"What? Xiao Feng wants to be the leader of the third dragon team? It's impossible. It's absolutely impossible. "

He Hu's face changed slightly and shook his head again and again. "Xiao Feng, you should know what you want to be a captain, right? You can't fulfill this condition. "

He long also frowned: "Xiao Feng, why do you suddenly want to be the leader of the third dragon team? This is almost impossible. Why don't you practice for a few more years? "

He Feng said with a bitter smile: "brother Bruce Lee and brother tiger, I think it should be almost now. You can tell me directly about the strength of No. 1 of the Golden Dragon team."


He Junxiang denounced: "what's the point? Let Xiaofeng be the leader of the third brigade. It's the old man's idea. Just answer the questions."

"What does the old man mean?"

He long and he Hu looked at each other and were surprised.

He Hu said: "at present, there are 3672 members in the third brigade, including 372 members of the dragon team and 3300 members of the Dragon guard team. Of course, there are 50 people in the Jinlong group. I don't know the specific strength of No. 1 in Jinlong group at present, but his accomplishments have definitely reached the later stage of Huajin. As for the skill of shooting, it is also the skill of a middle-level master. In addition, what I can tell you is that No. 1 is actually a civilian before the death of the previous No. 1. What he is really good at is not the value of force, but the computer. He is one of the top five computer hackers in China. "

"Computer hackers?"

He Junxiang looks strange.

For He Feng is the identity of the dragon, he also knows.

China's top five, it seems to He Feng shoes are not part of it?

"Little tiger, do you have any way to understand specifically, is the cultivation of No.1 really only in the later stage of Huajin?" He Junxiang said.

"Only in the later stage of Huajin?" He Hu's mouth took a puff, "Dad, is it hard to be No. 1? If it's the later cultivation of Huajin, can Xiao Feng deal with it?" He Hu's surprised way.

He long said: "Dad, Xiaohu's shooting skill is not far away from the middle master. Don't wait for him to improve his shooting skill, and then challenge that one? That number one may look at the face of the third uncle, instead of challenging Xiaohu with hackers, so Xiaohu can become the leader of the third brigade. "

"It's easy to improve your accomplishments. The improvement of your marksmanship depends on your talent. Your talent is mainly cultivation, so don't waste time on shooting. "

He Junxiang said: "as for Xiao Feng's strength, you can rest assured. Whether it's combat power, or gunshot, hackers, Xiao Feng has the ability to beat that one. "

What he Junxiang needs to consider now is what level of strength he Feng can expose.

If No.1's combat power reaches the peak of Huajin, after he Feng defeats him, others will not simply think that he Feng is just the cultivation of seven heavy training, at least in the later period of Huajin.

At that time, the major forces will certainly carry out a detailed investigation of He Feng, and maybe find out his background.

Therefore, before he Feng breaks through the three realms of Qi, he should try to keep a low profile.

"What? Can Xiao Feng push No.1

When he Junxiang said this, he long and he Hu were deeply shocked.

He Hulian said hastily: "Dad, although No.1 has just finished his cultivation in the later period of Huajin, he is different from the later period of Huajin from the outside world. He has followed No.1 in the old forest for many times, and each time is a near death. In the same period, it's absolutely hard to find an opponent for his combat effectiveness. Even the most powerful people in general are not necessarily his opponents. "

He long also followed: "moreover, every member of the dragon group is proficient in the way of killing and cutting, and a move is a killing move. At that time, Xiao Feng will fight with them. If he is not careful, he may... "

He didn't go on, but the meaning was obvious.

He Feng touched his nose, rather helpless.

He knew that the two cousins didn't mean to look down on him, but simply worried about him.

"Two cousins, you don't have to worry about me. Even if the strength of No.1 can match that of the general Huajin peak, I can cope with it." He Feng modest smile.

"Oh?" They both looked at him in surprise.

This cousin is very confident.

"Xiao Feng, are you sure?" He Hu still doesn't believe it.

He Junxiang said: "tiger, do you think your strength is better than that of No. 1 in Jinlong group

He Hu thought about it: "if it's not for the battle of life and death, it must be me. If it's a battle of life and death, I have a 70% chance of survival, and No.1 has a 30% chance of survival. "

He Junxiang looks at he long again: "Bruce Lee, how about you?"

