him, not to mention the great influence of Guiyi medicine hall.

But in this case, how dare Ji Feiyang challenge him?

Can all the ancient warriors in the medicine hall go beyond the level to fight? Is he sure to defeat the great master with his strength at the peak?

However, it seems that this is not impossible. After all, Ji Feiyang's spiritual power is very strong. Maybe he has a high attainments in martial arts and actual combat, so that he can defeat the master at the top of his dark strength.

At that time, he Feng relied on these to kill the master at the peak of dark strength.

"Why don't you talk? Do you want to follow Xueqing? I tell you, if you want to stay with Xueqing, you can only fight with me and defeat me. "

Ji Feiyang is obviously a little impatient. He looks at Xi Xueqing and says, "Xueqing, can't you be a boyfriend? You don't even have the courage to do it. Do you really only find an ordinary man to be your boyfriend, and he doesn't even cultivate his energy? "


Xi Xueqing thought about it, nodded and said, "well, brother Feng doesn't practice his energy now!"

Myths and legends, no longer cultivate low-level strength, but cultivate high-level vitality.

However, in addition to vitality, he Feng's body is also very strong. He claims that he is a horizontal practitioner.

So Xi Xueqing quickly went on: "brother Feng is a horizontal practitioner!"

"So you're a horizontal practitioner? I admire and have courage. I chose to practice horizontally. "

Ji Feiyang praise on the mouth, but with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

The general warrior, naturally, is to cultivate vigor.

There are only two kinds of people who choose the horizontal training method.

The first is that there is no money to buy pills. It's very slow for energy cultivation to enter the exhibition.

Second, there is too much money to count. You can buy the blood and flesh of fierce animals, which are generally much more expensive than pills, and various top-level herbs to refine the flesh.

From He Feng's dressing temperament, it's obviously not like that kind of person who has too much money to count.

There's only one possibility. There's no money for pills.

"Since you are an ancient warrior, will you accept my challenge?" Ji Feiyang stares at He Feng Road.

He doesn't care if he Feng has any money. In his eyes, he Feng is already a dead man.

Defeat he Feng, let he Feng leave Guiyi medicine hall, and find several people to kill on the way.

"Well, since you want to fight me so much, I'll meet your requirements. However, after the fight, you can't say I bullied you. " He Feng reminds a way.

"Bullying me? Ha ha, if you really have the ability to bully me, I will not blame you. " Ji Feiyang seems to have heard a big joke and said with a laugh: "let's go to the challenge arena now. I want to see how you bully me."

"You don't have to go to the challenge arena. If you delay, it's here."

He Feng said, regardless of whether Ji Feiyang agreed or not, he looked at Xi Xueqing and said, "Xueqing, you wait on the side first, I'll finish it earlier, and then we'll go to find elder brother Xi."

"Well, all right!"

Xi Xueqing nodded and looked at He Feng with some worry.

"Snow fine, you don't worry, I just test his strength how, certainly won't under heavy hand."

Not far away, Ji Feiyang sees Xi Xueqing's eyes and says with a smile.

In the heart is sneer, I now of course will not under heavy hand, because I am ready to wait for him to leave again under heavy hand.

Xi Xueqing looks back at Ji Feiyang and is too lazy to explain.

I'm not worried that you'll lay a heavy hand on my brother Feng. I'm worried that brother Feng will lay a heavy hand on you.

"Don't worry, I know how to handle it."

He Feng patted Xi Xueqing's shoulder, whispered, and immediately looked at Ji Feiyang, "let's do it. I'll go to see elder brother Xi after I finish the fight earlier

"Brother Xi? Hum, thanks for being Xueqing's boyfriend, you dare to call master Xi "elder brother Xi". It's so impolite. Now I'll give you a lecture on behalf of bishop Xi. "

Ji Feiyang's eyes narrowed and his anger surged. He immediately stepped out of the room, crossed several meters and appeared in front of He Feng. He raised his hand and clapped it.

Originally, he Feng could not find a suitable reason to teach him a lesson, but he Feng's address to Xi Zhenxing made him find a reason immediately.

Don't personally teach him a meal to let him leave, even if will be removed by his own hands, Ji Feiyang is a little unwilling.

