Ji Xian looks about fifty years old. He exudes a lot of dignity. He knows that he is a superior.

"Feiyun, are you ok?"

Ji Xian came, the first time came to Ji Feiyun's side, checking the latter's injury.

"Dad, I'm ok. After taking pills, I've begun to recover. I can recover completely after a day or two of recuperation." Ji Feiyun shook his head.

"Come on, what's going on?"

See Ji Feiyun said nothing, Ji Xiancai questioned.

But he Feng feels that Ji Xian is just acting.

Now that you can get here at the critical time, don't you know what happened just now?

"Dad, it's like this..."

Ji Feiyun said all the things just now, and there was nothing to hide.

Of course, when it comes to Ji Feiyang's Taking Xi Xueqing away, it's more euphemistic. He certainly won't say that Ji Feiyang wants to take Xi Xueqing away by force.

"It turns out that this little brother is from he's family. It's a real snub."

Ji Xian went to He Feng, hugged him and said with a smile, "I know the details of what happened just now. Feiyang is really a bit wrong. Feiyang, why don't you come and apologize to Mr. He and Xueqing? "

"Dad, I've already apologized." Ji Feiyang's weak way.

"No more nonsense. Believe it or not, I'll take off your arm to Mr. He now?" Ji Xian denounced.

"Yes, I'm sorry."

Ji Feiyang's head shrinks and he doesn't dare to talk nonsense. He quickly goes to He Feng and apologizes again. "Mr. He, Xueqing, I'm really sorry. I was wrong before. I'm here to apologize to you again. I hope you can forgive me."

His apology sounds sincere, and his lines are a little longer than before.

But he Feng didn't look at him. He just stared at Ji Xian and said, "reasonably speaking, I bet with your eldest son that he lost to me, so I should take off his arm. If I still insist on taking off his arm now, I don't know if deputy hall master Ji will agree? "

Ji Xian light smile, "Mr. He is joking with me?"

"Ha ha, I see what you mean."

He Feng glanced at Ji Feiyang, "your father's strength is stronger than me, I'm not his opponent, so I won't unload your arm now, let it stay on you for a little more time. As for your apology, you can take it back. Brother Feng, I don't accept it. "

He Feng now is really enough to hold back, his woman was bullied, he clearly has enough strength, but can't teach each other.

However, now he not only remembers Ji Feiyang, if he has a chance, he will take care of all the three of them.

"Love to accept or not, as if I'm asking you to accept my apology."

Ji Feiyang sneered.

Now that his father Ji Xian has come, he won't pay attention to He Feng any more.

Even if you are the he family's son, what if you are stronger than me?

This is not the he family!

This is Guiyi medicine hall!

"Ha ha!"

He Feng light smile, did not pay attention to a few people in the Ji family, but look at Xi Xueqing, "Xueqing, you and elder Guan go to get pills, elder Xi's cultivation still need a lot of back to Yuan Dan."

"Mr. He, I still have two bottles of Huiyuan pills in the middle level. There are twenty in all. Do you have enough of them?" Guan Pingchao asked.

He Feng thought about it and said, "two bottles are a little less. Go and get some more. But you can give them to him first. "

"Well, take it to him first, and I'll go back and get some."

Guan Pingchao said and handed two bottles of huiyuandan to He Feng, while he walked away.

Ji Xian stares at He Feng and says, "He Feng, it's only more than two hours away from the contest between Xi Tang master and Chang Tao. If you get there from here, even if there is no traffic jam, it will take more than an hour. Should you let Xi Tang master come out and go with us?"

He Feng looks at Ji Xian like an idiot, "it's not your competition. What do you do with a mouse?"


"He Feng, do you want to die?"

"Bold, dare to talk to our deputy hall leader like this, don't you kneel down and apologize?"

"He Feng, kneel down!"

There were angry shouts from all around.

In particular, Ji Feiyun and Ji Feiyang are furious.

In these people's body, one by one are surging, it seems that at any time to He Feng hand.

Ji Xian's face is more direct gloomy down, this bastard even dare to call himself a dog, he does not want to die?

"You want me to kneel down? Or do you want to kill me? "

He Feng's eyes swept around, "if you have the ability, you can try it."

Ji Xian said coldly: "He Feng, do you really think I dare not fight you?"

He Feng says "dog" in front of many members of Guiyi medicine hall. Ji Xian's intention to kill him can be imagined. He wants to kill him immediately.

"Why do you still want to fight me?" He Feng sneered, "it's not a big problem for other people to give me a hand, but if you dare to give me a hand, I promise you don't know how to die, believe it?"

