"Who is this man? It looks so young. It's about 25 years old, isn't it? Dare to challenge Chang Tao? Doesn't he know that Chang Tao is master Hua Jin? "

"Oh, you are so ignorant, aren't you? Remember, his name is He Feng. He is 26 years old now, but his cultivation has reached the level of seven. Oh, by the way, he's a member of the he family. "

"Isn't the he family declining? Even less than three years old master appeared? It seems that the he family has been keeping a low profile these years. "

"However, this man is too young, and he certainly lacks combat experience, which is far worse than Chang Tao."

Many people watched he Feng talk.

In this regard, he Feng naturally heard a lot, but he did not care.

What he cares about is that after he challenges Chang Tao, there seems to be a wave of mental strength in the air.

He Feng's mouth is raised unconsciously. It seems that there is a myth in the communication through spiritual power.

After the cultivation of the warrior reaches the true Qi State, the spirit is transformed, and he is more skillful in the use of spiritual power, and has been able to use spiritual power to transmit sound.

At this time, a message also fell into the ears of he Junxiang.

"Junxiang, can you deal with Chang Tao? Just now, you have seen the process of Chang Tao's fight with Xi Zhenxing. Chang Tao is good at sneaking attacks, and his weapons are poisonous. If he is not careful, he may be seriously injured. I think you attach great importance to him. Would you like to persuade him? Tell him not to be impulsive

It's the second consecration Lianyan of Guiyi medicine Hall who sends a message to he Junxiang.

Even Yan actually knows why he Feng wants to challenge Chang Tao. Before Chang Tao and Xi Zhenxing started, what they said to Xi Xueqing is not generally unpleasant.

And Xi Xueqing is He Feng's woman

He Feng can bear to challenge Chang Tao until now, and even thinks he Feng has a good temper.

"It's OK. Let Xiao Feng challenge. Even if he doesn't challenge Chang Tao now, Chang Tao won't survive today. The reason why Xiao Feng challenges is that he just wants to kill Chang Tao He Junxiang answered with mental strength.

"Oh? It's not a rumor outside. Is he's the only one who has the strength to build up his body? "

Lian Yan asked in surprise.

Although he Feng showed stronger strength in Guiyi medicine hall before, his words are not clear.

"Refining the body seven times? Ha ha, he is just like most of us in the he family. He is too low-key. " He Junxiang smiles.

"Low key?"

Lian Yan couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Just now you slapped the vice hall leader of Baiyun medicine hall. Is that low-key?

However, even the words also curious up, this is called He Feng's he family children, strength in the end reached what level.

"How about accepting my challenge or not?"

After ten seconds, he Feng saw that Chang Tao didn't reply and urged him impatiently.

At this time, Chang Tao is looking at Zhao Youji, Zhao Youji's eyes seem to have a divine light surging.

A moment later, Chang Tao nodded to Zhao Youji, and a sense of obliteration appeared in his eyes.

"You want to challenge me? But why should I accept your challenge? "

Chang Tao turns his head to see he Feng and asks with disdain.

"Why? You humiliated my woman

He Feng said very directly, "I will not only challenge you, but also send out a battle of life and death to you. Do you dare to take it?"

"The battle of life and death?"

These three words, the whole audience are surprised, a road surprised eyes, coincidentally fell on He Feng's body.

"Did I hear you right? Is He Feng going to fight against Chang Tao? Is he not afraid of death? "

"Afraid of a hair? Don't you see the he family experts around him? That's the myth of the he family. What's he afraid of? "

"It turned out that there was a myth to protect him. No wonder he was so brave."

With the sound of discussion, many people look at He Feng with disdain on his face.

Including Ke Zhennan, "this He Feng skin is really thick, not afraid to be laughed at?"

"The battle of life and death?"

Chang Tao was also surprised, but immediately his heart was ecstatic.

