At this time, a group of people were standing outside Xi Zhenxing's yard.

"What does Xi Zhenxing mean? We've been waiting here for two hours, but he's still closed? I don't believe it. He can't sense our existence! "

It's Ji Feiyang who is talking. At this time, Ji Feiyang looks unhappy and says to a young man beside him: "brother, this Xi Zhenxing doesn't pay attention to us."

Another young man named Ji Feiyun is Ji Feiyang's elder brother.

Ji Feiyun waved his hand and said: "it's not that master Xi doesn't pay attention to us. It's just that in his eyes, we are obviously not as important as he Feng."

"Feiyun, since you know the name of the man who started against Feiyang today is He Feng, then you still have to come to him for revenge?"

Not far away, an old man said with his hands on his back.

He had come to meet He Feng face to face. Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived here, he met Ji Feiyang and his brother.

He knew that Ji Feiyang and Ji Feiyun were in trouble with He Feng, so even if Xi Zhenxing's courtyard door had a "do not disturb" sign, he did not leave immediately.

"Elder Guan, you are not quite right."

Ji Feiyun said with a smile: "He Feng attacked Feiyang secretly in front of many people today and hurt Feiyang. This is completely hitting our Guiyi medicine hall in the face. I came to him just to ask him to apologize to Guiyi medicine hall. Otherwise, what would the people outside say about us? Said that we were beaten in the face by one of the he family's children and didn't dare to take revenge? What are we going to be in the same medicine hall? "

Guan Pingchao frowns. Ji Feiyun's reason is right, and he puts himself in the position of Guiyi medicine hall. If he says that Ji Feiyun is not, Ji Feiyun may ask him whether Guan Pingchao is a member of Guiyi medicine hall or the he family.

"So, you're determined to fight with He Feng today?" Guan Pingchao asked, squinting.

"It's just a duel!"

Ji Feiyun took a look at Guan Pingchao, but he was also upset.

We've lost face when we come back to the same medicine hall. It's all right if you don't help the medicine hall. You even went to help an outsider.

It seems that we should really find a way to prevent Xi Zhenxing from becoming the elder of Guiyi medicine hall.

However, if Chang Tao doesn't stay in the contest tomorrow, it will be a question whether Xi Zhenxing can survive, let alone become an elder.

Hear Ji Feiyun will say so straightforward, Guan Pingchao face is very ugly, but also helpless.

"Ji Feiyun has just broken through to the middle stage of Huajin, but when it comes to Huajin, there is a big gap between each level. I don't know how difficult it is to skip the level. Although he Feng can easily beat Ji Feiyang, he may be suspected of sneak attack. Moreover, even if he really beat Ji Feiyang with his ability, he is still a little behind Ji Feiyun and other masters in the middle of Huajin period. And for Ji Feiyun to find he Feng hands-on things, Ji Xian that guy obviously did not want to stop the meaning. Now, he Feng is in a bit of trouble. "

On the other side, an old man in his sixties stares at Xi Zhenxing's courtyard door for a while, then turns and leaves.

The old man walked very fast, and soon came to a courtyard where Master Huajin was qualified to live.

After entering the yard and confirming that there was no one around, he just took out his mobile phone and made a call.


The voice of a middle-aged man was soon heard on the phone.

"Mr. Lin, I want to inform you of one thing." The old man's respectful way.

"Say it!"

"He Feng of he family is now in our Guiyi medicine hall."

"What did you say? He Feng came to Yanjing City, and went to your Guiyi medicine hall? "

Mr. Lin's tone suddenly became urgent.

"Yes The old man was about to tell Mr. Lin in detail about what happened to He Feng in Guiyi medicine hall today and the current situation.

"Ha ha, we thought he would stay in Jiangbin, but he came to Yanjing. In this way, Qi Yuan, you keep an eye on He Feng in Guiyi medicine hall. You need time to report to me any movement of He Feng. Do you understand? " Mr. Lin laughed.



Time goes by with the practice of Xi Zhenxing.