Believe it!

Simple two words, but make Ji Xian pupil a shrink.

I don't know why, when he Feng said these two words, he felt a cold behind, a sense of inexplicable crisis, rising from the heart.

"Sense of crisis! I really have a sense of crisis! But where does this sense of crisis come from? Why can't I even capture it? Is... A myth peeping at me? "

Ji Xian was shocked.

Apart from myth, he could not think of anyone else who could make him feel so dangerous.

At this moment, Ji Xian suddenly thought of the rumors about He Feng.

It is said that there is a myth of he's family hidden by He Feng's side, and he is closely protecting him anytime and anywhere.

"Is the rumor true? He Feng's position in the he family is so high that he can send a mythical strongman to protect him

Ji Xian thought it was a rumor before, but now he doesn't think it's a rumor any more.

Even he can feel the crisis, but he can't catch it. What is it?

"Dad, he Feng is too arrogant. You can teach him a lesson in person, beat him down, and let him kneel down in front of you and kowtow to apologize."

At this time, Ji Feiyang cried loudly.

He is really not pleased to see he Feng. This guy doesn't know how arrogant he is. He beat their brothers one after another. Now he even insults their father.

That's too much!

If you don't teach Hefeng a lesson, won't their family become a joke?

"Shut up

Ji Feiyang doesn't speak. It's OK. As soon as he says this, Ji Xian's face is even worse. He can't help yelling at him.


Ji Feiyang opens his mouth and looks innocent.

I'll cheer you up. Why did you scold me?

"He Feng, I don't want to worry about you because you are a junior. But next time, I won't let it go. "

Ji Xian throws the matter away, and then, without waiting for He Feng to speak, he immediately goes on: "however, the master ordered me to accompany master Xi to compete with Chang Tao. If I'm late and don't get to the competition place in time, we will be laughed at. So, please remind master Xi to start early. "

"If you really want to accompany us, just wait here. If you don't want to wait, no one asks you to stay here. "

He Feng rolled a white eye, lazy to pay attention to him, holding two bottles back to Yuan Dan, turned and went to the yard, "snow fine, you accompany the elder tube to get some pills."


Xi Xueqing saw that Ji Xian didn't start, and she was a little relieved.

After all, if the two sides really start, he Feng can really beat Ji Xian to the ground, but the result may be to expose He Feng's true mood.

They can't control what kind of trouble they will cause.

Watching He Feng enter the yard, Xi Xueqing also leaves with Guan Pingchao.

"Dad, he Feng is so presumptuous. How can you let him go so easily?"

Ji Feiyun comes to Ji Xian and asks in a low voice.

Duan Dongping also said: "although he Feng is a child of the he family, he was too presumptuous just now. Even if you teach him a lesson, as long as the hand is not too heavy, I don't think the he family can blame us."

Ji Feiyang is more direct cold hum a, "I think, should directly hit him down, let him kneel to admit his mistake, so just can barely let him go."

"Shut up

Ji Xian stares at Ji Feiyang. If it's not for his own son, he wants to teach him a lesson.

If it wasn't for Ji Feiyang, he would have been disgraced?

He was scolded as a dog in public, but he even endured it. This matter will certainly be discussed behind his back, which will affect his prestige in Guiyi medicine hall.

"Dad, I..."

Ji Feiyang is very aggrieved. He feels like he is right.

"Do you think I didn't want to do it just now? But I tell you, I can't do it. If I did, it would be more serious. " Ji xianpo said helplessly.

"What's the situation?" Duan Dongping asked with a frown.

Ji Feiyun also looks at him in doubt.

Ji Xian said: "just now when I wanted to do something about He Feng, I suddenly felt an inexplicable crisis. But I can't feel the crisis anywhere. "


Duan Dongping frowned, subconsciously looked at Qi Yuan not far away, and said in a low voice: "can it be Qi Yuan's worship?"

Ji Xian shook his head without hesitation, "impossible! Although Qi Yuan's strength is strong, he stepped into the peak of Huajin decades ago, but if we really want to fight, he and I are equally important. Even if he realized the unity of man and nature and became a demigod, his real fighting power was not much better than mine. At least, it won't bring me death threats. What's more, although Qi Yuan and I are not very familiar, there is no conflict between them. We are always at peace. He has no reason to show his intention to kill me. "

"Since it's not Qi Yuan, who will it be?"

"Did you forget the rumor about He Feng? According to the outside world, there is a myth and legend hidden around him to protect his safety

"Myth? He Fengcai's strength in refining Qi Zhong's body is just that. Is there a myth around him? " Duan Dongping frowned.

