"Well? What's the situation? "

When Xi Zhenxing put energy and spirit into operation at the same time, Chang Tao felt the crisis for the first time.

The real crisis!

Death crisis!

When the death crisis comes, Chang Tao dares to be careless and stares at Xi Zhenxing.

Although he couldn't believe it, he had to admit that the death crisis came from Xi Zhenxing.

Xi Zhenxing, who was not treated by him seriously, brought him a sense of death.

"Isn't Xi Zhenxing just breaking through to Huajin? How could it bring me death crisis? Is it the move he's going to perform now? " Chang Tao stares at Xi Zhenxing.

Soon, he saw a fist sized energy ball on Xi Zhenxing's hand.

When the energy ball appeared, the feeling of death became more intense and tightly shrouded in his heart.

"Chang Tao, you forced me!"

Xi Zhenxing stares at Chang Tao coldly. With a wave of his back hand, the energy ball shoots at Chang Tao like lightning. The speed is so fast that it's hard for Chang Tao to hide.

"This... This energy ball, what a terrible power. No, stop it

Chang Tao roared in horror.

Xi Zhenxing's eyes are full of killing intention.

How could he be lenient at this time?

When Chang Tao dealt with him just now, he was fighting against time to kill him. At this time, being soft hearted is cruel to himself.

But Xi Zhenxing also knows that once the energy ball is used, Chang Tao will definitely be killed on the spot.


But at this time, a figure rushed up from under the challenge arena and directly blocked in front of Chang Tao.


Chang buqun blows out the energy ball. Although there is violent energy in it, it can't hurt him. Chang Tao behind him is also safe.

"Xi Zhenxing, you want to die!"

After Chang buqun appeared, he yelled at Xi Zhenxing, and then clapped his hand.


There seems to be a fierce roar between heaven and earth, Xi Zhenxing retreats at his feet.

"Chang buqun, get out of here!"

The referee standing on the post just responded and jumped down and took Chang buqun's hand.

"Often not group, you presumptuous!"

At the same time, a dark shadow flashed out. In the roar, it seemed to be mixed with Tianwei, and the sound rolled in everyone's mind.

Before the voice fell, the shadow appeared in the challenge arena to attack Chang buqun.

"Even worship, often not group seems right? How can we be presumptuous? "

Another figure appeared in front of the shadow.

"Zhao Youji, you Baiyun medicine hall people break the competition rules, you still don't get out of the way?"

Even words cold voice way.

"Is it?" Behind the figure light look to Chang buqun and Chang Tao two people, "you two people have broken the rules of competition?"

Chang buqun quickly explained: "we have not broken the rules by reporting three offerings. Just now, Chang Tao has called to stop, which means that he wants to admit defeat, but Xi Zhenxing still has to continue to kill people. It is clear that he wants to kill people, so I just teach him a lesson. "

Chang Tao, who was a little scared in his heart, also called out: "yes, three offerings. I'm going to give up just now. Xi Zhenxing's hand is so heavy that he obviously wants to kill me."

"Well, you're doing a good job. Xi Zhenxing's intention to kill is too heavy. We Baiyun medicine hall just want to have a friendly competition with their Guiyi medicine hall to exchange feelings, but he wants to kill people. How can we cultivate his mind to become powerful? I don't know why Guiyi medicine hall still protects him? "

Zhao Youji shakes his head and sighs. He looks at Lian and says, "even if you worship, you have heard the explanation of Baiyun medicine hall. It's the people of your medicine Hall who want to kill people. I think you should take care of it."

Lianyan can't help frowning. As soon as he is about to speak, Ji Xian and Ji Feiyang come over.

Ji Xian sighed: "master Xi, why do you want to kill people?"

Ji Feiyang said: "if you don't do it, you'll be killed. Master Xi has opened my eyes today."

"You two, shut up!"

Lian Yan is going to be mad. Is he really one of us?

Isn't it the spy sent by Baiyun medicine hall?

Ji Xian and Ji Feiyang are stunned to see that Er Gong loses his temper. What's wrong with ER Gong?

Ji Xian, in particular, is usually more friendly to him with two offerings, so he wants to take this opportunity to suppress Xi Zhenxing, so that Xi Zhenxing can never mix up in Guiyi medicine hall in the future.

But don't want to, two consecrate open mouth then scold at him.

Two worship and Xi Zhenxing seem not familiar at all, right?