Therefore, he didn't want to miss the chance to teach him a lesson.

"Hoo Hoo

Ji Feiyang's slap is not only fast, but also strong.

When the palm is waving, the strength is whistling.

In Ji Feiyang's eyes, he is full of cold feelings.

This slap he can't keep his hand, once he Feng was fan to, not to mention was hit by concussion, at least to lose a few teeth, spit a few mouthfuls of blood.

It's not a shame to see so many people around.

"Brother Feiyang, it seems that you don't quite understand this. In that case, I'll teach you something. "

At this time, he Feng's voice of light cloud and breeze rings in Ji Feiyang's ear.

A kind of not very good premonition, suddenly rose from the heart of Ji Feiyang.


However, before he could react, he felt the shadow in front of him. Before he could see what the shadow was, a huge force poured into his face.

"Step on, step on, step on..."

Ji Feiyang's body is also flying backwards at a faster speed.

When he stood firm, he felt a burning pain on his face.

A clear bright red palmprint appeared on his cheek.

"I... I was slapped?"

Ji Feiyang stares big eyes, some can't believe it.

Who is Ji Feiyang? He is the favorite of the younger generation of Guiyi medicine hall. At the age of 25, he has reached the peak of dark strength.

What's more, it's not an ordinary peak of dark energy. He realized the subtlety a month ago, and with all kinds of resources of Guiyi medicine hall, he is sure that he can successfully step into Huajin within this year.

At the same time, Ji Feiyang also believes that he is one of the top ten outstanding figures in Yanjing city.

It was because of his excellent performance that when he learned that his beloved woman had brought a boyfriend back, he felt very ashamed and could not even contain his intention to kill.

Of course, he didn't show his intention to kill. In front of the public, he just wanted to teach the rival a lesson and let him lose face. Anyway, the rival will soon become a dead man.

But now, both sides just started, he not only didn't let the rival lose face, but was slapped by the rival.

In front of many members of Guiyi medicine hall!

"Bastard, you want to die!"

At the next moment, Ji Feiyang didn't control his intention to kill. He roared and ran all over his body.

Obviously, he didn't reserve his hand this time, and he was even ready to kill.

Dare to hit him in the face in Guiyi medicine hall. If he doesn't kill the other party, what face will he have in the future?

"Stop it

At this time, a clear cheering suddenly sounded from behind him, a middle-aged man's body, blink of an eye will appear in front of Ji Feiyang.

That terrible strength makes Ji Feiyang's face slightly changed.

"Feiyang, that's enough. Don't do it any more. He Feng has something to do with me. Please step back."

It was Xi Zhenxing who came.

Xi Zhenxing frowned, rather displeased.

"Uncle Xi, this man sneaks on me when I'm not prepared. If I don't teach him a lesson, he thinks that the people in our medicine hall are easy to bully."

Ji Feiyang stares at Xi Zhenxing and says, "Uncle Xi, if you are on our side of Guiyi medicine hall, don't stop me."

Xi Zhenxing said helplessly: "Feiyang, it's because I'm a member of Guiyi medicine hall that I'm blocking you."

Ji Feiyang looks ugly. "Uncle Xi, what do you mean by that?"

Xi Zhenxing didn't want to make it clear. He was afraid to blow Ji Feiyang's face.

But Ji Feiyang didn't seem to see the coffin and shed tears, so he could only say: "He Feng's strength is much stronger than you, because just now it was just a duel, he has been merciful. If you're going to be tough, I'm afraid you'll be the only one who will suffer in the end. "

"He's better than me?"

Ji Feiyang's face changed slightly.

Now he just reflected that he Feng slapped him just now. The speed was really fast. He didn't see clearly.

With his current strength, he can't even see the action clearly, there is only one possibility.


Is this man who is despised by himself a great master?

However, even if it was a master, he had already understood the subtlety a month ago, and the master's realm could be expected in a few days. A master could not make him bow.

"Hum, he is stronger than me and can't attack me secretly. He must apologize to me and leave Guiyi medicine hall immediately. We don't welcome him."

Ji Feiyang snorted coldly, staring at He Feng and said: "boy, don't think you are a great master. I tell you, this is Guiyi medicine hall. Here we are, a master is not qualified to be a savage."

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