Just now, Zhao Youji, the three worshippers of Baiyun medicine hall, suddenly whispered to him secretly, asking him to accept the challenge of He Feng. He also tried to change the challenge into a battle of life and death, asking him to do his best to kill He Feng. Once he Feng is killed successfully, Zhao Youji will accept him as an apprentice.

So, Chang Tao agreed without hesitation, and is trying to figure out how to change He Feng's challenge into a battle of life and death.

But don't want to, he hasn't opened his mouth, he Feng even took the initiative to open his mouth.

Chang Tao opened his mouth and wanted to agree. But when he heard some comments from the people around him, he also realized the problem. He hurriedly said, "He Feng, I can accept your life and death fight. But I can see that your he family experts attach great importance to you. I think when I am about to kill you, they will definitely save you. "

"Ha ha, you can rest assured that our he family is not as shameless as some people. We intervene before the contest is over."

He Feng sneered.

Chang Tao is looking at he Junxiang, "elder, he Feng wants to send out a battle of life and death to me. I can accept his battle of life and death, but after a while, if he encounters a crisis of life and death, you won't help him, will you?"

He Junxiang glanced at Chang Tao, "if you really have the ability to kill him, I won't do it. Of course, if you are in danger, if you people of Baiyun medicine hall dare to fight again, then don't blame our he family for deceiving the little with the big and the small with the big. "

"Will I be in danger?"

Chang Tao gave a cold smile, but he didn't say much, "in that case, let's go to the challenge arena."

With that, Chang Tao moved under his feet, and his body appeared in the challenge arena.

He Feng also jumped on the arena, and asked directly, "can you start?"


It was Zhao Youji under the challenge arena who said, "you two are fighting for life and death. If one side feels the crisis, should it choose to escape from the challenge arena?"

He Feng shrugged, "I won't escape!"

Chang Tao even sneered, "he has no ability to let me escape!"

"No matter whether you can escape or not, just in case, I'll set up a border around your challenge arena, so that you can't escape."

Zhao Youji looks at he Junxiang, "he Junxiang, do you have any problem?"

"You are willing to expend the power of heaven and earth to set up the border. Of course, I don't mind." He Junxiang said.


Zhao Youji nodded and waved his hand. A strange energy between heaven and earth suddenly emerged, surrounded the whole challenge arena in the middle.

"What a great power of heaven and earth!"

"I'm afraid the strength of our medicine hall is not as good as that of Zhao Youji."

"Zhao Youji's worship is so strong that the elder of he family dares to challenge him. It seems that the elder of he family is also very strong."

Many people in the audience were shocked by the great power of heaven and earth.

After a while, Zhao Youji clapped his hands and said, "the border has become. Only one of them can walk out of the border."

To decorate the border, Zhao Youji is afraid that when he Feng encounters a crisis of life and death, he Junxiang will directly rescue people.

But with this border, even if he Junxiang makes a move, Zhao Youji can stop it for a while.

"Then let them start early!" He Junxiang does not care at all said.


Zhao Youji looks at Chang Tao and he Feng in the challenge arena, "you two, you can start. Remember, only one of you can leave the arena. No one is going to fall down completely, and no one else is going to leave. "

Zhao Youji's voice fell, and Chang Tao's eyes full of killing intention fell on He Feng, "He Feng, are you ready to die?"

"Well, you're ready. Let's go!" He Feng nodded seriously.


Chang Tao can't help but be stunned. This guy's answer is really straightforward.

"Ha ha, since you really want to die, I will help you. I'd like to see if your women and your family members will be sad because of your death when you die. "

Chang Tao sneered.

Although he Feng is not taken seriously in his mouth, when he talks, the energy in his body is running wildly. At the same time, the hand behind his back has grasped the knife tightly and is ready for a thunderbolt.

"There's a lot of nonsense. Since you want to kill me so much, you should do it quickly."

He Feng frowned and said impatiently.

With this Chang Tao, he doesn't want to talk too much nonsense, just want to take care of each other as soon as possible.

