At this moment, Rao is Ji Feiyun, who can't help frowning.

It's OK to crack down on Guan Pingchao a little bit, but he can't control the consequences if he really tears his face.

He is about to open his mouth to let Ji Feiyang let go of Xi Xueqing, but Ji Feiyang laughs first.

"Do you think my elder brother is afraid of you? Hum, if you want me to let her go, let him call out He Feng. "


Ji Feiyun's brow is also wrinkled.

He doesn't want to fight with Guan Pingchao, but Ji Feiyang pushes him up.

But it doesn't matter. Anyway, his strength is not much worse than Guan Pingchao's.

"Elder Guan, you can call He Feng out now. You are Xi Zhenxing's master. You go in and ask him to come out. I don't think even if the master of Xi hall is practicing, he will blame you." Ji Feiyun light way: "I believe you can see, our goal is He Feng, not really to embarrass you and Xi Xueqing. And he Feng is just an outsider. You don't have to make so much trouble because of an outsider, do you? "

"Ha ha, I won't disturb Zhenxing cultivation, let alone call out Mr. He Feng."

Guan Pingchao was very angry and laughed, "but since you want to compete with me, let's go to the arena now."

He is really angry, even at the risk of being blamed by the hall leader, he will have a long fight with Ji Feiyun and take a good breath.

Smell speech, Ji Feiyun's face is also ugly.

This Guan Pingchao really does it for He Feng.

Is he crazy?

"Brother, compare with him!"

Ji Feiyang shouts directly.

Ji Feiyun looks at Duan Dongping, and Duan Dongping nods to him.

Ji Feiyun immediately understands Duan Dongping's meaning. In fact, this is what his father asked Duan Dongping to convey.

Let him compare with Guan Pingchao, I'm afraid his father has done a good job. As long as they fight each other, no matter what the final result is, his father Ji Xian will appear in time, and then suppress Guan Pingchao.

"OK, go to the challenge arena."

Ji Feiyun immediately agreed to come down.

When a group of people around saw this, they were in an uproar.

Do you really want to compete?

Ji Feiyun is the leader of the younger generation of Guiyi medicine hall. Even among the top ten heroes in Yanjing City, he Feng asked, "no problem, but what if the loser is you?"

"Me? How could I lose? "

Ji Feiyun chuckles. He is in the middle of Huajin. He Feng is only seven strong. What's great is that he can't help him. How can he Feng defeat him?

It's like a fight between an adult and a child. Maybe the child runs faster and is flexible. The adult can't beat the child, but it's almost impossible for the child to knock down the adult.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'll ask you, what if you lose?" He Feng impatient way: "hurry to think well, tell me, I don't have much time now, don't want to talk nonsense with you here."

"It seems that you are quite confident in yourself!"

Ji Feiyun scoffs at He Feng. He really doesn't know where this guy's confidence comes from. He just wants to defeat his master in the middle of Huajin.

too big for her skin!

"If you win, do what you say, do what you want?" Ji Feiyun said indifferently, showing infinite self-confidence.

"Are you sure?"

He Feng looks strange.

Xi Xueqing also looks at Ji Feiyun with pity.

Looking at He Feng's face, Ji Feiyun has a bad feeling in his heart.

But it's a shame for him to change his words now.

"Of course, I'm sure Ji Feiyun will spit a nail."

"Good! If you lose, I don't want to

He Feng's eyes fell on the side of Ji Feiyang's body, "but, I want his hand."

"What did you say?"

As soon as he Feng's voice fell, Ji Feiyun's body burst out with a strong sense of killing.

Not only Ji Feiyun, at this time in the surrounding many Guiyi medicine hall people, looking at He Feng's eyes also show a trace of bad.

This guy has gone too far. He wants Ji Feiyang to have an arm.

Although Ji Feiyang's position in Guiyi medicine hall is not as good as Ji Feiyun's, it's not much different. At least he is also a quasi master, and his future achievements are not much worse than Ji Feiyun's.

After 20 or 30 years, shiyoulianjiu will become the peak of Guiyi medicine hall.

He Feng said to season flying a hand, simply will not return to one medicine hall in the eye.

"Too much!" Duan Dongping said coldly.

"He Feng, do you want to die?" Ji Feiyang is glaring at He Feng.

