"Qi Gong, are you sure you want to fight me?"

Hearing this, he Feng doesn't understand what Qi Yuan means.

Take the opportunity to fight with yourself, and then in the process of fighting, start a little more important. If he Feng really only has the strength comparable to Huajin's later stage, he may not know how to die in the end.

He Feng just doesn't understand why Qi Yuan wants to give him a hand?

Now it doesn't make much sense to think about these. He Feng nodded with a smile, "since Qi Gong wants to instruct me to cultivate, I'm naturally grateful. Snow fine, you go to one side, I come and Qi worship two moves

Although Xi Xueqing felt something was wrong, she was not worried.

Brother Feng is a myth. What's she worried about? Worry about Qi Yuan!

"OK, brother Feng, be careful." Xi Xueqing reminded, and then retreated to the side.

"Mr. He, how are you getting ready? May I do it?" Qi Yuan asked with a smile.

In fact, Qi Yuan is a little surprised now. He Feng agreed to fight him so readily. He thought he Feng would refuse. He even made a plan after he Feng refused.

The plan is to kill He Feng in the shortest time.

But don't want to, he Feng promised so straightforward.

Even Xi Xueqing, who is usually careful, doesn't mean to stop her at all.

"Qi Gong, I'm ready. Do it." Hefeng road.

"Well, you'll have to take it."

Qi Yuan's voice fell, and his breath soared suddenly. At the next moment, his figure rushed out and came to He Feng in the blink of an eye. His palm raised and patted He Feng's chest at will.

This palm does not contain much strength, the position of the attack is not the key, it seems to be testing He Feng.

He Feng didn't think much about it. He raised his hand and blocked it. He also used the power of refining Qi Zhong.

The power burst out in the moment, fell in Qi Yuan's eyes, but it made Qi Yuan's eyes lit up in an instant.

A person's strength may be able to hide, but in the moment of outbreak, it is difficult to hide.

Even if the power can be hidden, the breath on the body can never be perfectly hidden.

Qi Yuan has now successfully realized the unity of man and nature. He has a unique sense. As long as he hides his strength, he can definitely sense it at that moment.

"Eh, is it really just the strength of Qizhong? I thought you were eight or nine

Qi Yuan was surprised.

He Feng said with a smile: "Qi Gong, do you mean me? How can I be eight or nine? If it's true, I still need to tolerate Ji Xian today? I've been working with them for a long time

"Ha ha, since your strength has not reached the eighth or ninth level, try my move again."

The smile on Qi Yuan's face finally disappeared and became cruel and cold.

The next moment, his hand clenched into a fist, like a hill, towards He Feng head hit down, the speed is very fast, the rapid wind burst instantly, between heaven and earth seems to have thunder rolling.

This time, Qi Yuan directly exerted all his strength, without reservation, and reached a perfect fit with himself, making the move more powerful.


Qi Yuan's face is full of killing intention.


Facing Qi Yuan's fist, he Feng also waved his fist.

Two iron fists in the air!

Qi Yuan's face changed slightly as a strong air spread.


Then, Qi Yuan's body went straight upside down and hit the alloy wall heavily.

"How can it be? How can your power suddenly become so powerful? "

Qi Yuan's frightened stare big eye bead son, incredibly looking at He Feng.

When he Feng shot just now, he didn't feel any powerful power, but he was just hit by He Feng.

How did he do it?

"Qi Gong, in fact, I didn't have any powerful force in the strike just now. It's just that the anti earthquake force is relatively strong. It's a skill to use the force. As long as you are careful, you can easily resist my move. "

He Feng chuckled, then rushed to Qi Yuan, "let's continue, I can also take the opportunity to sharpen my move."

"The power of anti earthquake?"

Qi Yuan just responded.

Although he Feng's own boxing fly, but the punch does not seem to have much power, he did not get a little bit of injury.

It seems that it's really just a use of power.

This boy is really talented in martial arts. In time, he can definitely enter the myth.

"Well, let's go on!" He Feng nodded.

But this time, instead of waiting for Qi Yuan to start, he took the initiative to launch an attack.


Not moving like a mountain, moving like a rabbit.

Since he decided to take the initiative to attack, that means he Feng has a plan.

"Well? How fast... "

Feeling the speed of He Feng, Qi Yuan's pupil can't help shrinking, but a faint sense of crisis rises in his heart.

