"Well?" Ji Feiyun frowned.

"It's a good combination of boxing and sword moves, but it's just a superficial one."

He Feng light evaluation, and then randomly blow out a punch, meet Ji Feiyun's fist.

He Feng's fist seems to be ordinary, but at the moment when his fist blows out, cuncunjin road rises from his feet, then converges on his spine from all four limbs, and finally condenses in his right hand.


Two fists burst out.

Ji Feiyun's all-out strike, and he Feng's random punch, head-on collision.


The fury of the waves spread all around.

After a punch, he stares at Ji Feiyun of He Feng with a sharp killing machine. His face changes greatly and he is about to withdraw.

But how can his speed match the strength of the punch that hits him?!


Ji Feiyun's fists were swept up by his fists, and his sleeves were directly torn up and fried into pieces of cloth. The flesh and blood on his arms were also blown away. The white bone marrow below quickly became a bend, which was visible to the naked eye.


Severe pain, make Ji Feiyun scream up, the body also involuntarily inverted fly out.

"Flying clouds!"

Duan Dongping, who was not far behind him, rushed up and helped Ji Feiyun.

Seeing the injury on Ji Feiyun's hand, Duan Dongping's face was ugly. "Damn, he hurt your bone marrow. Quick, take this bone quenching pill and blood returning pill first, don't hurt the foundation. "

Ji Feiyun doesn't talk nonsense. He will swallow the pill after taking it.

"Wait! Our contest is not over yet. Why are we in a hurry to take pills? "

Who knows, Ji Feiyun is about to take the pill, but he Feng rushes up quickly, bursting out with a sense of war all over his body, "our fight continues, and we'll eat it slowly when we're finished. Otherwise, I'll be injured again later. Now I'm not taking pills for nothing? "

"He Feng, Feiyun is seriously injured now. You want to kill him. Do you really want to kill him in our Guiyi medicine hall? I don't allow Duan Dongping. Get out of here! "

Seeing this, Duan Dongping didn't hesitate to work hard. He made a crackling sound on his body, like a firecracker. A force of terror three or four times stronger than Ji Feiyun's, was gathered on his fist and hit him like lightning.


He Feng's body is like a ghost, easily avoiding Duan Dongping's attack.

Rao is Duan Dongping, the late master of Huajin, but he Feng's speed has not been kept up.

He Feng's body shape appears on Duan Dongping's side.

Standing in front of him was Ji Feiyun, who was a little pale.

"You attacked, now it's my turn to attack."

He Feng drinks a light, the whole body up and down of strength way twist into a, like an arrow, burst out. At the same time, clenching the right fist, the forceful force surged, the biceps brachii on the arm seemed to blow up, and the terrible force ran through the whole arm.


Where I passed, there was a real roar in the air, as if I wanted to blow up the air.

He Feng's action is very fast. When Duan Dongping detects the situation here, he Feng's fist has waved to Ji Feiyun, and he has no time to rescue.

"Ah! He Feng, you are too much! "

Ji Feiyun burst to drink, this time can't escape, he Feng's speed is too fast.

If he escapes or dodges by force, the consequences will be more serious.

Therefore, he can only block hard.

His left hand has been beaten by He Feng, and his bones are injured, leaving only his right hand.

At the critical moment, Ji Feiyun waves a sword without hesitation and directly assassinates He Feng.

The enemy must be saved!

"Do you think you are the only one who can use both hands? Brother Feng, when I was three years old, I could draw circles with my left hand and square with my right. "

He Feng sneered, left hand lightly a pat, then will Ji Feiyun's long sword to pat slant.

Right fist, drive straight in, aim at Ji Feiyun's forehead.


The breath of death rises, Ji Feiyun screams in horror, and his face is full of fear.

He Feng raised a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and immediately his fist stopped. Instead of rushing forward, he fell down and heavily fell on Ji Feiyun's shoulder, which made him lean down a little.

At the same time, his knee slightly bent, immediately carrying the momentum of thunder, hit Ji Feiyun's chest.



This leg hit, not fatal, but instantly tore Ji Feiyun's chest.

Broken ribs!


And Ji Feiyun's body also lost its center of gravity in the scream and flew upside down.

