Qi Yuan left, quickly back to his yard, and then dial a phone out.


"Mr. Lin, just now he Feng had a fight with someone in our Guiyi medicine hall. His real combat effectiveness is much stronger than what is rumored by the outside world. " Qi Yuan said.

"Oh? What is the level of his real combat effectiveness? "

"The strength he showed today is not very strong. He is still in the shape of Qizhong. But his speed, fighting consciousness, and the control and application of strength way are far beyond the scope of Qi Chong. As a result, relying on the strength of Qi Zhong, he burst out with a fighting capacity comparable to that of the later master of Hua Jin. "

"What did you say? "In the later stage of Huajin?"

Mr. Lin was obviously shocked.

"Yes, Huajin

Qi Yuan recalled every bit of He Feng's hand at that time. He narrowed his eyes and said, "moreover, I have an intuition that he Feng didn't try his best. If he does his best, his strength should not be as simple as Qizhong. "

"You mean that his real fighting power is stronger than what you said in the later period of Hua Jin?"

"Well, it's very possible that his real combat effectiveness is close to the peak level of Huajin."


Mr. Lin took a breath directly, "are you sure?"

"I'm not sure. After all, I only saw him do it once. But he Feng's heart is not small. He has the fighting power to catch up with the peak of Huajin at a young age, but he is very low-key. He is not arrogant at all. Over time, I feel that his achievements will be extremely high. Maybe within ten years, he will step into the realm of legend. "

Hearing this, Mr. Lin was silent and didn't know what he was thinking.

A full minute later, Mr. Lin said again: "do you think so highly of him?"

"It's not that I think so highly of him, it's that he deserves my evaluation.

I know that since the Lin family has asked us old men to pay attention to this person, we must want to deal with him.

In this case, he is the enemy of the Lin family.

I have no reservation about the enemy's evaluation.

If he didn't have the careful training of he family, I dare not say that he would be able to enter Huajin in ten years. However, with he family as his backing, it would not be too difficult for him to reach the peak of Huajin.

Once we reach the peak of Huajin, I want to take the last step with his heart

It's not a problem. "

Mr. Lin's silence again!

Obviously, Qi Yuan's words had a huge impact on him again and again.

He thought he Feng was strong enough, but he underestimated him.

Ten years, myth!

This is a more terrifying existence than he Junxiang!

"Qi Yuan, if you want to find a way to assassinate him, are you sure?"

A moment later, Mr. Lin asked.

"If he doesn't have the protection of experts around him, I'm sure of 70% or 80%. But... I'm afraid you don't know one thing. There's a myth protecting him next to He Feng. " Qi Yuan said: "there is a myth around him. Even if I find a chance to kill He Feng, I'm afraid I will expose myself. Even if that myth goes all out to kill me, I can't escape. "

"Not so much! Qi Yuan, I'll leave it to you to assassinate He Feng. If it's exposed, you'll find a way to escape. If you can't escape, our Lin family will protect you. "

Mr. Lin obviously doesn't want to wait. He Feng's potential has made him worried.

Ten years later, it will grow into a myth. What about 20 or 30 years later?

At that time, the whole Lin family will not be able to suppress him?

Therefore, we must kill him before he grows up.

"Mr. Lin, isn't that good? I'm risking my life to kill him? " Qi Yuan is not happy.

"You seem to have realized the unity of man and nature? However, even if we understand the unity of man and nature, it's not so easy to really lead the vitality into the body and turn the whole energy into vitality. The difficulty is no less than understanding the unity of man and nature. Many strong demigods, even stuck in the realm of the unity of man and nature all their lives, have no chance to enter the real myth. "

Mr. Lin said slowly: "but if you succeed in killing He Feng, I can take you to the ancestral land of our Lin family to practice for a year. One year is enough time for you to step into the real atmosphere. "

Qi Yuan frowned and said, "if I enter your Lin family's ancestral land to practice, I don't step into the realm of true Qi after a year?"

Mr. Lin smiles, "if you can't step into the realm of true Qi for one year, even if you practice for another ten or eight years, you can't achieve this realm."