"Good! Then go to hell

Chang Tao sees that he Feng can't be irritated, and he doesn't talk anymore. His body is like a ghost, and the short knife moves to He Feng's body in an instant.

He doesn't aim at the key at all, but attacks casually, only to leave a hole in He Feng.

Even if it was just a small gap, his goal was achieved.

Because there is a very strong poison on the knife. Even if master Huajin is poisoned, he will die in a few seconds.


But Chang Tao's knife just pierced out, he was shocked to find that his hand seemed empty.

Subconsciously looking down, the knife is no longer in his hand.

"The poison in this knife is really powerful. Since you like to use poison, I'll use it to kill you. "

He Feng's indifferent voice rings in Chang Tao's ear.

"Tao, be careful!"

Along with the ring, there are often shouts below the challenge arena.

"What?" Chang Tao was stunned for a while.

At the same time, a ray of light flashed in front of his eyes. Chang Tao only felt a little hot pain on the back of his hand.

A wisp of blood slowly overflows from the back of Chang Tao's hand.

"I... I'm hurt?"

Looking at the blood on the back of his hand, Chang Tao opened his mouth, "I was hurt by my own knife?"

As soon as the thought rises, Chang Tao feels dizzy in his head and weak all over. His eyes gradually become dark and his consciousness is gradually blurred.


The next moment, Chang Tao's body heavily fell to the ground, pupil stare big, but inside is not a little look.


Below the challenge arena, there was a howl of grief from Chang buqun.

Many people in Baiyun medicine hall could hardly see their faces.

As for the audience on the field, they were all stunned.

Isn't the contest just beginning? They also want to see a fierce battle. They didn't expect it to end so soon.

"It's a fast speed. He Feng's speed is definitely much faster than the ordinary master in the early stage of Huajin. I'm afraid he can't even compare with the master in the middle stage of Huajin." Ke Zhennan shocked looking at He Feng, his heart is also full of fear, "fortunately! Fortunately, I didn't go directly to him for trouble, otherwise I would have been in a bit of danger. "

Lin family direction, Lin Wuhuan indifferent looking at this scene, he Feng's strength he is quite clear, the outcome is in his expectation.

But that doesn't seem to be enough.

Lin Wuhuan also voiced to Zhao Youji, "He Feng has a medium-term cultivation of Huajin since he was young. In the future, it may be a myth. You can let Chang buqun attack and kill him later."

A few seconds later, Zhao Youji just returned a word, "good!"

On the challenge arena, he Feng saw that Chang Tao was dead, and immediately looked at Zhao Youji, "the battle of life and death is over, remove the border and let me go down."

Zhao Youji didn't speak, but with a wave of his hand, the power of heaven and earth on the arena dissipated.

He Feng looked at the people in Baiyun medicine Hall who were not good at staring at him and said, "I killed Chang Tao in the serious battle of life and death. If you want to avenge him, as long as your cultivation is below the peak of Huajin, you can send out a battle of life and death to me. I'll take it all."


Once the words came out, the whole audience was shocked again.

How confident is He Feng?

At this moment, we finally have a clearer understanding of his strength.

His strength, is not what refine seven heavy, but at least reached the strength of the later period.

Even if he dares to say that he will take the fight of life and death below the peak of Huajin, it means that his strength may have reached the level of the peak of Huajin.

How old is he?

Yanjing City Top Ten Heroes in the top three of those days proud, anyone can match him?

Before, people thought that the he family was declining. One of the reasons was that none of the top ten heroes in Yanjing had any children of the he family.

Even in the past 20 years, no one in the he family has ever been one of the top ten.

But now, with the help of the he family's children, their light is enough to crush any one of the top ten heroes.


He Feng did not pay attention to the audience that is extremely shocking, foot move, is to jump off the challenge arena.


At this time, a violent roar sounded out of thin air, such as thunder burst.

A figure, lightning appeared in front of He Feng.

"He Feng, I want you to pay for my son's life!"

Roar sounded at the same time, a terrible blue lightning, speed down, as if to He Feng to the spot.

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