"Xiao Feng, if you have a chance, you can give some advice to Xiao Long. He is usually immersed in training, and is a little poor in actual combat. His cultivation seems to be a higher level than Xiaohu's, but Xiaohu has been in the dragon group for many years, and he has entered the mountains several times. I feel that if they fight for life and death, I'm afraid Xiaolong will die in the hands of Xiaohu. "

He Junxiang's solemn way.

He Feng nodded, "if I have a chance, I will take brother Bruce Lee to see the blood outside. In the underground world, it is true that there are often cases of leapfrog killing. "

"Come on, they've seen us."

He Junxiang said, then took the lead to walk in front of the past, he Feng and Xi Xueqing is behind.



As soon as he Junxiang came to the martial arts arena, he long and he Hu took the initiative to meet him.

"Yes, sir!"

The rest of the he family's children in the martial arts arena also saluted him one after another. Everyone looked at him with deep respect.

He Junxiang used to be quite low-key in the he family and seldom came out to meet people, so we only know his existence, but we don't worship him too much.

But now it's not the same. With he Junxiang showing his mythical strength, his status in the he family has been directly chasing the old man of the he family, and he has almost become the idol of all the people in the he family.

He Junxiang nodded and said hello to everyone.

Then, his eyes swept around the children of the he family, and then he said, "ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce a person to you."

While speaking, he slightly deviated from his figure and let he Feng out. At the same time, he pointed to He Feng and said, "my little brother's name is He Feng. You must have heard of this name?"

"Brother he Feng, he played his best in Guiyi shopping mall at noon today. Now he is famous in the ancient martial world of Yanjing city. Of course he has heard of it."

"Brother he Feng is really a genius. At a young age, his cultivation has reached the level of Hua Jin, and even defeated the ordinary master Hua Jin. I admire him."

"Yes, he Feng brothers are definitely the top talents of our he family."

Many he family children are looking at He Feng with admiration.

There are many martial artists in he's family. As soon as he Junxiang's voice sounded, many martial artists who didn't practice in the martial arts arena gathered, and more and more. Now there are dozens of people around the martial arts arena, and people's eyes are focused on He Feng, full of respect.

However, this respect is not so strong.

In the outside world, many people say that the he family was only 26 years old and became a master of horizontal training, which can be said to be the first genius of the he family's younger generation. However, many of the children of the he family were very clear. The 26 year old master of Qichong horizontal training was not really the first genius in the he family.

Not even the top five!

The top ten are pretty much the same!

Not to mention the other young talents of the he family who are closing down, there are several who are no worse than he Feng in this martial arts arena alone.

For example, in front of him Feng, he long and he Hu are a little older than he Feng, but their accomplishments are also much better than he Feng.

There is another one named he Jintao, who is 26 years old, just like he Feng, but his cultivation has reached the late stage of Hua Jin.

It's just that the children of the he family keep a low profile one by one. Although they are strong in cultivation, no one has ever shown it outside.

"Everyone, you must have heard that he Feng is the son of our he family. But there must be some people who doubt that he Feng is not a child of the he family, because he has never appeared in our he family. What I want to tell you now is that he Feng is not only a child of our he family, but also a direct child of our he family. "

He Junxiang said in a loud voice that he didn't speak fast. He wanted to announce it when more people gathered around the arena.

"Lineal children? Oh, No. It seems that there are only about a dozen of the fifth generation of the he family? When did another one come out? "

"Is He Feng the illegitimate son of a fourth generation of lineal children in the he family?"

"It's really possible, but I don't know who he Feng was born to."

Some people blink and stare at he Junxiang.

He Junxiang to announce the identity of He Feng, so that some people are guessing, he Feng should not be he Junxiang's illegitimate son outside, right?

He long's face is even more changeable, a face of amazement.

What happened?

Do you have to have another brother?

Didn't mom strongly object to Dad's flirting outside before?

If there is a younger brother suddenly, can dad still climb into mom's bed?

