"Three golden pythons in the middle of the second stage!"

He Feng looked at the three monsters in front of him, and his heart was also a little bitter.

Nima, the six first-order late stage monsters just now, he was very tough to deal with. Fortunately, those monsters didn't have intelligence, so he could deal with them better.

But these three golden Python in the middle of the second stage, even if there is no intelligence, he Feng is also very difficult to deal with.

This is equivalent to the myth of the double middle stage of the three true Qi States!

To deal with the myth of a true Qi State in the middle of the double period, there is not much pressure on He Feng. If he has two, there will be a little pressure. When he has three, the pressure is not so big.

"It seems that we have to do our best this time. It's a big deal. After passing the eighth tower, I'll have a rest for a while

He Feng thought.

At the time of the seventh assessment just now, although he also consumed 80% or 90% of his strength, he still had some cards left unused, because there was no need for several gold Python in the later stage of the first stage to let him take out his cards.

But now, it's no good not to take out the cards. It's very difficult for him to hit the three golden Python in the middle of the second stage only by the fusion technique.

"Get close to them and attack them in a flash." He Feng narrowed his eyes, and the vitality in his body ran quickly, but he didn't take the initiative to attack. Instead, he waited quietly.

"Roar! Roar! Roar

Finally, the three golden Python rushed towards him, very fast.

He Feng's expression becomes solemn, dare not have the slightest carelessness.


The first golden Python opened its mouth directly and pounced on He Feng.

The size of the golden Python is enough to swallow He Feng.

Once in the golden Python's body, even with He Feng's strength, I'm afraid it's hard to escape, and I'll be seriously injured if I don't die.


Therefore, without any hesitation, he Feng's feet moved, and his figure suddenly disappeared in the same place like streamer, appearing ten meters away.


However, as soon as he got to his feet, the other two golden Python rushed over and didn't give him a chance to breathe

Not only that, but also the tail of the golden python.

In the face of such an attack, Rao is the myth of the double peak of true Qi, and it's not easy to dodge.

"Hum, do you want to force brother Feng to fight you head on? Dream

He Feng cold hum a, body shape in a flash, as if there is a light in the place where he stood up, and then his whole person will disappear in the same place again.

This kind of body method, Rao is the double peak myth of the true Qi State, which is hard to compare.

Stepping on the light step is a set of skill in the early days of the heaven stage. He Feng created it when he was chased by a group of Hua Jin in the early days of Hua Jin. After breaking through the true Qi, he improved and upgraded it.

The last time he Bayun fought, he used this body method, which made he unable to defeat him in a short time.

With all his strength, he Feng's explosive speed can reach nearly 200 meters in a second, almost approaching the speed of sound.

What he Feng knows is that the speed of a medium-sized myth has reached the speed of sound.

He Feng's speed is almost equal to the speed of the triple myth of true Qi. Naturally, it's not the speed that these two golden Python can match.


Suddenly, he Feng appears in front of a golden Python and presses down on the Python's head.

In his palm, there is a milky white energy ball.


There was an explosion.

However, the golden Python was not killed in an instant. Instead, it struggled violently. Its huge body swung wildly, and cracks appeared on the ground.

"Well? Can't be killed at one time? "

He Feng frowned and didn't think much. He quickly dodged away because he found that the other two golden Python had attacked him again.

"No, although he was not killed immediately, the golden Python was seriously injured, and it was only a matter of time before he died. However, for the sake of safety, when dealing with the other two golden python, we can no longer hide ourselves. Just now I just used 30% of my energy, but this time I have 40%

He Feng is helpless.

My cultivation is still too weak. It's just the middle stage of Qi state. There's not much energy in my body.

It would be much easier to kill three monsters in the middle of the second stage if you had the cultivation in the later stage of Qi state.

"Whoosh! Whoosh

He Feng's body twinkled one after another, displaying his fusion technique.


The deafening explosions continued.

Two golden Python heavily fell on the ground, and then disappeared into light.

And he Feng is also pale paralysis sitting on the ground, not even the strength to stand, the body energy directly consumed.

Just now I took care of myself for an hour. This time it will take at least two hours.

However, instead of rushing to recuperate, he sat on the ground with his knees crossed, staring at the golden Python who was the first to be injured by himself.

The golden Python has been seriously injured, unable to attack he Feng, but he Feng is a little worried.

"In the seventh loft, there are six monsters in the later stage of the first stage. In the eighth loft, there are three monsters in the later stage of the second stage. How powerful are these monsters in the ninth loft? Can't there be a third-order monster directly? "

He Feng's face is dignified, "if it's just a third-order monster, I may be able to rely on" limit "to kill it. But if it's two... Then I'll be defeated! "

Even he Feng felt that even if it was a third-order monster, he would not be able to kill each other with "limit".

Monster's physique is much more powerful than human's. He has the hope to kill a human myth with triple true Qi by his limit, but the third-order monster is not very sure.

He felt that with the "limit" to kill a third-order monster probability

It's not big!


Finally, after struggling for two minutes, the golden Python finally fell down.

"Hoo! The three golden Python in the middle of the second stage are all finished. The eighth loft passed, and then the ninth loft

He Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to adjust his breath, ready to recover, and then to impact the ninth loft assessment.

No matter whether there are three-level monsters in the ninth attic, or if there are one or two, he should at least try it first.

"Well? How is my body moving? "

But at this time, he Feng is surprised to find that his body is moving towards the front.

The direction of movement is the ninth loft.

"What's the situation?"

He Feng is a little confused.

At the same time, there is a bad feeling.

Because every time as long as he is 10 meters away from the attic, there will be movement in the attic, indicating that the test has begun.

Now, the distance between him and the ninth loft is getting smaller and smaller.

