"Feiyang, you've gone too far." Xi Zhenxing said in a deep voice.

Even if Ji Feiyang is the son of the deputy hall leader, Xi Zhenxing is not going to give him face now.

Ji Feiyang's words are really too much.

It's obvious that you challenge others on your own initiative and hit them in the face as soon as you make a move. In the end, because your strength is not as good as others, you are beaten in the face by others in turn. How can you blame others for sneaking attack?

It's a shame. It's at Grandma's.

Fortunately, there was no outsider present, otherwise it would be laughed at if it was spread out.

"Master Xi, even if you don't help me, now you are helping an outsider. I think you are the one who has gone too far, right?"

In front of the crowd, he Feng slapped him first. Now Xi Zhenxing says that he is too much, which makes Ji Feiyang even more upset. He doesn't care that Xi Zhenxing is Xi Xueqing's father. His voice says coldly: "I must have a serious chat with my father when I go back. Although the master of Xi Zhenxing suddenly breaks through the power, he wants to be the elder of our family, I'm afraid we have to observe again. "

In the Guiyi medicine hall, under the elder supreme is the elder of his own family, whose status is much higher than that of the main hall. The treatment and power enjoyed in the headquarters are not comparable to those enjoyed by the head of the branch hall.

After master Xi broke through to master Hua Jin, his master helped him apply for elder status.

But Guiyi medicine hall has a great career. Even if Guiyi medicine hall breaks through the master, the application process will take some time. Therefore, he has not become the master's elder yet.

"Ha ha, if deputy hall master Ji can really veto me not to be an elder in a word, it doesn't matter if I am not an elder."

Xi Zhenxing shrugged, then did not pay attention to Ji Feiyang, but went to He Feng and Xi Xueqing, "brother he, I'm so sorry, you come to my place, but I let you suffer."

"Elder brother Xi, you're wrong. I've just hit people very well. How can I be wronged?" He Feng said with a smile.

This words, a face of Ji Feiyang suddenly gloomy to the extreme, a pair of cold eyes can almost kill people.

"Ha ha, well, let's go into the yard. Just two days ago, I ordered some superior tea from my master. I'll make it for you." Xi Zhenxing said with a smile.

"Well, let's go."

Immediately, three people side by side into the yard, directly Ji Feiyang as the air.

At ordinary times, Xi Zhenxing is polite to Ji Feiyang. Even if he is tired of Ji Feiyang, Xi Zhenxing will be patient. He can't help it. Who let Ji Feiyang's father be the deputy head of Guiyi medicine Hall's headquarters? His cultivation has reached the peak of Huajin, and he himself is the great genius of Guiyi medicine hall.

But Ji Feiyang shouldn't go to teach He Feng, which makes Xi Zhenxing very unhappy. This is my son-in-law to be. I don't want to teach him. Why do you teach him?

Besides, are you qualified to teach?

Even if this will affect Xi Zhenxing's future development in Guiyi medicine hall, Xi Zhenxing doesn't care.

After breaking through to the master, he understood some things. There is only one thing he needs to pay attention to in this world.

That is to enhance the strength!

As for power, he doesn't care at all. Even if he continues to be the head of Nanjin branch, Xi Zhenxing doesn't matter.

"Xi Zhenxing, you help an outsider to deal with me. You wait for me. We're not finished with this."

Ji Feiyang looks ugly and stares at the three people into the yard. Then he takes back his sight and says to the two men around him: "I'll give you an hour to investigate the boy's background for me. Otherwise, you will not follow me any more. "


The two men's faces changed slightly and ran away to investigate.

Ji Feiyang noticed some strange eyes around him. He hummed again and then turned away.

He lost his face just now, but he was not in a hurry. Since the other party didn't leave Guiyi medicine hall immediately, he still had a chance to find the place.

As soon as Ji Feiyang left, some of the people watching the scene immediately began to boil up, one by one talking about the matter just now.

What happened just now, Xi Xueqing's boyfriend slapped Ji Feiyang, and then Xi Zhenxing appeared. Instead of helping Ji Feiyang, he helped Xi Xueqing's boyfriend, which soon spread to the whole Guiyi medicine hall.

For a moment, almost all the people in Guiyi medicine hall are guessing that the boy friend Xi Xueqing brings is holy. His strength is even stronger than Ji Feiyang, the proud character of Guiyi medicine hall.