"Brother Bruce Lee, would you be very happy if you suddenly had another brother?" He Hu winked at he long and asked with a smile.


Who knows, he Hu's voice just fell, and a dark shadow flashed in front of him. Before he knew what was going on, he flew out of the martial arts arena.

"As big as your father, but you don't have the strength of your father."

He Junxiang glanced at he Hu lying on the ground in the distance. He didn't care about him.

Looking around again, he saw that the number of people around the arena had exceeded 100, so he continued: "Xiao Feng's real identity, I'll tell you now. His father is my third brother

"Uncle's third brother? Isn't that... "

"He family's peerless genius, he Fengyun, he Sanye?"

"The third master even gave birth to a child? Why haven't I heard of it? "

"The son of the third master? Is it true or not? "

"I can't fake what you said."

As he Junxiang's voice fell, the whole martial arts arena was boiling up.

Looking at He Feng's eyes, they all became shocked.

"Dad, he Feng, he... Is he really the son of the third uncle?"

He long asked excitedly.

Ordinary members of the he family don't know he Feng's existence, but he long has known it for a long time, but he always thinks that this cousin can't be found any more.

"Uncle, is he really the son of the third uncle?"

He Hu, who seems to be in a mess, runs over and looks at He Feng with burning eyes.

"Of course, why do I lie to you?" He Junxiang laughed and patted He Feng on the shoulder. "Everyone, welcome Xiao Feng home. This evening, we will hold a family dinner in the martial arts arena to celebrate Xiao Feng. Everyone can attend. "

"Welcome Xiaofeng brother home!"

"I didn't expect that he Feng was really the son of the third master. It's so good."

"The third master's son has returned to the he family. Should the Third Master also return to the he family?"

"Yes, if the third master can return to the he family, the position of the he family in China will not be inferior to the other three royal families."

Everyone in the he family is very happy to learn that he Feng is the son of the Third Master of the he family. Many people even fantasize that after he Feng comes back, he Fengyun, the Third Master of the he family, should return to the he family.

At that time, when he Fengyun was in his family, he's family was extremely busy. He always had a big fight with Tianjiao in Yanjing City, which made he's family extremely popular. Every child of he's family was extremely proud to walk outside.

But for more than 20 years after the Third Master of the he family disappeared, the he family immediately became low-key for some reason. The senior management even ordered that the children of the he family should not show their strength outside unless they face the crisis of life and death.

This kind of life, he family children have had enough, how they hope he family children can return to he family, let he family become the attention again.

"Ladies and gentlemen, although the he family is coming back to people's attention step by step, we still need to keep a low profile for a while. When the right time comes, the ban on weapons will be lifted. "

As if seeing through people's minds, he Junxiang said in a voice.

"Don't worry, sir. We won't do it easily outside."

"Uncle, Xiao Feng is the son of the third master. Does he know where the third master is now?"

"Yes, sir. When can the third master return to he's home?"

Many of the he family's children asked one after another, all of them looking forward to it.

He Feng looks at these people's appearance, the heart trembles.

His father he Fengyun has been missing for more than 25 years in the he family, but his status in the hearts of the he family's children is still so high.

How respected was the father among the he family's children 25 years ago?

For a moment, Rao Shihe Feng broke through the myth. He was in a special mood and excited.

"We don't care about the third master. You'd better work hard to add another myth to the family as soon as possible."

He Junxiang finished, just looked at he long, he Hu said: "now go to your residence, I have something to ask you."


The two brothers led the way in a hurry.

The children of the he family are watching He Feng and others leave. They are disappointed that they didn't know the news of the third master.

"Although I don't know when the third master will be able to return to he's house, it's still a good thing that the third master's son is back."

"Unfortunately, he Feng, the son of the third master, is much worse than the Third Master in his cultivation talent."

"It's really a lot worse, but it's better than the so-called heroes in Yanjing City, and it's not a disgrace to the third master."

