"This... This is too fast, isn't it? It's only been a few minutes. I've been through the sixth attic

In front of the thatched cottage, he Songbai looked at the water curtain in front of him and said in disbelief.

"Indeed, even if he could fight beyond his level, he would not be so powerful, would he?" He Songlai is also very puzzled, "six Golden Python in the middle of the first stage, even if it is a myth of the peak of true Qi, is it more difficult to deal with? But Xiao Feng didn't use a minute to deal with them. Is the combat effectiveness too terrible? Even if it's the myth of the initial stage of Qi ambivalence, it's hard to do this step. "

He Junxiang thought for a moment and said: "this is the first time I have seen Xiaofeng's fighting power. But I heard the second one say that Xiaofeng's fighting power is stronger than the myth of the early stage of zhenqijing, which can be compared with the myth of the middle stage of zhenqijing. Moreover, he has also mastered a unique skill. Once used, even the third man, who has just broken through to the three levels of true Qi, will be worried about his life. "

He song came to the corner of his mouth and said, "are there any worries about life in the three myths of true Qi? Isn't that horrible? "

He Songbai is a face excited, "so cow? At his age, his father seems to be able to kill the triple myth of true Qi, right? Isn't that to say that Xiao Feng's talent is no weaker than his father's? "

He Junxiang nodded, "if the second is not exaggerating, then Xiao Feng's talent is not worse than the third."

He Songlai narrowed his eyes and said, "let's see if he can break through the ninth loft. If he can't break through the ninth loft, his talent will be worse than Fengyun. What's more, the front six of the attic is not too difficult. As long as there is a talent who hopes to impact the higher myth in 50 years, he can break through the top six. For example, Haitang, it doesn't seem that it's too difficult for her to enter the front six, but when she reaches the seventh, she soon fails. "

"Indeed, it depends on whether Xiaofeng can get through the last three times."

He Junxiang touched his nose, a little embarrassed, but he just got through Sizhong.

No way, he is not as powerful as he Haitang, nor as rich in experience as he Feng. It's very good that he can break through the quadruple.

After all, the test of the fourth loft was to kill three strong men of the same level, which was very difficult for him who had just broken through to the initial stage of the first loft.

"Not to mention jiuzhong, I hope Xiaofeng can get through the seventh. In this way, he is expected to reach the seventh level of true Qi in at least 20 to 30 years. " He Songlai looks forward to the water curtain.

"Grandfather, what is the test of the seventh attic?" He Junxiang asked.

He Songlai shook his head. "I'm not sure. Everyone's test is different."


At this time, he Feng has come to the seventh loft.

Looking at the tall attic, he Feng has a sense of crisis in his heart.

"The previous six lofts were not challenging for me at all. How can I feel a sense of crisis when I get to the seventh loft?"

He Feng frowned and was puzzled.

At this time, a voice suddenly rang out in his mind, "Xiao Feng, what you are in now is the magic array of the ninth tower. This magic array is not an ordinary magic array. It can also detect people's talents. When your father was in the magic array of the ninth tower, he directly broke through the ninth attic. His talent is rare in a hundred years. He Haitang, the first day of the he family, is your uncle's daughter and cousin. When she was tested three years ago, she went through the sixth loft and stopped at the seventh loft just like you are now. Therefore, you don't have to have too much psychological pressure. Even if you fail in the seventh loft, your talent will be better than your cousin. After all, you are younger than when she tested

Hearing this, he Feng laughed, "granddad, I know what you mean. Don't worry, I won't have too much psychological pressure. But I believe that what my father could have done in those days, I can certainly do it now. "

"Well, I'll see what you do."

He Songlai said with a smile.


At this time, in the seventh attic, there was a roar of animals.

Roar like thunder, shock people eardrum, let people mind ripple.

"Eh, the voice... Sounds different from the previous one. It seems stronger."

He Feng stares at the attic, but there is a strong sense of war in his eyes.

He hasn't fought with all his strength for a long time. He didn't enjoy fighting with his second uncle he Bayun last time. Just a few times, he was stopped by his fourth uncle he's army.

He didn't feel the slightest pressure when he entered the ninth loft and the sixth loft in front of him. If the seventh loft can bring pressure, he will be looking forward to it.


