"Isn't my father the true disciple of Ziwei sect? How did you return the leader of Jackie Chan's team? " He Feng asked in surprise.

He Qingtian said: "he is a disciple of Ziwei sect, and he is the leader of the dragon team. There will be no conflict between the two relationships. Ziweizong doesn't care about his status in the secular world, but the secular world is eager for his noble status in the sect. At that time, before the rise of Ziwei sect, it was very difficult for your father to obtain cultivation resources in Ziwei sect, which was all found with the help of the third brigade. It is because he has never lacked cultivation resources that he can devote himself to cultivation. "

"Dragon group is so good at looking for cultivation resources?"

"Of course, the dragon group not only has the golden dragon group, but also has a large number of dragon guards. Combining the two, it is very efficient to find cultivation resources in the deep mountains."

He Qingtian said solemnly: "so, Xiao Feng, you must take the position of leader of the third brigade!"

He Feng nodded, since this position belongs to his father before, then of course he wants to take it now, so as not to fall into the hands of others later.

"What can I do to get this position?"

"It's very simple. Every golden dragon team will be ranked according to their strength. Their number one is the most powerful. You can take this position as long as you defeat their number one."

"If you beat number one, you can be captain? Then why didn't the Liu family send someone to defeat this number one? "

"Hey, the Liu family is not the he family. The reason why I say you can be the team leader if you beat them is because you are a member of the he family. If you beat him and you are a member of the he family, more than half of the members of the Jinlong team will support you. As for the Liu family, no matter how strong they are, even if they let mythology do it, the Jinlong team will never give in. The soldiers your father brought with him have a lot of backbone. "

"I see!"

He Feng suddenly said, "grandfather, when you say defeat, do you just need to defeat by force? What kind of cultivation is their number one? "

"Of course not. If you want to be the captain of the dragon team, it's not just about force. In addition to force, they are more concerned about shooting, willpower, physique and so on. Of course, force is the most important thing. "

With that, he Qingtian looked at he Junxiang, "what is the strength of the No.1 member of the Jinlong group of the third brigade?"

He Junxiang thought for a moment, "the previous No.1 cultivation has reached the peak of Huajin, but in order to find some resources that can help break through the myth, he went into the mountains alone. As a result, he met a group of fierce beasts and died. Now the strongest one in the third team's Jinlong group is the later cultivation of Huajin. "

"And the art of shooting?"

"Well... There hasn't been a war in the Jinlong team recently. The No. 1 hasn't used a gun for a long time, and I don't know the specific level of his shooting skill. But at least, it's medium master level shooting. "

Medium master level gunshot can kill the master in the later period of Huajin.

He Qingtian nodded, then looked at He Feng, "Xiao Feng, if that No. 1 is a medium master level gunshot, are you sure to win?"

He Qingtian only knows that he Feng broke through the myth about three months ago, but he is not very clear about He Feng's marksmanship.

He knew he Feng had a good shooting skill and reached the level of master or above, but it was not clear whether he could deal with the middle class of the marksman.

"Don't worry, granddad. I can still win with the medium master level gunshot." He Feng said with a smile.

"That's good!"

He Qingtian was relieved. "In that case, you should arrange Junxiang, and try to let Xiaofeng fight with this No. 1 as soon as possible."

"Well, I'll go to the third brigade in the afternoon and find Xiao Hu by the way. Let him come back to meet Xiao Feng and tell him something about the dragon group." He Junxiang said.


"Xiao Feng, you have two cousins, a cousin. He Hu is the son of your second uncle. He is now a team leader in the third brigade of the dragon group."


He Feng's eyes brightened.

He Junxiang said: "well, Xiaohu's cultivation is good. He is only 27 years old and has reached the peak of Huajin. Of course, the cultivation he shows in the outside world is just the peak of his dark strength. "

"Qingtian, let Haitang go back to his family when he's free. After she left with her master, she hasn't been back to her family for three years. This time, Xiao Feng can let her come back. " He Qingtian.