"Yes, the third master is a rare genius in our secular world. Although he Feng is the son of the third master, we can't ask too much of him."


"Xiao Feng, welcome back to the family."

"Yes, please come to me if you have anything to do at home."

On the way, he long and he Hu came to He Feng and said with a smile.

"OK, thank you two cousins!" He Feng said with a smile.

At this time, the comments from the other side of the arena also came.

"Xiao Feng, the children of the he family are all straightforward. They say that your talent is not as good as that of the third uncle. Don't mind. In fact, your cultivation talent is already very good, at least among our many he family children, you can definitely rank in the top ten. "

He long seems to be afraid of He Feng angry, gently patted his shoulder, tone of comfort.

He Junxiang glanced at he long, too lazy to explain.

At the age of 27, the boy has reached the demigod level. Now he can break through the myth at any time. Even among the four royal families, he Junxiang can be regarded as the top talent. He Junxiang feels that he long seems to be drifting a little. He has to hit him.

"Yes, Xiao Feng, and over the years, you should rely on yourself?" He Hu quickly followed.

When he Feng was about to speak, he Junxiang said, "Xiao Feng has been in an orphanage since childhood. When he was twelve or thirteen, he was abducted and sold abroad. Our he family only found him about three months ago."

"What? Xiao Feng has been in the orphanage since childhood? Later, he was abducted abroad by traffickers? "

"My God, how did Xiao Feng spend these years? What's more, he even became a master of horizontal training, and his fighting power was even comparable to that of the later period of Huajin. Is Xiao Feng lucky to be abroad, and he has joined some mythical family? "

Smell speech, he long and he Hu two faces are big change, shocked looking at He Feng.

"Under the door of mythology?"

He Junxiang sneered, "it's a miracle that Xiao Feng can survive after being abducted and sold abroad. Later, the reason why he became stronger step by step and reached the present level was simply to survive. Like you, since you were young, there have been myths to guide you to practice, and there are countless resources. But up to now, none of you has broken through to myths. I'm a little ashamed of you. "

Smell speech, he long and he Hu are a face chat up, but also did not feel embarrassed, they think he Junxiang this is completely scene words.

They are all at the peak of Huajin now, and he long has realized the unity of heaven and man and stepped into the demigod. Their elder is only 30 years old.

This talent is amazing.

Although he Feng's talent is also very good, they are not shy in front of him Feng. Even they still feel that their talent is better than he Feng.

"Uncle, how did you find Xiao Feng? By the way, Xiao Feng... "

He Hu pointed to Xi Xueqing beside he Feng and said, "is this sister-in-law?"

He Feng did not hide, nodded directly, "well, her name is Xi Xueqing, is one of your brothers and sisters."

"One of my brothers and sisters?"

He long Leng, "do you have several women?"

"Not much, just a few. I'll take them to Yanjing city to meet you later."


He long's face is red, his brother is still a single dog, but there are several women around He Feng.

"Xiao Feng, are you too good? When can you give us some experience? " He Hu came up quickly.

"What experience do you have to learn? I didn't even reach my true state of mind. How nice it is to talk about love? "

As soon as he finished, he Junxiang glared at him.


He Hu would like to retort that although we haven't reached the myth, we have reached the peak of Huajin. Can't we find a sister to exchange our feelings?

Xiao Feng has just become a master of horizontal training. She has found several of them.

Before long, several people went into a yard.

"Xiao Feng, you can sit in the room first. I'll make tea for you."

He Hu said and strode forward.

For a moment, he Hu came out with tea.

"Xiao Hu, tell Xiao Feng about the current situation of the dragon group, especially your third brigade." He Junxiang said: "Xiao Feng is going to take control of the third team and become the leader of the third team. How strong is the number one of Jinlong group now?"

"What? Xiao Feng wants to be the leader of the third dragon team? It's impossible. It's absolutely impossible. "

He Hu shook his head.

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