At this time, in a box on the second floor, there are two eyes watching He Feng and his family leave.

"Laosan, how do you feel about the he family?" It was an old man in white.

Behind him stood a middle-aged man with a bear on his back. He looked very strong, but his eyes were very steady and full of wisdom.

"Dad, the he family is really deep enough. I thought he Junxiang was the strongest. He Qingtian is the current leader of the he family. Unexpectedly, he Qingtian's great uncle, he Songbai, is even stronger, at least in the three realms of Qi. In addition, in addition to this he Songbai, I feel that we also need to pay more attention to that he Feng. "

Said the middle-aged man.

"Oh? Why pay attention to He Feng? Although he Feng's talent is high, we are not without a talent higher than his. LAN Yanzong, just in his early 30s, has broken through the myth. Even he Junxiang can't match his talent? " The old man in White said with a smile.

And his family is one of the four royal families in China.

The four royal families in China are the LAN family, the he family, the Lin family and the Liu family.

This old man in white is the contemporary owner of the LAN family, and LAN Yibo.

The middle-aged man is his third son, LAN Zheng. He was once a legendary figure in the ancient martial arts of China. He reached the peak of Huajin when he was less than 30 years old, but now he has rarely done anything in the past 20 years, and outsiders don't know whether he has entered the myth.

In addition, Lin Zheng has another identity, that is, the commander in chief of the eagle mouth special forces of China.

Yingzui special forces, which are no inferior to Longya and Yanhuang brigades, belong to the national violence machine, but they are more obedient to the family.

LAN Zheng knew that his father was testing himself, so he said, "if he Feng is just an ordinary person, then I will not pay much attention to him. However, just now he called him "great grandfather". That means that he is a nephew of he Junxiang and a direct descendant of he family. He will be fully cultivated by he family. Even when I saw him, I thought of someone

"Oh? Who do you think of? "


"Congratulations on Feng Yun?"

LAN Yibo's eyes narrowed. "Do you think of him, too?"

"Dad, do you also think of he Fengyun?" LAN Zheng was surprised.

He thought of he Fengyun because he was familiar with him. In the past, he wanted to fight with him, but he widened the gap with him and later entered the sect.

As for what happened to he Fengyun in the future, although he didn't see it with his own eyes, because he always took he Fengyun as his goal, he never stopped paying attention to him, and even asked his family elders to help him find out about him.

After some efforts, LAN Zheng finally knows that he Fengyun, who is less than 30 years old, has become a myth and legend of the four realms of Qi and a true disciple of Ziwei sect.

At this time, LAN Zheng almost regarded he Fengyun as an idol, but somehow, when he Fengyun stepped into the four realms of Qi, he Fengyun suddenly disappeared, as if the world had evaporated.

The whole ancient martial world of China seems to have forgotten the existence of he Fengyun, but LAN Zheng has never forgotten it.

Therefore, when he Feng just appeared, he saw a shadow of He Feng.

It's not just the looks, it's even the style.

The same domineering, but very smart.

"You've been paying attention to he Fengyun. Of course, I'll pay more attention to him. He Feng's body does have the shadow of he Fengyun. It's just that although I heard he Fengyun got married before, I haven't heard that he gave birth to a son until he disappeared. " LAN Yibo doubts.

"Dad, anyway, I decided to pay more attention to He Feng in the future. Maybe I can get some news about he Fengyun from him. " The right way.

"Good! However, the he family is now powerful. I don't think they are willing to keep a low profile any more. You should try not to conflict with the he family. We need to be stable now. Now the elder brother and the second brother have become the inner disciples of their sect. If you give them a few more decades, they can become the true disciples. Once they become true disciples, our family's status in China can hardly be shaken. There is no need to cause trouble. " LAN Yibo said.

"Dad, you don't trust me. How can I make trouble? Moreover, I also want to get closer to He Feng. " LAN Zheng said with a smile.

LAN Yibo was silent for a while, and reminded him: "if you want to get close to He Feng, you should also pay attention to a yardstick. After all, if the he family only controls the Yanhuang railway brigade, we can barely accept it. But if they want to continue to be strong. I don't think the Lin family and the Liu family will sit back and watch. "

"I see," he said


At the same time, two middle-aged men, Liu Leng and Liu Guang, sat in a box not far from LAN's home.

Liu Leng, one of the four royal families, is the head of the Liu family.

"He Jia! What a he family! They don't pay any attention to Baiyun medicine hall, and they are so close to Guiyi medicine hall. What do they want to do? "

It's a middle-aged man in a black Zhongshan suit who looks gloomy and cold. This man is Liu Leng.