"Brother he, Ji Feiyang's behavior must be rewarded. What happened just now may not be so easy for him to give up."

In Xi Zhenxing's practice room, Xi Xueqing is responsible for making and pouring tea, while he Feng and Xi Zhenxing sit face to face.

"I can see it!"

He Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "if he doesn't continue to trouble me, I'll teach him a lesson."

Xi Zhenxing took a puff at the corner of his mouth. You just slapped him in the face, but you didn't really teach him a lesson?

"Brother he, is that unnecessary? Although Ji Feiyang's strength was not very good, his elder brother Ji Feiyun was quite powerful. He had already refined Qi into flesh and blood and stepped into the middle stage of Huajin. His father Ji Xian, who is also the deputy leader of Guiyi medicine hall, has stepped into the peak of Huajin. In addition, there are many powerful elders in Ji Feiyang's family. There are more than ten of them

Xi Zhenxing worried.

He Feng was silent for a few seconds, then said: "just now, that guy showed his intention to kill me. If my strength is weak and he really drives me out of Guiyi medicine hall, I think I will die in the mountains. "

"He's killing you?"

Xi Zhenxing was surprised. He didn't realize it.


He Feng nodded, "his mental strength is strong, which is not inferior to the ancient warrior in the early period of Huajin. It's hard for you to find out when he deliberately hides his killing intention."

"This season, the more powerful you are, the more stingy you are? Because of a little trifle, I want to kill people? " Xi Zhenxing didn't doubt he Feng's words, so his face became more and more ugly. "However, Ji Feiyang's backstage is really too powerful. Although you have he's family behind you, this is the headquarters of Guiyi medicine hall after all."

"No matter how powerful his backstage is, he should not dare to kill me openly?" He Feng asked with a smile.

Xi Zhenxing said: "of course not. The reason why Ji Feiyang doesn't know your identity may be that he has been busy closing the door recently, but other high-level people in Guiyi medicine hall still know your identity. To kill you blatantly doesn't mean to declare war with the he family? Although Guiyi medicine hall is not weak, it is not strong enough to break hands with the he family. "

"In that case, brother Xi doesn't have to worry about my safety." He Feng said with a smile.

"No need to worry? Although they will not kill you openly, what if they assassinate you after you leave Guiyi medicine hall and enter Yanjing city? At that time, even if he family suspects Guiyi medicine hall, there is no evidence to blame Guiyi medicine hall, right? Even, the he family is likely to directly suspect the Lin family. At that time, you will regret that it is too late. "

"Ha ha, if they really assassinate me, it will not be me who regret it, it will only be them."

He Feng said with a smile.


When Xi Zhenxing heard the speech, he narrowed his pupils, subconsciously swept around his eyes, and then said in a low voice: "is it true that the outside world hears that the he family sent myths to protect you? Is there a myth of the he family around you

"No!" He Feng shook his head.

"Then why don't you worry at all?"

Xi Zhenxing rolled a white eye, he thought he Feng side really with the myth, that really don't need to worry too much.

After all, even if Ji Feiyang will let people assassinate He Feng, it's his father Ji Xian who will do it at most. For such a trivial matter, grand myth will not go to Ji Feiyang as an errand.

"I won't worry about killing me with just a few efforts. I went to Beichang and hangqiu two days ago, but a dozen Huajin came to kill me. Especially when I went to hangqiu City, there were Huajin strongmen, and I'm sure that the Huajin master who came to assassinate me must be stronger than Ji Xian you said He Feng grinned.

Although Lin Tianqing's cultivation is just the ordinary peak of Hua Jin, he Feng even suspects that even if he is a demigod, he will be very dangerous at that time. Even if he can survive, he has to escape.

"But... Wasn't it said that there was a myth of he family around you to protect you?" Xi Zhenxing.

"Brother Xi, you also said that it was a rumor."

Now Xi Zhenxing's daughter is all her own, and he Feng doesn't intend to hide it any more. He laughs: "the he family did arrange someone to protect me, but I went to Beichang city and hangqiu City alone."

"You alone?"

Xi Zhenxing opened his mouth and said in disbelief, "do you mean that the more than ten Huajin masters who came to kill you, including Huajin's top master, were not solved by the myth of he family, but by yourself?"

