"How can it be? How could you be her husband? "

He Feng's voice became cold gradually.

"I'm her husband, but you don't need to care about our relationship."

The young man led Wang Xiangyun in a gentle voice, "yunyun, let's go."


Wang Xiangyun didn't have any resistance. He would leave with the young man!

"Asshole, you dare to touch my He Feng's woman, I'll kill you."

He Feng finally angry, he roared, quickly rushed to the young man, to the young man's head will blow down.


A muffled sound spread.

He Feng's body, directly inverted fly out.

The young man clapped his hands and frowned, "if you start again, don't blame me for being rude."

"You robbed my woman and told me not to do it? Go to hell

He Feng roared again and rushed up.


However, the result is the same, he was hit again, and even spilled blood on his mouth.

"This man is so strong, at least it's a medium myth. I'm completely crushed." He Feng's face is extremely gloomy.

He subconsciously looked at Wang Xiangyun and found that Wang Xiangyun just looked at him unhappily.

"Yunyun is clearly my wife. Why do you look at me so strangely now? Besides, when did she become someone else's woman? "

He Feng's heart is very uncomfortable, a kind of needle pricked feeling.

"No, it's not true. It's an illusion. I remember that I'm not in the cloud city group at all, but in the forbidden area of the he family's back mountain. I'm pounding my grandfather's nine tower magic array. I had already rushed over the eighth tower, which is the ninth tower. At that time, I was bitten by a little green snake, and then I fainted. "

He Feng finally recalled, people have become sober a lot.

But looking at the scenes in front of him, he felt that it was incomparable reality.

At present, these people are all flesh and blood.

"Although I already know it's a mirage, it's really uncomfortable to see yunyun walking with other men and being so intimate."

He Feng clenched his fist and wanted to rush up again.

Can think of each other's strength, he also knows, even if he tried his best, I'm afraid it can't hurt each other.

"Fantasy comes from my heart, but I'm not afraid that other men will fight with me. If so, why does this scene appear? Forget it. All the affairs in this world are fake. Then I'll break this world. I don't believe it. The world is broken, and the illusion is not broken. "

Read in this, he Feng direct operation from the whole body vitality, mental power is also full of operation.

Two majestic energy, crazy condensation in his fist.


He Feng waves his fist and smashes it into the air.

There was a loud roar.

Heaven and earth change color!

Lightning streaks across the sky and clouds cover the sky.

"Wheeze! Wheezing

He Feng seems to hear the heavy breathing sound, vaguely seems to have someone shouting his name.

Consciousness gradually returns. He Feng slowly opens his eyes and finds himself sitting on the ground. He sweeps his eyes in front of him. He is not in the cloud city group, nor is he in the magic array of the ninth tower.

What appeared in front of him was a low thatched house.

At the same time, there are several familiar figures around him.

Xi Xueqing, he Junxiang, he Songlai and he Songbai.

"Xiao Feng, are you awake?"

"Brother Feng, are you ok?"

"Xiao Feng, how do you feel?"

Several people are worried about the inquiry.


He Feng breathed heavily again and cleared his mind. He just looked at he song and said, "granddad, have I passed the test of the ninth tower?"

He Songlai was stunned, and immediately said with a bitter smile: "you are so tired. Are you still concerned about the talent test? What does it matter if talent is less or better? As long as you are willing to work hard, I believe you can still reach the peak. "

He Feng shook his head with a smile. "I don't want to prove how talented I am. I'm just afraid my father will be disappointed in the future."


"Well, if I can't do what he can, he may be disappointed."


When he Songlai and others heard the speech, they all looked a little complicated.

He Junxiang patted He Feng on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Feng, if you want to do what your father has done, you will be under great pressure in the future."

"Pressure is the driving force. I'm not afraid."

He Feng smile, continue to ask: "too grandfather, that ninth heavy building, I passed?"

"I woke up in ten minutes and passed."

He Songlai said.

"Passed?" He Feng surprised.