In the whole process, there was no stagnation. Before some people could react, they saw Ji Feiyun fly out four or five meters and then fall to the ground.

For a moment, there was silence!

No one expected that Ji Feiyun, who has the medium-term cultivation of Huajin, would be defeated by He Feng, who has just refined his body and seven cultivation.

Moreover, he lost so fast that Duan Dongping even blocked him.

"How powerful!"

"This kind of strength is terrible."

"Xue Qing is such an evil boy friend."

This time, people look at He Feng's eyes, no longer pity, but shock.

A complete shock.

This is a world where the strong are respected. At the beginning, people didn't like he Feng, mainly because he Feng was provoked by Ji Feiyun and Ji Feiyang brothers. Ji Feiyun, who is expected to hit the top five of Yanjing's top ten heroes, is the leader of the younger generation of Guiyi medicine Hall. Naturally, they are optimistic about Ji Feiyun.

But now, Ji Feiyun in He Feng's hand can't hold on two times, we can see how powerful He Feng's strength is.

Such strong people are worthy of their respect.

Guan Pingchao was also full of shock, "is this... Lianti jiuzhong? No, it seems that the power he just burst out is not powerful, it's still just the way of refining Qi Chong, but the speed he burst out in an instant is very fast, even in the later period of Hua Jin, it can't keep up with him. In any case, his comprehensive strength has been comparable to the master of Huajin in the later period. And he... Seems to be only 25 years old, right? What kind of evil has he cultivated? "

"Feiyun, are you ok?"

Duan Dongping came to Ji Feiyun for the first time, checking Ji Feiyun's injury.


Ji Feiyun's face was pale and coughed. The blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, but his breath was not disordered. "The problem is not too big, and he can't die."

"Quick, swallow the pill first."

Duan Dongping once again took out the bone quenching pill and the blood return sheet.

Ji Feiyun took the pill and was about to swallow it.

"Well, you still want to be beaten, don't you? You still want to take pills in front of me? When I am the air

Who knows, he Feng's voice rang again.

Duan Dongping glared at He Feng and said, "He Feng, is it really so important to win or lose? Do you really want to see our Guiyi medicine hall and your he family tear their skin? "

"Don't you talk nonsense? We have just agreed that winning or losing is related to one arm. I don't want to be disabled. So, I can only win, not lose. "

He Feng sneered, "as for tearing the skin, I think you two can't represent the whole Guiyi medicine hall? This fight is just a private matter between us. Even if I lose my sense of propriety and kill him on the spot, it's also a personal grudge between us. It can't affect the relationship between Guiyi medicine hall and he family. "

Duan Dongping coldly said: "but now Ji Feiyun has been seriously injured by you. What else do you want?"

He Feng pointed to Ji Feiyang and said: "admit defeat, and then unload one of his arms to me!"

"He Feng, don't be too presumptuous!"

Ji Feiyang angrily scolds a way.

This bastard really wants his own arm. He's crazy. Doesn't he know where this place is?

A he family's son went to the headquarters of Guiyi medicine hall so presumptuously. Do you really think Guiyi medicine hall will be afraid of the he family?

"If you don't agree, I'll have to take his arm off myself." He Feng looks at Ji Feiyang.

"Elder Duan!"

Ji Feiyang quickly retreats behind Duan Dongping.

Duan Dongping blocks Ji Feiyang behind his back, stares at He Feng and says, "He Feng, what happened today is that Feiyang is not right. I'll ask him to apologize to you. Just be generous and let him go once. Feiyang, don't you apologize to He Feng and Xueqing? "

"Yes, I'm sorry."

Ji Feiyang nodded again and again, regardless of whether he Feng accepted or not, he apologized directly, "He Feng, Xue Qing, today's thing is I'm wrong, I'm here to apologize to you, I'm sorry!"

Although the mouth in apology, but Ji Feiyang's face is insincere, looking at He Feng is still full of resentment.

"If you want to bully people, bully people. If you want to apologize, apologize. Do you really think I dare not deal with you? It's said that an arm is an arm. Give it to me! "

He Feng naturally won't accept Ji Feiyang's insincere apology. He Feng moves at his feet and rushes out towards Ji Feiyang.

"Feiyang, go, I'll stop him!"

Duan Dong's plane color changed slightly, and he cried out.