"OK, I'll send a message to Haitang later."

He Junxiang looked at He Feng and said with a smile, "Xiao Feng, you really have to work hard. Although your talent is good, I think your accomplishments may not be as high as your cousin."

He Feng said strangely: "Oh? What is the cultivation of my cousin now? "

He Junxiang said with some pride: "Haitang is my eldest daughter. She is now 32 years old, but when she came back to he's home three years ago, she had already broken through to her true spirit. Now, three years later, even if it doesn't break through to the second level of true Qi, it's going to be a peak. "


He Feng praised.

Those who can enter the myth before their thirties are super geniuses, and their talent is no worse than he Feng.

He Junxiang said: "your cousin's talent is really powerful. She is much more powerful than your two cousins, and she is much worse than you. However, the main reason why she can break through the myth so quickly is that she has a powerful master who can not only guide her, but also provide her with a lot of cultivation resources. "

He Qingtian said: "Xiao Feng, you'd better enter a sect to practice in the future, so you can be much easier."

"Grandfather, I come here this time to ask you for advice. If I want to enter the sect for cultivation, when should I enter the sect and which sect should I enter for cultivation?" He Feng asks for advice modestly.

Now he also knows the cultivation situation in China. Before mythology, he can still get cultivation resources.

But after the myth, there are only two ways to obtain cultivation resources.

First, from the clan.

Second, find a way to look for it in the deep mountains and forests.

The second method is too difficult, the risk factor is too high, and it still depends on luck and takes time.

Therefore, he Feng thought of entering zongmen.

He Qingtian said: "zongmen, you want to enter, and I personally hope you can enter Ziwei sect. It was, after all, the place where your father used to shine. At the beginning, your father told me about Ziwei sect in detail. Compared with the other seven sects, Ziwei sect is really better. However, with your current strength, it's better not to step into Ziwei sect. "

"Isn't it true that if you enter the patriarchal clan before you are 50 years old, you are qualified to enter the patriarchal clan?"

"You have qualifications, but you don't know one thing. Your father told me that although he was strong and invincible in Ziwei sect, he also offended many people. And the people he offended are basically above the medium myth cultivation, and even some people may have achieved higher myth. If you enter the crape myrtle sect with the cultivation of low myth, once they want to deal with you, they will vent their hatred against your father to you, won't you be in danger? "

Smell speech, he Feng is also a face to chat up.

Now he also understood why he family didn't let his children into the sect.

The rest of the clan don't look up to it. It's dangerous to enter Ziwei clan.

Originally, he thought that when he entered the sect, he would take Wang Xiangyun and others with him, but now it seems that it is not very realistic.

"Xiao Feng, you still want to enter the sect, and I strongly recommend that you join the crape myrtle sect. Although your father has enemies in the crape myrtle sect, he has more friends. If you can get their help and support, you can hope to know the truth of the war and the final result of your parents, at least your cultivation progress will be accelerated. Then you'll be more sure to find your parents in the future. " He Qingtian said seriously.

"Grandfather, I know!"

"Well, next we'll take the third team of the dragon group and lead them into the mountains to look for the elixir to help you improve your accomplishments. When you step into the four realms of Qi, you will enter the Ziwei sect. "

"Is there four levels of true Qi? OK, I will try my best

He Feng nodded heavily.

In order to know the truth of that battle and get back his parents, he must work hard.

At the same time, his favor for the old man in front of him also rose a lot.

For the sake of his parents, the old man has not only been working hard, but also planning. Now with his arrival, some of his plans have finally begun to be implemented.

Next, several people chatted while drinking. Several elders of the he family told him a lot about his parents, and also told him something about the eight sects, which made he Feng no longer vague about the eight sects.

For example, he learned that the disciples of the eight sects are also hierarchical. Under the myth, they are all outside disciples. Under the low myth, they are inside disciples. If they enter the medium myth before 200 years old, they can become true disciples.

Further up, there is a higher myth of the son.

In every sect, the number of holy sons is very small, which is the existence that is expected to become the leader of the sect in the future.

