"Lost? I lost? "

He long was in the same place, his chest was burning, but he seemed unconscious.

I'm half divine, and the power of heaven and earth has been used. It's reasonable to say that any great master with the highest power can't be his opponent, but why did he lose just now?

"Did you use the power of heaven and earth, Xiao Feng? And you are a myth. You used a lot of heaven and earth to defeat me? " He long murmured.

"Brother Bruce Lee, just now I didn't feel Xiao Feng using the power of heaven and earth." He Hu on his side replied.


He long subconsciously looks at he Junxiang.

If he Feng had used the power of heaven and earth, he Junxiang would have felt it.

However, what he couldn't believe was that he Feng was only 26 years old and became a demigod or even a myth?

"Don't guess. In the battle just now, Xiao Feng didn't use the power of heaven and earth. He used pure martial will to defeat your power of heaven and earth." He Junxiang shook his head and said, with some loss in his eyes.

After all, he long is his son. In the past, he thought his son's talent was very good. At least he could understand the unity of man and nature before he was 30 years old. In one or two years, he would become a myth, and his talent was even better than him.

But what he didn't expect was that he Feng, who used the power of heaven and earth, was not as good as he Feng, who didn't use the power of heaven and earth.

He Feng can defeat he long just by using his martial will.

The gap between them is too big.

"Will of martial arts? This, how is this possible? How can the will of martial arts be used as a means of attack, and even the power of heaven and earth can be defeated. "

He long said in shock, his face full of disbelief.

"Well! Ignorance

He Junxiang snorted, "didn't you feel Xiao Feng's martial will just now? How powerful and terrible, I tell you, what you see is actually what Xiao Feng has experienced. Xiao Feng's martial will is condensed in the sea of blood. In order to survive, Xiao Feng can only choose to become stronger. And in order to be strong, he had to choose to kill. I'm afraid he killed more people than you've ever seen in your life. However, in many battles, he was doomed. If he could not kill the enemy successfully, he would be killed by the enemy. Under such circumstances, can you imagine the will of martial arts that he has gathered? "

Smell speech, he long and he Hu are shocked, looking at He Feng.

In order to survive, Xiao Feng killed so many people?

God, how did their cousin spend these years?

"When you have a chance, you two can go out with Xiao Feng and have a long experience. Tiger is OK, occasionally with the dragon group into the mountains to see blood, but you are a lot worse. In the future, you will learn more from Xiao Feng. " He Junxiang said, and looked at He Feng, "Xiao Feng, you two cousins have great talent, that is, we usually teach less, and rarely let them really go out for training. If you have a chance, you can give them more advice."

He Feng said with a bitter smile: "uncle, if I can help two cousins, I will try my best to help them. But don't worry, the two cousins are already very good, but everyone's fortune is different along the way, and some things can't be forced. "

He Junxiang was stunned, then nodded, "indeed, I just had a little impulse. However, they still have to learn more from you. For example, they are not firm at all

He Junxiang has just come to realize that his son and nephew are already very talented. For example, the top ten heroes in Yanjing city are much worse than he long and he Hu.

And he Feng such a genius, the whole China and how many?

Even in the eight sects, he Feng's talent is absolutely at the top.

Why do you compare yourself with he long and he Hu?

"I will have more communication with my two cousins when I have a chance!"

He Feng smiles.

"That's good..." he Junxiang was in a better mood.

"Dad, Xiao Feng, is he about to realize the unity of man and nature and step into the realm of demigod?" He long asked.

"And what's Xiao Feng doing abroad?" He Hu is also curious.

He Junxiang took a look at He Feng and said to he Hu, "little tiger, you have been in the dragon group for many years. You should have heard about the Dragon mercenary regiment?"

"Of course! I may not know much about other mercenary regiments, but I know quite well about Dragon mercenary regiment. It's the most amazing mercenary regiment overseas in recent years. Their promotion speed is incredible. Moreover, it is said that their leader, who is known as "butcher", seems to have stepped into the myth. Today's Dragon mercenary regiment is already an S-class mercenary regiment, and their reputation is directly catching up with the three S-class mercenary regiments. It is rumored that they are expected to become the fourth S-class mercenary regiment within ten years. "

Although he Hu has hidden his accomplishments in the dragon group, he is also the leader of an elite team. The super dragon tooth in the dragon group knows everything about the underground world abroad.

With these words, he suddenly looked at He Feng with some expectation, "uncle, you tell me this, is Xiao Feng a member of the Dragon mercenary regiment?"

"Yes He Junxiang nodded.


He Hu suddenly looked ecstatic, "Xiao Feng, do you know the butcher? No, your accomplishments are so high that you must know the butcher, right? "

He Feng blinked, some don't understand why he Hu suddenly so excited, "little tiger brother, you are..."

