"This cube..."

He Songlai took the Rubik's cube and looked at it carefully.

But after a while, he shook his head helplessly and said, "Xiao Feng, this Rubik's cube is really exquisite, and it can store arrays. However, this Rubik's cube is not much better than that thunder sword. It's just a low-level alien soldier. In this magic cube, you can only store one earth level advanced array at most. You can't store heaven level array. "

"Can't save?"

He Feng frowned and was disappointed.

"Well, the power of the sky level array is too huge. If you force it in, the cube will collapse." He Songlai is also helpless.

What he is good at most is the array. If he can send He Feng a sky level array, he can't get it.

It's a pity that this Rubik's cube is only the number one alien soldier after all. It can't store the sky level array.

"Granddad, then you can help me to save a high-level array, isn't it?"

A moment later, he Feng also accepted the fact that the Rubik's cube can't store the sky level array.

Since he can't store the sky level array, the Rubik's cube has little effect on him. He plans to store a earth level array in it, and then give the Rubik's cube to Wang Xiangyun.

He wants Wang Xiangyun to put the magic cube on him when he goes to work in the company, so that Yuncheng group will be more secure.

"No problem. When I get back to he's house in a moment, I'll give you a more exquisite advanced array of ground level. Even if you can't kill the strong of real Qi, at least you can't break the myth of ordinary real Qi." He Songlai said.

"Thank you very much." He Feng said happily.

"Ha ha, you're welcome to me."

He Songlai waved his hand.

Along the way, he Songlai, he Junxiang and others told him a lot about the he family and the ancient martial arts of China, including the four royal families, the ten medicine halls and the ancient families that he didn't know very well, so that he Feng had a clearer understanding of the ancient martial arts of China.

About 12 o'clock at noon, the car finally stopped in front of a secluded courtyard.

"Xiao Feng, this is my grandfather's yard. He's the only one who closes up here. By the way, this used to be your father's yard. "

Out of the car, he Junxiang said to He Feng.

Just on the road, he Feng found that there are dozens of old courtyard buildings nearby, all of which are the places where he family's children live.

These yards alone, if sold, will cost tens of billions, but people outside can't buy them.

He Feng looked at the courtyard in front of him. It was no different from other courtyard, but it looked more old.

"Where does my dad live?"

He Feng is very kind.

"Well, originally our four brothers lived together, but later, as we all grew up, we all moved to other places. Your father lived alone in this yard, and your mother lived here for a period of time. Later, after your parents disappeared, my grandfather moved in. He was the only one who lived here. He was the only one who cleaned up the yard. There was no arrangement for a servant. " He Junxiang said.

Smell speech, he Feng heart can't help but pull.

An old man lives alone in this yard, and there is no servant. I'm afraid he will miss his son as soon as he calms down?

This is a kind of torture!

He Junxiang sighed: "Xiao Feng, if you have time in the future, you can accompany your grandfather more. In order to improve his strength these years, he even worked harder than me and my second brother. Sometimes I come to see him. He is either practicing or sitting alone in the yard with a picture of the three members of your family in a daze. Twice, I saw him cry. "

He Feng bit his teeth, "I will!"


At this time, the door of the yard was opened, and an old man in plain clothes came out.

The old man looks like 70 or 80 years old. He is thin and has dark eyes, but he looks very energetic.

At this time, the old man was wearing a white apron, and his body was full of fumes.

"As soon as I came out, I heard someone sensationalizing. How old are you? Is sensationalizing interesting?"

The old man stares at he Junxiang.

He Junxiang shrunk his neck and grinned: "Dad, I'm not sensational. Eh, Dad, are you cooking

He Junxiang can be called father, the identity of the old man is ready to come out.

He Qingtian, the contemporary master of he family.

He Feng's grandfather!

"What? I'm also a kitchen god. Isn't it normal to cook? "

He Qingtian said, nodded to he Songlai and he Songbai, and immediately his eyes fell on He Feng, "home? Let's go in and have dinner! "

Say, also don't wait for He Feng to reply, he turns round to go back to the house directly.

He Junxiang immediately patted He Feng on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Xiao Feng, do you know when your grandfather cooked last time?"


"The day your parents had an accident!"

He Junxiang's eyes are a little red, "your grandfather, in addition to cultivation, his favorite thing to do is to cook. In the past, as long as our brothers were at home, almost every time he cooked in person. But I haven't seen your grandfather cook since that day. Even if the family had a reunion dinner, he never took a spatula again. "

Hearing this, he Feng felt as if he had a thorn stuck in his throat, which was a little uncomfortable.

"Well, don't talk about it, just go inside."

He Songlai curled his lips and said, "the food that the boy used to cook is really delicious, but now he hasn't cooked for more than 20 years. God knows if he can eat what he's cooking now."

Listen to him say so, the atmosphere on the field also relaxed a bit.

But he Junxiang grinned and said, "granddad, when my father came out of the yard just now, I heard you swallowing your saliva secretly."

