At the same time, in a box on the second floor, a middle-aged man was drinking tea with two old people.

The box is made of special glass. It's not only strong and bulletproof, but they can see everything outside, but they can't see anything inside.

Even, this glass can block the exploration of mental power, which can't be bought by the outside world.

In addition to these three people, there are two strong men standing in the back respectfully.

"Ah Xiang, are you sure Fengyun's son will come today?"

The speaker is a thin old man with white hair and beard. He is wearing a beige Zhongshan suit. He looks very energetic, especially his eyes, which are extremely bright and black-and-white.

If it wasn't for his white hair and beard, his appearance and eyes would have been 40 years old at most.

What outsiders don't know is that his real age is over 140 years old.

"Grandfather, don't worry. I've got accurate information from Guiyi medicine hall. Xiao Feng has set out with Xi Zhenxing. As soon as they show up, I'll go and bring him. "

The reply was from a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was dressed in a military green vest and shaved. His skin was quite dark and his muscles were curly. He was quite strong. Although he was sitting, he was still about two meters tall and very big.

If he Feng is here, he will find the middle-aged man's appearance, which is very similar to his fourth uncle he Juncong's imagination.

And the identity of the middle-aged man, is he Juncong's brother.

He Junxiang.

The he family now has six generations of children. The oldest is over 200 years old, while the youngest is only four or five years old.

He Junxiang is the leader of the fourth generation of the he family.

"Ah Xiang, I heard that Xiao Feng is married. Did his daughter-in-law come to Yanjing?" Another old man asked.

This old man is wearing a white vest. He looks a little older than another old man, but his every move fits in with heaven and earth very well. He is close to nature and makes people feel more friendly.

"Grandfather, the girl who got the marriage certificate with Xiao Feng is called Wang Xiangyun. She didn't come with Xiao Feng to Yanjing, and now she is still in Jiangbin city. However, another little couple of Xiao Feng came with him. His little couple came from Guiyi medicine hall. The young man named Chang Tao in Baiyun medicine hall is Xiao Feng's father

He Junxiang said with a smile: "I heard that people in Baiyun medicine hall seem to want to get rid of Xiao Feng's father-in-law to be."

"Ah Xiang, if you handle this matter well, you can't let Xiao Feng suffer a loss, or you'll come back and try the array for me." He Songlai squinted.

"I can't break through to the fifth level of true Qi. I also want to find someone to practice my hand." Another old man, he Songbo, followed.


He Junxiang puffed at the corner of his mouth.

"Two grandfathers, I know what to do. You can rest assured." He Juncong touched nose way, helpless way.

The three middle-aged men standing on the side were all holding a smile. They had never seen the old man eat shriveled.

However, I believe that in a few years' time, I'm afraid these two elders in the family will be very difficult for me to eat, won't they?

"Two grandfathers, Xiao Feng, they show up." He Junxiang seems to be aware of something, pointing to an elevator downstairs said.


The two elders looked at it in a hurry.

It's really he Feng.

"I'll bring him here!"

He Junxiang couldn't wait to stand up, even with a trace of excitement in his eyes.

It's been 25 years. Finally, I can see the little guy peeing on himself again.


In another box not far from he's box.

"Home owner, that person is He Feng!"

A middle-aged man pointed to the elevator downstairs and said.

"Is He Feng? It looks very ordinary. It's as strong as Qi Yuan said

He is a middle-aged man who seems to be in his early 40s. But in fact, he is 80 years old. He is the contemporary owner of the Lin family, Lin Wuhuan.

"Qi Yuan was bribed by our Lin family when he was still in the dark. He was obedient to our Lin family and did things meticulously. What we Lin family told him, he always did well. I don't think he will be careless in the matter of He Feng. " The middle-aged man said respectfully.

"In that case, Qi Yuan is right. Such a young man has the strength comparable to Huajin's later stage. This kind of talent, even in Yanjing city's top ten heroes, can also be ranked in the top three Lin Wuhuan's voice was rather indifferent.

"Well, definitely in the top three."

