"Brother he, what should we do next?"

After Xi Xueqing leaves, Xi Zhenxing asks he Feng.

He Feng asked with a smile: "brother Xi, do you know why I let Xueqing leave?"

Xi Zhenxing was surprised and said, "is there any special reason?"

"Because, when practicing this set of killing skills, it will cause great pain and injury to herself. I'm afraid she will feel sorry if she sees it." He Feng touched his nose.

Xi Zhenxing didn't think much, just asked: "will it damage the foundation?"

He Feng shook his head and said, "that's not true. It's just that the pain of skin and flesh will be greater."

"Ha ha, what is the pain of skin and flesh. Now that I'm at Huajin, the next step is to refine Qi into flesh and blood. Not to mention that my constitution has greatly increased, even if I'm really injured, I can recover soon. Besides, there are a lot of pills in my training room, and there are also many healing pills. "

Xi Zhenxing chuckled and urged: "so, just teach me to practice."

"Well, first of all, put your spirit and energy into operation. Because your mental strength can not be released, so no matter the mental strength or energy, all condensed to the left hand. Pay attention to a degree, the proportion of mental strength and vigor, must be perfect match, only in this way can they blend. Once the combination fails, it will be difficult for you to control these two forces. In the process of dissipation, they will certainly cause certain damage to your arm. "

"OK, I see. How much energy and mental strength is suitable for me now?"

"Of course, the less you try, the better. It's equivalent to a full blow at the beginning of Mingjin. When you are successful, try the first hit of dark strength, and then try the peak of dark strength. As for all the strength, there's no need to try now. The strength at the top of dark strength combined with mental strength is enough. "

"All right!"

Xi Zhenxing did not talk nonsense, but tried it directly.

The energy and the mental power are running at the same time, slowly converging on his right hand.

"Now I'm going to teach you the method of luck. You should feel it carefully and pay special attention to the changes of each vein." He Feng said, his hand has been put on Xi Zhenxing's back, a wisp of genuine Qi poured in, directly controlling the strength of Xi Zhenxing's arm.

Energy slowly running, Xi Zhenxing concentration, serious induction.

After a full minute, Xi Zhenxing suddenly felt that the strength of his fist was only equivalent to the strength of the early Ming Jin, and the power it sent out was comparable to that of the later Ming Jin.


He Feng hand in Xi Zhenxing back gently a pat, a strong and fierce toward the front of the surge.

This energy is different from the ordinary energy. The ordinary energy has no color, but it has a light white color, but it also appears nihilistic. If you don't look at it carefully, you can't see it at all.

The white momentum was round, fist like in size, flying fast, and instantly broke away from Xi Zhenxing's fist, and fell on the alloy wall five meters away.


A violent explosion sounded, and a white mark suddenly appeared on the alloy wall, with no sign of depression.

But feeling the power of the energy ball explosion, Xi Zhenxing still couldn't help but praise, "the strength of Mingjin in the early stage burst out the power of Mingjin in the later stage, and the mental power only consumed so little, less than one in ten thousand. It's really powerful."

"Elder brother Xi, have you all remembered the path of vigorous movement just now?" He Feng asked.

"Of course, remember, I don't want to cripple my hands." Xi Zhenxing said.

"Well, I'll let elder brother Xi practice by himself. I'll watch." He Feng sits next to Xi Zhenxing again.

Xi Zhenxing nodded, and then tried.

For the first time, he used the two kinds of energy carefully. Every step was based on his memory, according to what he Feng taught him.

In addition, his control of power is very accurate, reaching the point of perfection, so the whole process is very smooth, without any accident.

Almost a minute later, the two kinds of energy smoothly fused together.

At the moment when these two kinds of energy merge, Xi Zhenxing can clearly feel that the strength energy at the arm, which was originally comparable to the strength energy at the beginning of Mingjin's full blow, suddenly becomes extremely violent, and the power has increased by at least ten times.


In my ear, he Feng's light cheers rang out.

Without saying a word, Xi Zhenxing swung his right fist and the energy ball flew out immediately.


Who knows, this strength just left Xi Zhenxing's fist, it burst out directly.

Among them, the fierce energy diffuses in all directions, and Xi Zhenxing waves to block it.

The intensity of this energy is equivalent to the full blow of the strong in the late Mingjin period, which will not do any harm to Xi Zhenxing.