He Songlai blushed, "smelly boy, I have a Tianjie array that is still being tested. After dinner later, you go to Houshan to test it for me."

"I... granddad, I'm wrong!"

He Junxiang immediately begged for mercy.

If the sky level array is only controlled by ordinary low myth, he Junxiang will not pay attention to it. He Junxiang would not be too afraid even if he was under the control of the common four myths of true Qi.

But it's controlled by its creator, and the person who created the array is still a myth with four levels of true Qi, so he Junxiang has to be abused.

But he Songlai ignored him and went straight to the gate of the yard.

"Granddad..." he Junxiang looks at he Songbai for help.

"Don't worry!"

He Songbai chuckled. Before he Junxiang could be happy, he continued: "I'll let your grandfather do it gently."

Finish saying, then followed behind he Songlai.


He Junxiang mouth a hard draw, can only look at He Feng.

"That... Uncle, I found that I was a little hungry, so I went to eat with Xueqing first. Come to eat, too. Only when I'm full can I help my grandfather to work."

He Feng said with a smile, and immediately took Xi Xueqing to the yard.

"Damn, how do you feel that as soon as Xiao Feng comes back, I have no status at home?" He Junxiang looks like an abandoned woman.

After entering the courtyard, he Feng smelled a delicious smell of various delicacies.

"It smells good!" Xi Xueqing praised.

"It should taste good too. Let's go in."

He Feng pulls Xi Xueqing to the front restaurant.

There is an old mahogany table in the dining room, on which there are more than ten dishes, all of which are ordinary home dishes.

"People in Yanjing don't like spicy food very much, but your father likes Sichuan Hunan food very much. I don't know whether you like spicy food or not. If you don't like spicy food, there are several dishes that are not spicy."

He Qingtian came out with a plate of braised crucian carp and put the dishes on the table.

He Feng looked at the old man, did not answer his question, just in the old man will be on the table, ready to return to the kitchen, mouth shouting: "grandfather!"

He Qingtian's body trembled obviously, his eyes narrowed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


He Qingtian answered.

"Grandfather!" Xi Xueqing also followed.

"Well, Xueqing, right? It's so beautiful. My little maple is blessed. "

He Qingtian laughed more happily, "you sit down to eat first, I'll go to the soup in the pot."

After he Qingtian came into the kitchen, he Junxiang said with a smile: "I haven't seen my father laugh so happily for a long time. It's estimated that today is his happiest day in the past 20 years."

"Brother, what about the Wuliangye in your wine cellar for more than 100 years? Since everyone is so happy today, don't hide it any more. Go and bring two boxes to drink He song came to see him.

He Songbai glared, "two boxes? Are you kidding? There are only four bottles of Wuliangye left in my place for more than 100 years, OK? "

"Four bottles? Last time I asked you for it, didn't you say that there wasn't a bottle? "

"Er... Good boy, you cheat me."

"It's you who cheated me first. I'll go to your cellar now."

He Song said, already jumped out.

"Don't mess with it. I'll get it myself." He Songbo quickly followed up.

Soon, wine and vegetables were on the table. He also brought two boxes of Baijiu to the table.

In addition to four bottles of Wuliangye over 100 years old, there are also several bottles over 50 years old.

"Welcome home, Xiao Feng. Let's drink to you." He Junxiang held up his glass and said.

"Uncle, grandfather, two grandfathers, I respect you." He Feng quickly stood up, and then drank.

"Xiao Feng, when you come back this time, just stay longer. Although our he family has been very low-key these years, there are many people in our he family. I'll take you back to know them all." He Junxiang said after drinking.

"Well, I'll move back to where I used to live later, and the house will be left to you." He Qingtian nodded.

He Qingtian has opened his mouth. He Feng is really hard to refuse for a while. He can see that his grandfather he Qingtian wants him to stay at home for a long time.

He said immediately, "well, as long as there is nothing too important in Jiangbin City, I'll stay here for a few more days."

"Or you can call back and ask yunyun to play with them." He Junxiang said.

"It's not necessary for the time being. They all have careers in Jiangbin City, and they have to practice. They are usually very busy. When they have time, I'll bring them all to the he family to play." He Feng shook his head.

Now the relationship between the four royal families is delicate, and the he family is not strong among the four royal families. In addition, there is a king of hell. He Feng feels that it is not absolutely safe to stay in Yanjing City, so he will not bring Wang Xiangyun and others.

At the very least, they have to wait until they all have the highest cultivation.

"Xiao Feng, the medicine studied by yunyun, I heard from the second man that it is very powerful and has great market potential. Even the business of the top ten pharmacies can be robbed. In that case, let yunyun work out two more models first. Let's push the products to the market later. " It's he Qingtian.

"Grandfather, if the medicine is on the market, how many medicine halls will deal with us?" He Feng Ning voice asks a way.

