"This is the fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth!"

"It's Chang buqun who made the move, and Chang buqun even understood the power of heaven and earth?"

"No, Chang buqun used a strange soldier. Although he only used external force, he was definitely more terrifying than his full attack."

"He Feng is going to die!"

Feeling the terror power contained in Chang buqun's attack, no one is optimistic about He Feng.

This is comparable to the full strength of the demigod. I'm afraid only myth can fight against it. Demigods of the same level have to avoid the attack.

"This He Feng, this next damned decided?"

Zhao you stares at He Feng tightly.

Just now, he secretly stuffed a strange soldier to Chang buqun, and asked Chang buqun to attack he Feng with this strange soldier to ensure that he was safe.

With this strange weapon, the attack speed of changbuqun has increased dramatically, and the attack power is even more terrifying.

At this time, he Feng just jumped off the challenge arena, and he Junxiang still has a long way to go. Even if he Junxiang has the double cultivation of true Qi, it is difficult to save him in time.

"It's hard to save He Feng even if he Junxiang's attack speed is a myth of true Qi? Unless, his cultivation is the triple of true Qi. But is that possible? "

On the other side, Lin Wuhuan's mouth also gave a sneer.

Zhao Youji is very cooperative. It seems that Baiyun medicine hall attaches great importance to the cooperation with Lin family.

As for He Feng, now in Lin Wuhuan's eyes, he is already a dead man.


However, at this time, I saw an old man who was not noticed, rushed out from behind he Junxiang, as if in a blink of an eye, appeared beside he Feng.

Then, raised his hand, so empty handed to pick up the thunder.


Lightning rolled down and fell on the old man's hand.

Everyone's eyes are wide open!

The old man is too aggressive, isn't he?

Even empty handed to pick up lightning, he is not afraid to blow himself up?

Even if it's the myth of true Qi, don't you dare to take it empty handed? You have to take out a more powerful weapon.

But the next moment, these people are silly. The old man catches the thunder and lightning that even the myth of one or two true Qi situations dare not catch empty handed.

Lightning is like a worm, struggling desperately in the hands of the old man.

"Blow it for me!"

As soon as the old man shook his hand, the thunder and lightning on his hand flew out and landed directly on Chang buqun not far away.


Chang buqun couldn't escape at all, and let the thunder and lightning explode on him.

With the peak cultivation of Huajin, his body was blown black, his breath dissipated instantly, and then he fell to the ground.

"Damn, who is this man? His strength is so strong that he Feng is often attacked by my strange soldiers. Even he Junxiang, who has the double cultivation of true Qi, has no time to save He Feng. But this old man just stood behind he Junxiang and is far away from He Feng. Can he save He Feng in time? What's more, it's still empty handed. His strength has definitely reached the triple level of true Qi. "

Zhao Youji's face changed greatly, looking at the old man with a shocked face.

Not only Zhao Youji, the Lin family and other experts of the major forces, they are all shocked.

The strength shown by the old man has greatly exceeded the expectations of the public.

At first, people thought that he Qingtian, the current leader of the he family, or he Junxiang, the current leader of the he family, was the strongest. However, these two people were amazing, which was the appearance of double true Qi.

In everyone's opinion, the he family is absolutely not strong enough to have more than three levels of true Qi.

But now, anyone who has a little insight can see that this old man who stands behind he Junxiang and is in the eyes of the public is a triple master of true Qi.

"It's time to reexamine the he family."

Not far away, Lin Wuhuan's face became solemn.

Now, he doesn't even pay so much attention to He Feng. After all, no matter how evil he Feng is, he Feng hasn't grown up.

But this old man is a real triple myth of true Qi, which has been able to influence the pattern of the four royal families.

The old man is He Feng's great grandfather, he Songbai.

However, he Songbo didn't show his real strength this time. He just let the outside world think that his strength was no less than the triple of true Qi. However, other people didn't know exactly what realm he was. They might even directly conclude that his cultivation was the triple of true Qi.


At this time, he Songbai's body moved and stepped forward again, appearing beside Chang buqun.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he directly grasped a blue dagger in Chang buqun's hand.