He Feng nodded, "yes, that's what it means."

"But... How can you be so strong?" Xi Zhenxing felt that the brain circuit couldn't turn around all of a sudden.

Don't you just have seven weights?

Even if you hide a little bit of strength, you can refine your body at most, right?

But now he Feng tells him that even the master of Huajin peak has been solved.

Moreover, he is more powerful than Ji Xian!

The strength of He Feng

How strong is it?

"Brother he, the relationship between you and Xueqing should be further? Should I be honest with my future father-in-law? " Xi Zhenxing stares at He Feng Road.

"Dad, what are you talking about? I haven't promised to marry him yet." Xi Xueqing is not angry and says that you want he Feng to be honest with you. Can you not talk to me.

"Well, I won't keep it from you."

He Feng chuckled and said directly: "in fact, as early as three months ago, I had already stepped into that step and entered a new realm of cultivation. That is, myth

"God... Myth?"

Although it has been expected, Xi Zhenxing still has a kind of trance feeling after hearing this from He Feng.

He pinched his arm hard, felt the real pain, and then determined that he was not dreaming.

"Are you really a myth? But, how is that possible? Aren't you only 26 years old? Is your age... "

Xi Zhenxing said in disbelief.

Even began to doubt the real age of He Feng.

26 years old, how can we break through the myth?

Even the top ten heroes in Yanjing city are all about 25 years old. But Rao is so. They are also known as the most talented people in the ancient martial arts of China. In the future, they have a 50-60% chance to enter the myth.

But Xi Zhenxing has never heard of the myth of 26 years old.

"Brother Xi, don't worry. Your son-in-law to be is not an old monster. My real age is twenty-six years old, but my cultivation talent is relatively high. "

He Feng said with a smile: "however, although I have broken through the myth, because I used to live in the underground world abroad, my identity is more sensitive to the official of China, so elder brother Xi must keep it secret for me, and don't let outsiders know my accomplishments."

"Well, you can rest assured that I will not tell outsiders."

Xi Zhenxing nodded and said, "I still can't accept it now. How can you jump to the myth all of a sudden?"

Xi Zhenxing has long guessed that he Feng's true cultivation may not only be the cultivation of Qizhong, but also hide some strength.

However, he did not dare to think that he Feng's real cultivation was not the eight fold or nine fold cultivation he had guessed, but a myth.

He Feng laughed, "ha ha, brother Xi can digest it slowly. In fact, there are more real talents in this world. I have several brothers around me who have no worse cultivation talents than me. One of them has broken through the myth like me, and the other is trying to break through. Although he is a little slow, cultivation is just playing tickets for him. He has higher attainments in alchemy and medical skills. "


Xi Zhenxing is just in his early 50s. He was still happy that he could step into Huajin at this age. He feels that he has a good talent, and he is not hopeless in the future.

But now he always felt that he had been practicing for nothing all these years.

It's too much!

You're just a pervert, even some of your brothers are so perverted.

Isn't that shocking?

"Brother Xi, there is a big gap between the strength of your Guiyi medicine hall and that of the outside world. Should there be a myth in your Guiyi medicine hall?"

He Feng asked with a smile.

Xi Zhenxing then slightly restrained his mind and said, "I didn't tell you the real strength of Guiyi medicine hall before, because I didn't think it was necessary at that time. But now that you've all come to our headquarters, I'll let you know. There are more than one hundred and sixty masters in the same medicine hall. There are thousands of people who are strong in the dark. "

"Er... More than one hundred and sixty?"

He Feng opened his mouth.

Is that too much?

Before, he didn't have much contact with the great masters in China. He thought that there were not many great masters in China.

Now, there are more than 160 masters in a single Guiyi medicine hall, and there are thousands of them.

This force alone is enough to hang his dragon mercenary regiment.

"Then, how many peaks of Huajin and demigods are there in Guiyi medicine hall? Is there a myth?" He Feng raised several questions one after another.

"The strong people above the peak of Huajin in Guiyi medicine hall no longer hold specific positions in the medicine hall, and they are practicing wholeheartedly. As for the number of them, I heard my master say that there seem to be about 20 strong people in Guiyi medicine hall. Demigod, there are five myths... "

Xi Zhenxing said with a smile: "there are two!"

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