After he Feng and Guan Pingchao got on the plane, he Feng looked back at Qi Yuan not far away and asked, "elder Guan, elder brother Xi, isn't that man worshipped by Guiyi medicine hall? He's going today, too? "

Guan Pingchao laughed and said: "Qi Gong and Zhou Chang are always close friends. In addition, Qi Gong is rarely closed now, so he often goes out with Zhou Chang to travel around the world. I think that he should be closed to realize that the unity of heaven and man is not possible, so he wants to use this way to pursue the highest realm. "

The unity of man and nature has an irresistible attraction for any great master of Huajin. When Guan Pingchao speaks, he also looks forward to it.

"What's the relationship between Qi Gong and Ji Xian?"

He Feng asked again.

Guan Pingchao said: "very ordinary! Even so, they have little contact. So, you don't have to worry that Qi Gong will be bad for you because of Ji Xian. "

Xi Zhenxing also followed: "yes, brother he, Ji Xian, you need to pay attention to it, but Qi Gong is a very good person. He has made a lot of friends and is very popular in our Guiyi medicine hall. I think the reason why he made friends with you before may also be that he wanted to make friends with you. "

"Make friends with me?"

He Feng frowned.

He didn't see much sincerity in Qi Yuan's eyes.

This Qi Yuan always makes him feel that something is wrong, but he can't tell exactly what is wrong.

At this time, Qi Yuan and others also got on the plane one by one.

As soon as he got on the plane, Qi Yuan sat directly opposite He Feng and asked kindly, "Mr. He, do you mind if I sit opposite you?"

He Feng laughed, "of course, I don't mind. With Qi Gong, the great master, sitting opposite me, I don't need to worry too much about my personal safety."

"He Feng, don't try to be a gentleman with a mean heart. My father won't do it to you."

He Feng just finished, Ji Feiyang hummed softly.

He Feng light glanced at him and said: "I didn't name who said, you end of the right seat, what? Are you guilty? I said it right? "

"I didn't! Who says I'm guilty? I'm just stating our position. "

Ji Feiyang's face changed slightly, and he quickly explained.

Although he and his father really want to fight against He Feng, they just think about it in their heart, but they don't really fight against him. After all, they already know that he Feng is surrounded by a mythical strongman who protects him. How can they fight against him casually.

"Besides, I know quite well about you now. Don't think I don't know. You don't know how many people you've offended outside. Don't blame my father for being killed by others." Ji Feiyang sneers.

"Don't worry. Even if I die, I will die behind you." He Feng stretched a stretch way.

Ji Feiyang is angry and points to He Feng and says, "what do you say?"

He Feng said coldly: "what I hate most is that people point their fingers at me and talk. You'd better restrain yourself. Otherwise, I don't mind taking your hand off now. I want to see if your father can really stop me

Ji Xian narrowed his eyes and said, "He Feng, I allow you to take our Guiyi medicine hall plane. Please be polite. It's not so easy to bully us when we go back to the same medicine hall. "

He Feng shrugged, "OK, you are the master of Huajin peak. Your strength is stronger than me. Since you have said that, how dare I say anything more?"

Then he Feng looked at Ji Feiyang and said, "who, you have your father covering you, you can continue to point at me, I won't do it to you."

"Well, as long as you don't spit, I won't point at you."

Ji Feiyang hummed coldly.

He Feng looked at Ji Feiyang, this guy's mouth is really powerful, always trying to provoke him, want him to take the initiative.

In this way, even if Ji Xian will he Feng injured, there are enough reasons.

But he Feng didn't pay any attention to him, because there was not much time left for the contest between Xi Zhenxing and Chang Tao. He didn't want to delay Xi Zhenxing's rest.

"Elder brother Xi, you should close your eyes first and adjust your state well." He Feng said to Xi Zhenxing.

"Well, good!"

Xi Zhenxing nodded, closed his eyes and began to rest.

The plane took off soon. Because of the loud noise, he Feng and others didn't speak any more. He took out his mobile phone to play and read the novel of listening to the wind at night.

I haven't seen it for several days. That guy has had a lot of outbursts recently. I can take advantage of it now.

Originally, he wanted to practice, but now he Feng, a strong man with the highest strength on the plane, didn't practice, so as not to be suspected of the power of heaven and earth.

However, he felt that during the flight, Qi Yuan, sitting opposite him, would look at him from time to time.

If ordinary people, nature can't detect Qi Yuan's eyes that don't leave traces, but he Feng can clearly feel it.

Of course, he Feng did not reveal, as if did not feel like, still head down to play mobile phone.

About twenty minutes later, the plane slowly descended and landed on the roof of a building.

"Brother he, it's here. Let's go down."

Xi Zhenxing said.