The middle-aged man nodded and then reminded: "in addition, I don't know if the owner has found out. Although Qi Yuan said that he Feng's strength is comparable to Huajin's later stage. But in fact, that's just he Feng's strength. I wonder if he Feng has hidden his accomplishments? "

"The strength he showed is seven times stronger. Can he hide it again?"

"I'm not guessing at will, because when he Feng was in Nanjin city before, his strength was just four fold. Since he had hidden his seven fold cultivation from others at that time. Now, why can't he hide his eight fold or nine fold cultivation

Smell speech, Lin Wuhuan pupil a shrink.

"After all, Qi Yuan said that he Feng's speed and fighting consciousness were no less than those of his master in the later period of Huajin. If he is an old-fashioned seven fold martial arts practitioner, his fighting consciousness may be far beyond his own realm. However, he is only 26 years old. He has spent most of his time just upgrading his cultivation. How can he have more time to sharpen his fighting consciousness? "


Hearing this, Lin Wuhuan took a long breath.

At this moment, he also realized that he Feng had ten contacts, and he really hid his accomplishments.

What a monster!

"Well, even if you don't remind me of this, I won't let he Feng leave here alive today. After all, Zhiqiu and Liu Shuke both died because of him, or even... Maybe in his hands. How can I not avenge this hatred? "

Lin Wuhuan immediately took out his mobile phone and said, "I'll send a message to Qi Yuan now, so that he can seize the opportunity to do it now, and then run away. Otherwise, if let he Feng and he family's master come together, he wants to do it again, but it's hard to find another chance. "


"Here comes the people from Guiyi medicine hall."

"Are you coming? I thought they were going to be turtles. "

"Hey, what if it's here? It's better not to come. It's just a shame to come. "

"That's right. Maybe I'll lose my life."

A pair of eyes have fallen on the Guiyi medicine hall.

Ji Feiyang frowned, subconsciously walked away two steps, slightly away from Xi Zhenxing, as if to tell you that I am not very familiar with Xi Zhenxing.

"Brother Xi, where can I bet? Let's make a bet first He Feng can't manage so much. Now he just wants to know the situation of the bet and see if he can take advantage of this opportunity to make more money.

Ji Xian frowned and said, "if master Xi wants to make a bet, let someone take it instead. Now we don't have much time. Let's go to the challenge arena first, so that outsiders won't say that we're going to the same medicine hall all the time."

Xi Zhenxing shrugged and immediately looked at Xi Xueqing and said, "Xueqing, lend me all your private money and help me bet on myself. Remember, all of them. "

"I see, Dad!" Xi Xueqing nodded cleverly.

"Xueqing, do you know where to bet?" He Feng asked.

"I... I don't know. It's my first time to come here. My father didn't bring me here before." Xi Xueqing said.

He Feng can't help frowning, but none of the people in Guiyi medicine hall took the initiative to take them, and they didn't care about He Feng any more. They had already gone to the challenge arena in front of them.

"Mr. He, are you going to bet?"

At this time, an old man turned and walked over.

It's Qi Yuan.

Moreover, Qi Yuan's attitude seems quite enthusiastic.

"We are ready to make a bet, but brother Feng and I are here for the first time. We don't know where we can make a bet." Xi Xueqing said respectfully.

At present, this is the old master of Guiyi medicine hall. He should have some respect. What's more, he hasn't seen people worshiping him. Is he so enthusiastic about them?

"Ha ha, since you don't know where to bet, let me take you there. I own this ring. I'm familiar with it." Qi Yuan said with a smile.

"Ah? Qi Gong, isn't that good? We can't afford to waste your precious time. " Xi Xueqing some panic said.

This is the offering of Guiyi medicine hall. Her status is much higher than that of Guan Pingchao.

"What valuable time can I have? Today, I just came here to make soy sauce. Ji Xian was dealing with all the specific things over there. On the contrary, I was the most idle one. As it happens, I also want to touch my luck and find inspiration from ordinary life. Don't be polite to me. Let's go there together. " Qi Yuan said approachably.