"Zhao Youji, is this your thunder sword? You give the thunder sword to Chang buqun and let Chang buqun fight against the he family. Does this mean that your Baiyun medicine hall is going to declare war on our he family? "

Before he Songbai spoke, he Junxiang looked at Zhao Youji coldly.

Zhao you had thought about his speech for a long time, but he was not nervous at all. "He Junxiang, you misunderstood me. I'm also very surprised that Chang buqun took action against his children. But I think there's a reason why he did it. After all, his sons were all killed by your he family's children. He did it to your he family's children and avenged his son. Can you understand that? "

"Old fox!"

He Junxiang also guessed that Zhao Youji would explain it like this. He was not surprised. He just hummed coldly, "what's your explanation for your thunder sword?"

"Chang buqun is the deputy leader of our Baiyun medicine hall. He is very talented and has a bright future. So I gave him thunder sword as a self-defense gift." Zhao you extremely light way.

"You have more than one reason, but in your opinion, it's a personal grudge?" He Junxiang said.

"Of course! Although Chang buqun is the deputy head of Baiyun medicine hall, he does not represent our whole Baiyun medicine hall. " Zhao Youji nodded and directly put the blame on Chang buqun.

Now the he family is getting bigger and bigger. Before they get the full help of the Lin family, they can't completely tear the skin with the he family.

"Well, I see what you mean."

He Junxiang didn't say any more. He wanted to take this opportunity to suppress Baiyun medicine hall. It seems that he can only wait for the next time.

"This, should be the elder he Songbai?" Zhao Youji looked at he Songbai with solemn eyes. "Elder, I don't know if I can return the thunder sword to me?"

He Songbai didn't look at Zhao Youji, but went to He Feng, "Xiao Feng, you don't seem to have a weapon yet? This thunder sword looks ok. Take it to defend yourself. With this thunder sword, you can kill even the great master with this sword. "

"Well, thank you, granddad!"

He Feng is also not polite, directly took the thunder sword.

"He Songbo, thunder sword belongs to me, but you he family have to keep it for themselves. Isn't that right?" Zhao Youji's face suddenly became ugly. It was his weapon, and he was such a strange soldier. If he lost it, Rao Shi would be extremely distressed.

He Junxiang said faintly: "Zhao Youji, is that wrong? Don't you give this thunder sword to Chang buqun? But Chang buqun wanted to kill my he family's children, but he was killed by my grandfather. Naturally, this thunder sword is our he family's booty. Now, the thunder sword has become his family's, but you still say it's yours. I don't think it's you who are not suitable for it? "


Zhao Youji was speechless, but his face was so ugly that he could drip water.

He Junxiang ignored Zhao Youji, looked at He Feng and said: "Xiao Feng, since the matter here has been solved, you can come back to he's house with us. By the way, you can ask your father-in-law if he is interested in visiting our he family. Our he family is very hospitable. "

"All right!"

He Feng nodded, "however, I still have one thing to deal with."

"Oh? What's the matter? "

"Take an arm!"


He Junxiang is puzzled.

He Feng is no explanation, but a flash, quickly rushed to not far away season flying.

At this time, Ji Feiyang has a bad feeling in his heart after seeing the strength of he's family. He is ready to escape under the guidance of Ji Xian.

However, it is because of his escape that he Feng's attention is aroused.

He Feng just remembered that he had not dealt with Ji Feiyang, and almost forgot this stubble.

"Ji Feiyang, I'll take your arm now."

He Feng a flash, appeared in front of Ji Feiyang.

And, without any hesitation, as soon as he appeared in front of Ji Feiyang, he directly reached out and grabbed him.

"He Feng, you dare!" Ji Feiyang roars in horror.

"He Feng, stop it!"

Ji Xian's voice came from behind.

"I bet your brother an arm. Since your brother lost, I'll take it."

He Feng's voice is cold, but the action on his hand is faster.

Although Ji Feiyang understood the subtlety, his cultivation didn't step into the power after all. Compared with He Feng, his speed is just one day and one place.