"I... did I succeed?"

Xi Zhenxing looks at He Feng in surprise.

"If that fusion energy just now can fall on the wall and explode again, it's really a success." He Feng smiles.

"Well, that's failure?" Xi Zhenxing is a bit disappointed.

"It's not a failure. At least you have successfully mixed the two energies. Originally, I thought you would have to try two or three times to succeed. I didn't expect you to succeed every time." He Feng comforted.

It's really consolation. You're the master of Huajin. You didn't succeed at one time.

When he was still at the peak of dark energy, he made a one-time success.

It's not only him, but also the monkey. It's a one-time success.

"Well, what should I do next?" Asked Xi Zhenxing.

"Continue with the steps just now. When you can bombard the blended energy on the wall, you can go on to the next step." Hefeng road.


Xi Zhenxing is no nonsense. At this time, he really treats He Feng as a teacher of martial arts.

He got up and concentrated on trying.

It's better than that, but it didn't explode on the wall.

Xi Zhenxing didn't succeed until he went all over the world. The energy ball didn't explode until it hit the wall, and he succeeded in the last five times.

He Feng nodded, "yes, the control is more accurate. Then let's try the next step. Brother Xi, I'm afraid you'll suffer a little this time. "

Xi Zhenxing burst out laughing, "a little pain is nothing. I don't know how much pain I suffered when I practiced martial arts before."

"Well, let's start to run the momentum of the initial attack of dark force. Mental strength. You adjust your mental strength according to your strength. " Hefeng road.

Xi Zhenxing didn't say much about it either. He directly operated the two kinds of energy and tried to blend them.

This process is a little longer than before.

At the beginning of Ming Jin's vigorous spirit, he combined the vigorous spirit with the spiritual strength, and only needed one breath at a time.

But this time, it took him three breaths to finish.

Speed, not slow.

But Xi Zhenxing's look is rather dignified.

"Let it go He Feng has been staring at him, after the fusion of the two energies, he Feng drinks softly.

Xi Zhenxing waved his hand and the energy ball flew out.


A violent explosion suddenly sounded in front of Xi Zhenxing.

"Step on, step on, step on..."

The powerful energy waves bombard him in all directions. Xi Zhenxing subconsciously moves his energy and raises his hand to block it. However, the energy in it is very powerful. Rao is still two steps backward because of his early cultivation of Hua Jin.

His sleeves were all blown to pieces, and pieces of cloth fell on the ground.

And Xi Zhenxing's arm has become red.

"This power is really strong. At least it has to be hit with the full strength of the top power?"

Xi Zhenxing rubbed his arm and said in surprise.

"Well, almost." He Feng nodded, "brother Xi, go on, it's still simple, the back is difficult, we have to seize some time."


Xi Zhenxing is too lazy to wait for the pain of his arm to disappear and continue to practice.

In the first five or six times, the energy ball exploded as soon as it left the fist, and the farthest distance was less than one meter.

It wasn't until after practicing more than ten times that the energy ball exploded at a distance of two meters, and the impact on Xi Zhenxing was much smaller.

After more than 100 times of practice, the energy ball finally exploded on the alloy wall.

After reviewing dozens of times, he Feng said, "well, brother Xi, we can do the next step of training."

"Hoo! Fortunately, the Huiyuan pill I prepared today is quite sufficient, otherwise I have to find a way to get some pills to continue my cultivation. "

Xi Zhenxing breathed a long breath.

In the process of training just now, he used three primary Huiyuan pills. Even if he could buy them from the medicine hall with 40% discount, it would be more than 10 million.

From the beginning to now, he has only practiced for one hour.

It hurts to think about Xi Zhenxing.

Fortunately, mental power doesn't need to be supplemented. Although mental power is needed to control the power, there is only a little mental power that is really blended into the energy. Mental power is mainly used as a guide. After all, mental power is hard to cause physical damage.

"Brother Xi, in this round of cultivation, in addition to using the Huiyuan pill, you must also use the healing pill. Would you like to check whether the healing pill is enough first? If it's not enough, let's go and find a way to get some. " He Feng said.

"Enough, this is my training room. The total value of my elixir reserves is more than 2.3 billion, of which Huiyuan elixir is worth 600 million, Xuanyuan elixir is worth 600 million, healing elixir is worth 1 billion, and the rest accounts for 800 million. Is that enough? " Xi Zhenxing patted his chest and said, with a face of thud.

