Two myths don't sound like many, but you should know that one myth is worth more than a dozen of the top strength of Huajin.

Moreover, there are ten medicine halls in China, and among them, the strength of Guiyi medicine hall can only be regarded as average.

What about the stronger medicine hall?

How many myths do they have?

Although there is fierce competition among the top ten pharmacies, their interests are in fact the same. This is also the reason why they have been the top ten pharmacies for decades without the 11th one.

If he Feng wants to break this rule and compete with the top ten pharmacies, he may have to face the cooperation of the top ten pharmacies.

More than 20 myths!

Even the he family can't bear it.

"Elder brother Xi, do you have a ranking of the top ten pharmacies? For example, Guiyi medicine hall, in the top ten medicine halls, probably ranked in the number one

"There is no specific ranking, but every ten years, there will be a young generation's martial arts competition between the top ten medicine halls. This competition will also set a ranking for the top ten medicine halls, but it can't judge the real strength of the top ten medicine halls." Xi Zhenxing said.

"What was the ranking of Guiyi medicine hall in the last exchange competition?"

"It seems to be the eighth." Xi Zhenxing thought about it and said.

"Just the eighth..."

He Feng is a little speechless now. The strength of Guiyi medicine hall is so strong, and the inside information is rich. In the exchange competition, he even ranked eighth.

I'm afraid the real strength of the top ten pharmacies is even stronger than he expected.

"Brother he, why do you suddenly care about the strength of our Guiyi medicine hall?" Xi Zhenxing joked: "you're not thinking about our Guiyi medicine hall, are you?"

He Feng thought about it, but he didn't hide it. He said: "elder brother Xi, I'm not hiding it from you. I really intend to seize the market of pills controlled by some of the top ten pharmacies. I thought that once I put it into practice, I'm afraid I'll suffer from the joint suppression of the top ten pharmacies. So, I want to know about the strength of the top ten pharmacies first. "


Xi Zhenxing said, "do you want to open the 11th medicine hall?"

He Feng nodded, "you can understand that too!"

Anyway, it's all about business. It's really the 11th largest pharmacy.

"Brother he, if that's true, I advise you to take it easy. Even if you have the he family standing behind you, the interests of the top ten pharmacies can't be contested by others. "

Xi Zhenxing also said quite directly, "the top ten medicine halls are not only powerful in themselves, but also have various complex forces behind them. I don't know about the other medicine halls, but I'm not hiding from you that the background of Guiyi medicine hall is an ancient clan. "

"Ancient people?"

"Well, there are at least five myths in the powerful ancient clan."

Xi Zhenxing's voice is dignified.

"Five myths..."

He Feng murmured.

Shit, it's not so powerful.

There are five myths in the background of any medicine hall.

What about the rest of the medicine hall?

If a medicine hall has the background of four royal families, isn't it dozens of myths?

It's really hard to touch this cake from the top ten medicine hall.

"So, brother he, if you really want to open the 11th pharmacy, you'd better think about it. Although I will soon become the elder of Guiyi medicine hall, it's related to the fundamental interests of the medicine hall, and I can't say anything about it. Even my master can't help you. " Xi Zhenxing warned.

He Feng said: "I understand. Now I just want to know how much market competition pressure is. My products are not very complete."

Xi Zhenxing said with a smile: "however, since you have come to Yanjing City, you can also go and have a chat with the elders of the he family first. After all, the royal family is a royal family, and the strength of its foundation is beyond the imagination of outsiders. As for the strength of the major medicine halls, I think the experts of the royal family must know better than the leader of the branch hall, who is not even an elder. If they support you, you might as well consider it again. "

"Well, I'll go to the he family later. I'll talk to the he family again."

He Feng thinks the same way. Anyway, he is ready to cooperate with the he family. The headquarters of the top ten medicine halls are all in Yanjing City, and they are in the same city as the he family. The he family must know the top ten medicine halls very well. Naturally, it's better for the he family to make a decision.