20 meters, 18 meters, 15 meters

"Damn, I've exhausted all my energy in my body now. Don't you want me to use this state for assessment?"

He Feng wanted to curse, "even if the golden Python in the ninth attic is a third-order monster, even if there is more than one third-order monster, at least give me some time to prepare? How can I recover? I don't have the strength at all, and I'm playing fart? "

With He Feng's current physical condition, let alone the third-order monster, even the first-order monster can easily kill him.

"Granddad, don't play with me like that. Give me some time to prepare."

He Feng see his body is still moving, can't help but look up a way.

If he really faces the ninth assessment, he might as well give up.

"Xiao Feng, although I can control this magic array, I didn't arrange it. I don't know some things. Therefore, I can't control the ninth assessment. Maybe it's the rules of the assessment itself. By the way, I remember your father told me that after he passed the eighth assessment, he immediately carried out the ninth assessment. But you can rest assured that although the ninth assessment is more difficult, it will not be life-threatening. "

He Songlai's voice rings in He Feng's ear.

"No life in danger?"

He Feng was speechless.

It doesn't matter if my life is in danger. I have to pass the ninth assessment.

But now I have no vitality in my body. How can I pass the examination?

The difficulty of the ninth assessment is much more important than the eighth and seventh.

"Ten meters..."

A moment later, he Feng sighed helplessly, and his look became solemn gradually.

There's no way. He's only ten meters away from the ninth loft, and his body stops moving forward. His eyes are fixed on the door of the ninth loft.

The door was open. It was dark inside. Rao could not see anything with He Feng's eyesight. He could only feel the smell of danger.

This kind of dangerous feeling is very strange, is a kind of crisis from the heart, straight to the soul.

"After a while, I can only use the light step to delay time slowly, and try my best to recover at the same time."

He Feng converges and tries his best to recover.


At this time, a slight voice came from the attic.

Then, he Feng saw a silver snake, swimming out of the attic.

"Er... Such a small snake? What kind of snake is this? "

He Feng slightly frowned. He had never seen such a snake before.

The snake's head is curved, not triangular. Its skin is silver. It's only one foot in size. It's harmless to people and animals. It looks a little cute. It seems that the snake doesn't even have any aggressiveness.

After the silver snake appeared, it stopped five meters away from He Feng. Instead of attacking him, it looked at him curiously. In his dark eyes, there was a trace of doubt and humanized thinking.

"No matter how powerful the snake is, I won't attack it. Just wait for it to recover."

He Feng also pays attention to the silver snake, and the vitality in his body recovers madly.

Silver snake has been staring at He Feng, he Feng did not attack, it did not attack, but a pair of eyes never left he Feng's body.

A person a snake so of confrontation, who also didn't attack, time a minute a second of past, also don't know how long, he Feng feel the vitality in the body has become abundant up, at least recovered 60%.

"I've recovered 60% of my vitality, which is enough for me to perform limit once. Just don't know what kind of snake this silver snake is, and what kind of monster it is? "

Although the silver snake looks small, harmless to human and animals, it is even a little cute.

But since it can come out of the ninth attic, how can it be an ordinary monster?

He Feng doesn't dare to look down on him!

Therefore, even if he regained 60% of his strength, he did not rush to attack, but continued to recover.

Unfortunately, little silver snake doesn't seem to be ready to give him a chance to continue to recover.


See a silver lightning flash and pass, blink of an eye then appeared in front of He Feng.

The speed is so fast that he Feng can't see it clearly. He just feels like a flash of lightning. He can only wave his hand subconsciously and want to fly the silver snake.


Silver Snake is really being patted to fly, but he Feng feels a burst of hot pain in the palm.

A drop of blood spilled from his palm.

And in the blood, there are two small blood holes.

"I was bitten..."

He Feng's face suddenly became ugly, and his eyes swept forward.

But what made him a little confused was that he couldn't find the silver snake that he had just whipped away.

"Is that silver snake not hurt at all, but hiding?"

He Feng's in the mind head some doubts, but immediately his facial expression changed!

Because he found that his consciousness was a little unclear, and his vision gradually became blurred.

"Damn, this snake venom is so strong that I can't resist it so quickly?"

He Feng murmured.

As soon as the voice fell, he Feng's eyes closed and his consciousness was completely lost.

I don't know how long later, he Feng feels that he wakes up. At this time, he is driving Lexus to the gate of Yuncheng group. Meteor is respectfully greeting him. He Feng swaggers into Yuncheng group.

Just entering the hall of Yuncheng group, I saw a familiar figure, Wang Xiangyun.

Just let he Feng angry is, at this time of Wang Xiangyun is actually embracing a young man's arm, a pair of bird like.

"Wang Xiangyun!"

He Feng yelled.

"Well? Minister He, you call me

Wang Xiangyun turns around and frowns at He Feng.

"Minister he?" He Feng brow a twist, this Wang Xiangyun to oneself of address really enough living cent.

What's more, Wang Xiangyun looked at him in a strange way.

"Let go of Wang Xiangyun!"

But at this time, he Feng didn't have the heart to think so much. He yelled at the young man.

"Oh? You want me to let go of yunyun? What are you doing? " The young man looked at He Feng with disdain.

"Why should I?"

He Feng is about to say that he is Wang Xiangyun's husband, but he is too lazy to say when he thinks that their identities have not been announced. Instead, he says, "if I ask you to let go, you can let go. How can there be so much nonsense?"

The young man frowned, "I tell you, I'm yunyun's husband. You're not qualified to let me go of yunyun. I advise you to leave now, or don't blame me for being impolite. "

"Are you her husband?"

He Feng Leng, subconsciously look to Wang Xiangyun, but found that Wang Xiangyun did not refute, look normal, he immediately confused.

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