"Dad, isn't it?" Ji Feiyun doesn't believe it either.

"How can it be? How can he Feng have myths around him? Why should he Ji Feiyang was even more surprised.

Ji Xian took a look at him and said nothing, but he was quite satisfied.

Originally, people outside may also think that he Ji Xian is afraid of things and dare not provoke He Feng.

Now Ji Feiyang shouts like this, I believe they can understand. The reason why Ji Xian doesn't give a hand to He Feng is that he Feng's side hides the myth.

This myth, now in He Feng's side.


Sure enough, as soon as Ji Feiyang said this, everyone subconsciously looked at Xi Zhenxing's yard, and his eyes were full of shock.

That young man is already very powerful, and his comprehensive combat effectiveness is no less than that of the great master in the later period of Huajin. Even among the top ten heroes, he can definitely rank in the top five.

Such a person is a master, and even with a myth, who dares to provoke him?

No wonder he dared to scold Ji Xian in front of so many people!

"Well, don't talk about these things. Will you two go downtown with me or stay in the medicine hall to practice?" Ji Xian asked.

"I'll stay in the medicine hall to recuperate. Feiyang can go and have a look. Although Chang Tao is at the bottom of the top ten, he is at least one of the top ten. Feiyang can just know the strength of the top ten. When he officially breaks through to Huajin, he will probably know whether he can enter the top ten immediately. "

Ji Feiyun said.

Ji Feiyang immediately nodded, "OK, then I'll go and have a look with dad."

Ji Feiyun said: "it's OK to go to the city, but follow dad all the way. Don't walk around alone, or I'm afraid he Feng will continue to attack you."

Ji Xian snorted coldly and said: "as long as Feiyang doesn't take the initiative to provoke He Feng, I don't think he Feng dare to be so overbearing. Do you really think there is no one in our Guiyi medicine hall? They have myths in his family, and so do we in Guiyi medicine hall. "

For the he family, Ji Xian did not pay too much attention.

In the past, the he family was very low-key. There were only one or two myths in the whole he family. Now there seems to be a new myth, but what about that? There are three great myths of the he family. There are only two of them in Guiyi medicine hall, and the top ten medicine halls share the same spirit. Guiyi medicine hall still has several iron brothers, which add up to six or seven myths, but they are not afraid of the three myths of He Feng.

It's really shameful. It's the he family that will suffer.

"That's good." Ji Feiyun was relieved.

"Mr. Ji, I heard that the reason why the people of Baiyun medicine hall challenge the master of Xi Tang is that the master of Xi Tang had conflicts with them?"

At this time, Qi Yuan suddenly came forward and asked.

"I'm not very clear about this..."

Ji Xian said with a bitter smile that he really didn't know about Chang Tao and Xi Zhenxing.

"In fact, it's very simple. I can guess everything."

Ji Feiyang said with a smile: "when Xi Xueqing was in Yanjing before, Chang Tao of Baiyun medicine hall pursued her, but Xi Zhenxing asked Chang Tao not to disturb Xi Xueqing because Xi Xueqing had not graduated from university and didn't want her to fall in love. Chang Tao is obedient and doesn't disturb Xi Xueqing any more. But now Xi Xueqing suddenly has a boyfriend. I think Chang Tao must know about it, so he is very upset. But he Feng is a child of the he family, and Chang Tao can't fight Xi Xueqing, so naturally he can only challenge Xi Zhenxing. "

"So it is! It seems that there is a real contradiction! "

Qi Yuan nodded, "since there are contradictions, there may be some accidents in today's competition. I'll accompany you to have a look. If there are any accidents, I can help."

"Qi Gong, this... Will it waste your time too much?"

Ji Xian asked in surprise.

"I've just left the customs. If there's any delay, I'll go with you. But I'm going to go back and pack up some things now, and I'll come back to you later. "

Qi Yuan replied with a smile and walked away.

Watching Qi Yuan leave, Ji Xian frowns, some doubts.

For the worship of Qi Yuan, the peak of Huajin, Xi Zhenxing is definitely a junior.

If you want to compete with others, it's enough to have him, Ji Xian, as the deputy hall leader. Where do you need Qi Yuan to go.

But Qi Yuan wants to go with him!

Ji Xian subconsciously felt that things seemed a little unusual, but he didn't know the details!

Shaking his head, Ji Xian is too lazy to think about it. His eyes fall on Xi Zhenxing's yard again.


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