And outside Xi Zhenxing's yard, several figures are sitting cross legged outside, closing their eyes, waiting for the yard door to open.

Imperceptibly, the eastern horizon, has been a trace of fish belly white.


In Xi Zhenxing's practice room, with Xi Zhenxing's fist waving forward, a violent energy burst out one meter in front of Xi Zhenxing.

The energy wave diffuses around. Even the great master in the early stage of Huajin will be seriously injured under the bombardment of this energy. It is possible that one will be killed on the spot if he is not careful.

However, Xi Zhenxing's body is protected by vitality, but it has not been hurt at all.

"The energy ball didn't explode in my hand? I, I made it? "

Xi Zhenxing felt the energy fluctuation in front of him. He was stunned and immediately surprised. If he Feng hadn't been here, he would have danced.

To tell the truth, Xi Zhenxing is no less happy now than he was a year ago.

This whole night, his arm was blasted again and again, even once or twice, but his hand was blasted nine times.

Nine blood pills had already fallen into his stomach.

There are not only Shengxue pills, but also nine intermediate Huiyuan pills.

One night, he took nearly a billion pills.

Rao is Xi Zhenxing, the leader of Guiyi medicine hall. His cultivation has already entered into the spirit. He is also distressed.

"Brother Xi, it's not time to be happy. It's too late. You have to continue to practice and be happy when you really succeed." He Feng is on the side of a basin of cold water gently splashed.

If it wasn't for Xi Zhenxing's future father-in-law's face, he Feng would like to curse, but he didn't succeed one night. This talent is really bad enough.

At the beginning, after he realized this fusion technique, he taught it to the reincarnation. It took them less than an hour to completely control it.

"Well, I'll continue to practice."

Xi Zhenxing nodded and tried again.

With the experience that Xi Zhenxing had just succeeded without damaging himself, his next attempt went smoothly. Although the energy ball could not fly to the wall and explode again, at least he would not hurt himself again.

And this process, he spent more than two hours.

By this time, it was already bright outside, and the sunlight had penetrated through the toughened bulletproof glass of the training room, hitting them.


Finally, the energy ball landed on the wall and exploded.

A hole the size of a fist appeared on the wall.

"Brother he, look, have I succeeded in this way?"

Xi Zhenxing excitedly pointed to the wall and said.

"Well, it did. However, how long did it take you from brewing to attacking? " He Feng asked.

"About... A minute!"

Xi Zhenxing bowed his head helplessly.

Who gives you a minute to prepare for a fight?

"I don't think it's a minute, even a second. But after all, you've only been practicing for one night. Take one second as your goal. In one second, if you can display the fusion technology, you can go to fight with Chang Tao today. "

He Feng nodded.

"One second?"

Xi Zhenxing looked at the sky outside and said, "I'm afraid it's too late, isn't it? Chang Tao and I are scheduled to compete at ten in the morning. It's estimated that it's already eight in the morning. And our competition place is not here, but in the urban area of Yanjing city. If I run from here, it will take me about half an hour to run with all my strength. "

As soon as his voice fell, he Feng said, "there is still one and a half hours left. In time, let's continue to practice."


Xi Zhenxing was quite helpless and said, "even if I want to continue to practice, I have to go out and get some Yuandan first. There are few in my pocket."

Yes, his reserve of Huiyuan pills is almost used now.

As you know, the Huiyuan pills he reserved are second only to Xuanyuan pills, with a total value of 600 million yuan.

In addition, he used nine blood pills, and he spent more than one billion yuan on one night's cultivation.

Even if it's Yixi Zhenxing's wealth, it's painful at the moment.


Cultivation is not over!

"No? Then you have to get some. " He Feng very neat mouth way, anyway is not spend his money.

"Well, I'll call Xueqing to come here!"

Xi Zhenxing doesn't talk nonsense any more. He calls Xi Xueqing over. After two orders, Xi Xueqing goes out directly.

"I asked Xueqing to go to my master to get the pills. It's estimated that we can go back and forth for ten minutes at most. Let's continue to practice first. I still have two Huiyuan pills here. I can practice two more times." Xi Zhenxing said.