He Feng's speed he has just seen, it is too fast, even if he is not too sure to stop He Feng.

"Well, elder Duan must stop him."

Ji Feiyang screamed in horror, turned around and fled without saying a word.

I'm kidding. Even his elder brother, the middle master of Huajin, can't stop the two moves. If you hit him, he will not die or be disabled.

"Asshole, you helped him escape. Get out of here!"

He Feng angrily stares at Duan Dongping, and tries his best to swing a fist to the latter's forehead.

He took the blow with anger and showed no mercy.

Feeling the huge power contained in He Feng's fist, duandong's plane color changes slightly.

Damn it, this guy is doing his best to himself.

Although his cultivation is relatively high and reaches the later stage of Huajin, he Feng doesn't want to make a hard connection with his attack. If he doesn't do well, he may capsize.

"Hum, anyway, my goal is not to defeat you. I just need to entangle you and let Ji Feiyang escape. Then my goal is achieved."

Duan Dongping snorted, his body swayed, and directly avoided the attack of He Feng, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Do you really think I'm competing with you?

But soon, Duan Dongping's sarcasm stagnated.

Because he found that he Feng didn't stay for half a second after he passed his body. In the blink of an eye, he continued to rush out, and in an instant, he shortened the distance between He Feng and Ji Feiyang.

"No! Just now he was... Feigning! Damn it, this guy is trying to deceive me. He Feng, you stop for me, you dare to discard the flying arm, I guarantee you can't leave Guiyi medicine hall safely

Duan Dongping said angrily.

Even if he is not here, but since he is here, if he Feng still discards Ji Feiyang in front of him, Ji Xian, Ji Feiyang's father, must be dissatisfied with him.

After all, Ji Xian has only two sons.

"Then I want to see how you Guiyi medicine hall won't let me leave safely."

He Feng sneers, but the speed is accelerated again.

After a while, he came to Ji Feiyang's back, his palm stretched out, and he was about to catch Ji Feiyang.

"Stop it

At this time, a clear cheering suddenly sounded in front of He Feng.

The next moment, an old man in gray clothes, who looks about sixty years old, appears in front of He Feng, blocking his way.

On the old man, there is a great pressure.

The peak of strength!

This is a strong man with the highest strength!

"Who are you and why are you me?"

Seeing that the one who is blocking his way is a strong man at the top of Huajin, he Feng doesn't attack again, but stops and asks unhappily.

There's no way. If he attacks even at the peak of Huajin, it will be a bit of a trouble once things get really big and he can't hide his true Qi cultivation.

"Mr. He, this is the worshipper of our Guiyi medicine hall!"

At this time, Guan Pingchao quickly came up and introduced him to Feng, for fear that he Feng would even go to the worship of Guiyi medicine hall.


He Feng frowned.

Naturally, he knows that the other party is a worshipper. Among the top ten medicine halls, most of the early masters of Huajin are elders. When they reach the middle stage of Huajin, they can become the supreme elders.

Huajin peak, you can no longer hold the position of the supreme elder, but directly enter the temple of worship. The authority is still above the supreme elder, but there is basically nothing they need to do.

There is only one thing about offering, that is, to practice in seclusion, to impact the mythical realm in the legend. Generally, there is no major event in the medicine hall, so offering will not go out.

Now I just moved my hands casually, and I got a worshiper?

"Mr. He, can you stop fighting for your old face?"

It was Qi Yuan who came. Qi Yuan said with a low smile, "deputy hall leader Ji Xian has come. If you do it again, it will be bad for you."


Smell speech, he Feng eyebrow a pick.

Why doesn't this offering seem to be coming to help him instead of to trouble him?

However, he is now in the headquarters of Guiyi medicine hall, where there are nine connections and nine myths. He did not use his mental power to detect, so that he would not be noticed by the myths here, and his accomplishments would be exposed.

But soon, a fast rushing figure dispelled his doubts.

"Mr. He is really deputy hall master Ji Xian." Guan Pingchao said.

He Feng looked at Qi Yuan and didn't say anything.

It seems that the other party is helping him, but he can't get a good impression on Qi Yuan. He can't say the specific reason.

I always feel that the other party's kindness to him seems a little untrue.


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