At that time, he Fengyun had a great hope to become the son, and even had the support of the patriarch.


It was not until three or four o'clock in the afternoon that he Songlai and he Songbai left.

"Junxiang, are Bruce Lee and tiger here? You take Xiaofeng to meet them. I'll clean up Xiaofeng's house in a moment. Xiaofeng will live here in the future. " He Qingtian stood up and said.

"Grandfather, why don't you live here?" He Feng opens his mouth.

He Qingtian said with a smile: "there are not many rooms here. I can't live here, and I don't like to be a light bulb."

"Well, all right!"

He Feng touched his nose and didn't say much.

There are so many women around him. If they come to Yanjing in the future, it's really inconvenient for him to live here.

"Xiao Feng, let's go. Xiao Long and Xiao Hu don't know your identity yet, but they always regard your father as their idol. If they know your identity later, they will be very happy." He Junxiang said.

"All right, then."

He Feng nodded and immediately walked out of the room with he Junxiang.

"They are now in our he family's martial arts arena, and there are many other he family children there. I'll introduce you to you later."

He Junxiang said as he walked forward.

"No problem, uncle, if you think it's suitable to announce my identity, it doesn't matter to announce it directly." He Feng doesn't matter.

He is the son of he Fengyun. It doesn't matter to let outsiders know. Anyway, he is not a butcher and won't cause too much trouble.

Even if there is trouble, there may be trouble after entering ziweizong.

Along the way, he Feng also looked at the various buildings in his family.

The area of the whole he family is very large, with hundreds of mu of land. Even if the he family is located in the suburb of Yanjing City, it is unimaginable. However, it is not only the he family, but also the other three royal families, even better than the he family.

As for the top ten medicine halls, their headquarters are basically in the mountains in the suburbs, which is convenient for them to grow medicinal materials.

The buildings of he's family are mainly quadrangles. Of course, there are several five or six storey houses for the servants of he's family.

In addition to these residences, it is the martial arts arena to the west of the he family.

To the East is the servant's house.

To the south is the residence of the children of the he family.

To the north, it is the forbidden area of the he family's back mountain. It is covered with a thin layer of white fog all the year round. The children of the he family are not allowed to enter it without permission.

"The front is the martial arts arena. Now there should be some children of he family practicing there. Of course, those who are weak in cultivation will not come here to practice. " He Junxiang said.

He Feng looked ahead, and sure enough, he saw a martial arts arena with an area of more than 1000 square meters, on which more than a dozen people were practicing.

Some people are sitting on the ground with their knees crossed to practice their vigor, while others are practicing their boxing, sword, Sabre and so on

These people are not very old. They are basically in their twenties. There are only two or three over thirty.

When they were practicing, they didn't hide their energy fluctuation, so he Feng clearly saw their cultivation.

Of the total of 16 people, two are still at the level of Mingjin. There are two in the early stage, three in the middle stage, one in the late stage and three at the peak.

As for Huajin

He Feng is not very clear!

Because the rest of the people, breath did not send out, he can not feel.

But he Feng's eyes soon fell on the two young people who stood side by side. Although they didn't send out any breath, he Feng could feel it from the light in their eyes. They probably had the cultivation of Huajin master.

"Xiao Feng, these two people are Xiao Long and Xiao Hu. The one on the left is Xiao Long, and the one on the right is Xiao Hu."

He Junxiang looked at the two people in front and said.

"Little tiger is the peak of Huajin. What about little dragon?" He Feng asked casually.

He Junxiang smiles with pride, "Bruce Lee is a few years older than Xiao Hu. It's not long after his 30th birthday. And his cultivation, three years ago, realized the unity of heaven and man. Now he is trying to lead the power of heaven and earth into the body, and can break through at any time. "

He Junxiang is quite satisfied with his son.

But as soon as he Feng was seen, the smile on he Junxiang's face turned into a bitter smile.

I almost forgot that my nephew was only 26 years old, which was already a myth.

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