"What? "Heaven steps?"

He Junxiang was stunned. "Grandfather, Xiao Feng has just broken through the myth. Less than three months ago, did you let him enter the heaven level magic array? Is that too dangerous? "

When it comes to attack, the magic array is the most powerful.

The reason is very simple. The magic array is mainly aimed at the soul. If the spirit is not strong enough to resist the attack from the soul, it will fall into the enemy. In the end, I don't know how to die.

Even if it is controlled by a Huajin master, it can kill a mythical strongman who has just broken through.

If controlled by the lower myth, it's easy to kill the enemy by leaping over the level.

If he Songlai's true Qi state is controlled by the four myths, even if he is on the same level, he will be suppressed.

He Songlai naturally won't control the magic array to attack he Feng, but Rao is so, he Feng will also be quite dangerous.


When he Junxiang said it was dangerous, Xi Xueqing was a little worried.

"Don't worry. I always pay attention to this magic array. In my array, how can he really encounter danger? I will save him when he is really in a fatal crisis. " He Songlai said.

"Fatal crisis?"

He Junxiang a stare, "grandfather, how do you end the end of the small maple will be placed in crisis ah?"

"Jun Xiang, why don't you ask what kind of magic array it is?" he Songbo said

"Isn't it Tianjie primary magic array?"

He Junxiang was stunned, but immediately thought of something and said, "is it the magic array that Begonia entered three years ago?"

He Songbai nodded, "if I remember correctly, at that time, Haitang just broke through to the real atmosphere, and then she passed the heavy attic?"

"It's the magic array that detects talent!"

He Junxiang was relieved and said with a smile: "at that time, Begonia really just walked through the attic, but you said that her talent was not much worse than the third one, and there was hope that she would achieve higher myth in 30 years."

He Songlai said: "yes, the magic array is named jiuchonglou, which was set up by Xiaofeng's mother. It's just that it seldom starts in our he family. When Xiao Feng's mother set up this magic array, the purpose was to test the talent of he's children. I remember when you broke through the myth, you just walked through the quadruple

He Junxiang's face is a little red, "the second man has just passed the triple Tower!"

He Songlai said, "yes, but I heard Xiao Feng's mother say that Fengyun's child went up to the ninth tower."

He Junxiang mouth a smoke, the heart was hurt, "that guy is a pervert!"

"Alas, those who can go to the ninth tower have a 90% chance of becoming the most powerful in the future. Really, God is jealous of the he family. " He Songlai looked up and sighed.

"Forget the past. How many towers can Xiao Feng walk through?" He Songbai waved his hand.

"I don't think it's much worse than the third. I guess he can walk through the eighth tower." He Junxiang said.

"Eight? So high? Then I guess the Seventh Tower! "

He Songbai said, "Songlai, how about you?"

He Songlai pondered for a while, "you are seven and eight, I can't guess nine, can I? Then I'll do it six times, so that I won't be with you. "

"Well, jiuzhong is not very realistic. It's estimated that it's in liu788." He Junxiang said with a smile: "as long as he can walk heavily, he will replace Haitang and become the genius of the younger generation of he family. By the way, Xueqing, you can guess how many towers Xiao Feng can walk through. "

Xi Xueqing said with a smile: "I have great confidence in brother Feng. Since there are only nine towers in the assessment, I guess he can walk through the nine towers."

"Oh? So much confidence? " Several people are surprised to see Xi Xueqing.

Xi Xueqing nodded: "brother Feng has never let us down. I don't think he will let me down this time. However, even if he hasn't gone through this heavy attic, I'm sure he will step on the peak of martial arts in the future. "

"Well! It seems that his position in your mind is not so high. " He Junxiang gave a bitter smile and said nothing.

"Well, you also have a look, Xiao Feng has gone to the heavy attic."

With a wave of his hand, a huge water curtain appeared in front of the thatched cottage, showing the picture of He Feng walking towards an attic.

He Junxiang and he Songbai both looked up and watched.


"Why do I feel a familiar breath in this array?"

He Feng feels the mysterious atmosphere coming from the front, and his eyes are a little red.

He could clearly feel that it was a magic array, but he just didn't want to wake up, because the mysterious atmosphere intoxicated him and made him feel extremely warm, like the embrace of his mother.