"Well, your mother created the magic array of the ninth tower. At that time, she told me that when the intruder was in the ninth attic, he would fall into the magic array after being bitten by a silver snake. If you can wake up in ten minutes, you will pass the test of the ninth loft. On the contrary, it fails to pass. If it fails, I will wake you up. Fortunately, you woke up within ten minutes. "

He Songlai said with a smile: "Xiao Feng, Congratulations, you have successfully passed the test of the ninth tower. You are no less gifted than your father. "

"Haha, that's good!"

He Feng laughed happily.

"Alas, Xueqing girl guessed right, Xiaofeng's performance is really shocking." He Songbai sighed helplessly.

"Yes, originally I thought it would be good for him to pass the eighth tower. I didn't expect that he even passed the ninth tower. He is the son of Fengyun." He Songlai said.

"It seems that our he family is destined to be brilliant." He Junxiang is also very happy.

"What did Xueqing guess right?" He Feng asked.

"Well, when you started, we were guessing which attic you could get through."

He Junxiang said with a smile: "my guess is that you can pass the eighth loft. My grandfather guesses that you can pass the seventh loft. My grandfather guesses that you can pass the sixth loft. Xueqing has the most confidence in you and says that you can pass the ninth loft. I didn't expect that you really passed. "

He Feng touched his head, "I'm lucky to pass the ninth weight. If I didn't wake up in time and find that it was the environment, I'm afraid I would really be immersed in it."

He Songlai said with a smile: "ha ha, it won't. If you don't wake up after another two or three minutes, I will force you to wake up."

He Feng asked: "grandfather, from the first tower to the eighth tower are gold python, how to the ninth tower, it becomes a silver snake? And it can also make people fall into the environment. I've never seen this kind of snake monster before. Do you know what kind of monster it is? "

He Songlai said with a smile: "I don't know what kind of silver snake is, but what I know is that it was left in the array by your mother. When your father was in the ninth attic, he was also faced with this little silver snake. "

"My mother left it?"

He Feng is surprised.

"Well, including this array, it's all arranged by your mother to test the talent of our he family's younger brother." He Songlai exclaimed: "your mother's attainments in the field of array Taoism are really amazing. I think even among the eight sects, it's hard to find a talent that can match her. Oh, by the way, Xiao Feng, it suddenly occurred to me that your mother had said something in her heart before. "

"What's that?" He Feng asks in a hurry.

"At that time, she said that after she gave birth to a child, she was responsible for teaching the children the way of array, while Fengyun was responsible for teaching the way of martial arts." He Songlai said.


Hearing this, he Feng couldn't help being silent.

My parents really care about my son. If they hadn't disappeared, would they be very happy now?

"Xiao Feng, although your parents are missing, I still want to ask you, are you interested in learning the knowledge of array? If you are interested, I can pass on the knowledge of array to you on behalf of your mother. After all, a lot of the knowledge I have learned about array is taught to me by your mother. " He Songlai stares at He Feng and asks.

"Do you want to learn the knowledge of Daoism..."

He Feng's face moved slightly.

Huisheng had said to teach him the knowledge of array Dao before, but he Feng didn't have much interest in it at that time. He thought that the array didn't help him a lot.

But now that he has contacted the earth level advanced array, and even the sky level array, he deeply understands the power of the array.

Besides, his mother also said that she would teach her children how to fight in the future.

It's a mother's wish.

"Granddad, I'd like to follow you to learn the knowledge of array, and I hope granddad will give me advice in the future."

He Feng bowed respectfully to he Songlai.

"Ha ha, OK, Xiao Feng, if you want to follow me to learn the knowledge of array, I will be very happy. You are assured that from now on, I will impart all the knowledge I know to you. "

He song came to see he Feng's promise, and burst into laughter. He quickly stepped forward to help him up. At the same time, he said: "however, learning the knowledge of array is not a matter of one day, it takes a lot of time. So, you should first explain all the things you are doing outside. When things are settled, you can come to me and follow me to learn the knowledge of array

Not only he Feng needs to prepare, he Songlai also needs to prepare.