In fact, he just wanted to let he Feng know that you are not the only one who is rich, and I am not short of money.

"Well, that should be enough."

He Feng pondered for a while, nodded, "then continue!"

Xi Zhenxing said nothing more and continued to practice.

This time, it's the combination of energy and spirit at the top of dark energy. Xi Zhenxing finds it too difficult. Because of the difficulty, he also slowed down a lot and didn't dare to be greedy.

It took a full three minutes for energy and spirit to merge slowly, but the look on Xi Zhenxing's face was not relaxed at all.

The reason is very simple. It's easy to integrate vigor and spirit, but it's hard to release them.

If you are not careful, the energy ball may explode in front of you, which can not kill the enemy, but it will destroy you.

"Brother he, can I be released?"

Xi Zhenxing raised his head, looked at He Feng and asked.

It's him. He's a little nervous at the moment.

No way, he can clearly sense, at this time by his fusion into the energy ball, which contains how terrible power.

Even if a master of Huajin at his level was not careful, he would be seriously injured.

"Well, you can release it. Don't worry. You can release it when you are ready."

Sitting behind Xi Zhenxing, he Feng didn't urge him. He just secretly put his hand behind Xi Zhenxing and put in a trace of vitality.

If the energy ball explodes outside Xi Zhenxing's body, he will wrap Xi Zhenxing's body with vitality to protect Xi Zhenxing from the impact of energy. But if it explodes in the body, Rao is He Feng's strength can't offset much.

Xi Zhenxing nodded and immediately took a deep breath. A moment later, with a wave of his hand, the energy ball seemed to fly out.

But the next moment, Xi Zhenxing's face changed.


A strong shock wave suddenly appeared on his fist, directly lifted all the skin and flesh above, and the blood flowed.

"Ah Xi Zhenxing couldn't help but scream. Looking at the terrible wound on his arm, his face turned white.

He failed so quickly. The energy ball exploded before he left his body.

Is this hand useless?

"Why? My bone is not hurt? "

At this time, Xi Zhenxing slightly surprised, subconsciously looked back at He Feng.

"My strength is wrapped around your bone, which is just a little bit of trauma. Take the elixir quickly, adjust your state, and continue to try the next round. That's all we have to do for the last round. Let's make it before tomorrow morning. " He Feng explained.


Smell speech, Xi Zhenxing also no nonsense, quickly took out a bottle, from inside everywhere a healing pill swallow down.

After a while, the injury on his arm recovered at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"The inside information of the top ten medicine halls is really rich. So many pills for recovering flesh and blood are taken out casually." He Feng's observation is clear. There are at least ten in the bottle.

This kind of pill is called Shengxue pill. It belongs to the middle level of the prefecture level. One pill costs 50 million yuan. Xi Zhenxing takes out ten pills at a time, which is 500 million yuan.

However, the effect of Shengxue pill is very good. No matter how big the wound area is, if you take the Shengxue pill, you can recover as soon as possible, even if you don't leave any scars.

That's why it costs as much as $50 million.

For ordinary martial arts, this kind of pill is difficult to use at ordinary times, but it is very important for those who are strong in the early and middle stages of Huajin. Especially for the masters in the middle stage of Huajin, if they are injured and can't be treated in time, it is likely to cause loss of Qi and blood, damage the foundation, and affect their next process of refining Qi into flesh and blood.

Therefore, those who have a little money usually buy a lot of Shengxue pills and keep them by their side when they reach the initial stage of Huajin.

In less than a minute, Xi Zhenxing's right hand fully recovered.

If there were no bloodstains on the ground and some flesh stained with blood, who would believe that Xi Zhenxing had been injured?

Although his arm recovered, Xi Zhenxing did not rush to continue. Instead, he sat for another ten minutes, thinking carefully about the process and why he failed.

"Go on!"

Ten minutes later, Xi Zhenxing opened his eyes and began to work again. He Feng's hand was on his back.


Soon, the energy ball exploded on his arm again.

Xi Zhenxing was not discouraged. He quickly took a blood pill and continued to think with his eyes closed.

It took him a long time to think this time. After thinking for an hour, he opened his eyes and tried again

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