"At least, there will be five medicine houses to deal with us. However, I will also cooperate with the three pharmacies. When the time comes, the threat from other pharmacies can basically be suppressed smoothly. "

He Qingtian waved his hand, "however, in my opinion, we can promote the medicine, but we don't need to put too much energy on it. Especially Xiao Feng, the most important thing you need to do now is to cultivate and improve your accomplishments as soon as possible. The cultivation of true Qi is too weak! "

"Dad, Xiao Feng is only 26 years old. It's good to break through the myth." He Junxiang is busy.

He Qingtian just shook his head and didn't say anything.

"Compared with my father, my cultivation speed is really too slow."

He Feng understood he Qingtian's meaning, "don't worry, grandfather, I will try my best to cultivate."

"Well, your father is really a monster. Even in the eight schools of genius, he can be proud of all sides. I don't expect you to surpass him, but I also hope you can target him. At the age of 28, he can achieve the four levels of true Qi, and he ranks first in the four levels of true Qi. I don't have high requirements for you either. Before the age of 28, you can break through the three levels of true Qi. " He Qingtian said.

In two years, from the first level of true Qi to the second level of true Qi, it only raised one level. It seems that the requirement is not high. But in fact, after reaching the true Qi level, it will be quite difficult to raise one level. Some people may not be able to reach the second level of true Qi in more than ten or twenty years after breaking through the first level of true Qi.

If he Feng didn't take the elixir before breaking through the true Qi State, and there was a lot of residual medicine, it would be very difficult for him to break through to the middle stage of the true Qi State in just two months. How could it take another month.

Rao is so, according to this speed, he will never break through to the triple of true Qi in two years.

"Dad, we used up the cultivation resources left by the third brother two years ago, didn't we? If Xiao Feng doesn't have enough cultivation resources, the next cultivation is not easy. " He Junxiang said.

"Optimus, are you a little more demanding?"

He Songlai and he Songbai also frowned.

He Qingtian said: "our he family really does not have the cultivation resources of true Qi State, but since I put forward such a request to Xiao Feng, I will certainly find a way to help him. It's time for the he family to get back one of the three teams in the dragon group. "

"We're going to fight the dragon team? I'm afraid the Liu family won't agree, will they? "

"If we don't agree, we can't help it. If the he family wants to continue to be strong, we must control the dragon group. If we don't fight against the dragon group, can't we fight against Yama? Not to mention how strong his strength is, his staff alone are not what we can command. The eight divisions of Tianlong are the forces created by Yama himself. "

"But once we get that brigade back, it's like slapping the Liu family in the face. I'm afraid the Liu family won't give up?"

"If we are not good at it, what about Gan Xiu? Are we afraid of the Liu family? In short, next we have to make Xiaofeng grow up as soon as possible in the shortest time. I have a general understanding of his combat effectiveness. I believe that as long as he breaks through the three realms of Qi, it will be difficult for the king of hell to get rid of him. At that time, even if the king of hell knows that he is a butcher, he will not be expelled from China. "

He Qingtian snorted coldly.

He Junxiang is speechless. If he Feng doesn't have the strength to fight against Yama, he will be expelled from the kingdom of China by Yama once his identity is revealed. If he wants to go back to the kingdom of China in the future, he won't know when.

Therefore, he Qing genius wants to do his best to help he Feng improve his strength as soon as possible.

Even if, let the he family face the more powerful Liu family.

"Grandfather, is the strength of the dragon team that strong? What's the relationship between the he family's snatching the dragon team and the improvement of my strength? " He Feng asked suspiciously.

"Xiao Feng, you don't know something."

He Qingtian said: "the strength of ordinary members of the dragon group is not particularly strong, but there is a golden dragon group in the three teams of the dragon group, and the strength of the Golden Dragon Group is still very strong."

"The Golden Dragon team?"

"Well, the members of the Jinlong group are all old members of Longya. There are about 50 people in a group. Each of these 50 people is a master of Huajin. In addition, all the shooting skills have reached the master level. "

He Qingtian said with a smile: "their strength is not too strong, but each of them is a soldier. They are very good at fighting and exploring in the jungle, and their ability in this aspect is not as good as them even in myth. If we can control one of the Golden Dragon groups, we will lead the golden dragon group into the jungle to search for the top heaven and earth elixir, so that you can use these resources to improve your accomplishments as soon as possible. "

Hear here, he Feng just understood he Qingtian's meaning.

To control the dragon team is to make He Feng stronger.

"Junxiang, the leader of the third dragon team, should still be vacant at present?"

He Qingtian looks at he Junxiang.

He Junxiang nodded, "well, the vacancy, the Liu family has always wanted to arrange people to go up, but the people of the Jinlong team do not agree."

"So this position has been vacant for 26 years!"

He Qingtian's face has a trace of memory, "the group of old three's men are really stubborn. After such a long time, they don't even arrange a team leader."

He Feng eyebrows pick, "grandfather, you mean?"

"Yes, your father is the first captain of the third dragon team."

"My father?"

He Feng was surprised.

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