"Brother Xi, what's the matter with you competing with the people of Baiyun medicine hall? Is it because I killed Hua Wenyuan that people in Baiyun medicine hall can't provoke me, so they vent their anger on you? " He Feng asked.

Xi Zhenxing gave a bitter smile, looked at Xi Xueqing and said, "it should have little to do with you killing Hua Wenyuan, but I feel that it should have a great relationship with you and Xueqing."

"Dad, do you mean Chang Tao knew about my relationship with brother Feng, so he was jealous and challenged you?" Xi Xueqing said in surprise.

"Well, when he came to challenge me, he said that I cheated him on your business and was very dissatisfied with me, so he challenged me." Xi Zhenxing nodded.

Xi Xueqing immediately worried, "I know some of Chang Tao, who is very stingy. After he told me that he was rejected, he found a reason to send someone to beat his brother. I didn't expect him to challenge you even more now. It's too much. "

Xi Zhenxing said: "it's a bit excessive, but what can we do? He is still younger than me. He challenges me. If I don't accept it, I will be the laughing stock of the outside world. Guiyi medicine hall will not allow such a thing to happen. "

Hearing this, he Feng and Xi Xueqing understand that Xi Zhenxing has to meet each other's challenge anyway.

"Elder brother Xi, I heard from Xueqing that Chang Tao is only in his twenties. Although he is making rapid progress, he should be very average in martial arts, right? How sure are you to defeat him? "

"Almost sure?"

Xi Zhenxing shook his head with a smile, "to tell you the truth, I'm not sure about it!"


"Dad, is that Chang Tao really that powerful?"

"Well, the Intelligence Department of Guiyi medicine hall has also provided me with some information about Chang Tao these days. Chang Tao actually defeated a great master of Huajin before breaking through to Huajin. "

Xi Zhenxing's tone is dignified, "now that he has broken through Huajin, it's hard for him to compete with his opponent, at least at the early stage of Huajin, not to mention surpassing his rank and defeating the middle master of Huajin. I estimate that he will move two places forward in the top ten list of outstanding people released next year. "

"Well, then what? Is there any danger in your competition? If there is any danger, let's not compete. No matter how important face is, there is no life. "

Xi Xueqing is really a little worried. Unexpectedly, Chang Tao's strength is so powerful. I'm afraid only those who are in the middle of Huajin can win him.

It wasn't long before Xi Zhenxing broke through to the initial stage of Huajin!

"If we don't go, we will lose face when we return to the same medicine hall. The senior management will be extremely dissatisfied with me. It's possible that I will be expelled from the medicine hall. Even my master will be involved."

Xi Zhenxing snorted: "so, no matter what happens tomorrow, I will go there. I feel that if I can't win a few times, he will just give up. Hum, it's not a battle of life and death. I'm not stupid enough to separate life and death from him to end the battle. "

Xi Xueqing is still very worried, "however, the battle between the masters, often in the light of lightning will fight many times, some dangers can not be prevented. If Chang Tao uses killing moves as soon as he makes a move, aren't you also very dangerous? "

Xi Zhenxing said helplessly: "if this is the case, then I can only admit bad luck. But I think Chang Tao may hurt me seriously, but he should not kill me. If he kills me, it is bound to cause more conflicts between the two medicine halls, which is not in line with the interests of the medicine halls. Even if he wants to kill me, Baiyun medicine hall will not allow him to do so. "

"Dad, I think it's still dangerous. Don't we give you something to save your life? For example, the senior elixir of the local level, or the alien soldier? " Xi Xueqing asked.

"If my master is the master of Huajin peak, maybe he can find a way to help me get high-grade pills. As for alien soldiers, even the top master of Huajin can't get them in our Guiyi medicine hall. Only two mythical hands can have alien soldiers. It's just possible. It's not necessarily possible. "

"Alien soldiers?"

He Feng's eyes are bright.