"Well, there's no outsider. I'll tell you. In fact, the head of the Dragon mercenary regiment, the butcher, is my idol. " He Hu touched his head and said.

"Idol?" He Feng was shocked.

"The butcher of dragon mercenary regiment is really a character. I admire him." He long followed.

"Xiao Feng, tell me quickly, what's the relationship between you and the butcher?" He Hu asked again.

He Feng looks at he Junxiang and sees he shrugs at him. He finally understands why he Junxiang wants to take him to meet he long and he Hu alone.

I'm afraid uncle already knew that he long and he Hu regarded himself as an idol, right?

"Brother tiger, brother dragon, can you tell me why you worship butchers so much? Even idolize him? Is he qualified for that? " He Feng said with a bitter smile.

"Of course, I know his deeds very well. For example, when he just broke through to Huajin, because he had three brothers arrested by a rebel government, he went to the anti rebel camp alone. Facing 100000 elite soldiers, he was not afraid. After killing more than 10000 people, he left with the three brothers. Of course, he was also seriously injured. In addition, when he was still at the peak of dark energy, because a good brother was killed by a mercenary regiment, he went to the mercenary regiment alone, killed more than 10000 people of the other party, and destroyed the mercenary regiment... There are too many such things, and I believe there are many I don't know. "

Speaking of these, he Hu looked respectful and fanatical. "This kind of man is the real man. If I have the chance, I really want to follow this butcher to the battlefield to kill the enemy. What a great honor. "

He Feng patted him on the shoulder, "brother tiger, you must have this chance."

He Hu looked at He Feng and said, "how can you be so sure? Oh, by the way, your accomplishments are so strong. Since you are a member of the Dragon mercenary regiment, you must be familiar with the butcher? "

As soon as he finished, he Hu found that he Junxiang and Xi Xueqing looked at him strangely, and each of them couldn't help laughing.

"Er... Brother and sister, what's your expression?" He Hu's depressed way.

Knowing that he Feng didn't hide her identity, Xi Xueqing said, "brother tiger, in fact, the butcher you are talking about is brother Feng."

"What? Is the butcher Xiao Feng He Hu's eyes widened.

"No? It is said that the butcher has broken through the myth. " He long doubted and didn't believe, "although Xiao Feng's cultivation is very strong, it's far from the myth, isn't it?"

He Feng said with a smile: "brother Bruce Lee, in fact, as early as three months ago, I had already broken through to the real Qi."

"Three months ago?"

This time, he long and he Hu were shocked.

"Xiao Feng, you... You really broke through to the real Qi? And are you really a butcher? "

After half a minute, he Hucai pinched himself heavily, determined that he was not dreaming, and asked again.

"Brother tiger, I'm a butcher. Next time I have a chance, I'll take you to my Dragon Island. " He Feng said with a smile.

"Dad, is that true?"

He Hu looks at he Junxiang again.

He Junxiang was not angry and said: "Stinky boy, are you afraid that Xiao Feng will cheat you? If it wasn't for Xiao Feng who is the butcher, we don't have to rush to control the third team of the dragon group. "

"It's really a butcher, Xiao Feng. I didn't expect you to be my idol. Ha ha, later I met my friends. I can tell them that my idol is actually my cousin. " He Hu laughed excitedly.

He Junxiang solemnly said: "Xiao Hu, Xiao Long and Xiao Feng are butchers. You can't tell anyone about their identity."

"Ah? Dad, why

"Yes, uncle, why can't you tell others? I'm going to brag in front of my friends. "

He long and he Hu are very puzzled.

Isn't the he family going to make a high profile now? Even he Hu was thinking about whether to tell he Junxiang about his true accomplishments.

With his real accomplishments now, it's no problem to be the leader of the third team in the dragon group, or at least a deputy leader. At that time, it can also help the he family control the third team better.

"The identity of a butcher is very sensitive in China. Once Xiao Feng's identity as a butcher is disclosed, some people Xiao Feng offends abroad will surely rush into China, causing turbulence to China. Do you think Yama will watch it happen? "

He Junxiang sneered: "at that time, the king of hell will force Xiao Feng out of China."

He long subconsciously said: "Dad, the king of hell is really powerful, but we don't have to be afraid of him, do we? Although he has four realms of Qi, there are not enough four in his family's myth of four realms of Qi. "

He Hu said: "yes, even if you are uncle, I'm afraid you are not much weaker than the king of hell?"

He Junxiang shook his head and said, "although I can deal with Yama, Yama represents the kingdom of China. And our kingdom of China is more than just a superficial force. "

He Feng said strangely, "uncle, do we have any hidden power in the official state of China?"

"Of course!"

He Junxiang tone dignified, "since you asked Xiao Feng, I will tell you now. In the kingdom of China, in addition to the eight dragon tribes, there is also a guardian hall. The characters in the guardian hall are all the guardians of the kingdom of China before, and even some strong people in the Warring States period. "

"Guard the temple?" He Feng murmured, "how strong is the strength of the guard hall?"