In this case, in the face of He Feng's attack, he didn't even have the chance to dodge.


He Feng's fist falls on Ji Feiyang's arm. It looks like an ordinary attack, but there is a continuous force pouring in.

Ji Feiyang's arm suddenly heard bursts of crisp crack sound!

The bone of one arm was smashed to pieces.

There was no bloody scene, not even a drop of blood, but Ji Feiyang screamed loudly and looked at He Feng resentfully.


Ji Xian also rushed over. When he lifted Ji Feiyang's sleeve and saw the injury of Ji Feiyang's arm, his face turned black.

The bones of an arm are all broken. I'm afraid even the mythical strong can't cure the arm.

If he Feng tears off his arm directly, although it seems that the injury will be more serious, Ji Xian can still get help from mythology. He doesn't even need to ask mythology to do it. He just needs to use some precious elixirs,

But now, Ji Feiyang will definitely be disabled for life.

Not only that, because of the disabled arm, Ji Feiyang's training in the future will be more difficult, especially in refining Qi into flesh and blood, which will be several times more difficult than ordinary people.

As for refining gas into the bone marrow

With a broken arm, he may not have the chance to complete the steps of refining gas into the bone marrow in his life.

That is to say, Ji Feiyang will stop in the middle of Huajin's life, no matter how talented he is and how much cultivation resources he has.

It's a great achievement for an ordinary ancient martial artist to be able to enter into Huajin, but for Ji Feiyang, it's just a break for his future.

"He Feng, since your he family is close to our Guiyi medicine hall, why do you attach so much importance to Feiyang?"

Ji Xian glares at He Feng.

He Feng, this is a waste of his son!

"Now talk to me? How did he bully Xueqing in Guiyi medicine hall before? Why didn't you say that he family was close to Guiyi medicine hall? And at that time, you seemed to be stronger than me with your own strength. Why don't you stop me from teaching Ji Feiyang a lesson? "

He Feng sneered: "now that I have abandoned your son, you can continue to rely on your strength to avenge your son."


Ji Xian is biting his teeth.

Of course, he wants to do it, but he Feng has the myth of he's family around him, and it's still three myths. If he really wants to do it, it's absolutely death.

"In addition, I can tell you clearly that the reason why I gave up your son's arm is because he family is close to Guiyi medicine hall. Otherwise, just because he bullied Xueqing before, I won't waste his arm, but take his life. " He Feng's voice is indifferent.

Ji Xian's face suddenly more ugly, feel hot on the face, but in the heart head but more resentment.

It's so hateful!

According to He Feng's meaning, his son Ji Feiyang's arm has been abandoned. He should not blame He Feng, but also be grateful.

"Xiao Feng, since the matter is settled, let's go back to he's home." He Junxiang said.


He Feng nodded and looked at Xi Zhenxing, "brother Xi, I'm going to the he family. Do you and Xueqing want to go with me?"

Xi Zhenxing said with a smile, "take Xueqing. I still have some things to deal with in Guiyi medicine hall."

"All right!" He Feng didn't ask.

"Lian Gong, you have to make a good investigation about Qi Yuan. This kind of thing should not happen again in the future, so as not to affect the relationship between he family and Guiyi medicine hall. "

He Junxiang said to Lian.

"Well, I'll find out." Lian said solemnly.

"Let's go!"

He Junxiang just goes outside, he Feng leads Xi Xueqing to follow.

And as they left, the crowd in the audience also left one after another.

Today is a contest between Xi Zhenxing and Chang Tao, but they all know that the real protagonist today is not Xi Zhenxing or Chang Tao, but the young man named He Feng.

He was only 26 years old, and his accomplishments went straight up to the peak of Huajin. He was not afraid of any challenge under the peak of Huajin.

Moreover, the myth of the he family also won the foreign soldiers from Baiyun medicine hall to He Feng, making him more effective. Now with the foreign soldiers, he Feng may be able to face the great master of Huajin.

This evening, the name of He Feng will spread throughout Yanjing City, and even the whole ancient martial world of China.


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