Chang buqun took the opportunity to say: "these two brothers of Guiyi medicine hall are right. I think Xi Zhenxing is making it clear to kill people today. Everyone can see clearly that at the beginning, he was always defensive and never thought of attacking. But when he launched an attack in the back, it was a killing move. Even I felt threatened. I just want to ask Xi Zhenxing, if he doesn't want to kill people, why is he such a powerful killing move? If he just wants to defeat Chang Tao, even if the power of the move just now is reduced by a little half, is it enough? "

Hearing the speech, many audience's eyes fall on Xi Zhenxing one after another, with doubts in their eyes.

Although Chang Tao's attack was fierce before, it was still within everyone's understanding. After all, Chang Tao just used more weapons, and Xi Zhenxing could use weapons in this way.

But Xi Zhenxing didn't attack at the beginning. An attack is a killing move. It's a bit unacceptable to put people to death.


At this time, an angry shout came from below.

He Feng, Xi Xueqing and all the members of the he family came to the challenge arena.

Everyone's eyes look at He Feng one after another, some people already know he Feng's identity, but more people are confused.

"He Feng, this is between Guiyi medicine hall and Baiyun medicine hall. Do you want to intervene?"

Chang buqun's face is not very good-looking. This guy even opens his mouth and says "fart". If it wasn't for the fact that several experts of the he family are here, Chang buqun really wants to teach He Feng a lesson.

"Well? These two old people around he Junxiang? The breath is deeper and deeper, and the body seems to be completely integrated into the nature, which makes people unpredictable. This is definitely a master. There are nine in ten. They are two myths. "

Zhao Youji's eyes are the first time to look at he Junxiang and the two old people around him. His eyes shrink slightly.

Now it is rumored that the he family has at least three myths.

One is he Junxiang, the other is he Qingtian, and the other is he Songlai, he Qingtian's father.

Now there are he Junxiang and he Songlai on the field, but now there is one more. It seems that the he family is not at least three myths, but at least four myths.

Not only Zhao Youji noticed the three myths of the he family, but also the strong men of other parties.

For a time, many people's looks became dignified.

But more people's eyes are curious to fall on He Feng. The myth of he's family doesn't come out easily. After decades of low-key, there are three people at once today. Is it because of this young man named He Feng?

"I'm kidding. Everyone in Guiyi medicine hall knows that Xi Xueqing is my woman, and the leader of Xi hall is my father-in-law. Now it's about my father-in-law's reputation and life. How can I sit back and watch it? Is it difficult that your father-in-law of Baiyun medicine hall is going to die, and they are all sitting on the side to watch the play? " He Feng asked.


Many people couldn't help laughing at this.

This is too bad. It's like taking the whole Baiyun medicine hall to scold.

"What did you say?"

"He Feng, you are too presumptuous."

"He Feng, apologize immediately!"

Many experts of Baiyun medicine hall come out one after another, glaring at He Feng, hoping to pick him alive.

"Sorry, I don't think I said anything wrong. If you want to deceive less with more, I'm not afraid. " He Feng shrugged.

Chang buqun's face is very ugly, but he can't give his hand to He Feng at will. Don't you see that there are three myths around him?

He is about to look at Zhao Youji!

Zhao Youji calm face, to he Junxiang asked: "he Junxiang, you he family's children, are so arrogant?"

He is a great mythology. Naturally, he doesn't blame He Feng, but directly talks to the mythology of he's family.

"Do you think Xiao Feng was arrogant just now?" He Junxiang asked.

"He insulted our Baiyun medicine hall. It's not arrogance. What is it?" Zhao you said in a very cold voice.

"Ha ha!"

He Junxiang gave a faint smile and immediately looked at Chang buqun and said, "Xiao Feng is a matter of he family's children. I think you have known it for a long time. And the relation of small maple and snow fine wench, you affirmation also can investigate. Therefore, you know that he is a relative of the he family before you take the initiative. But you know that the leader of Xi Tang is a relative of the he family, and he has to attack your son at the critical moment when he is fighting with you. How do you not pay attention to the he family? Do you think our he family is easy to bully? I would like to ask, in the end is our family's Xiao Feng arrogant, or your Baiyun medicine hall arrogant? "

Smell speech, often not group complexion slightly change, a time unexpectedly is speechless.

He naturally knew that Xi Zhenxing was close to He Feng, and he Feng was a child of he family, but he didn't pay much attention to he family at all.

After all, the he family has been in decline for 20 or 30 years. Even if they are stronger than the Baiyun medicine hall, they are much weaker than the Lin family.

But he didn't expect that he Junxiang would directly pick up the topic, which was a big or small problem.

