He Feng said very calm, but Xi Zhenxing is open mouth.

"Elder brother Xi, you also said that I am your son-in-law to be. Can't I be regarded as your background?" He Feng said with a smile.

Xi Xueqing looks at He Feng gratefully, and immediately says, "yes, Dad, he Feng is a mythical strongman. With his support behind you, Chang Tao's background can't help you."

Xi Zhenxing frowned and said, "but, Xiao Feng, don't you say that you can't let others know your accomplishments?"

"My cultivation is not very good for people to know, but..."

He Feng grinned: "brother Xi, you forget that I am not alone. Behind me, there is the whole he family."

"He family..."

Xi Zhenxing smoked from the corner of his mouth.

I almost forgot about it.

He Feng said: "brother Xi, with the support of he's family, you have nothing to fear, right? Although Baiyun medicine hall is strong, it should not be strong enough to compete with the whole he family, right? Besides, his changtao family should not represent the whole Baiyun medicine hall, right? But I, he Feng, can not represent the whole he family, but it is not a big problem to mobilize one or two myths in the he family. "

"Yes, brother he, you are a weapon secretly cultivated by the he family. Your status in the he family must be extraordinary. Well, now that you've said that, if I'm worried about this and that, I'm cowardly. "

Xi Zhenxing narrowed his eyes and said, "in that case, I will learn your killing skill. Tomorrow, he'd better take it easy. "

"OK, then let's start to practice?"

"Wait, I'll go outside and put up a sign so that no one dares to disturb us."

Xi Zhenxing stood up, took a sign, went outside the yard, hung it on the door, and went back to the training room.

"Brother Xi, what's the sign?" He Feng asked curiously.

"It's a do not disturb sign!"

Xi Zhenxing said with a smile: "the rules of Guiyi medicine hall are very strict. I put up the" do not disturb "sign. No one can break into the whole Guiyi medicine hall, even the deputy hall leader Ji Xian, unless the hall leader or those strong people above the peak of Huajin come. Otherwise, as long as I tell the hall leader about it, Ji Xian will break the rules of the medicine hall. Even if he is the deputy hall leader, he will die. "

"That's good. We can practice in peace of mind next."

He Feng looked at Xi Xueqing and said, "Xueqing, you can have a look at this killing skill first, but if you learn it, you have to wait for the future."

"All right!"

Xi Xueqing nodded.

"Elder brother Xi, I'll demonstrate my killing skill first, and you'll observe it carefully." He Feng said.


"You first input your strength of a full blow to my arm."

He Feng stretched out a hand.

Knowing that he Feng is a myth, Xi Zhenxing doesn't worry about He Feng's safety any more. He quickly runs his energy, puts his palm on He Feng's arm, and then infuses it.

"Brother Xi, and Xueqing, you two feel the energy fluctuation on my hand carefully." He Feng said.

When both eyes fell on his arm, he closed his eyes slightly.

The next moment, Xi Zhenxing poured into He Feng's arm, as if he had been ignited by something, and it was boiling in an instant.

The violent energy contained in it is Xi Zhenxing, the great master of Huajin, who feels numb on the scalp.

But Xi Zhenxing's feeling is very real. The energy fluctuation on He Feng's arm, in which the energy is still what he poured in, does not increase at all.

But the strength didn't increase. Why did the power Soar so much?

"Is it the vitality of heaven and earth?"

Xi Zhenxing was shocked.

But after a careful reaction, he immediately vetoed, "no, it's not vitality. If it's vitality, it's not something I fear. I'm afraid I don't even have a trace of resistance. What's the matter? Eh, it seems that there is a fluctuation of mental power, but what makes me feel scared is not from the spiritual level, but purely from the energetic level. "

The more Xi Zhenxing thinks about it, the more confused he is, but his eyes are fixed on He Feng's arm.

He Feng is not in a hurry, let the energy flow slowly in his arm, a little bit of mental force is also slowly integrated into.

"Brother Xi, see clearly!"

A moment later, he Feng said again, "I'm attacking with the strength you just had. You can see how powerful it is."

With that, he Feng waved his arm, and Xi Zhenxing's strength on his arm immediately turned into an invisible balloon and flew out.


The balloon hit the wall, burst out, the ground was shaking violently, the yard seemed to collapse.

The wall, made of special alloy, was directly sunken to a depth of half a foot.


Xi Zhenxing was surprised, "brother he, you just really attacked with the strength I gave you?"

"Of course, it's a full blow at the beginning of Huajin!" He Feng nodded.

"However, your attack is much stronger than that of the strong in the middle period of Huajin. It's almost equal to that of the later period of Huajin." Xi Zhenxing's incredible way.