But after thinking about it, he shook his head.

He originally wanted to lend the Rubik's cube to Xi Zhenxing for the time being, but if Xi Zhenxing takes out the Rubik's cube, even if he can survive in Chang Tao's hands, I'm afraid the Lin family will come to him as soon as the battle is over.

At that time, the trouble will only be more serious than that of Chang Tao.

"Brother Xi, how about this? Tonight, I'll try to teach you a set of killing skills. If you can learn, you won't be in danger tomorrow. " He Feng opens his mouth.

"Must kill?" Xi Zhenxing looks at He Feng in surprise.

"Well, it's an attack method that I developed at the peak of dark power. With this move, I can kill the master at the beginning of Huajin at the peak of my dark strength. " He Feng nodded.

"So powerful? Can you kill master Hua Jin at the peak of dark strength? "

Xi Zhenxing is shocked.

He is quite clear about the gap between the top of dark strength and the master of Huajin. It's hard for the top of dark strength to jump over the level and kill the master of Huajin.

Even Chang Tao killed a great master of Huajin at the peak of dark strength because of the favorable weather, location and people.

"Well! If I remember correctly, I killed 36 early masters of Huajin and seriously injured two middle masters of Huajin at the peak of my dark strength. "


Xi Zhenxing opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Brother Feng, do you really have such a powerful martial arts? Then you teach it to my father quickly. " Xi Xueqing can't manage so much. She just thinks her father Xi Zhenxing will be OK tomorrow.

He Feng laughed. "It's no problem to teach it to elder brother Xi, but elder brother Xi also has to think about it clearly. I also said that this is a must kill skill. At that time, when I was still at the peak of dark strength, I could kill the master in the early stage of Huajin. If you use your accomplishments in the early stage of Hua Jin, I don't think the middle stage of Hua Jin can survive, let alone Chang Tao, who was in the early stage of Hua Jin. "

Xi Zhenxing frowned, "do you mean that once this move is used, Chang Tao will die?"

"If you are able to do your best with your fusion skills, you can certainly blow Chang Tao to pieces with one move. But now there's only one night. I guess elder brother Xi, you can almost reach the strength level of hitting the dark power peak. But even so, it's not difficult to kill an ordinary master at the beginning of Huajin. "

"What's the probability of killing?"

"It's not too big, 80% or 90%."


Xi Zhenxing smoked from the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, he hesitated.

If Chang Tao dies, there will be a big contradiction between the two medicine halls. He Xi Zhenxing leads to such a big contradiction. It's not easy to explain just to the one medicine hall, not to mention the accountability of Baiyun medicine hall.

"Dad, how about that?"

Xi Xueqing also guessed why Xi Zhenxing hesitated, "you first let he Feng teach you this skill, you will learn it. When it comes to competition, don't show it for the time being. If Chang Tao doesn't mean to kill you, even if he just hurts you, you don't have to do it. But if you feel that he's killing you, you'll show it immediately, without any hesitation. Otherwise, you may be the one who died. "

Xi Zhenxing frowned and said, "that Chang Tao is not an ordinary person. His father was often not in the same group, and he was the deputy leader of Guiyi medicine hall. His cultivation reached the peak of Huajin. And his grandfather is a demigod in Baiyun medicine hall. If I kill him, then... The trouble is not a little big. "

Xi Xueqing pursed her lips and said, "but if you have a problem, it's not a big problem for me and my brother."

Hearing the speech, Xi Zhenxing couldn't help being silent.

A few seconds later, he clenched his teeth and said, "well, brother he, you can teach me that killing skill. I hope that Chang Tao doesn't show his intention to kill me. Otherwise, I can't be blamed for my impoliteness. "

"Elder brother Xi, if you can figure it out, and elder brother Xi, you don't have to worry about it. Although there is the peak of Huajin and demigod behind Chang Tao, behind you..."

He Feng patted his chest, "but there is a myth!"

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