He Feng put away his mobile phone and glanced around, "brother Xi, what's this place? This is where you compete with Chang Tao? "

"Well, let's talk as we walk."

Xi Zhenxing nodded and got off the plane with He Feng. Then he said, "this place is the biggest selling point of Guiyi medicine hall. It's called Guiyi shopping mall. Here, as long as you want to buy panacea, pills, can buy. The premise, of course, is money. "

He Feng asked suspiciously: "since it's selling here, how can you compete with Chang Tao here?"

Before Xi Zhenxing spoke, Qi Yuan said with a smile, "Mr. He, I was in charge of this matter at that time. Fifty years ago, underground boxing became popular in Yanjing city. Guiyi medicine hall gave me a task to build an underground boxing ground in Guiyi shopping mall. It has been more than 50 years since the establishment of this ring. Every day, there will be at least one fight, and hundreds of people will watch the fight. "

"There's an underground ring down here?"

He Feng was surprised.

I'm really good at business.

Selling elixir and elixir, not to mention, even the boxing ring is open.

You know, it's quite profitable to open a boxing ring. Let alone the ticket, it's estimated to be a lot of money.

"How much do you usually pay for tickets here?" He Feng asked casually.

"There are three kinds of tickets: ordinary tickets, VIP tickets and VIP tickets. There are 500 ordinary tickets, 10000 yuan each. VIP tickets are 30, 300, and VIP tickets are 100, 000, 200. " Qi Yuan smiles.

"Damn, don't you make money?"

"Fortunately, tickets are not sold out every day. They usually sell about 80 percent."


He Feng can't help rolling a white eye, you others are also too little, right?

It's like stealing money, okay?

He roughly calculated that if all the tickets here were sold, it would be 34 million, even 80%, it would be more than 27 million.

What's more, it's just one show. What if we make two in a day? Three?

In a word, the underground ring has more than one billion yuan of revenue from tickets alone in a month.

And for the ring, ticket revenue is certainly not the big head.

In a year, tens of billions are appropriate, maybe even more than 100 billion.

"Do all the top ten medicine halls open underground boxing courts?" He Feng asked as he walked.

"Well, all the top ten medicine halls have been opened, and only the top ten medicine halls can be opened. Other places can't be opened. This is also an industry monopolized by our top ten medicine halls."

Qi Yuan nodded with a smile.

He Feng mouth corner smoked to smoke, underground boxing ground this profession also so profiteering?

"There are so many people in Yanjing who like to watch underground boxing?" He Feng can't help asking.

"Of course!"

Qi Yuan nodded and said: "however, most of the people who come to see the underground boxing match are ancient warriors. For them, 180000 is nothing at all. If they watch a few more fights, they can see other people's fighting experience and learn from themselves. This is equal to spending money on strength, and many people are willing to pay for it. "

"When someone is fighting, the audience can win or lose, right?" He Feng asked again.

"It's more fun, of course. Some spectators come here to watch the game, in fact, in order to win or lose, one is to stimulate, the other is to make money. " Qi Yuandao.

He Feng laughed and asked Xi Zhenxing, "brother Xi, do you want to buy some for yourself later?"

For this kind of gambling and so on, Xi Zhenxing has always been very uninterested.

If he Feng had asked him this question before, he would have rejected it.

But now

"Buy it! Of course I have to buy it! "

Xi Zhenxing nodded without hesitation and looked at Xi Xueqing, "Xueqing, how much private money do you still have? I'll lend it to you later."


Xi Xueqing didn't respond.

Daddy's going to gamble, too?

"This contest, I have to get back some books anyway." Xi Zhenxing explained.

We have to get back the cost. From last night until now, the market price of the pills he consumed has exceeded three billion yuan.

If he doesn't return the book, he will be unhappy even if he wins today.

"Oh, well!"

Xi Xueqing probably understood the meaning of Xi Zhenxing, so she nodded.

Next to Ji Feiyang, he turned his lips and disdained.

At the same time, he secretly decided that before the competition, he must buy Chang Tao to win.

Buy as much as you have!

Only a fool can buy Xi Zhenxing

Before long, a group of people came to an elevator and took the elevator downstairs.

Soon, the elevator came directly to the third floor.

The space on the third floor is very large. It's like a big square. It's full of people. At a glance, there are hundreds of people. Plus some people in the VIP seats, the total number is close to 1000.

These seats are arranged around a round arena.

The area of the challenge arena is not small, with a diameter of more than 10 meters. Under the light, the challenge arena emits circles of metallic luster.

Therefore, the challenge arena must be made of alloy materials.

At this time, on the edge of the challenge arena, a group of people were standing there impatiently. One of them was a young man who had appeared before when he Feng took a bus to Beichang city at Jiangbin high speed railway station.