"OK, granddad, I'll start to learn the knowledge of array the day after tomorrow." He Fenglian is busy.

In fact, there is nothing too important for him now, that is to stay in Yanjing city to learn the knowledge of array, which will make several girls in Jiangbin City worry about him.

But there's no way. It's his mother's wish to learn the knowledge of array, and now he has seen the power of array, which can definitely help him improve his strength.

In order to improve his strength, he can only put aside his feelings for a while. He believes Wang Xiangyun and them can understand.

"Next, I have to improve my strength as soon as possible. If I have enough strength, I don't need to worry about the Lin family and the yama any more, then I can take them all to Yanjing city."

He Feng murmured in his heart.

"Well! Give me your Rubik's cube. I'll arrange a high-level array and hide it in the Rubik's cube. By the way, you want the magic array, don't you? " He Songlai asked.

"My Rubik's cube is going to be given to yunyun. In this way, yunyun's safety in Jiangbin city will be more guaranteed. If granddad thinks the magic array is suitable, then magic array." Hefeng road.

He song thought about it and asked, "yunyun, they should be on the road of cultivation now, too?"

He Feng nodded and said: "well, I've been instructing them to practice, and their cultivation speed is not slow. Now they have basically reached the level of dark strength. I estimate that they can break through to the level of Hua strength in half a month at most."

"Oh? So fast? "

"Ha ha, I use resources to smash it. It's not a big problem for them to break through to the peak of Huajin in a short time, but it will be a little difficult to break through to the myth in the future."

"From the peak of Huajin to myth, we really need to rely on savvy. If their martial arts talent is OK, they won't stay at the peak of Huajin for a long time. "

Only then did he Songlai realize that if there is a proper way to use resources to smash, it is not a big problem that one can really improve one's accomplishments in a short time and hit the peak of Huajin all the way.

However, it's too resource consuming. Most people don't do it like this. Even the four royal families seldom cultivate their children like this.

Step by step, the foundation will be more solid and stable, and the probability of breaking through the myth will be much greater in the future.

But he Feng doesn't care about these. He just hopes that the people around him can reach the peak of Huajin as soon as possible, and then teach them the fusion skills. As long as they don't encounter those powerful myths, they won't be in great danger.

"Xiao Feng, if you want them to reach the peak of Huajin, they should be short of cultivation resources, right? Well, don't worry about the cultivation of resources. It will save your energy. Later, you can directly transfer some resources from our he family He Songlai said.

"Call the resources of he family directly?"

He Feng blinked, "isn't that right?"

He Songlai said: "what's wrong? They are all the wives of our he family, that is to say, they are not outsiders. "

He Feng touched his nose, but he didn't refuse

"Xiao Feng, I see that although your accomplishments have been improved very fast, your control of power is still perfect, which shows that your foundation is very solid. I still have two Huiyuan pills here, so you can take them to practice and strive for a higher level of cultivation. "

At this time, he Songbai suddenly took out a jade bottle and threw it to He Feng.

"Huiyuan pill?"

He Feng took the bottle, opened it, and smelled a strong smell of medicine. He felt that the vitality in his body seemed to be a little restless.

He Songlai was surprised and said, "Hey, brother, you seem to have the last two back to Yuandan? How could you give it to Xiao Feng? "

Hearing this, he Feng didn't know what was going on.

These two Huiyuan pills are definitely not from the earth level, but from the heaven level.

Only those who are strong in myth are qualified to take Huiyuan pill.

"Granddad, Yuandan is too expensive this time. I can't take it. Please take it back."

He Feng quickly put the cap on the jade bottle and gave it back to he Songbai.

"Xiao Feng, these two Tianjie Huiyuan pills were given to me by your father. If you say they are valuable, I should give them to you. What's more, this time Yuandan has not helped me at all. "

He Songbai waved his hand, "take these two back to Yuandan."

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