Above the challenge arena, Chang Tao wriggled his neck, and his joints made clear crackles, like firecrackers. He looked quite arrogant.

"Xi Zhenxing, I have to admit that you are really brave. I thought you didn't dare to accept my competition. I didn't expect that you not only took it, but also braved yourself today. Just for that, you are still qualified to be my future father-in-law. "

This is also a state of Chang Tao's confrontation with others in peacetime and wartime. He despises his opponent on the surface, but in fact he will do his best.

For example, this time, in order to deal with Xi Zhenxing, he watched many videos of Xi Zhenxing fighting with others.

Including the video of Xi Zhenxing fighting with Xu Yuanjie outside the gate of Nanjin sub hall a few days ago, Baiyun medicine hall has helped him get it, and has special experts to analyze it for him.

Chang Tao already knows about Xi Zhenxing's strength.

Therefore, he is absolutely sure that he can kill Xi Zhenxing on the spot in a very short time today.

"Is it?"

Xi Zhenxing gave a faint smile, "however, you are not qualified to be my son-in-law."

"Well, do you really think I still like your daughter? It's just a bitch who's been spoiled by other men. I'm disgusted to give it to me. " Chang Tao gave a cold hum.

"What are you talking about, asshole?"

Xi Zhenxing gave a roar.

In the box on the second floor, he Feng's pupil also shrinks.

One side of Xi Xueqing's face is also cold down!

This Chang Tao is too much!

"Xueqing, you don't have to be angry with a dying man. Just think he's farting."

He Feng patted Xi Xueqing on the shoulder.

Xi Xueqing is first a Leng, spin even if understood he Feng this words meaning.

He Feng's meaning is very clear. If Xi Zhenxing fails to kill Chang Tao, he will personally solve Chang Tao.

Rao is more gentle heart Xi Xueqing, now also nodded, did not stop He Feng.


"Why, you don't understand what I'm saying? I said, "your daughter is dirty. I'm not interested in playing."

Chang Tao said with a smile.


It's to make you angry and make you lose your sense of propriety. In this way, it's easier for me to kill you.

Of course, Chang Tao's words are not casual, and he thinks so in his heart.

For Chang Tao, a woman who has been played by other men, he won't touch her again. He won't do anything about wearing rotten shoes.

"Chang Tao, do it!"

Xi Zhenxing said in a cold voice instead of talking nonsense.

"Referee, let's go."

Chang Tao looks at a middle-aged man with strong clothes standing on the edge of the challenge arena.

"Well, now that you're ready, do it."

The referee nodded, then moved and swept onto a post on the edge of the challenge arena.

This judge is a member of Guiyi medicine hall. His cultivation has reached the peak level of Huajin. He is also one of the offerings of Guiyi medicine hall. He is usually responsible for assisting the second offering to sit here, and also serves as a judge.

Of course, he will not be a referee in the battle of an ordinary ancient warrior. He will only be a referee in the battle above Hua Jin.

This level of fighting, on average, occurs once or twice a month, so it is relatively easy.


As the referee's voice fell, Chang Tao's body first rushed out. In the blink of an eye, he crossed the distance of seven or eight meters and came to Xi Zhenxing.


Chang Tao clenched his fists and blasted to Xi Zhenxing's head.

When he doesn't do it, Chang Tao looks like he doesn't pay attention to anyone.

Once he makes a move, he will do his best. Even the soldiers will use it directly, and the move is killing.

On his fist, there was a black sheen, which was a fist ring.

It seems to be common, but in fact it is a high-level fighter, which can increase the attack power of the warrior by 10%.


Facing Chang Tao's full blow, Xi Zhenxing is not confused. He only hears a roar. His hands are full of muscle, and his strength is surging. He claps his hand on Chang Tao's fist.

When the fists and palms collide with each other, Xi Zhenxing's figure is a quick retreat.

Naturally, he was not repulsed by Chang Tao, but took advantage of the situation and did not confront Chang Tao head-on.

What Chang Tao is good at is close combat, while Xi Zhenxing is playing his body method advantage, otherwise he will hit the nail on the head, and he will definitely suffer a loss.


Chang Tao roared and rushed up again.


At this time, in a VIP seat, a young man is staring at Chang Tao in the challenge arena.

Feeling the power of Chang Tao, he shook his head disappointedly. "Alas, although Chang Tao's fist technique is fierce, his body technique is too bad. No wonder he is only ranked at the bottom of the top ten. If I fight with him, I will defeat him in ten moves. "

This young man is Ke Zhennan.

"Ke Shao, in fact, the ranking of Yanjing's top ten heroes is constantly changing, and there are even many people who have been closed all the year round who have not strived for this list. Young master, if you are interested in this list, you can wait until you reach the middle stage of Huajin to challenge it. By that time, you will be able to reach the top five and become famous in the ancient martial arts world of China, so that all ancient martial arts people in the world can see Ke Shao's style. "

The middle-aged man beside Ke Zhennan said with a smile.

Ke Zhennan waved his hand. "I just want to see how strong these ten heroes are. Now it's enough to see them. My goal, however, is to achieve the legendary realm, just a list of outstanding people. I haven't paid much attention to it. "

The middle-aged man even said: "Ke Shao is gifted. He is the first genius of our galaxy gang in a hundred years. It's just around the corner to win the myth."