He long looked confident. "I have realized the unity of heaven and man, and can mobilize a little power of heaven and earth. If I'm going to fight that number one, whether it's a normal competition or a life and death battle, I'll win. "


He Junxiang nodded, "Xiao Feng, I haven't taught you the cultivation of these two cousins for a long time. Please help me today."

"What? Dad, do you want Xiao Feng to show us how to practice He long's eyes widened.

He Hu also frowned, "Er Bo, did you say the opposite? Should it be for us to guide Xiao Feng to practice? "

He Junxiang ignored them at all, just looked at He Feng, "Xiao Feng, I'll set up a spiritual barrier for you, so no one will find it."

As the voice fell, a great spiritual force surged out of he Junxiang's body and soon surrounded the courtyard, forming a barrier.

"Well, I'll make a fool of myself in front of the two cousins."

He Feng said with a bitter smile.

See he Feng unexpectedly agreed to come down, he long and he Hu two people, the facial expression is quite strange.

Among them, he Hu couldn't help saying: "Xiao Feng, don't be so anxious to promise. Don't you know my accomplishments with brother Bruce Lee? Why don't I tell you something? "

In addition to this reason, he Hu really can't think of any other reason to let he Feng dare to fight them.

He Feng said, "don't worry, brother tiger. Uncle has already told me about your accomplishments and brother dragon's accomplishments. You are the peak of Huajin. Brother Bruce Lee stepped into the unity of man and nature three years ago. He can bring the vitality of heaven and earth into the body at any time and make a myth, right? "

"You know?"

He Hu said in disbelief: "since you know our accomplishments, do you dare to fight with us?"

He long thought of it, "Xiao Feng, it's said that your cultivation is seven fold, isn't it true?"

He Feng nodded, "well, my cultivation is really more than seven."


He Hu then responded and asked subconsciously, "Xiao Feng, what level of your cultivation has reached?"

He Feng laughed, "brother tiger, after you fight with me later, you will know what level of my cultivation is."

"Hey, it's a secret."

Learning that he Feng's cultivation is more than seven, he Hu is also interested, "OK, I'll warm up with you. However, brother Bruce Lee understands the unity of man and nature, and he can mobilize a little power of heaven and earth to launch an attack. His strength is much stronger than mine. Therefore, you'd better fight with me first. If you can beat me, you can try to fight with Bruce Lee. "

Between the words, he Hu's body roared, blood boiling, viscera agitation, as if there was thunder.

He long sees this, raises the leg to be about to retreat.

"Bruce Lee, you can join us. Xiaohu is definitely not Xiaofeng's opponent. "

He Junxiang patted He Feng on the shoulder and said: "Xiao Feng's accomplishments, like Xiao Hu, are the peak of Huajin. However, his actual combat experience is more abundant. If you don't do it, Xiaohu is definitely not his opponent. "

"Huajin peak?"

Smell speech, he long he Hu all startled.

"It's hidden deep enough. I didn't expect that my accomplishments are no less than mine. But uncle, since my cultivation and Xiao Feng are at the same level, it's not so easy for him to defeat me, is it? " He Hu said.

"Yes, Dad, although Xiaofeng is the peak of Huajin, I'm a demigod. He may be able to beat Xiaohu, but if I do, he will be defeated soon. It's a bit of bullying him." Helong road.

"You two should stop writing. Let's do it together. Even if Xiao Feng is defeated, but if you two are defeated. Ha ha... "

He Junxiang didn't go on, just sneered.

"Will we lose?"

He long and he Hu are a little unhappy.

He long looked at He Feng and said, "Xiao Feng, originally I didn't want to bully you, but my father forced me. Don't blame me."

He Hu said with a smile: "Xiao Feng, if you can't resist it for a while, just shout to admit defeat. My father won't let you get hurt."

"Two cousins, don't keep your hands, or I'm afraid you will lose to me even if you are careless."

He Feng modest smile, at the same time some speechless looked at he Junxiang.

Uncle, this is to test himself. He wants to defeat a demigod who can use the power of heaven and earth without mobilizing the power of heaven and earth.

For the average Huajin master, this is an impossible task.

The gap between Huajin peak and demigod is not so big.

One demigod can match more than five Huajin peak strongmen.

Even the general myths and legends, without the use of the power of heaven and earth, it is difficult to defeat a demigod.