"The he family first controlled the Yanhuang railway brigade, and then established diplomatic relations with Guiyi medicine hall. If they want to strengthen their own strength in the next step, I think they will start with the dragon group. After all, although there are not many Huajin masters in the dragon group, there are too many ordinary dark strong ones. There are thousands of Longya members in the whole kingdom of China. " Another middle-aged man said: "if the he family wants to grow, there must be not only top experts, but also a large number of ordinary experts. And Longya is not a rope. If he Jia uses some means, he may steal some members of Longya. "

The middle-aged man's name is Liu Guang. He is Liu Leng's second younger brother.

Lin Wuhuan, he Qingtian and LAN Yibo, the owners of the Lin family, are all of the older generation. None of them is younger than 80 years old.

Only Liu Leng, the owner of the Liu family, is one generation younger than the other three, and is less than 60 years old.

However, Liu Leng's cultivation talent is extremely high. At that time, he was praised as the genius of Yanjing city next to he Fengyun. When he was less than 30 years old, he had already broken through the myth.

Now nearly 30 years have passed, and no one outside knows what level his cultivation has reached.

But one thing is certain. Liu Leng is qualified to be the head of the Liu family.

Not only because of his accomplishments, but also because of his means.

Although the former Liu family also controlled the dragon group, it was not a complete dragon group. After Liu Leng became the leader of the Liu family, it took only a few years to completely control the whole dragon group.

Of course, it's very difficult to make the dragon group become a rope. Liu Leng hasn't done so far.

There's no way. The dragon team was firmly controlled by the state before, but later it fell into the Liu family, but the dragon team still has to be responsible for the implementation of national tasks, scattered all over the country. It's too difficult to completely control it.

"Second brother, you think the same as me. I also feel that if the he family wants to grow up, it will certainly rob our Liu family of the dragon group. After all, part of the former dragon group was the responsibility of the he family. " Liu Leng's voice gradually cooled down.

"Brother, do you have any plans?" Liu Guang asked.

"Well, if my expectation is good, the Lin family should be the first to attack the he family. Lin's family and he's family are old enemies. They won't watch him grow up. Especially He Feng, who was the most eye-catching one just now, Lin's family will probably send someone to get rid of him directly. Even, it will send out myths directly. " Liu lengdao.

"What do we need to do? Help Lin's family deal with He Feng? "


Liu Leng shook his head. "No matter how talented he Feng is, he is just a genius in my eyes. Unless he can really grow into a myth, I will really attach importance to him. Now, I pay more attention to the myth of the he family. "

Liu Guang knew that his elder brother had a lot of ideas, but he said, "elder brother, I can't figure out what you mean, so you can say it directly."

Liu Leng laughed and said: "in fact, what I mean is very simple. Maybe there is a myth to protect He Feng, and the Lin family should also know this. Therefore, when Lin's family deals with He Feng, it is very likely that they will send two mythical men out. What we have to do is to get rid of the myth of protecting He Feng. "

Hearing the speech, Liu Guang's eyes are bright.

Lin sent two myths, maybe can get rid of He Feng, but want to get rid of the myth of he family, the difficulty is big.

But if their myth of the Liu family secretly attacked, it would be another matter.

The myth of the he family is not many, if the loss of a, for the he family is also hurt.

"I see. I'll take care of it myself."

Liu Guang said with a smile.

"Well, if you have a second younger brother, as long as the person who is responsible for protecting He Feng is not he Songbo, even he Junxiang, I think he Junxiang can be killed, at least seriously injured, by your sneak attack." Liu Leng said with a smile.

His second younger brother, Liu Guangxiu, is not high. In many myths of the Liu family, he can only be regarded as average. He is just in the early stage of the double atmosphere, but he is very good at hiding and assassinating. Under normal circumstances, he is very difficult to assassinate a strong man of the same level like he Junxiang. But if he suddenly makes a move when he is fighting with others, the probability of success is relatively large.


"Xiao Feng, just now you should also feel a lot of spiritual sound?"

On a RV, he Junxiang looks at He Feng and asks.

"Well, I feel it." He Feng said: "however, don't say it's the myth of true Qi. Send someone to get rid of me. Even if it's the myth of true Qi, I'm not afraid, unless the other party is as powerful as uncle and grandfather."

"Ha ha, I've broken through to the four realms of true Qi. Your grandfather reached this realm decades ago. We can all be regarded as the top experts in the secular world of China. Experts like us generally don't do it easily, unless the family is in danger of extermination. "

He Junxiang laughed.

Hearing this, he Feng just nodded lightly and didn't say anything.

See he Feng this appearance, he Junxiang seems to think of something, smile on the face is also convergence up.

Each of the four royal families has a medium-sized myth, that is, the myth of more than four realms of Qi. However, they are all family members. They even set up arrays in the training places to isolate themselves from the outside world, so as not to be disturbed in meditation.

When he Fengyun was in a crisis of life and death, he family did not have a myth to help him.