This kind of feeling, he has fantasized innumerable times in the dream.

He doesn't want to lose this feeling, he would rather indulge in it forever.


When he Feng approached the attic, a fierce roar came out from the inside. Immediately, a golden Python rushed out, opened its mouth, exposed its sharp tusks, and rushed to He Feng.

A strong fishy wind swept towards He Feng.

But he Feng seems not aware of this scene, the whole person is still in that state of intoxication.


"No, Xiao Feng, what's going on? How did he sink into the magic array as soon as he entered it? Even his consciousness was deprived. Such a strong sense of crisis can't make him recover? "

In front of the thatched house, he Junxiang's face changed slightly.

He Songbai frowned and said: "with Xiao Feng's cultivation, this magic array certainly can't let him really fall into it. It seems that he doesn't want to wake up."

He Songlai also frowned. A moment later, he seemed to think of something, and his face changed slightly. "I understand that this magic array is arranged by He Feng's mother. Maybe in this array, there is the breath of He Feng's mother, and he Feng must have a trace of his mother's blood, so as soon as he enters the magic array, he can feel his mother's breath. I think he was influenced by the smell. "

He Junxiang said anxiously: "what should we do now?"

He Songbo said: "since the nine tower magic array is useless to him, let him quit the magic array directly. It doesn't matter if his talent is unexpected. Anyway, he is Fengyun's son, and our he family will try our best to help him grow up anyway. "

"That's right, but if his talent is strong enough, we can let him enter Ziwei sect more safely. It's not an easy place to go. "

He Songlai is helpless. Although he wants to test his talent, at this moment, he can only choose to give up.

"Forget it, I'll call him directly."

He Songlai sighed and raised his hand to summon He Feng.

"Grandpa, wait a minute!"

He Junxiang suddenly called out: "look, Xiao Feng is sober."


He Songlai and he Songbai looked up and saw that he Feng's eyes in the water curtain had recovered. Then he Feng clenched his fist and bombarded the Python's head. The golden Python immediately turned into a flash of light and dissipated in the void.

"How could you wake up on your own? How did he do it? " He Songlai was shocked.

"Well, Songlai, just now this golden Python seems to be more than ten meters long."

He Songbai seemed to be aware of something. He was quite shocked and said, "isn't it true that the fierce beast in this tower will only be a little lower than the intruder? How can this golden Python be more than ten meters? Shouldn't it be about six meters? "

About six meters of gold python, the strength is in the level of demigod.

The ten meter golden Python is a primary monster, which is equivalent to the myth of the first stage of the true Qi realm.

"Well, really, what's the situation?" He Junxiang was surprised and said, "is there something wrong with the array?"

"There will be no problem with the array. Xiaofeng's opponent is the first-order monster in the early stage, which can only explain one problem." He Songlai said with a smile: "Xiao Feng's real cultivation is not the initial stage of Qi State, but the middle stage of Qi state."

"Er... Not really? Isn't it less than three months since he broke through the real Qi? It's only the past three months. The most others can do is to stabilize the cultivation of the first stage of the true Qi state. He has broken through to the middle stage of the first stage of the true Qi State? " He Songbai was shocked.

"But there is no other explanation than that." He Songlai shrugged.

"Look, Xiao Feng is in front of Chonglou. The monster in Chonglou comes out. It's a thirteen meter golden python." He Junxiang said.

"It's really thirteen meters. That's the first level medium-term monster." He Songlai said: "Xiao Feng's cultivation must be in the middle of the first phase of true Qi."

"This little guy's cultivation speed is really very fast."

He Songbai said: "however, the higher his accomplishments are, the harder it will be for him to break into the magic array of the ninth tower."


But at this time, he Feng blows out. The golden python, who has a first-order mid-term cultivation, is killed by He Feng. It's no different from only one.

"This, this is too fast, isn't it? Xiao Feng has just broken through to the middle stage of true Qi, can he kill his opponent at the same level? " He Songlai's incredible way.

He Songbai was also shocked.