The sound of the snake spitting out the letter came out. The sound was not big, but it was more deep and terrifying, which made people get goose bumps.

Then, a long golden Python swims out of the attic, and his blood red eyes stare at He Feng.

"The length of this Python has reached 15 meters, which has reached the level of the later stage of the first order."

He Feng looked at the golden python, but frowned, "but a golden Python is not a big threat to me."

The golden Python in the later stage of the first stage is also equivalent to the myth in the later stage of the true Qi state. He Feng has no big problem in dealing with it. At least he can guarantee to solve his opponent in ten moves.


At this time, another roar came from the attic.

Then, two golden pythons came out, the same length as the first one.

"Three golden pythons in the later stage of the first stage? That's a little interesting. " He Feng raised a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Three golden pythons are a threat to him.

"Come on!" He Feng hooked his fingers to the three golden python. The vitality in his body finally ran at full speed, and his clothes were windless.

"Roar! Roar! Roar

Who knows, he just ready to start, and three roars from the attic.

Then, three golden pythons in a row swam out of the attic.

A total of six Golden python, in a row, staring at He Feng coldly, spitting snake letter, his body exudes a strong smell of blood.

In the face of these golden python, even the top master of Huajin who has refined Qi into the viscera can't stand it and vomit.

"Six Golden python, and they are all in the late stage of the first order. Even me, it's not easy to deal with."

He Feng's look became dignified, staring at the attic behind several gold python, "there won't be a gold Python in the attic, right? If I come out a few more, I'm afraid I'll get down even if I can get through this. "

Fortunately, after waiting for a moment, no more golden Python came out of the attic.

"Roar! Roar! Roar... "

A roar broke out from the mouth of the golden python, and a strong smell came.

What's more, this kind of smell is not simply bad. Even if master Huajin inhaled into his mouth, it would cause a burning sensation to his heart and hurt him.

Only the top master of refining Qi into the viscera will not be injured.


Roar down, the six gold Python together toward He Feng rushed up, the ground violent shock up, like an earthquake, sand and stone.

"The strength of the six Golden Python in the later stage of the first stage is so strong that even the myth of the early stage of the two realms of Qi can hardly compete with it. As a result, I was in the middle stage of Qi state. I didn't have enough energy in my body. I had to solve these golden Python in the shortest time. Otherwise, if I can't kill them even though I've consumed too much energy, it will be me who will be defeated in the end. "

He Feng eyes micro coagulation, not too much hesitation, the vitality of his body roaring, quickly gathered in the fist.

At the same time, there is also a trace of spiritual power.

"Fusion technology! Die for me

He Feng drinks lightly in the mouth, toward the gold Python suddenly blows out a fist.

It looked like he had only one punch, but he had six in a row.

The energy in his body seemed to be emptied in an instant, and his breath fell sharply, but his eyes were still sharp, like a sword, piercing the six Python in front of him.

Although the fusion technique consumed 80% or 90% of his strength, it didn't consume much of his mental power. Even if he performed the fusion technique six times in a row this time, his mental power also consumed 20%.

The energy ball is not big. It's the size of a fist. It's milky white. In the blink of an eye, it falls on the heads of six Golden python.

"Boom! Boom! Boom... "

A series of explosions sounded, and the terrible energy wave spread in all directions like a tsunami.


The golden Python's body is also broken.


Turn into bursts of light, dissipate in the void.


See six gold Python died, he Feng this just long vomit out a foul air.

"Fortunately, although the six Golden Python in the later stage of the first order are not weak in attack, they have no intelligence. Otherwise, I would not have killed them all so easily. "

He Feng also because he understood this, so he did not hesitate to display the fusion technology.

"I've been through the seventh attic. Although I can be regarded as the first genius of the he family's younger generation, I still... "

He Feng's eyes looked at the front of the two attics, "my goal is not to grab this kind of gimmick, but to prove myself. I can do what my father was able to do today. "

Thinking of this, he Feng sat on the ground with his knees crossed. He closed his eyes and began to recover.

It took him about half a day to recover his vitality, but the vitality in the magic array was very strong. He estimated that he could recover in an hour at most.

At this time, he Songlai and others outside the thatched cottage were shocked.

"Six Golden pythons in the later stage of the first stage?"

He Songlai doesn't know what the seventh test will be, because everyone's test is different, especially the last three.