After all, if the enemy wants to deal with the he family, he will certainly fight in the forbidden area of the he family. However, the enemy's goal is not to destroy the he family, but only he Fengyun and his wife, not even to hurt any of his family's children.

Therefore, although the battle was vigorous and the world changed color, none of he Songbo and others felt it.

Of course, even if they feel it, it's hard for them to help in the kind of battle where high myths all appear.

"Xiao Feng, what happened in those years was that we were wrong. Your parents were facing a crisis of life and death, but we couldn't help because of our cultivation. I'm sorry It was he Songbo who said that he apologized directly without any cover up.

"Xiao Feng, I've always felt guilty about what happened in those years. Your mother gave me a lot of advice in the field of array, and your father gave me a lot of cultivation resources. But when they were facing the crisis of life and death, I didn't help them at all. I'm really sorry!" He Songlai also looks at He Feng apologetically.

"Two grandfathers, you don't have to. Now I know something about that year. It happened so suddenly. No wonder the two grandfathers. What's more, the enemy is too strong. Even if there are two grandfathers, I don't think they can change anything. "

He Feng shook his head and didn't blame them.

If he blamed the he family in his heart, he would not come to Yanjing.

At the beginning, he held a trace of resentment against his grandfather, mainly because he didn't know anything about his parents. After knowing what happened, he didn't blame them at all.

"Thank you, Xiao Feng!"

Two people see he Feng don't blame themselves, are relieved, but there is still a trace of guilt in the eyes.

"Uncle, granddad, what's the strength of the Lin family? Do you understand? "

He Feng changes the topic to ask a way.

He Songlai said: "the strength of the Lin family is very strong, at least much stronger than our he family. First of all, in terms of the number of myths, the Lin family has at least 30 people. We have only 14 of them, less than half of them. And in terms of peak combat power, as far as I know, the Lin family has at least five real four strong men. Among them, Lin Wudi is the genius myth of the Lin family. As far as I know, three years ago, before he was 60 years old, he reached the four levels of true Qi and became the true disciple of Tianlei sect. Before the age of 100, he has the hope to achieve higher education. At that time, the status of the Lin family in China will be completely different from what it is now. "

"What about the he family?" He Feng asked.


He Songlai said: "your uncle, your grandfather, I have your great grandfather. However, I've just broken through the four realms of Qi for two years, and my main attainments are in array. I'm afraid I'm the weakest of the four realms of Qi. For example, your uncle he Junxiang, although he is a little later than me to break through to the four realms of Qi, if he really starts, he should be able to beat me in three moves. "


He Feng can't help blinking. It's really weak.

But he Junxiang said with a smile: "Xiao Feng, in fact, your grandfather is modest."


"Of course!"

He Junxiang nodded and said, "your grandfather just said that what he is really good at is array. Your grandfather, he is a primary array master of Tianjie. Although it's only the primary of Tianji, if it's a killing array of Tianji, he will control it himself, and my father and granddad will help us. Even if there are more than 30 myths of the Lin family, we can keep at least half of them. "


He Feng directly took a cold breath, "is the array of the primary level of heaven so powerful?"

He Junxiang didn't speak. He just looked at he Songlai, the primary master of Tianjie array.

He Songlai said with a light smile: "the master of the earth level array may not be anything. Even the senior master of the earth level array will not be taken seriously. But Tianjie is not the same. Even if a primary Tianjie array is controlled by a master in the early stage of Huajin, it can kill the myth of a true Qi state. The four myths of our true Qi state control a primary killing array. Even if the myths of the Lin family come together, as long as they don't escape, they will be able to leave all of them behind. "

He Junxiang also said with a smile: "I've heard Lao san say before that in Ziwei sect, the primary master of Tianjie array, his status is much higher than that of ordinary inner disciples. Even zhenzhuan disciples will treat each other with courtesy and won't offend easily."


He Feng to he Songlai put up a thumb, heartfelt praise.

He knows a lot about array. After all, Huisheng is an advanced array master.

But he Feng didn't feel the power of those advanced arrays, so he didn't pay much attention to the array master.

But I don't want to. After the array master arrives at the sky level, it's totally different.

"I'm not so powerful. Your mother is very powerful. She was only in her twenties when she became a master of Tianjie intermediate array." He Songlai said with a smile: "and I can become a master of Tianji primary array, thanks to your mother's advice to me."


Listen to he Songlai mention his mother, he Feng not from a trance.

My mother is a genius of array.

"Xiao Feng, I heard from your grandfather that you have got a strange soldier who can store array? Can you show it to me? "

He song to see he Feng distracted, guess he is thinking of his mother, quickly asked.

"OK, granddad, please see if you can help me store a sky level primary array in this magic cube."

He Feng quickly took out the Rubik's cube and handed it to he song.

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