"Ha ha, not to mention that it's just around the corner, at least I will be able to get there before I turn 100."

Ke Zhennan is very satisfied with his talent. "By the way, did he Feng enter the box?"

"Well, it should be the box of he's house. Ke Shao, shall we continue to look for He Feng? " Asked the middle-aged man.

"If he's been with the he family all the time, he won't bother to look for him. However, please contact Yanjing's performing arts circle to see who met Zou Xun tonight. " Ke Zhennan waved his hand.

Originally, he wanted to find Zou Xun through He Feng, but now he Feng and he's family are together, so it's not convenient for him to find him directly.

"OK, I'll send them a message now." The middle-aged man immediately took out his mobile phone.

"Well, ask more and try to find out Zou Xun tonight, so that I won't be bored tonight." Kezhen South Road.


In addition to Ke Zhennan, many people are seriously watching the competition between Xi Zhenxing and Chang Tao.

Anyway, it's also a battle between the masters of Huajin. If they are more savvy, maybe they can learn something from this competition.

Only Xi Xueqing was a little nervous.

"Brother Feng, is my father in danger?"

Now it seems that Chang Tao has the absolute advantage and is attacking Xi Zhenxing from all directions. Xi Zhenxing can only defend passively and looks like danger. Xi Xueqing has no strength to cultivate, and he can't see any way. Naturally, he is worried.

He Feng patted her on the shoulder and said, "Xueqing, don't worry. Now elder brother Xi seems to be at a disadvantage, but his fighting experience is obviously a little more abundant, and his parry is not very hard. On the contrary, Chang Tao constantly attacks with all his strength and consumes a lot of strength. If he keeps this kind of attack strength all the time, in less than half a minute, he may show his flaws because of the excessive consumption of strength, and then the situation will be rewritten. "

"Oh, that's good!"

Xi Xueqing was relieved.

As he Feng said, Chang Tao's attack strength weakened in less than half a minute, but Xi Zhenxing did not take the opportunity to launch a counterattack, but still focused on defense.

"Well, I didn't expect that your patience was very good, and you didn't launch a counterattack. In that case, I won't play with you. Go to hell with me! "

In the challenge arena, Chang Tao wanted to wait for Xi Zhenxing to launch a counterattack and consume more energy, but Xi Zhenxing didn't mean to attack at all. He kept defending all the time, which made Chang Tao impatient. He immediately gave a big drink, and then he suddenly climbed up and rushed to Xi Zhenxing again.


With a roar, Chang Tao's fist is near Xi Zhenxing's head.

Every punch, Chang Tao goes to Xi Zhenxing's head.

Xi Zhenxing will not die if he is hit.


Xi Zhenxing wondered why Chang Tao's breath had suddenly recovered. He guessed that Xi Zhenxing might have taken some special Huiyuan pill in advance and would not recover immediately.

But at this time, he couldn't allow him to think more. He snorted and even retreated. He didn't regret Chang Tao's attack.

Anyway, I only need to defend. It doesn't take much energy to defend. After a fight just now, Chang Tao's energy may have consumed 45%, but Xi Zhenxing's energy only consumed 10%.

"Return it? You have no place to return... "

All of a sudden, Chang Tao jumped up. A carp turned over, supported the ground from both sides of his ears with his hands in reverse direction, and suddenly exerted his strength. With the tilt angle of his lower body, his whole body was like a javelin, and his toes kicked Xi Zhenxing's temple.

What's more, Xi Zhenxing really saw that on the tip of Chang Tao's shoe, there was a cold knife, and there was a peculiar smell on it.

"Hidden weapon? What's more, toxic? "

Xi Zhenxing's face became extremely ugly.

It seems that Chang Tao is determined to kill himself. He not only uses concealed weapons, but also poisons them.

However, there are no rules in their competition. Even if Chang Tao uses concealed weapons and poison, the referee has no right to stop him.

"Ha ha, die!"

Chang Tao's crazy roar, short knife is about to stab Xi Zhenxing.


Xi Zhenxing snorted again, and his backward figure accelerated abruptly, and he soon withdrew from Chang Tao's attack range.


Chang Tao's feet fell to the ground and stood on the ground. Looking at Xi Zhenxing standing on the edge of the challenge arena, he sneered, "next, I'll see how to preserve your strength!"

With that, Chang Tao rushed out again.

This time, not only did he have knives on his shoes, but he also held two knives in his hands.

The pungent taste is stronger!

Obviously, these two knives must also contain highly toxic substances.

Xi Zhenxing's face became more and more ugly. His quick evasion just now consumed half of his strength. Now Chang Tao uses poisonous weapons to attack him. Even if he can avoid it, his strength will be doubled.

I'm afraid he doesn't even have the strength to dodge.

Xi Zhenxing subconsciously glances at the direction of Baiyun medicine hall under the challenge arena, and finds that Chen Zhou and Chang buqun are looking at him coldly. They are not surprised that Chang Tao uses poisonous weapons.

"It seems that the Baiyun medicine hall is determined to kill me. In that case, don't blame me for being cruel. "

Xi Zhenxing narrowed his eyes and made a decision in his heart.

The next moment, a force and spirit, he was running up.

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