If it wasn't for knowing that he Feng was much stronger than himself, he would have rushed up and started now.

However, he Feng is raised his hand, pointing to Ji Feiyang, light spit out two words, "right hand!"

"Bastard, you want to die!"

Ji Feiyang roared, and his strength was surging wildly. He was about to rush up, but he was held by Ji Feiyun as soon as he took two steps.

"You are not his opponent, just leave it to me."

Ji Feiyun pulls Ji Feiyang, and his eyes fall on He Feng. "If I lose, I will unload one of his arms to you. But if you lose, I'll take off one of your arms. "


Ji Feiyang is in a hurry.

If his arm is gone, his future will be dark.

Even the subtle subtleties that we have come to understand not long ago may lose our sense, and it is very likely that we will not be able to step into Huajin in the future.

"Why don't you have faith in me? Don't forget, I'm Huajin. Have you ever seen how many people in Huajin can jump over the level to fight? Besides, I can be regarded as a leader in the middle of Huajin. " Ji Feiyun glances at Ji Feiyang.

"Then... Then you should be careful later." Ji Feiyang thinks about it. It's true.

He Feng is just refining his body seven times, which is equivalent to the initial stage of Huajin. His cultivation is a little worse than Ji Feiyun. This gap is not so easy to cross.

Therefore, in Ji Feiyang's view, even if his brother Ji Feiyun can't win he Feng, at least he won't lose.

"Well, you don't mind?"

Ji Feiyun stares at He Feng Road.

"You agree. Of course I don't mind."

He Feng shrugged, "do it, I allow you to use weapons, lest you lose for a while and find a reason."

"Well, this sword is my weapon. It's a local soldier. You can also use it." Ji Feiyun takes out a long sword.

"My two hands are my weapons!" Hefeng road.

"Don't blame me if I accidentally cut off both your hands during the fight."

Ji Feiyun squinted.

"Cut the crap and do it!"


Ji Feiyun is not indecisive. As soon as he Feng starts, his body rushes out quickly. In an instant, he appears in front of He Feng through the distance of five or six meters.

"Whew, whew..."

The endless sword light suddenly shrouded He Feng. It seemed that there was fierce sword Qi everywhere between heaven and earth.

Some of the players with low accomplishments can't open their eyes at this moment.

"It's a fierce sword move. I'm afraid no one below the master can resist it with this set of sword techniques."

"If that he Feng really only has the strength of refining body seven, I'm afraid he will be planted today."

"Hum, let him come to our Guiyi medicine hall to behave wildly. I really should teach him a lesson."

Many experts of Guiyi medicine hall are also knowledgeable. They soon feel the horror of Ji Feiyun's moves. Looking at He Feng, they show their pity one after another.

As for Guan Pingchao, he also frowned, "Damn, Ji Feiyun is so deep hidden. Although his sword moves are powerful, his real killing moves are not sword skills. He just uses sword skills to cover up his real killing moves. He Feng is going to be in trouble."

In the heart is thinking of these, ear is to spread the light laughter of Xi Xueqing, "master, you don't have to worry, brother Feng will certainly be OK."


Guan Pingchao was shocked.


At the same time, a roar burst out from the mouth of Ji Feiyun, like the roar of beasts in the mountain forest.


At the same time of roaring, all Qi and blood in Ji Feiyun's body seemed to be ignited in an instant and roared violently. All the energy gathered in his left fist and roared to He Feng's head.

This fist gathers all Ji Feiyun's strength, and the speed is extremely fast. The fist is also mixed with a little bit of sword Qi. Even if the fist is resisted in the front, the sword Qi will rush into the body and cause damage.

This is Ji Feiyun's strongest attack, but also his trump card, usually rarely used, not many people know this move.

In the competition with He Feng, because it is related to his brother's arm and their face, Ji Feiyun doesn't want to have any accident, so as soon as he does, he does his best without any reservation.

With this punch, even the middle-term master of Huajin at the same level could not resist, let alone He Feng.

Ji Feiyun's eyes can't help looking at He Feng, with a trace of cruelty in his eyes.

A punch will he Feng hit back, he will immediately seize the opportunity to use the sword to cut off his hands.

But soon, Ji Feiyun will feel something wrong, because he seems to see he Feng's mouth is slightly raised, above the outline of the silk sneer.

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