"A sense of crisis? How can I feel crisis in him? No, it must be an illusion. He only has the strength of seven. No matter how fast he is, how can he threaten me? "

Qi Yuan soon recovered his mentality.

At this time, he Feng has rushed to him.

Without any fancy, the body was pulled apart, and the muscles and bones moved together. The strength came from the foot, and through the layers of bone joints, it immediately kicked out heavily.

The shadow of legs overlaps!

The sound is like a huge wave!

And, along with the attack, he Feng's leg speed rises sharply, faster than the previous attack by more than two or three times.

Rao is Qi Yuan, a demigod who understands the unity of man and nature. At this moment, he only has time to see a leg shadow flashing.

"The speed... Is so fast that I can't hide it."

Qi Yuan's face finally changed, but he still had some confidence in his heart, "but even if he can't hide it, what? With my accomplishments, why don't I regret him? "

After he wanted to understand this, Qi Yuan carried Qi all over his body without hesitation, wrapped all the acupoints in his body, especially the key points, and gathered more energy for defense.

His cultivation has reached the peak of energy, refining Qi into the viscera, and his mind has reached.

In fact, there is a gap in the peak of Huajin.

For example, although Ji Xian was also the peak of Huajin, the gap between him and Qi Yuan was not so big.

For example, Qi Yuan's vital points now are not only defended by strength, but even he Feng feels the fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth.

"It turned out to be a strong demigod..."

He Feng's eyes were cold.

It's not a small stroke. In order to kill him, even the demigod went out.

But I'm afraid the demigod is going to break.


The next moment, he Feng's leg fell on Qi Yuan's stomach.


It was as if something had suddenly broken.

Qi Yuan's breath, a violent shock, immediately that powerful and incomparable breath, instantly became chaotic.

Qi Yuan's face was also shocked at this moment.

"Damn it, my Dantian!"

Qi Yuan's eyes even appeared a touch of panic, because he found that there seems to be a crack in his Dantian, and there is a familiar energy in his Dantian, which is making the crack continue to expand.

Feeling the familiar feeling from the energy, Qi Yuan even forgot that Dantian was breaking up quickly. He seemed to have found something incredible. His eyes were staring at him like hell.

"Is this... The power of heaven and earth? Moreover, it's so rich that even I can't mobilize the power of heaven and earth. "

Qi Yuan exclaimed loudly, his voice trembled a little.

He thought of some possibility, and his breath became short.


Absolutely impossible!

He is very clear about He Feng's information.

Only 26 years old!

At such a young age, how can we reach that level?

However, he was very familiar with the fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth.

Not only the power of heaven and earth, but also his injuries.

"Myth? Are you a myth

Qi Yuan was finally convinced that the young man standing in front of him must be a legend.

A 26 year old myth!

He Feng did not answer Qi Yuan's question, but directly asked: "come on, why kill me? Is that the meaning of Guiyi medicine hall

"I didn't expect you to be a legend. And I'm going to fight a myth. "

Qi Yuan's face was full of self mockery.

Smell speech, he Feng not from frown, this Qi Yuan not quite cooperate.

He was worried about Qi Yuan's self explosion just now, so he abandoned Qi Yuan's Dantian and used the power of heaven and earth. If there are other strong players in this boxing field, they will surely be able to detect the fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth.

Therefore, he Feng wants to leave here as soon as possible, but he also wants to know from Qi Yuan who wants to kill him.

"Qi worship, you are the worship of Guiyi medicine hall, which represents Guiyi medicine hall. Does Guiyi medicine hall want to get rid of brother Feng?"

Xi Xueqing also knows that he Feng is worried, and immediately asks.

Qi Yuan can't help but take a look at Xi Xueqing. If it wasn't for Xi Xueqing to bring He Feng to Guiyi medicine hall, how could he meet He Feng? He won't come to the end now.

And this woman, her father and her teacher are all from the same medicine hall, right?

"Yes, it's Guiyi medicine hall. It's the hall leader and other worshippers who jointly decide to get rid of He Feng. I'm just responsible for it."

Qi Yuan said with a sneer that he decided to slander Guiyi medicine hall. Anyway, he never got any benefits in Guiyi medicine hall. Even the breakthrough to Huajin depended on the help of Lin family, not Guiyi medicine hall.

At the bottom of his heart, Qi Yuan was even a little disgusted with Guiyi medicine hall.