"Huajin peak is Huajin peak. However, the power of Huajin peak is not challenging to defeat a demigod. Uncle still doesn't know me very well..."

He Feng sighed in his heart and didn't say much.

"Xiao Feng, don't worry. We either don't do it. Once we do it, we will do our best. You should be careful."

He Hu said, his eyes fell on he Junxiang again, and said: "uncle, if Xiao Feng really defeats me and Bruce Lee, then we are at your disposal. But what if we beat Xiao Feng? "

He Junxiang shrugged, "don't you covet the senior soldier on me? If you can defeat he Feng, I will give you my soldier. "

"Hey, hey, this is what you promised yourself. Don't regret it later. Brother Bruce Lee, I'll go to test Xiao Feng first. You're here to sweep the array for me. "

He Hu laughed excitedly, for fear that he Junxiang would oppose, so as soon as he finished, he stepped heavily on the ground and rushed to He Feng.

"Give me a tiger fist!"

Roar like thunder.

He Hu's body leans forward slightly, and his whole body is full of Qi and blood, which immediately runs through his whole body and condenses on his right fist.

With his right hand raised, the next moment has been aimed at He Feng's facade, smashed.

This punch hit, the air concussion, as if the general collapse.

As he Hu said, he will not be merciful if he doesn't do it.

Anyway, there is the myth of he Junxiang on the field. Even if he Feng is really in danger, he Junxiang can save He Feng for the first time.

"This guy, let Bruce Lee plunder the array. It seems that he will become cannon fodder."

Seeing this scene, he Junxiang shook his head powerlessly.

Just now, I can be regarded as reminding them that they even despised the enemy and didn't do their best. Isn't this self defeating?


In the face of he Hu's all-out attack, he Feng's muscles and bones move together, and his strength comes from his waist. Through the bones, he superposes and pushes forward layer by layer. Finally, like waves, he forms a huge tsunami force, which condenses on his fist and greets he Hu's fist.

"This, so strong?"

He Hu, who is the first to bear the brunt, feels that he Feng's fist seems to carry the great power of destroying heaven and earth. His heart shrinks, and the momentum of his fist is even more stagnant.


The next moment, two iron fists collide in the air.

The fists touch each other, and an invisible wave of terror rolls away with two people as the center, making their clothes flying.


There was a slight noise from he Hu's wrist, and then the whole person would fly back. If he didn't help him, he would fall to the ground.

"Why? Your cultivation is obviously at the same level as me, but why is your power so powerful? " He Hu doesn't care about his dislocated right hand, but looks at He Feng in shock.

"Xiao Hu, Xiao Feng's punch was really powerful, but he obviously had some spare power. If he does his best, your hand will be useless. " He long's solemn way.


He Hu opened his mouth and couldn't say a word.

"Xiao Feng, your strength is really strong. Originally, I didn't want to mobilize the power of heaven and earth. But now, in order to defeat you, I can only mobilize the power of heaven and earth. "

He long stares at He Feng and says that his whole life is in a wonderful state. There seems to be an invisible energy gathering towards him between the heaven and the earth.

"Xiao Feng, you should be careful now."

He Hu stepped back and didn't continue to fight. He long shot, and he still tried his best. He didn't think he Feng had a chance to win.

"Uncle, you should be ready to save Xiao Feng for a while. Don't let Xiao Feng get hurt." He Hu looks at he Junxiang again.

"Hoo Hoo

At this time, he long's head, already came a strong pressure, let a person breathless.

"Xiao Feng, be careful!"

He long drinks a loud, foot one step, blink of an eye then appeared in front of He Feng.

And his fist, is condensing a huge force, blast to kill.

At this moment, there seems to be a magic power between heaven and earth, which falls on He Feng, constrains his body and makes it difficult for him to raise his hand, let alone attack.

"Break it for me!"

Suddenly, he Feng mouth open, a burst drink from his heart.

Although his voice didn't come out, he long, who rushed in front of him, felt a sense of terror and war. He seemed to see a Shura battlefield.

This battlefield is full of corpses and blood.

He long only felt his heart tighten and his breathing stopped.

What a terrible scene it was?

Why does it appear in my mind?


Suddenly, a fist fell on He Long's chest.

He long only felt a pain in his chest, and immediately the whole person flew out.

"You two, lose!"

He Junxiang shook his head and sighed, announcing the result of the battle.

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