"Do you have to bet on Qi's offering? Well, I'll go with Qi Gong. "

Although Xi Xueqing promised, she still looked at He Feng, "brother Feng, what do you think?"

He Feng felt abnormal now!

Even, in the moment when Qi Yuan turned around just now, he Feng obviously felt a faint sense of killing.

It seems that Qi Yuan wants to kill people.

However, I didn't seem to offend him, did I?

Besides Ji xiansan and his son, he didn't offend anyone else, did he?

Then how did Qi Yuan, who was worshipped and well behaved, kill him?

However, although he Feng was thinking about these things in his heart, he Feng was still on the surface. Hearing Xi Xueqing's words, he immediately laughed, "Qi Gong wants to take us to bet. What else can I say?"

"Hee hee, let's go there together. After Dad and Chang Tao fight, we can't bet any more. Let's go and bet quickly, and then come back to see the competition. "

Xi Xueqing smiles.

"Then let's hurry up. You can follow me."

Qi Yuan smiles, and even if he walks in front, he takes the road.

And not long after they left, a middle-aged man came over and appeared at the position where he Feng had just stood.

It is he Junxiang who comes to take He Feng upstairs!

He Junxiang looks at the back of He Feng and three people leaving, and immediately his eyes fall on Qi Yuan.

"This man has the intention to kill? It seems that he took Xiaofeng away with bad intentions. This little son of a bitch is really making enemies everywhere. The Lin family hasn't done anything to him yet. Guiyi medicine hall, who is close to him, is going to do something to him instead. "

He Junxiang shook his head helplessly, but he followed up quickly.


"Qi Gong, where are you going? Is this where the boxing staff work? "

Two minutes later, Xi Xueqing and he Feng left the audience with Qi Yuan and walked into a quiet corridor. There was an office on both sides. However, the office materials here were all specially made. Even any door was absolutely bulletproof. It was hard for the strong to break it.

At this time, the corridor appears quite quiet around.

Obviously, all the staff here have gone out and are not here.

"Ha ha, yes, this is their place of work. We are betting to go to one of the offices. Originally, there were many people here, but now the competition is about to start. I think all the people who should bet have already bet. We are the only ones left. Let's hurry up and bet early, and then go outside to watch the competition. I think you should be more anxious than me? " Qi Yuan said with a light smile. His face was the same as usual.

"Well, I know." Xi Xueqing nodded cleverly.

"It's in the front office. Let's go."

After a while, Qi Yuan came to the door of an office, stopped, pushed the door open and went straight in.

He Feng a little induction around, no hesitation, pull Xi Xueqing followed.

"Qi Gong, why is there no one in this office? And

After entering the office, Xi Xueqing glanced around her eyes and frowned, "and it doesn't look like a place to bet, does it?"

The space of this office is quite large, with hundreds of square meters. It doesn't look like an office. On the contrary, it is more like a training room. The walls are made of alloy, and there are no decorations inside. It is very empty.

"Bang Dang!"

As soon as Xi Xueqing's voice fell, the door of the office suddenly boomed and closed automatically.

But Qi Yuan still said with a smile: "in fact, I have something to say to Mr. He. Mr. He, do you mind if I take you here in this way?"

Smell speech, Xi Xueqing brow not from wrinkle up.

Although Qi Yuan's attitude is still very friendly, she is not a fool, and now she feels something is wrong.

However, Qi Yuan was worshipped by Guiyi medicine hall, and she still didn't believe it.

"Qi Gong, if you have something to say, we are pressed for time, so don't delay, OK?" He Feng pour is very straightforward, stare at Qi Yuan to say.

"Well, since you want me to be direct, I'll be direct."

Qi Yuan nodded and said: "I just feel that the strength Mr. He showed today is not your real strength, right? Therefore, I want to have a fight with Mr. He to see if he has hidden his strength. You can rest assured that although I feel a little itchy now, I want to fight with others, but I will definitely have a sense of propriety and I won't hurt you. "


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