And now his Dantian is abandoned, and he didn't expect he Feng to let him go, so he didn't hesitate to set up a big enemy for Guiyi medicine hall.

"Guiyi medicine hall?"

Hearing this, he Feng's eyebrows wrinkled tightly.

It seems that there is no deep hatred between themselves and Guiyi medicine hall. Why do they want to get rid of themselves? And a hand, is to send a semi God level strong.

"He's lying!"

Just then, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open and a middle-aged man came in.


He Feng looks a cold, powerful gas engine instantly locked to come person.

"Smelly boy, is it rude to see your uncle? Do you want to do it to me? " He Junxiang stares at He Feng.


He Feng a Leng, "you are my uncle?"

"Why, don't I look like that?" He Junxiang looks at He Feng with great interest and looks at him Feng at the same time.

This little guy, if he has grown up, is a bit like the third brother, but still more like his younger sister.

"Well, no, I just didn't expect to meet uncle in this situation." He Feng felt his nose awkwardly, also impolitely, directly asked: "uncle, you just said he lied?"

"Well, let's get out of here first. The powerful people of other royal families have come here."

He Junxiang nodded, and then patted Qi Yuan.


Qi Yuan's body fell to the ground, and he died.

Because he felt that he didn't seem to have succeeded in deceiving He Feng, and it was difficult to set up such a great enemy for Guiyi medicine hall.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

Not long after Qi Yuan's body fell down, there was a dense sound of footsteps outside.

Soon afterwards, five or six figures entered the office.

"Is that... Qi Yuan? How did Qi Yuan die here? "

The speaker is an old man in black. The old man looks very old, but he is very strong and powerful. When he sees Qi Yuan lying on the ground with no breath, he suddenly looks angry.

The rest of the people also have some doubts, but their eyes are coincidentally looking at he Junxiang.

The old man in black, who had checked Qi Yuan's injury, also turned and looked at he Junxiang, "he Junxiang, Qi Yuan was killed by the power of heaven and earth. Just now, you are the only one here who is a true Qi myth. Did you kill him?"

Although there are He Feng and Xi Xueqing on the field, they are too young to be ignored by the old man in black.

"Yes, I did."

He Junxiang nodded and admitted generously.

"Please give me an explanation!" The old man in black frowned.

"Because he deliberately lured our he family's children to this place, with the intention of killing our he family's children. So I have to kill him. " "This is my explanation, believe it or not," he said

The old man in black stared at he Junxiang for a few seconds, "OK, I'll trust you for the moment."

"Well, in that case, let's go first."

He Junxiang did not say much. He led He Feng and Xi Xueqing out of the office.

As for the others, no one said anything, but a few of them looked at He Feng more or less for a while.

After leaving the office, he Junxiang said to He Feng, "Xiao Feng, how about you come with me to the upstairs box and sit for a while? Your great grandfather and your great great great grandfather are waiting for you. "

"Great grandfather is here, too?" He Feng surprised way.

"Of course, he was his favorite grandson. Now that you are back in Yanjing, he can't wait to see you." He Junxiang nodded with a smile.

"Well, Xueqing, come with me." He Feng looks at Xi Xueqing.

"Ah? Is it suitable for me to go there? "

Xi Xueqing blushed.

He Junxiang said, "it's OK. Your great grandfather knows everything about you in Jiangbin city."

"All right!" Xi Xueqing nodded.

Immediately, the three went upstairs.

On the way, he Feng asked: "uncle, just now you said that Qi Yuan lied?"

"Well, wait until the box."

He Junxiang just nodded and didn't say much.

He Feng no longer asked.

It's still a few minutes before the contest. He Feng glances at the challenge arena and finds that Xi Zhenxing hasn't been on the challenge arena yet. Instead, Baiyun medicine hall and a young man are on the challenge arena.

It seems that this person should be Chang Tao.

Seems to be aware of the He Feng's eyes, Chang Tao also looked toward him.

When he Feng and Xi Xueqing walk together intimately, Chang Tao's face, which is still quite calm, suddenly becomes cold. Looking at He Feng's eyes, he has a strong sense of killing.

Even, he also provocative to He Feng made a cut throat action.

For the enemy's provocation, he Feng will always respond, otherwise it is too impolite.

So he signed back.

A middle finger!

After that, he patted his ass and didn't go to see Chang Tao, who was about to fall into a state of rage.

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