He really can't figure out how he Feng can make the strong one in the early stage of Huajin give full play to the power of the strong one in the middle stage of Huajin.

"If you can't kill more than two episodes, how can you become a must kill skill?"

He Feng said with a smile: "I think, if elder brother Xi learns my move, it's no big problem to kill Chang Tao?"

"If I attack, I can play so much power. He Chang Tao, I'm afraid he will die, unless he has defensive soldiers above the intermediate level. But there are very few defensive soldiers, not to mention those above the intermediate level of the prefecture level. Some of the great masters of Huajin do not necessarily have defensive soldiers at the intermediate level of the prefecture level. "

Xi Zhenxing said, "but how do you make the power of vigor increase? I just felt the fluctuation of your mental power, but I didn't understand how you operated

"I don't understand either!"

Xi Zhenxing follows the road.

Not only did she not understand, she did not even feel the fluctuation of her mental power.

After all, she's the one with the dark side.

Generally, only when we reach the level of strength, can we clearly sense and use some mental power. Only when we are super gifted, can we use mental power in dark strength.

For example, he Feng, at the peak of dark strength, can turn his mental strength into a means of attack, which is absolutely impossible for ordinary dark strength.

He Feng said: "in fact, it's very simple. I just mix the strength and the spirit. Once these two kinds of energy are successfully combined, the power that can be burst out is not as simple as one plus one, and the attack power of vigor can be quadrupled or quintupled. "

"Mental power?" Xi Xueqing doubts the way.

"Xueqing, you have just broken through to the dark strength, and you have not been able to cultivate your mental strength. When your strength is refined, you will be more skillful in controlling your strength, and you will find that you can use some mental strength. In fact, the strength of a warrior depends on his mental strength. Everyone has mental power, but generally speaking, under the peak of dark power, the mental power of martial arts is not much better than that of ordinary people. When they reach the peak of dark strength, the martial arts try their best to improve their mental strength, and some people even want to find some effective medicine to improve their mental strength. Because the spirit of strong, there is a greater chance to be able to micro strength. However, it is too difficult to improve the mental power, and it is impossible to rely on the outside world to improve the mental power. At least, the top ten pharmacies can't do that yet. "

Xi Zhenxing explained.

Later, he looked at He Feng, "brother he, isn't mental power used to control energy? Can it still be combined with vigor? "

He has been practicing for so many years, and has never heard of the fusion of spirit and vigor.

These two kinds of energy complement each other. At least during the period of dark energy and chemical energy, it is difficult to accurately control these majestic energy in the body without strong mental force. And without the great momentum, although it has a lot of mental strength stronger than ordinary people, it is difficult to hurt the enemy.

Almost all of them have realized the subtlety of entering the micro, and after their mental strength has greatly increased, they don't want to integrate the mental strength with the energy, but will seize the time to close the door and strive for the realization of the energy as soon as possible.

When it comes to Huajin, we should seize the time to hit the middle, late and peak of Huajin

Who will have enough to try the fusion of spirit and energy!

Of course, some people may have tried it, but it has never been successful, or it has no effect. Anyway, in the ancient martial arts world, no one has ever used the combination of spirit and strength as a means of attack.

But just now, he Feng burst out a powerful attack, also said that this is the spirit and strength of the attack.

"Of course, mental strength and energy can be integrated, but one of the degrees should be controlled well. How much mental strength and energy can be integrated to produce more powerful attacks. If this degree is not well controlled, it is likely to damage your body He Feng dignified way: "therefore, the next night's drill, I will accompany elder brother Xi you, lest you make mistakes, hurt yourself."

Xi Zhenxing nodded thoughtfully.

From He Feng's words, he can understand that mental strength and vigor can really be integrated, but the degree is a key problem. If we do not grasp this degree well, we will not be able to integrate and even damage ourselves.

"Xueqing, I'll be here to practice with elder brother Xi for the next whole night. You'd better find a place to rest first." He Feng looks at Xi Xueqing.

"Well, brother Feng, it's hard for you."

Xi Xueqing stood up, suddenly close to He Feng's ear, and said in a low voice, "when I get back to Jiangbin City, I'll give you a reward."

Her voice was so small that she didn't even hear Xi Zhenxing, who had the power to cultivate.

If he Feng's cultivation had not broken through to the true Qi, he would have been hard to hear.

And after Xi Xueqing said this, he immediately turned and ran with a blushing face.

"Reward? What's the reward? "

He Feng didn't react at first.

But when he felt the shyness of the goddess, where did he not understand?

Immediately, he felt as if there was a fire burning in his body. He wanted to let Xi Xueqing hand in the reward now.


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