Zhao Youji is also a little unprepared. Looking at he Junxiang now, he doesn't seem to mind tearing his face with them.

But their Baiyun medicine hall is not ready to tear their skin with the he family.

Zhao Youji frowned and said, "he Junxiang, is that a bit heavy? Although Xi Zhenxing is related to the he family, he is also the leader of Guiyi medicine hall. After all, he represents Guiyi medicine hall. We.... "

"Who said that the master of the study hall is the master of the Guiyi medicine hall, so he can only represent the Guiyi medicine hall, not our he family? According to what you mean, he Junxiang is now the commander in chief of the Yanhuang railway brigade. Can I only represent the Yanhuang railway brigade, not the he family? Zhao Youji, can you go over your head? "

Zhao Youji was interrupted by he Junxiang before he finished his words. He didn't give him any face.

Can you talk over your head?

When Zhao Youji heard this, he was totally confused.

Since he stepped into the myth, who is not polite to talk to him?

But now, he Junxiang says that he can't speak without thinking?

Zhao Youji can't get back to God all of a sudden!

"The most hateful thing is that you are often not in a group and dare to attack our he family's relatives. You are challenging our he family. In this case, my family will accept your challenge. If you bully the small with the big, I will bully the small with the big now. "

He Junxiang's voice fell down and gave no one a chance to react. He slapped Chang buqun in the past.

"Stop it

Zhao Youji finally reacted and yelled to stop him, but his speed was slower after all.


A crisp slap sounded.

Immediately, Chang buqun's body flew out directly.

This time, it really flew. It was more than 20 meters before it fell to the ground.

Fortunately, he Junxiang shot just to teach him a lesson. Chang buqun's injury was not serious, but half of his face was directly swollen into a pig's head.

"He Junxiang, you have gone too far!"

Zhao you stares at he Junxiang fiercely.

He Junxiang put his hand on his clothes and wiped it. He looked disgusted. "Is it too much? Don't you teach me how to bully the small with the big? Why, it's natural for you Baiyun medicine hall to bully the small with the big, but it's too much for me to bully the small with the big? Can you still order your face in Baiyun medicine hall? "

When talking, he Junxiang also winked at He Feng secretly, as if to ask: how about helping your father-in-law out of this tone OK?

He Feng is toward this big uncle gave a thumbs up!


How aggressive!

If you bully the small with the big, I will bully the small with the big, and you will be speechless.

"He Junxiang, what do you mean? Is it going to fight with our Baiyun medicine hall? "

Zhao you roared angrily.

He Junxiang's cold eyes looked at Zhao Youji, "I'm just a lesson to those who are disrespectful to our he family, but you open your mouth and say that I want to fight with you Baiyun medicine hall? Or does Baiyun medicine hall want to fight against our he family long ago? If that's the case, I don't mind having two fights with you. "

As he spoke, he Junxiang's breath suddenly became sharp.


Zhao Youji has a lag.

Although his accomplishments are no lower than he Junxiang's, and he has reached the double level of true Qi, he has hardly touched hands for so many years. He has been refining alchemy all day long. He is not sure that he can win over he Junxiang.

Once he loses, it will be a joke. After all, he is an old double myth.

What's more, the he family is not a myth, but a full three. Even if the Lin family helps him, they will be miserable.

"Zhao Youji, what happened today is that Chang buqun of Baiyun medicine hall made a mistake first. Before the contest between Xi Zhenxing and Chang Tao was really over, he interfered, which has broken the rules. In principle, even if I shoot him now, you Baiyun medicine hall can't blame us. "

At this time, the second priest of Guiyi medicine hall even spoke, his voice was cold, and he stood directly beside him.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of many people on the field became dignified again.

The relationship between Guiyi medicine hall and he family is extraordinary.

Zhao Youji narrowed his eyes and was silent for nearly half a minute. He just said, "OK, we Baiyun medicine hall recognize today's event."

At this time, Chang Tao also helped Chang buqun come.

Chang Tao said to Zhao you: "three offerings, they are too much. Is that ok?"

Zhao Youji glances at Chang Tao and is extremely upset. If it wasn't for your own incompetence, could things have come to this point?

He wants to slap Chang Tao!

"Chang Tao, right? It seems that you are not willing to let things go. Otherwise, you are not brother Xi's opponent. Why don't you come and compete with me? As it happens, we are all young people, and our accomplishments are almost the same. I don't know if you have the courage? "

At this time, he Feng's voice rang.

For a time, everyone's eyes fell on He Feng again.

Some people who don't understand he Feng's identity are confused at the moment.

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