Qi Yuan said, "come on, don't hit me. A year, right? I took the job. But you also have to be prepared. Don't blame Qi Yuan for turning over when I'm chased by mythology and no one in your Lin family comes out to protect me. "

"Don't worry, I'll do what Lin Wuhuan said."


"Brother he, Ji Xian is not a good talker. Just now you called him a dog, but he didn't do anything to you. Did he let you go?"

In Xi Zhenxing's practice room, Xi Zhenxing did not continue to practice, but asked in doubt.

"He was really going to do it to me, but I released a little bit of mythical pressure, which scared him not to give a fart." He Feng grinned.

"I see. I thought when Ji Xian became so talkative." Xi Zhenxing said, "you will not be noticed by Ji Xian when you release your authority, will you?"

"Of course not, he will only feel the danger, but the danger comes from He Feng, he still can't feel it."

"Good! However, you still need to pay a little attention to it. There is a set of Tianjie defensive array in Guiyi medicine hall that works all the time. If your majesty touches the array, maybe it will attract the attention of myth. "

"Heaven level array?"

He Feng Mou son a bright, "the sky steps primary?"? Intermediate? Or advanced? "

Xi Zhenxing took a puff from the corner of his mouth, "of course, it's Tianjie junior! Moreover, it was handed down hundreds of years ago. Now there is no master of heaven level array in Guiyi medicine hall, but as long as this defensive array has enough energy supplement and is not strongly attacked, it can continue to operate. "

This guy really dares to ask. He's also intermediate and advanced. If we have Tianjie primary array in Guiyi medicine hall, we can break it off very well, OK?

"All right!"

He Feng is a little disappointed. If there is a master of heaven level intermediate or advanced array, he can think of a way to let the other party give him an advanced array.

In this way, their means of life-saving will be more powerful.

"Brother he, Ji Xian is awed by your authority. He should not dare to attack you easily in the future. As for Ji Feiyang, you can teach him a lesson. Anyway, Xueqing didn't suffer any loss. " Xi Zhenxing said.

"That can't do. Xueqing was bullied today. I must help her out. I must take off my flying arm that season. "

He Feng narrowed his eyes, no doubt said.

"Then... Ji Xian?"

"It's just the peak of strength. I have plenty of ways to deal with it."

He Feng shrugged his shoulders and said: "brother Xi, you should practice hard. Although you can make the energy ball explode five meters away, the attack speed is still a little slow. Let's practice more. Only when the energy ball explodes within half a second of attacking can we threaten the opponent. Otherwise, no matter how powerful your attack is, it will be useless if people can easily avoid it. "

"Those people outside, let them wait? Isn't that good? "

"Whatever, they love to wait. Anyway, we only need to leave half an hour. In half an hour, let's run by ourselves. We don't have to drive. "

"Run over..."

Xi Zhenxing was helpless, but he nodded, "OK!"

Next, Xi Zhenxing continued to enter the state of cultivation, familiar with the use of fusion technology.

On the way, Xi Xueqing came in and brought five bottles of intermediate Huiyuan pills.

Under the cultivation of Xi Zhenxing, these Huiyuan pills were swallowed by him one by one.

There are seven bottles just from the back.

A bottle of ten, a total of 70, a market price of about 30 million.

70, that's 2.1 billion.

In addition, Xi Zhenxing has spent more than 30 billion since yesterday.


The energy ball exploded on the wall.

The four walls made of alloy in the training room are now full of holes, and some places have been punched directly.

This training room, which costs at least 100 million yuan, is scrapped.

"Brother he, it should be almost there now?" Xi Zhenxing asked he Feng.

Just now, he felt that the whole process was just a moment, maybe less than half a second.

"Not bad!"

He Feng gives Xi Zhenxing a thumbs up.

In the later stage, Xi Zhenxing's cultivation efficiency is still quite high.

Of course, the main reason is because the pills keep falling down, no effect, I'm afraid Xi Zhenxing will be distressed to cry.

"But later, brother Xi, you have to take some time to rest. After practicing for so long, your mental strength is almost overdrawn. " He Feng said.

Xi Xueqing said: "Ji Xian, they have prepared a helicopter. After a while, let dad sit on the helicopter and have a rest."