"Well, good!" He Feng just nodded.


As soon as Xi Xueqing opened the yard, she was surprised. Unexpectedly, there were so many people standing outside, at least ten or twenty.

Hearing the sound of the yard opening, the eyes of those outside also fell on her one by one.

"Xi Xueqing? After waiting all night, did you finally come out? "

Ji Feiyang saw the comer and immediately stood up, shouting: "Xi Xueqing, where's he Feng? You call him out and we'll find him. "

"He Feng and my father are closed now. It's not convenient to come out."

Xi Xueqing lightly replied, and then ignored him, because she had seen her master Guan Pingchao, so she went directly to him, "master, do you have Yuandan with you? My dad needs a lot of Huiyuan pills now. "

"Xi Xueqing, didn't you hear me talking to you?"

Ji Feiyang cheers.

If Xi Xueqing spoke to him in this tone before, he could barely bear it, because he thought Xi Xueqing would become his woman sooner or later.

But now, Xi Xueqing even brought back her boyfriend, and now she ignores him, so Ji Feiyang can't bear it any more.

"I heard that, but my father is practicing in it and needs a lot of Yuan Dan. I have no time to talk to you." Xi Xueqing looked back, a faint back.

"Xueqing, I don't take many back to Yuandan with me. There are only two bottles. I still have a few bottles at home. If it's not enough, I can only go back and bring them to you." Guan Pingchao said.

"Well, sir, I'll go with you." Xi Xueqing nodded.

"OK, let's go."

Immediately, they wanted to leave.

However, a figure is stopped in front of them, "stop! Xi Xueqing, if you want to leave, you can call He Feng out. "

"Ji Feiyang, I accompany my master to get pills for my father. Don't go too far. Let me tell you, now my father is practicing a set of top-level martial arts which is expected to defeat Chang Tao. If he can't succeed in practicing martial arts because of your delay, what's wrong with the competition later? Can you afford the consequences? " Xi Xueqing said in a cold voice.

Ji Feiyang curled his lips and said, "what about the top martial arts? Do you think I'm so easy to cheat? I don't want to talk nonsense with you now. My brother and I have been waiting all night, and we are impatient. Please call out He Feng quickly. There's also your father Xi Zhenxing. I don't think he has to hide in it all the time. Now it's more than two hours away from his fight with Chang Tao. It takes us more than an hour to get to the city from here. Let him come out. When I solve the problem with he Feng, it's time for us to go to the city. "

"My father is shutting up. When his practice is over, he will come out. As for He Feng, he is also accompanying my father to practice. He has no time to come out. So you'd better keep waiting. "

Xi Xueqing said that she was going to go around from one side.

"Damn it, this smelly watch is so shameless. In front of so many people, it even wants to help the little rabbit. Hum, do you want to get pills for Xi Zhenxing? Then I won't let you get it! "

Ji Feiyang's face is hard to see the extreme. The next moment, he suddenly reaches out his hand to Xi Xueqing, "Xueqing, do you want to go back to Yuandan? There are many more in my family. I'll take you to my family now. I'll give you Yuandan as many times as you want. "

"Ji Feiyang, what are you doing?"

As soon as Ji Feiyang's hand was stretched out, Guan Pingchao noticed that his face changed slightly, and the Qi and blood in his body suddenly began to work, making a roaring sound. His energy gathered in his hand and grasped Ji Feiyang's hand.

What's more, Guan Pingchao's palm looks thin, but it is full of terrifying power like refined iron.

This is because he has successfully refined gas into the bone marrow, and any move is very powerful.

"I'm afraid you've gone too far. How dare you do it to my brother?"

Ji Feiyun, who has been standing beside him, hummed coldly.

As soon as the voice fell, his figure rushed out.

As fast as lightning, it broke through the air and rolled thunder. In a flash, it appeared in front of Guan Pingchao's body and hit Guan Pingchao's palm with one punch.