After seeing the appearance of the six first-order gold python, he Songlai felt helpless, because he felt that he Feng was bound to fail.

After all, the six Golden pythons in the later stage of the first order are hard to deal with, even if they are the myths of the early stage of the double Qi state.

But just worried for a while, he Feng saw six fists in a row, and six white energy balls flew out and hit the golden python, directly killing the golden python.

"What kind of attack is this? Why is it so powerful? "

He song's eyes are silly.

"It must be the martial arts of Tianjie, and it must not be the ordinary martial arts in the early days of Tianjie. Where did Xiaofeng learn it from?" He Songbai was also extremely shocked.

"Eh, this kind of energy ball... I seem to have seen it when I was in Guiyi shopping mall today. Xiao Feng's father-in-law Xi Zhenxing seems to use this kind of energy ball today."

He Junxiang said, looking at Xi Xueqing, he asked, "Xueqing, when your father fought with Chang Tao today, did he use this kind of energy ball?"

Xi Xueqing nodded, "well, brother Feng said that it's called fusion technique, which was created by him when he was at the peak of dark energy, and was taught to my father last night. However, my father hasn't practiced for long now. At most, he can only defeat ordinary martial arts players of the same level. Brother Xiaofeng said that when my father can skillfully use it, it will not be a big problem for him to go beyond the level to kill the middle and even the later master of Huajin. "

"What? Is this fusion technique his own creation? "

He Junxiang and others were all wide eyed.

"Self created Tianjie martial arts?" He Songbai's breath was a little short.

"If this is really Tianjie martial arts, Xiao Feng's talent in martial arts..." he Songlai's voice trembled, "he will surpass his father!"

He Junxiang said: "in addition to this fusion technique, I heard the second child say that Xiao Feng seems to have a more powerful martial arts, even the triple myth of true Qi state can be threatened, but once that martial arts is used, it will have a big side effect on him. Second, it seems that the martial arts was created by Xiao Feng himself. "


He Songlai and he Songbai look ecstatic.

"Grandfather, since Xiao Feng can create his own Tianjie martial arts, even if he can't pass the examination of the eighth and ninth towers, it is enough to show that his talent is not lower than that of the third? You know, when Lao San broke through the myth, he created the Tianji martial arts. " He Junxiang said.

He Songlai shook his head with a smile. "Xiao Feng can create his own Tianjie martial arts, which is enough to show that his talent in martial arts is extremely terrible. But martial arts is martial arts, and cultivation is cultivation. These talents are different. For example, some people practice martial arts very fast, but they are slow to cultivate vitality. Some people are quick at cultivating vitality, but they have a low understanding of martial arts. Some people are highly aware of fighting and can easily fight at two or three small levels, but their talent in martial arts and cultivation is very poor. Therefore, if you want to see how his comprehensive talent is, you still need to see his final assessment results. "

He Junxiang asked: "grandfather, what kind of assessment did the third man go through in the last three towers?"

He song came to think about it and said, "his seventh assessment is 24 golden Python at the beginning of the first stage. To the eighth, there are nine golden Python in the middle of the first stage. As for the ninth weight, ha ha, let me keep it secret. Because to the ninth heavy, Fengyun and Xiaofeng assessment is the same


He Junxiang was quite surprised, "let's see if Xiao Feng can pass the eighth assessment. If he can pass the eighth assessment, the ninth assessment can actually be regarded as a contest between him and his father. His father can pass, and I don't know if he can

Several people chatted for a while, he Songbo said: "look, the boy stood up, it seems that he has recovered."

"As soon as he recovered, he went to the eighth attic. I don't know if he can make it." He Junxiang is already a little nervous.

"Well? This breath is the golden python of the second stage

All of a sudden, he Songlai's face changed slightly, "is the strength of the golden Python increasing too fast? I thought that this time there were several first-order peaks, at most one gold Python in the early stage of second-order. Unexpectedly, there was a gold Python in the middle stage of second-order. Xiaofeng was in a bit of trouble

"No, Grandpa, look, there's another golden Python coming out, and it's the same length. It's all in the second stage." He Junxiang's face was also very ugly. After that, he was a little stunned. "No, there's a third one again?"

"This time, Xiao Feng is afraid of failure."

He Songlai sighed.

He also shook his head.

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