Chang Tao!

"What's the matter with Guiyi medicine hall? Now it's less than five minutes before the competition starts. Why haven't they come out yet?"

An elder of Baiyun medicine Hall said very displeased.

"Yes, do you want to delay time? If you don't think your strength is good, you'll just give up. " Another elder roared.

Chang Tao said indifferently: "Xi Zhenxing's strength is much worse than mine. What I didn't expect was that he didn't even have the courage to go to the first World War because he was inferior to others. As far as his mind is concerned, I really don't know how he stepped into Huajin. Isn't it because he took pojingdan? "

"Broken border pill? Is master Xi Zhenxing breaking through with the pill

"If it's really a breakthrough pill, even if master Xi's breakthrough is a master, it's also a fake master."

"Oh, it's a dead end."

Although it was noisy all around, most of the people who came to watch the battle were ancient warriors. They had good hearing. Chang Tao didn't deliberately lower his voice, so they could hear him.

For a time, many unknown audience also began to laugh.

If it's an ordinary peak of dark strength, the ancient martial arts people may not say anything about it. But Xi Zhenxing is the sub hall leader of Guiyi medicine hall. He's only about 50 years old. It's reasonable to say that as long as he practices hard, not to mention 30 or 50 years, at least in these 10 or 20 years, he won't have much problem to break through to Huajin.

But now, in order to break through to Huajin, he even takes pojingdan, which makes people look down on him. He is typically eager for quick success and instant benefit.

After all, it's almost impossible for a warrior to continue to break through once he has used the pill.

For the sake of fame, self destruction of the future, let people despise.

"After a while, Xi Zhenxing came, and when he heard these people's comments, his mentality might also be affected. Tao, you should seize this opportunity and kill Xi Zhenxing at one stroke. This time, we Baiyun medicine hall must take the opportunity to knock Guiyi medicine hall. "

The speaker is a middle-aged man standing beside Chang Tao.

The middle-aged man, with a dignified face and shining eyes, is Chen Zhou, one of the deputy leaders of Baiyun medicine hall.

Chen Zhou has another identity, a disciple of Ge Guanlin.

Hua Wenyuan, who died in the hands of He Feng, is Chen Zhou's younger martial brother. Of course, Hua Wenyuan was not valued by GE Guanlin.

"I understand, brother Chen, don't worry. Xi Zhenxing will die in my hands today." Chang Tao nodded respectfully.

Although Chen Zhou's cultivation is not much better than him, he hasn't even stepped into the middle stage of Huajin. He is the weakest of many vice hall leaders.

However, Chen Zhou is an intermediate pharmacist in the prefecture level, and his mental strength is growing steadily. He can become a senior pharmacist in the prefecture level at any time.

Once Chen Zhou becomes a senior pharmacist of the local level, his status is much higher than those old top masters of Huajin in Baiyun medicine hall.

"Brother Chen, there seems to be a lot of people coming to watch the war today. All the major medicine halls have sent people here, and even I have seen people from the four royal families. "

Chang Tao said with a light smile, "if I kill Xi Zhenxing in front of these people, will those who are familiar with Xi Zhenxing and Guiyi medicine hall rush up to me?"

Chen Zhou shook his head. "You can rest assured that Changshu and several supreme elders are here. Even if you kill Xi Zhenxing, your personal safety will be fine."

Chang Tao nodded, "well, I'll say it casually. As long as the four kings don't do it, I'm sure I'll be safe."

Chen Zhou said: "the four royal families are most likely to attack you, just one he family. However, today Lin family's person also came, he family also won't easily to you

Chang Tao sneered, "Hey, although the he family has a high profile recently, it's just relative to the outside world. The Lin family is not afraid of the he family, are they

Chen Zhou pondered for a while and said, "of course, the he family has always been the weakest among the four royal families. Especially in the past 20 years, they don't know what's going on. The whole he family has been building cars behind closed doors. In the past, some high-level ancient martial families attached to them, even a few of them have directly announced their separation from them, and some official forces, which they can no longer control. Now, although I don't know why I'm back, I'm in control of a Yanhuang railway brigade, and there are a lot of problems inside the Yanhuang railway brigade. In a word, compared with the other three royal families, the he family is actually stronger in the outside and stronger in the middle. "

"I see! In that case, I can kill Xi Zhenxing in a moment. "

There is a sense of cruelty on Chang Tao's mouth.

Before, he just hated Xi Zhenxing, but when he learned that Xi Xueqing had become someone else's woman, his disgust turned into hatred and killing intention.

If we don't kill Xi Zhenxing, the resentment in his heart is really hard to dissipate.

Because his father knew this, he agreed to let him challenge Xi Zhenxing and kill him in the challenge arena.


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