When the fists and palms collided, Ji Feiyun retreated two steps, but Guan Pingchao, the master of Huajin in the later period, also retreated half a step.

After Guan Pingchao is blocked by Ji Feiyun, Xi Xueqing has been caught by Ji Feiyang.

Xi Xueqing has just broken through to the dark strength. How can Ji Feiyang be the opponent of the master to be who has understood the subtlety?

At this time, Ji Feiyang is holding Xi Xueqing's arm, so that he can't move.

"Ji Feiyang, you, you let me go." Xi Xueqing shouts angrily.

"Why are you so nervous? I won't do anything to you. I just want to take you to my house to get some Yuandan back. " Ji Feiyang grinned.

Looking at Xi Xueqing's full body, his eyes flashed a hint of immorality.

Although this woman already has a boyfriend, he still wants to play with her if he has a chance in the future. At least she has been pursuing her for so many years.

"Ji Feiyun, Ji Feiyang, what do you want to do?"

Guan Ping's excess of Qi made his hair and hair tremble.

Too much!

It's too much!

To a woman.

"Don't worry about it, elder. After all, we won't hurt Xueqing, we just take her back to get some pills. "

Ji Feiyun said with a smile, "if you still want to fight with me, we might as well go to the challenge arena to have a formal competition."

Although Guan Pingchao's accomplishments are higher than his, Guan Pingchao is in the later stage of Huajin, he is only in the middle stage of Huajin, but Ji Feiyun is not afraid at all.

Because, even if he loses, it's nothing. He won't lose face. After all, his level is low.

As for whether Guan Pingchao would hurt him during the competition, he was not worried because he decided that Guan Pingchao would not dare to do so.

"You... You deceive too much!"

Guan Pingchao wanted to agree immediately.

But even if he agreed, Xi Xueqing will not be taken away by Ji Feiyang.

As for whether Ji Feiyang really takes Xi Xueqing back to Yuandan, I'm afraid only Ji Feiyang knows.

"Elder Guan, I didn't bully you. How dare I bully you? You are the supreme elder of our unified medicine hall. I just want to compete with the supreme elder in martial arts."

Ji Feiyun is respectful in his mouth, but he has no respect in his eyes.

It's just the elder. He won't pay much attention to it.

Because, as long as Ji Feiyun's reason, he can now become the supreme elder of Guiyi medicine hall.

The common elders of Guiyi medicine hall require that their accomplishments must be powerful.

The supreme elder, on the other hand, should have the cultivation above the middle stage of Huajin and spend 20 years in Guiyi medicine hall.

Ji Feiyun, in the middle of his cultivation, grew up in Guiyi medicine hall. Both of the two conditions were met.

"Good! Good! Ji Feiyun, I wrote down today. " Guan Pingchao squinted and said.

As for reporting to the master of Guiyi medicine hall, Guan Pingchao didn't even think about it. In Guiyi medicine hall, it depends on your strength. Your strength can't subdue others, and it's useless to complain.

Besides, Ji Feiyun's Laozi is still the deputy hall leader. His cultivation is higher than his Guan Pingchao. How can the hall leader turn to him.

At this time, there was a loud laugh behind the crowd, "ha ha, Lao Guan, it's such a trivial matter. Do you want to revenge? Why are you so stingy? You are the elder of our Guiyi medicine hall. You should enlarge your stomach. "

He was also talking about an old man in his eighties. He was short, dressed in a black robe, and lost his hands behind his back. He had a great master's manner, but the coldness between his eyebrows destroyed the whole person's temperament.

Judging from his words, it seems that he is familiar with Guan Pingchao, but his face is full of ridicule without any cover up.

"Duan Dongping, shut up!" Guan Ping snorted coldly, and then warned Ji Feiyang: "Ji Feiyang, you release Xueqing immediately, I can go to get pills with me without her. If you hurt her, then I can only really compete with your elder brother. "

When it comes to competition, his eyes sparkle with a real cold light.

The meaning is very obvious, if you really want to tear the skin, then I will accompany you to tear the skin.

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