"Well! Originally, we were driving, but we delayed too long. Ji Xian was afraid that he would not catch up, so he called the helicopter. Our top ten medicine halls and four royal families are licensed by the state. As long as there are not more than ten planes at the same time, our planes can fly to Yanjing city at any time, and their radar satellites can automatically identify them. Of course, if we do any damage on the territory of our country, the country will still beat down our plane for the first time. "

Xi Xueqing explained.

He Feng nodded, "well, let's start now. The time is almost the same."

"I'll change first!"

Xi Zhenxing stood up and quickly left the training room to change clothes.

A few minutes later, the three walked out of the yard together.

At this time, outside the yard, a large group of people gathered, including Ji Xian, Ji Feiyang, Duan Dongping, Qi Yuan, and other high-level figures of Guiyi medicine hall.

"Master Xi, you've been delayed too long, haven't you? Now it's only 30 minutes before the competition between you and Chang Tao. I've received the news that Chang Tao has arrived at the boxing ring now. Hurry up to get there, or others will think that we are afraid. "

The speaker is a dignified old man in his 60s and 70s. He is a supreme elder of Guiyi medicine hall. He is responsible for some external affairs and will accompany Xi Zhenxing today.

"Mr. Zhou, I'm really sorry. I've been practicing in seclusion since last night, so I've wasted a lot of time. I'm going to go now." Xi Zhenxing smiles apologetically.

Hearing this, everyone around him looked at him with disdain!


Your strength is much worse than that of Chang Tao. No matter how you practice, you can't be Chang Tao's opponent. Instead of practicing, you'd better go to the boxing ring early to exchange feelings with Chang Tao. Maybe Chang Tao will be a little more polite when he's in a good mood.

"Master, do you want to go too?"

Xi Zhenxing came to Guan Pingchao and asked in a low voice.

Guan Pingchao said with a smile: "you are my only disciple. If you compete with Chang Tao, of course I have to watch. How are you, are you sure? "

Xi Zhenxing grinned: "it's not a big deal. It's like seventy-eight."

"Well, if you don't have a good grasp, you should focus on defense. Pay attention to the consumption of energy... And so on. How much do you think you should grasp?" Guan Pingchao came back half a day later and looked at Xi Zhenxing in shock.

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

Isn't there a big gap between Xi Zhenxing's strength and Chang Tao's? Why is Xi Zhenxing sure to defeat Chang Tao?

Shouldn't this be the assurance that Chang Tao defeated Xi Zhenxing?

"Master, let's get on the plane first. I've spent a lot of time in closing. I'll have to rest later." Xi Zhenxing.

"Well, well, let's get on the plane first."

Guan Pingchao no longer asked. Since his apprentice was sure, he was relieved.

He also knew the cause of the contest, and he was quite clear about Chang Tao's strength and personality, so he didn't expect Xi Zhenxing to defeat Chang Tao. As long as Xi Zhenxing didn't hurt Chang Tao's hand, he was very satisfied.

Judging from the current situation, Xi Zhenxing may not be absolutely sure to defeat Chang Tao, but it seems that it is not easy for Chang Tao to take advantage of Xi Zhenxing.

Watching Xi Zhenxing and his party to the plane, Ji Xian also followed.

"Dad, do you think that Xi Zhenxing is so sure?" Ji Feiyang inquires curiously in Ji Xian's ear.

Ji Xian pondered and said, "I don't believe his words, but Xi Zhenxing doesn't seem to be a boaster. It seems that he Feng may have given him a card. "

"So Xi Zhenxing may be able to defeat Chang Tao this time?"

"Oh, I haven't even played yet. It's hard to make a conclusion now. But even if he has a card, Chang Tao may have a card. "

"Well, it's reasonable. I've been in touch with Chang Tao twice before. He looks like a gentleman on the surface, but actually he's very insidious. In his body, there must be a card. Xi Zhenxing is likely to be killed. "

Thinking of Chang Tao, Ji Feiyang looks forward to seeing Xi Zhenxing killed by Chang Tao.

Now, because he was slapped in the face by He Feng, he also resents Xi Zhenxing.

However, he is not He Feng's opponent, plus he Feng's identity, he felt that he wanted to revenge he Feng, or some difficulty.

Therefore, he is eager to see Xi Zhenxing abused or even killed.


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