He Junxiang said with a bitter smile: "the strong ones who guard the temple have not played for a long time, but I think they will not be weak. At least there will be more than ten or twenty myths."

He long said: "uncle, even if there are more than ten or twenty myths, don't we have to be too afraid of the he family? Xiao Feng's identity is exposed. As long as our he family protects him, does the king of hell dare to drive him out of China? "

He Junxiang glanced at he long, "once the strength of the he family is exposed, do you think the other three royal families will let the he family grow? Do you think those people outside will allow it to fall into the hands of the he family


He long was speechless.

He Junxiang continued: "besides, Xiao Feng hides his strength and practices in secret, which is good for him. Otherwise, once his identity is revealed, will he want to live a peaceful life in China? I'm afraid everyone around him will be in danger. "

"I see!"

"It turns out that people who are too famous are not all good things."

He long and he Hu nodded.

"However, Xiao Feng, how do you practice? You're only 26 years old, and you've broken through to the realm of true Qi. Your talent is better than that of your elder sister. It's almost as good as that of your third uncle." He long's eyes are burning at He Feng. He is still one last step away from the myth.

He Feng said with a smile: "my way of cultivation is not the same as you, I rely on the battle of life and death to upgrade the realm."

"Fight for life and death? Tut Tut, brother, I admire you He Hu thumbs up to He Feng.

"I don't want to talk about the battle of life and death in my life. I haven't even experienced several ordinary battles. It seems that I have to seize the opportunity to go out and see the blood." He long sighed.

He Junxiang said: "after Xiao Feng takes control of the third brigade of the dragon group, let's go into the mountains. You'll all have a chance to see blood

"Into the mountains? Outside or inside? " He Hu's eyes lit up.

"This time I lead the team with Xiao Feng, of course it's internal." He Junxiang doesn't have a good way.

"Well, the interior of the mountain will be wonderful." He Hu was fascinated.

He Feng said: "uncle, when are you going to win the third brigade?"

He Junxiang said: "let's make it tomorrow for the time being. I'll accompany you to the third brigade of dragon group tomorrow. Tiger, you can arrange it then. "

"No problem! But... "

He Hu looked at He Feng hesitantly, "Xiao Feng, your fighting power is no problem, but shooting and computer technology..."

"Brother tiger, don't worry. I won't have a big problem with my shooting and computer technology." He Feng said with a smile.

"OK, I see. I'll go back to the dragon group now to see if I can get more information for you."

He Hu also knew the importance of things, and immediately got up and left.

"Xiao Feng, your grandfather is still waiting for you in the back mountain. I'll take you to him now." He Junxiang said.

"All right!"

Several people stood up and walked towards the back of the he family.

The back mountain of he's family is covered with a thin layer of fog all the year round. You can't see anything inside from the outside.

When he got closer, he Feng found that the back mountain was really a peak, a small mountain more than 100 meters high, covered with all kinds of trees and vegetation.

"Your grandfathers and some other elders are all closed in the back mountain. Now there's only one magic array in the back mountain. You follow me. I'll take you to find your grandfather. He should be helping you arrange the array now. "

At the foot of the back mountain, he Junxiang said.

"Well, good!" He Feng nodded.

He long didn't come. After learning that his cousin was a mythical strongman, he immediately chose to go back to practice in seclusion.

Of course, it was mainly because he Feng's martial will just now seemed to make him feel something.

As soon as they entered the back mountain, he Feng felt that the picture in front of him had changed. The picture in front of him was no longer a mountain, but a loft. The loft seemed to exude mysterious breath, which attracted He Feng and made him have the impulse to walk.

At this moment, he Feng's eyes are a little confused.

Without much thought, he raised his leg and walked towards the attic.


At the same time, when he Junxiang and Xi Xueqing entered the back mountain, they also felt that the picture in front of them had changed.

In front of them, however, was not a loft, but a thatched cottage.

There is an old man sitting in front of the thatched cottage. He Songlai and he Songbai are playing chess with another old man.

"Two grandfathers, how did you get me here alone? What about Xiao Feng? " He Junxiang hurried over.

"Sit down and wait patiently. Xiao Feng is still in the magic array. I want to see if he can get out of the magic array." He Songlai said with a smile, "Xueqing, please come to my grandfather and have a taste of my tea."

But he Junxiang said, "isn't that necessary? It's a little time-consuming. Although the earth level advanced magic array is powerful, Xiao Feng is really powerful. As long as you spend a little time, you can definitely get the earth level advanced magic array. "

He Songlai raised his head, looked at him, and said, "who said it was a high-level magic array?"

He Junxiang was stunned. "It's not a high-level magic array, it's..."

He Songlai said: "Heaven level primary magic array!"


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