"Granddad, granddad, Xiaofeng's fighting power is really no match in the same level. In the past, when his cultivation could not reach the myth, it was as simple as eating and drinking. As soon as he broke through to the state of true Qi, there was a killer in the middle of the state of true Qi to assassinate him. I have investigated the killer in detail. He is quite famous in the killer world. Even the killer with the highest level of true Qi has been successfully assassinated. But in front of Xiao Feng, he failed, and he died, but Xiao Feng was slightly injured. "

He Junxiang said with a smile.

"Can a killer at the top of his true Qi be killed?" He Songlai's eyes widened.

"This boy, like his Laozi, is against heaven." He Songbai said with a bitter smile, and looked at he Junxiang at the same time, "so you know his achievements. No wonder you dare to guess the eighth tower."

"Hey, that's a must. I'm not guessing." He Junxiang grinned.

"Don't be complacent. When the magic array reaches the top, it's not just about combat effectiveness. It's more about savvy and talent. If we can't do these two things, it's hard for us to step on them, let alone build them. " He Songbai smiles.

"I'm quite confident in Xiao Feng's savvy and talent!" He Junxiang smiles.

The three men looked at the water curtain again.


At the same time, he Feng, who is in the array, is now in front of the heavy attic.


In the heavy attic, two golden pythons came out slowly, both of which were 13 meters long.

First order medium-term monster!

The two monsters in the middle of the first stage don't pose much threat to He Feng, so he doesn't rush to attack. Instead, he picks up the jade pendant on his chest and looks at it.

"Weiwei and I bought this dragon shaped jade pendant together in antique street last time. At that time, she bought a jade bracelet, and I bought a jade pendant. I thought it was just an ordinary jade pendant, but I didn't expect that it could warm my spirit and make me wake up from my previous confusion. What is this jade pendant? "

He Feng previously felt a familiar breath, he did not want to wake up, deliberately let himself immerse in it.

At that time, he even sensed the python attack, but he just didn't want to resist.

But at the critical moment, there was a cool smell gushing out of the jade pendant, which made him wake up in an instant, and even felt that his brain was much more flexible, so that he could kill the golden Python in an instant.

At that time, he Feng also spent a lot of money to buy this jade pendant. At that time, it was just to help the little girl, so he deliberately spent more money. He also wore this jade pendant around his neck, but he didn't expect that it was not an ordinary product.

"At that time, the girl seemed to say that this is her ancestral jade pendant, but since this ancestral jade pendant is so effective, how can their family decline? Is that girl really just an ordinary girl? If she is not an ordinary girl, why would she give me this jade pendant? "

He Feng thought deeply in his heart, and immediately shook his head, "forget it, I'm too lazy to think much. Maybe I can know the reason later. As for now, it's better to get out of this magic array first. "

At a glance, he Feng finds that there are nine lofts in total. He thinks that every loft may be a test. No matter what, he will walk the nine lofts again and again.

"Two monsters in the middle of the first order are far from threatening me."

He Feng light a smile, see that two monster rushed to oneself, he also didn't have the slightest hesitation, quickly welcomed up.

"Bang! Bang

Two first-order medium-term monsters were soon killed by He Feng.

Without any stay, he Feng came to the heavy attic.

"Roar! Roar! Roar

Out of the attic came three golden python, whose cultivation was still in the middle of the first stage.

"Are three different from two?"

He Feng light smile, take the initiative to attack.

After killing three golden python, he Feng goes to the attic again.

Out of the attic are four golden python, whose cultivation has not increased.

He Feng continued to take the initiative to attack, and soon killed the four golden python, then came to the heavy attic.

"Well? Six Golden Python in the middle of the first stage? I thought it was five. "

He Feng laughs and doesn't think much about it.

Because for him, whether it's five or six, it doesn't make much difference.

Therefore, the final result is self-evident. The six Golden Python in the middle of the first stage didn't last long in He Feng's hands. They all turned into light spots and dissipated in the void.

"Heavy attic, I don't know if it will be any different!"

He Feng's eyes looked at the heavy attic and walked over.

Now he can see clearly that if he wants to get out of the environment successfully, he may have to walk through the nine lofts first.

And nine lofts, one more dangerous than the other.

But now that he has gone through the heavy, he is confident in the last three.

But he didn't know that when his father broke into the magic array of the nine towers, the last three lofts also cost him a lot of energy.

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